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Name: 3 Prep Exam (1) group:

1-Choose the correct answer:

1-The two factors which can be used to describe the body motion are:

a-The speed and the time b-The distance and the time

c-The area and the time d-The displacement and the speed

2-A car with speed 180 km/h its speed in m/s = ----------

a-10 b-30 c-20 d-50

3-The thing which moves at constant speed in the space is-----------

a-light b-sound c-electromagnetic wave d-(a ) and ( c ) are correct

4-If the relative speed of a car is 50 km/hr. relative to an observer in a bus move in the
opposite direction at 30 km/hr. therefore the actual speed of this car is---------

a-20 km/h b-70 km/h c-120 km/h d-170 km/h

5-A student takes a time of 10 minutes to transfer from his home to the school moving by
average velocity 3 m/sec. which of the following equals the distance between his home and
the school.

a-84 m b-18 m c-1.8 km d-3.6 km

2]When do you expect the following?

1-Relative speed = 0

2-Speed = velocity

3-The object moves with irregular speed

3]Give reason for the following:

1-Most of moving cars cannot move inside crowded town all the time by uniform velocity

2-A moving car seems to be at rest relative to the rider of another moving car beside it with
the same speed and direction
3-The importance of speedometer in cars and planes


1-A bicyclist covers 45 km at average speed 18 km/h, but he covers the first fifteen
kilometers in an hour, what is the speed which covers the rest of the distance?

2-A racer covered 50 m of a straight track in 5 sec. then he returned back walking he took 20
sec. to come back to starting point Calculate the average speed

a-while running

b-while returning

c-during the whole trip

3-If the relative speed of the steamship is 550 km/h as it monitored by aircraft moving in the
opposite direction at a speed 425 km/h

What is the time taken by the steamship from the monitoring the plane for its movement
until it arrives at the port at distance of 60 km?

4-Calculate the actual speed of the car whose relative speed is (80 km/h) relative to an
observer moving in opposite direction at speed of (30 km/h)

5]What is meant by:

1-A car covers 100 km in two hours

2-The average speed for a moving car = 60 km/hr.

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