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Issue 1: Clear-cutting

Clear-cuts are forest-felling when all or most of the trees are removed in the selected area at the
same time. (EOS Data Analytics)
Instead, use the selective cutting method of cutting trees as this for this method, you are only
cutting very specific trees down at your desire without damaging the other trees. Using
hand-to-hand machinery is also more sustainable when cutting down trees as it is slower, and
hand saws don’t release any CO2 gas like chainsaws. Replant trees that you cut down.
Issue 2: Paper products
Recycling paper products is better for the environment as there is less releas of greenhouse
gas, and there are fewer trees cut down by large companies. (Two Sides)
Reusing paper products will prevent large companies to cut down more trees and make more
new paper. We can recycle paper products for new ones as it is more efficient and better for the
Issue 3: Forest fires
60% of wildfires come from lightning that strikes the forest, and 40% is from human activity.
(Province of British Columbia)
You can’t really stop the cause of wildfires due to lightning, as it is a natural cause of the fire.
For the fires caused by humans, you can have more people that are on fire watch duty. You can
also make it illegal for large companies to burn unwanted parts of trees that are cut down.


(Clear-cutting pros & cons and its effect on forestry)September 24, 2021
EOS Data Analytic

(Get the facts on paper recycling, sustainable forestry practices, and more) January 16, 2020
Two Sides Team

(What causes wildfire) (Unknown date) Province of British Columbia


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