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Working Title:

Assessing the Level of Influence of Personal and Professional Values on Career Decision-
Making of Fourth Year Occupational Therapy Students in Angeles University Foundation.

Research Area: Clinical Practice

Research Topic: Occupational Therapy

Narrowing the Research Problem:

Step 1: Cite references that signify the need for a research on that area (Use the CARS Model)

Move 1: Establishing a Territory

The study of the influence of personal and professional values has become an important
aspect of the career decision-making of fourth year occupational therapy students because it
is a critical aspect of the development of occupational therapy students. Occupational therapy
(OT) is a field that focuses on helping individuals achieve independence and improve their
quality of life through meaningful activities. The values held by occupational therapy
students, both personal and professional, play a significant role in shaping their decisions and
interactions with clients.

A standard procedure for assessing the level of influence has been brought about in choosing
the setting of OT practice. Providing occupational therapy services in a hospital, rehab
facility, clinic, school, in the patient’s own home, and much more are some of the fields
where an OT can enter. In this research, we’ll be diving into the main OT settings that an OT
can work in as an OT practitioner to assist patients in “living their best lives” and help
improve their ability to perform their preferred activities and function as independently as

Several studies have focused on one practice scenario in a community setting, a series of
scenarios reflecting the diversity of occupational therapy practice was required for this study.
The initial phase of this study involved a purposive group of 6 practicing (or recently retired)
occupational therapists with experience in a range of practice settings, 4 service users and 4
researchers, to ensure the scenarios captured clients and occupational therapists’ perceptions.
(Wright St-Clair and Newcombe, 2014)

Move 2: Establishing a Niche

However, this view is challenged by recent data showing a procedure that a workshop for
occupational therapists together with information regarding the study can determine the
concept of values in occupational therapy practice and a discussion about values in
occupational therapy.
While the core values of occupational therapy are generally consistent across different
regions and practice settings, there can be variations in how these values are emphasized or
interpreted. Additionally, gaps or challenges in upholding these values may arise due to
factors such as cultural differences, resource constraints, or evolving healthcare landscapes.

The question remains the level of influence of personal and professional values on career
decision-making of fourth year occupational therapy students. Hence, additional studies of
influence of personal and professional values are needed. Addressing these gaps involves
ongoing education, dialogue, and a commitment to the core values of occupational therapy.
Practitioners, educators, and policymakers play key roles in fostering a profession that
consistently upholds these values across diverse contexts.

Move 3: Occupying the Niche

The purpose of this paper is to determine the career decision-making process for fourth-year
occupational therapy (OT) students which involves several key considerations. Educational
programs in occupational therapy often incorporate discussions, case studies, and experiential
learning opportunities to help students explore the intersection of personal and professional
values. Encouraging students to critically examine their values and consider the impact on
their practice is essential for fostering ethical and client-centered care. Additionally,
mentorship and supervision by experienced practitioners play a crucial role in guiding
students as they navigate the complexities of value-based decision-making in the field of
occupational therapy.

In summary, the career decision-making process for fourth-year OT students is multifaceted,

involving a combination of personal values, experiences, guidance, and practical
considerations. Exploring different aspects of occupational therapy through clinical
experiences, seeking mentorship, and considering individual preferences are critical steps in
making informed career decisions.

Announcing the Main Findings:

Since the proposed study about Assessing the Level of Influence of Personal and
Professional Values on Career Decision-Making of Fourth Year Occupational Therapy
Students in Angeles University Foundation has not yet been approved, the conclusions and
main findings are not yet determined since the proposed study has not yet been officially

Indicating Structure of the Paper:

The structure of a research paper entitled “Assessing the Level of Influence of Personal and
Professional Values on Career Decision-Making of Fourth Year Occupational Therapy
Students in Angeles University Foundation” would typically follow the standard format for
academic research papers. First, the title page which contains the title of the paper, author/s
name/s, institutional affiliations, contact information. Followed by the abstract: brief
summary of the research, including objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. The
introduction is also included with its background and context of the study, problem
statement, purpose of the study, research questions or hypotheses. The significance of the
study is also included as well as the literature review, methodology, results, discussion and
conclusion. The references and appendices will follow.

Evaluation of Findings:
The evaluation of findings are still vague for the reason that the proposed study of our group
has not yet been approved and conducted on our target population.

Step 2: Formulate Research Questions

1. What personal values do fourth-year occupational therapy students prioritize, and how do
these values evolve throughout their academic and clinical experiences?
2. How do professional values in occupational therapy align with the personal values of
fourth-year students, and in what ways do they influence career decisions?
3. Are there any significant differences in the influence of personal and professional values
on career decision-making between male and female fourth-year occupational therapy
4. How do the educational curriculum and clinical experiences contribute to the formation
and reinforcement of personal and professional values among fourth-year occupational
therapy students?
5. How does the level of exposure to different occupational therapy specialties and practice
settings influence the alignment or divergence of personal and professional values in
fourth-year students' career choices?
6. What support systems or interventions could be implemented to help fourth-year
occupational therapy students navigate the integration of personal and professional values
in their career decision-making process?

Step 3: Determining Feasibility

Assessing the level of influence of personal and professional values on career decision-making
among fourth-year occupational therapy students is a valuable and relevant research topic.
However, the feasibility of such research depends on various factors. The participants of this
research would be the fourth-year occupational therapy students who are willing to participate in
our study. We would observe ethical considerations by obtaining informed consent from
participants, protecting their confidentiality, and addressing any potential harm that may arise
from participating in the study. We will also evaluate the resources required for our research
study including time, funding, and personnel and assess the necessary resources to conduct
surveys, interviews, or any other data collection methods. The most appropriate data collection
methods for the research question of our study must be done. This could involve surveys,
interviews, or a combination of both. We will ensure instruments are suitable for the target
population of our study. This research will also consider the complexity of the data analysis
required for research questions, develop a realistic timeline and conduct a thorough literature
review to ensure that the research questions has not already been extensively explored. We will
also evaluate the relevance of the research questions to the field of occupational therapy and its
potential contribution to existing knowledge. A conduct of an overall feasibility analysis,
considering all the factors mentioned above must be done. If any aspect seems unfeasible, we
will explore alternative approaches or consider refining the research questions.


Wright-St.Clair, V., & Newcombe, D. (2014). Values and ethics in practice-based decision
making. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 81(3), 154-162.

Stromsdorfer, S. (2023, April 1). The 13 Most Common Occupational Therapy Settings.

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