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Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref

Bond to an animal to make other

1 Bond Famulus OOO Charisma V5 245
Animalism powers more effective
1 Sense the Beast Sense anger, hunger, and Beasts – Resolve V5 245
2 Atavism Force an animal into fear or rage frenzy O Composure Teeth 3
2 Feral Whispers Speak to and summon animals O/– Manipulation, Charisma V5 246
3 Animal Succulence Feed more effectively on animals – – V5 246
3 Quell the Beast Shut down a target's drives and desires O Charisma V5 246
3 Unliving Hive Obfuscate 2 Other Animalism powers affect insects – – V5 246
4 Subsume the Spirit Possess an animal O/– Manipulation V5 247
5 Animal Dominion Control large groups of animals OO Charisma V5 247
When you would frenzy, make someone
5 Drawing Out the Beast O Wits V5 247
else frenzy instead
1 Heightened Senses Augment natural senses – Wits, Resolve V5 249
1 Sense the Unseen Detect supernatural effects – Wits, Resolve V5 249
2 Obeah Fortitude 1 Calm mortals and heal willpower O / OW+ Composure Comp 24
2 Premonition Receive prophetic visions O/– Resolve V5 249
3 Eyes of Beasts Animalism 2 See through the eyes of animals O – FoL 148
3 Scry the Soul See the aura of a person's soul O Intelligence V5 250
Auspex 3 Share the Senses Borrow another's senses O Resolve V5 250
4 Spirit's Touch View impressions of past events O Intelligence V5 250
5 Clairvoyance Know everything about an area O Intelligence V5 251
5 Possession Dominate 3 Possess a human OO Resolve V5 251
5 Telepathy Read minds and project thoughts O / OW Resolve V5 252
Unburdening the Dominate 3, Remove/shield against Stains, make
5 OOS Composure Comp 24
Bestial Soul Obeah Dominate easier, restore Humanity
1 Cat's Grace Always keep your balance – – V5 252
Dodge against Firearms and take minor
1 Rapid Reflexes – – V5 253
actions for free
2 Fleetness Add Celerity to Dexterity checks O – V5 253
3 Blink Move far before taking an action O Dexterity V5 253
3 Traversal Run across liquids or walls O Dexterity V5 253
4 Draught of Elegance Give Celerity to others O – V5 254
4 Unerring Aim Auspex 2 Make ranged attacks at Difficulty 1 O – V5 254
5 Lightning Strike Make melee attacks at Difficulty 1 O – V5 254
5 Split Second Retcon the ST's narration of events O – V5 254
1 Cloud Memory Remove a few minutes of memories – Charisma V5 255
1 Compel Force someone to take one action – Charisma V5 255
2 Mesmerize Impose a command O Manipulation V5 255
2 Dementation Obfuscate 2 Inflict willpower damage in conversation O Manipulation V5 255
2 Domitor's Favor Prevent thralls from defying the bond O – Comp 25
2 Slavish Devotion Presence 1 Penalize attempts to affect your thralls – – Cults 104
3 The Forgetful Mind Rewrite memories O Manipulation V5 257
3 Submerged Directive (Mesmerize?) Set a trigger for Mesmerize – – V5 257
4 Ancestral Dominion Sorcery 3 Control your direct descendants O Manipulation Cults 104
4 Rationalize Victims rationalize their behavior – – V5 257
5 Mass Manipulation Affect groups with other powers O – V5 257
5 Terminal Decree Dominate commands can be suicidal – – V5 257
1 Resilience Add Fortitude to health levels – – V5 258
1 Unswayable Mind Add Fortitude to mental resistance – – V5 258
2 Enduring Beasts Animalism 1 Give Fortitude to animals O/– Stamina V5 259
2 Obdurate Potence 2 Become briefly immovable O Wits, Stamina Teeth 3
Subtract Fortitude from superficial
2 Toughness O – V5 258
damage before halving
2 Valeren Auspex 1 Heal other vampires' health O / OD+ Intelligence Comp 25
Fortitude 3 Defy Bane Turn aggravated damage to superficial O Wits V5 259
Fortify the Inner
3 Resist Auspex and similar powers – – V5 259
4 Draught of Endurance Give Fortitude to others O – V5 259
Damage removed by Toughness is
4 Shatter Toughness O Stamina Cults 104
redirected to the attacker
5 Flesh of Marble Ignore one source of damage per turn OO – V5 259
5 Prowess from Pain Add physical damage to attributes O – V5 260
1 Cloak of Shadows Go invisible, but cannot move – – V5 261
1 Silence of Death Silence all sounds – – V5 261
2 Chimerstry Presence 1 Create distracting hallucinations O Manipulation Comp 25
2 Unseen Passage Go invisible and move around O – V5 261
2 Ventriloquism Auspex 2 Project your voice to one person only O Wits FoL 148
3 Fata Morgana Presence 2 Create elaborate hallucinations O Manipulation Comp 26
3 Ghost in the Machine Obfuscate affects technology – – V5 262

Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Mask of a Thousand
3 Appear visible but unremarkable O – V5 262
Obfuscate Faces
Prevent someone from perceiving any
3 Mental Maze Dominate 1 O / OOO Charisma Cults 85
exits or means of escape
4 Conceal Auspex 3 Conceal objects (up to house-sized) O Intelligence V5 262
Cloak of
4 Vanish Disappear even while directly observed – Wits V5 262
5 Cloak the Gathering Affect groups with Obfuscate O Wits V5 263
Mask of a
5 Imposter's Guise Thousand Appear as a specific individual O Wits, Manipulation V5 263
1 Ashes to Ashes Disintegrate a corpse O Stamina Cults 204
1 Binding Fetter Detect ghostly fetters – Wits Cults 204
1 Shadow Cloak Manipulate shadows (gives bonuses) – – Chicago 293
1 Oblivion's Sight See in darkness and perceive ghosts – – Chicago 293
2 Arms of Ahriman Potence 2 Use shadows to attack O Wits Chicago 294
2 Fatal Precognition Auspex 2 Prophesize someone's death O Resolve Cults 204
2 Shadow Cast Create shadows (gives bonuses) O – Chicago 293
Where the Shroud Sense the strength of the Shroud, and
2 O Wits Cults 205
Thins reduce ceremony difficulties if it's thin
Oblivion 3 Aura of Decay Decay everything around O Stamina Cults 205
3 Passion Feast Fortitude 2 Feed on wraiths, draining Passion – – Cults 206
3 Shadow Perspective Project senses through shadows O – Chicago 294
3 Touch of Oblivion Decay a living or unliving body O Strength Chicago 294
4 Necrotic Plague Cause damage over time O Intelligence Cults 206
4 Stygian Shroud Impose darkness on an area O – Chicago 295
5 Shadow Step Teleport between shadows O – Chicago 295
5 Skuld Fulfilled Re-impose old injury or sickness OO Stamina Cults 207
5 Tenebrous Avatar Become a shadow OO – Chicago 295
5 Withering Spirit Erode a target's will OO Resolve Cults 208
Ashes to
1 Gift of False Life Reanimate a corpse to perform one task O Resolve Cults 208
1 Knowing Stone (Unknown) Scry a ghost's location from its name O Resolve FoL 259
1 Summon Spirit Binding Fetter Summon a ghost with its fetter O Resolve Cults 209
1 Traveler's Call Sight, Alert another Shalimite to your location O Resolve Cults 93
Awaken the Where the
2 Create a small programmable minion O Resolve Cults 209
Homuncular Servant Shroud Thins
Where the
2 Compel Spirit Force a spirit to obey O Resolve Cults 210
Shroud Thins
Where the
3 Fortezza Sindonica Ward an area against wraiths OOO Resolve Trails 173
Shroud Thins
3 Host Spirit Aura of Decay Invite a spirit into your body for power O Resolve, Composure Cults 211
Where the
3 Knit the Veil Make the Shroud impenetrable O Resolve Trails 174
Shroud Thins
Oblivion Shadow
Ceremonies 3 Name of the Father Perspective, Paralyze someone with despair O Resolve Cults 94
Reanimate obedient, long-lasting
3 Shambling Hordes Aura of Decay OH Resolve Cults 212
Necrotic Anchor a ghost to haunt a person or
4 Bind the Spirit OH Resolve Cults 212
Plague location
Fatal Cause someone to relive a particular
4 Death Rattle O Resolve Trails 174
Precognition wraith's death
4 Split the Shroud Tear open the Shroud OH Resolve Cults 213
5 Ex Nihilo Spirit, Split Cross into the Shadowlands OOOW Resolve Cults 213
the Shroud
5 Lazarene Blessing Skuld Fulfilled Put a wraith in a body and bring it to life OH Resolve Cults 214
5 Pit of Contemplation Avatar, Create a doorway into Oblivion itself OH Resolve Cults 94
1 Lethal Body Unarmed attacks do agg to mortals – – V5 264
1 Soaring Leap Jump enormous distances – – V5 264
2 Prowess Add Potence to damage dealt O Strength V5 264
3 Brutal Feed Drain a person in seconds – – V5 264
Potence 3 Spark of Rage Presence 3 Add Potence to rolls to induce rage O Manipulation V5 265
3 Uncanny Grip Hold onto any surface O – V5 265
4 Draught of Might Give Potence to others O – V5 265
5 Earthshock Create a shockwave OO – V5 265
5 Fist of Caine Unarmed attacks do agg to everything O – V5 266
1 Awe Add Presence to Charisma – Manipulation V5 267

Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
1 Daunt Intimidate people and ward off attacks – – V5 267
1 Eyes of the Serpent Protean 1 Paralyze someone with eye contact – Charisma Anarch 185
2 Lingering Kiss Biting gives bonuses but also addiction – – V5 267
3 Clear the Field Dominate 3 Force everyone to leave the area O Composure FoL 177
3 Dread Gaze Terrify an individual O Charisma V5 267
Presence 3 Entrancement Cause infatuation O Charisma V5 268
3 True Love's Face Obfuscate 3 Appear as whoever the target loves O Manipulation Cults 85
4 Irresistable Voice Dominate 1 Dominate doesn't require eye contact – – V5 268
4 Magnum Opus Auspex 3 Imbue Awe or Daunt into an artwork O+ (Unclear) Teeth 3
4 Summon Summon a specific person O Manipulation V5 268
5 Majesty Prevent all opposition and aggression OO Charisma V5 268
5 Star Magnetism Presence works through technology O – V5 269
1 Eyes of the Beast Transform eyes to see in darkness – – V5 269
1 Weight of the Feather Become weightless – Wits V5 269
2 Feral Weapons Grow claws or enhance natural fangs O – V5 270
2 Vicissitude Reshape your body in various ways O Resolve Comp 27
3 Earth Meld Meld into soil O – V5 270
Dominate 2,
3 Fleshcrafting Apply Vicissitude to others O Resolve Comp 27
3 Shapechange Turn into a human-sized animal O – V5 270
Protean 3 Visceral Absorption Sorcery 2 Absorb human remains into yourself O Strength Sabbat 6
Dominate 2,
4 Horrid Form Turn into a monstrosity O – Comp 28
4 Metamorphosis Shapechange Turn into any animal O – V5 271
5 Heart of Darkness Fortitude 2 Remove your heart to prevent staking AA / OO – Cults 85
5 Mist Form Turn into a cloud of mist O - OOO – V5 271
Animalism 2, Experience everything in a one-mile
5 One with the Land OO Wits, Resolve Comp 28
Earth Meld radius while melded
5 The Unfettered Heart Prevent staking or get free from it –/O – V5 271
1 Corrosive Vitae Corrode inorganic material O+ – V5 272
Shape the Sanguine
1 Sculpt blood into any desired shape – Manipulation Teeth 3
1 A Taste for Blood Get information from blood – Resolve V5 272
2 Extinguish Vitae Make another vampire hungrier O Intelligence V5 273
Sorcery 3 Blood of Potency Increase Blood Potency temporarily O Resolve V5 273
3 Scorpion's Touch Turn blood into venom O+ Strength V5 273
4 Theft of Vitae Steal blood from a distance O Wits V5 274
5 Baal's Caress Turn blood into stronger venom O+ Strength V5 274
5 Cauldron of Blood Boil blood inside a target's body OS Resolve, Dexterity V5 274
1 Blood Walk Learn a subject's name, gen, and sire O Intelligence V5 276
1 Bloody Message Show a message to a type of person O Intelligence Streets 77
1 Clinging of the Insect Walk on walls and ceilings O Intelligence V5 276
1 Coax the Garden Bahari Awaken plants to hinder enemies O Intelligence Cults 55
1 Craft Bloodstone Create a magical tracking beacon O Intelligence V5 276
1 Dampen the Fear Cainite Suppress natural fear of fire O Intelligence Cults 67
1 Herd Ward (Minor) Ward a person against others' feeding O Intelligence Streets 77
Ward a letter so only the intended
1 Letter Ward O Intelligence Streets 77
receipient can read it
Wake with Evening's
1 Wake up if disturbed during the day O Intelligence V5 276
1 Ward against Ghouls Create a ward against ghouls O Intelligence V5 277
Calling the Aura's
2 Chicago Interrogate the memories of the dead O Intelligence Folios 171
Communicate with
2 Speak telepathically to your Sire O Intelligence V5 277
Kindred Sire
Eat someone's eyes and tongue to know
2 Eyes of Babel S Intelligence V5 277
all languages they know
Illuminate the Trail of
2 See a target's path O Intelligence V5 277
2 Ishtar's Touch Intoxicate a target to lower inhibitions O Intelligence Cam 168
2 Truth of Blood Learn whether statements are truthful O Resolve V5 277
2 Unseen Underground Become invisible while underground O Intelligence FoL 128
2 Ward against Spirits Create a ward against intangible things O Intelligence V5 277
Warding Circle against
2 Create a warding circle against ghouls OOO Intelligence V5 278
2 Web of Hunger Steal blood from everyone underground O Intelligence FoL 137
3 Bladed Hands Milwaukee Turn your hands into knives OO Intelligence Folios 174
3 Dagon's Call Rupture blood vessels remotely O - OOO Resolve V5 278
Deflection of the
3 Prevent one staking attempt O Intelligence V5 278
Wooden Doom

Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
3 Essence of Air Fly for a limited time O Intelligence, Strength V5 278
3 Eyes of the Past Chicago See a scene from the past O Intelligence Folios 172
3 Fire in the Blood Cainite Torture someone by heating their blood O Intelligence Cults 67
Sorcery 3 Firewalker Protect targets against fire O Intelligence V5 279
Rituals 3 Gentle Mind Chicago Prevent another vampire from frenzying O Intelligence Folios 172
3 Haunted House Milwaukee Make people think a building is haunted OOO Intelligence Folios 175
3 Herd Ward (Major) Ward a herd against others' feeding O Intelligence Streets 77
Illusion of Peaceful Conceal the cause of death, as long as
3 Chicago O Intelligence Folios 172
Death it's not exsanguination
3 Illusion of Perfection Milwaukee = Mask of 1000 Faces (Obfuscate 3) O Intelligence Folios 174
3 One with the Blade Make a weapon impervious to harm O+ Intelligence Cam 168
3 Sanguine Watcher Milwaukee Create an animal spy O Intelligence Folios 174
3 Sleep of Judas Special Put a vampire into a drugged sleep (Unknown) Intelligence Streets 77
Lupines entering an area are forced into
3 The Unseen Change Chicago O Intelligence Folios 172
wolf form
3 Ward against Lupines Create a ward against werewolves O Intelligence V5 279
Warding Circle against Create a warding circle against
3 OOO Intelligence V5 279
Spirits intangible things
Defense of the Sacred
4 Protect an area against sunlight O Intelligence V5 279
4 Eyes of the Nighthawk See through a raptor's eyes O Intelligence V5 279
4 Incorporeal Passage Become insubstantial O Intelligence V5 280
Innocence of the Nicolai's Conceal diablerie and vampirism from
4 O Intelligence Folios 172
Child's Heart secret Scry the Soul (Auspex 3)
4 Protean Curse Chicago Turn someone into a bat O Intelligence Folios 173
Rending the Sweet Unearth a vampire using Earth Meld
4 Chicago O Intelligence Folios 173
Earth (Protean 3)
4 Ward against Cainites Create a ward against vampires O Intelligence V5 280
Warding Circle against Create a warding circle against
4 OOO Intelligence V5 280
Lupines werewolves
5 Creatio Ignis Cainite Ignite your arms without taking damage O Intelligence Cults 67
5 Eden's Bounty Bahari Drain blood from a one-mile radius O Intelligence Cults 56
Escape to True Set up two circles, allowing you to OOOOOOOOO
5 Intelligence V5 280
Sanctuary teleport from one to the other OOO (12)
5 Heart of Stone Remove emotions and prevent staking OA Intelligence V5 281
Shaft of Belated Enchant a stake to cause Final Death,
5 OO Intelligence V5 281
Dissolution even if it misses the heart
5 Transferring the Soul Oblivion 5 Let a Diablerized vampire take control O Intelligence FoL 13
Warding Circle against
5 Create a warding circle against vampires OOO Intelligence V5 282
1 Far Reach Minor telekinesis O Resolve V5 284
1 Haze Create a cloud of mist O – V5 285
2 Envelop Blind and suffocate a target O Wits V5 285
2 Counterfeit 1 Counterfeit a first-level discipline – – V5 285
3 Concoct Ashe Imbue memories into Ashe O – Cults 45
3 Concoct Ashe Ashfinder Produce Ashe from a vampire's ashes – Intelligence Cults 45
Alchemy 3 Defractionate Turn fractionated blood drinkable again – – V5 286
Formulas 3 Profane Hieros Gamos Transform a target into their ideal self O Resolve V5 Errata
3 Counterfeit 2 Counterfeit a second-level discipline – – V5 286
4 Airborne Momentum Fly for a limited time O Strength V5 287
4 Discipline Channelling Concoct Ashe Imbue disciplines into Ashe – – Cults 46
4 Counterfeit 3 Counterfeit a third-level discipline – – V5 287
5 Awaken the Sleeper End a vampire's torpor early – – V5 287
5 Counterfeit 4 Counterfeit a fourth-level discipline – – V5 287

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