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Computers & Structures Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. M-349, 1984 0045-7949184 $3.w+ .

Printed in Great Britain. 0 1984 Perwmon Press Ltd.


Instituto de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales, IMME, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

(Received 23 August 1982; received for publication 19 January 1983)

Abstract-This paper deals with the general, exact and systematic numerical solution of double integrals for
polynomial functions acting over any plane polygonal surface, and describes the computation of resultants of both
unidimensional and bidimensional normal stresses or pressures applied to columns, walls, footings and gates. In
general, the algorithms, and the compact iterative formulas and subprograms given provide a simple and practicai
basic tool for solving engineering problems involving double integrals with any small computer and a minimum of
mathematical training.

1.REvIEw CEB (ComitC Euro-international du BCton) parabola-

Although the computation of the plane tensor of inertia rectangle concrete stress-strain relationship. He reached
is one of the most common beginning steps in problems moments of area to the third order but did not simplify
solved by civil and mechanicalengineers, an extensive each individual expression[lS].
review of the available literature indicates that general Independently the author directly derived the set of
formulas for systematic treatment and computer pro- formulas for inertia properties, and extended their
grammingof arbitrary shapes are not includedin current geometrical application in 1970 to obtain exactly the
textbooks or manuals (1981). There has been a partial ultimate strength in combined axial load and biaxial
remedy for this anachronic situation since 1972 through bending of any polygonal reinforced concrete beam-
some minicomputer software offering different inefficient column cross section subjected to the AC1 (American
or incomplete formulas and procedures for calculating Concrete Institute) rectangular stress block[4]. Fur-
the inertia properties of polygons. thermore, a simple, general algorithm for dividing any
Particularly, this implies that although structural cross section into bands parallel to the neutral axis was
engineers possess huge theoretical mathematical published with the formulas in 1973[71.They have been
resources, in practice we have not been able to calculate used extensively since 1970 to determine failure sur-
directly and algorithmically any generalized normal faces, analyze and check many kinds of shapes of rein-
stress volume or pressure resultant on columns, walls, forced concrete short columns and earthquake-resistant
footings and gates. The prevailing tendency, especially in structural walls, and to develop design charts in ac-
reinforced concrete, is to divide the cross section in cordance with the AC1 Code, such as for L-shaped
elements and concentrate their areas. Obviously, the columns[5-121.
accuracy of this time-consuming, primitive discrete In 1977 the general optimized formula for computing
technique depends on the depth of the neutral axis as moments of area up to order 1,n was found, which
well as the subjective way in which the elements are makes possible to calculate resultants of polynomial
chosen. A summary of the more complicated ap- unidimensional normal stresses or soil and fluid pressures
proximate methods proposed [ 121 illustrates the great of any degree. The formula and the useful concept that it
difficulties in solving this important engineering is a source of specific expressions according to the
problem[2]. assumed behavior were published in 1980[12]. Now, the
According to the author’s knowledge there have been single condensed formula for evaluating efficiently
only a few sporadic attempts in civil engineering at direct moments of area of any order is presented. This extends
evaluation of moments of area. Moreover, most of the widely the applications for two-dimensional problems
researchers did not simplify their equations to obtain and covers many structural engineering cases involving
reasonable short expressions and procedures, which double integrals with a minimum of mathematical train-
would lead to useful popular formulas. ing. Actually, it transforms double integrals into an al-
The set of concise general formulas for computing gebraic question.
exactly and systematically the plane tensor of inertia for
polygonal figures appears to have been published first in AREA
1%2, almost simultaneously by Hermann Flessner in 2.1 Definitions and problem statement
Germany [31 and by Thomas J. Ogburn in the U.S.[14]. In this context, a moment of area of order M, n is
The existence of an earlier related work in structural defined by the basic double integral:
engineering seems unlikely[l21. The formulas were
overlooked and soon forgotten, except for a single
presentation of Flessner’s set in 1%5[1]. Flessner’s &,, = xmyn dA (2.1)
solution involves conversion of the double integrals
defining the moments of area to line integrals, which has where A is the domain of integration, i.e. a plane area
been the main idea followed by others. Among them, where the bivariate monomial function xmy” acts; x and
Heinrich Werner in 1974 solved the exact computation of y are orthogonal Cartesian coordinates chosen to suit the
resultants on any polygonal reinforced concrete section user’s needs; and m and n are non-negative integers, i.e. 0,
subjected to axial load and skew bending assuming the 1, 2, 3, etc. Clearly, dA is equal to dxdy.
344 J. MARiN

Consequently, double integrals of polynomial func-


where LL,.~is the generic coefficient, i.e. any real con-

stant, and M and N are the maximum exponents, can
obviously be computed through the moments of area:

P(x, y) dA = 5 5 a,.,&.,,,,. (2.3)


This article presents the systematic evaluation of

moments of area directly from the coordinates of the Fig. 2. Numbering multiply connected and disjoint regions.
integration boundary. Since polynomials are the most
widely used engineering functions for either exact or
approximate mathematical models, moments of area are
needed for a vast number of applications. Figure 1
illustrates all problem assumptions.
When the integration domain is described by a closed,
2.2 Description of the integration domain simply connected polygonal contour, the moment of area
The algorithm requires that the integration domain A is of order m, n defined by eqn (2.1) is obtained by al-
described by a closed, simply connected region bounded gebraic summation of the moments of area pertaining to
by a polygonal outline, determined by a set of P sequen- the trapezoids formed by projecting each side on one
tially numbered vertexes (xi. yi), i = 1, 2,. . . P, where P coordinate axisI4, 71. Integrating by parts, through
is greater than 2 and the P t 1 vertex is the vertex several simplifications, and mathematics induction, the
number 1. This is not a limitation in practice, as it is following compact, optimized general formula for moment
easily realized. of area is found:
For multiply connected regions (Fig. l), and disjoint If M’,= .x;yi+,-xi+,yj;
domains (Fig. 2), proper fictitious sectionings or con- i=l (M.1..
? P vertexes, and P + 1~1, (2.4)
nections will satisfy this requirement without error.
Clearly, since computation costs are now negligible,
continuous curves may be satisfactorily approximated by
increasing substantially the number of vertexes, as in
Fig. 2. Thus, any imaginable complex domain may be
It shoutd be kept in mind that of the two possible ways
in which the polygon connecting the vertexes may be
where notation within parentheses symbolizes usual
traversed, the following formulas are based on the path combinatory numbers.
that leaves materials or connecting lines to the left, as
In many applications, moments of area must also be
illustrated in Figs. 1, 2 and 4. This simple rule implies computed with respect to some new set of translated
that exterior boundaries are numbered counterclockwise, coordinates or parallel axes. If the old origin is located in
and assures that each fictitious line is traversed ultimateIy terms of the new coordinates at point (x0, y& the trans-
in both opposite ways. lated moment of area of order p. q is related to the old
known ones by the following expression:

l-1(x -t xJ’(y t y,J’ dA

wrhich is the so called parallel-axes theorem iteratively

extended to any order.
Therefore, these two general formulas solve the com-
putation of moments of area of any order directly from
the polygonal outline coordinates in a simple, systematic
and exact way. The four pertinent short iterative Fortran
subroutines are given at the end. The FUNCTION POW
handles integer exponentiation at the highest speed.
This means that one of the most common double
integrals has been solved in a closed and efficient form
no matter the shape of the domain, and it is algorithmic-
ally ready available, even to those with Iimited mathe-
matical knowledge.
0 Because of their varied practical uses, even beyond
Fig. 1. Problem assumptions. engineering applications, the first particular cases are
Computingcolumns,footingsand gatesthroughmomentsof area 345

given below with further arithmetic optimization, taking defined with 2000 vertexes. Since this number is un-
into account that in practice several moments of area are realictically high for practical calculations, no round-off
often needed simultaneously. effed are to be expected in the usual cases of curves
substituted by polygonal lines.
(3) Relative computation times for evaluating
.&,,, = A = l/2 f: M’, (2.7)
moments of area in terms of the time used in calculating
the area are of interest. Since the program for eqn (2.5)
&o = MAY = l/6 z M’~(x~
+xi+,) (2.8) may be coded in several ways and compilers differ, the
following results should be taken as a guide. First
moments of area (order 1.0 and 0. 1) cost 1.6to twice as
.&),I = MAX = l/6 C W’i(Yi
t Yg+l) (2.9) much as the area (order 0,O): moments of inertia (2.0 and
0,2) cost 2.4 to threefold; and products of inertia (1.1)
3.2-4 times as much as the area.
MZ.0= IYY = 11122 W’i[(liit xi+,y - xixi+J (4) Translating the coordinate axes to the vertex with
the smallest numerical values is suggested for avoiding
overflows when working with large numbers, and reduc-
ing possible round-off errors in some computers. Then
do.2 = rxx = 1112c Wi[(Y,+ Yi+J'- YiYi+,l the required moments of area are found through eqn
(2.11) (5) Finally, in the limited numerical experimentation
with continuous known curves and volumes made from
11.1 = IXY the countless possible applications of eqn (2.5), no evi-
= 1/24C ~i[(~ifxi+t)(YifYi+t)+xiYi+xg+~Yt+~I dence of numerical misbehavior has been found. Instead,
(2.12) a surprisingly fast convergence points out an excellent
performance with usual engineering curves.
A”., = l/20 c Wi(Yi+ .va+,)(vFt Yf+d (2.13) For program checking purposes the following exact
data for circles are supplied:

A,,?= 1/60x w,[(x~+xi+,)(yi tyi+,)‘f2(xiyI+xi+,Y~+I)l .L,Jxn = Y. = 0) = 3xr’O/640;

J&(x0 = 1. Y. = 2, r = 1) = 34943 r/640.
This moment of high order takes approx. 22-30 times as
.&.4 = 1/30x Wi[(Y,tYi+,)(Yi3+ Y:+,)+(YiYi+,)Zl (2.15) long as required for computing the area.

+x, +I)(Vi t !++!I’
.I,,? = l/120 c M’,[(Xi Evaluation of the double integrals of eqns (2.1) and
(2.6) is basic and common in current mechanics. statics
t 3(*,y,‘t .q+,y:+,,- yivi+dxivi+l •t Xi+,Yi)l (2.16)
and strength of materials, mainly because these integrals
determine the properties related to the geometry of sec-
.&,z = 11180c ~[(xi + x,+$(Yi + y,+,)’ tions, surfaces and volumes. Among the many practical
applications, some emphasizing structural engineering
+5(xizYiztxi+,yi+,) are suggested or detailed in the following paragraphs.
t(XiYi tX+lYi+l)(XiYi+lt Xc+lYi)l. (2.17)
4.1 Plane inertia properties
The first order moments of area MAX and MAY,
3. NUMERICALSENSITIVITY along with the moments and product of inertia IXX, IYY
In order to ascertain the extent of convergence and and IXY are readily obtained through direct substitution
round-off errors of eqn (2.5). numerical tests were made of vertex coordinates in eqns (2.8)-(2.12). Moreover, all
by changing and translating circles and paraboloids of of them may now be programmed simultaneously in any
revolution, simulated with 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 and 300 modern microcomputer, with the further advantage that
vertexes. Moments of area up to fourth order in both operations can be performed sequentially without need
variables were evaluated using the Hewlett-Packard of storing all data. As Fig. 2 shows, input errors are
HP-2100 auxiliary computer of the Institute of Structural deleted merely by returning to the last correct vertex
Materials and Models lMME, of the Central University along the incorrect traverse. This means that the
of Venezuela, which operates with only seven digits per mechanical properties of irregular or complex figures
number. The main conclusions are summarized as fol- (such as cross section of prefabricated reinforced con-
lows: crete members, earthquake-resistant walls and building
(1) In computing moments of area of circles simulated cores, plate girders, or prestressed and composite
by regular polygons, and with radius magnitudes com- bridges) not only are obtained automatically and in-
parable with those of the translated center coordinates, stantly, but also referred directly to the axes most con-
50 vertexes appears to be an optimum, reasonable venient for the designer.
engineering value. Approximate results with only 40
points are within 2% of the exact ones, with 50 vertexes
the error is less than l%, and it is less than 0.25% with 4.2 Computing resultants of unidimensional nomaf stres-
100 points. ses or pressures
(2) In a 7-significant-figure computer, digital noise or The computation of resultants of polynomial normal
round-off effects began to appear when the circle was stresses or pressures acting on sections which remain
346 J. MARiN

plane when loaded is a common application. As is well N = a,MAX; M, = - a,lXX; M, = a,lXY (4.7)
known, this problem may be conveniently modelled as
depending on only one variable, by choosing a local and the center of pressure is given by:
abscissa coordinate axis parallel or coinciding with the
neutral axis or zero pressure linejl21. If m is considered x, = MJN = ~XYIMAX; yc= - MJN = ~XX~MAX.
null in the previous equations, and J(y) denotes the (4.8)
normal stress or pressure-coordinate relationship, the
following results in terms of moments of area are Although only global coordinates might be considered
straigntforward: for ideal pure elastic materials, in designing columns and
footings where the assumed elastic region changes with
P(x,y)=f(y)=~a,y"=aota,y+a,p2t...taNyN each neutrat axis, it is simpler and more economical to
use local coordinates, since then only three of the six
(4.1) moments of area have to be recomputed for each equili-
brium trial (see Section 4.3).
N= f(y) dA = 2 anJ&, (4.2)
II 4.2.3 Parabolic stresses.Let y,,, be the ordinate of the
vertex of a second degree stress parabofawith respect to
Mx=- yftyf dA = - 2 %do,66,n+i (4.3) the neutral axis, and fm its ma~mum stress. Thus

f(Y) = fm[2Y/Ym- (Y/YPnf21;aI= 2fmlYm;

M, = x.f(yl dA = 2 an&n (4.4) a2 = -=.fmlYrn2~ (4.9)
Then by expandingeqns (4.2)-(4.4):
where compressive stresses are taken as positive; N
denotes the axial load; M, and My are the x and Y
components of the local bending moments; and y is the
local ordinate (as distance to the neutral axis). The Mx = -fmBIXX-~o,si~m)/rm;
position of the local origin of coordinates may be chosen M, = fm(21XY - ~1.2/Ym)/Y,a (4.10)
to suit the user’s needs. Due to their wide applicability,
several particular cases are discussed with further detail. Finally by substituting the pertinent moments of area and
Numerical examples for reinforced concrete short grouping formuIas (4.11) are obtained, which are ori-
columns may be found in Ref. 1121. ginally published in Ref. 1121.
4.2.1 Plastic behavior or constant st XS. If fm is the
constant intensity of normal stresses a ressures acting
N=+ [ ( Y,.+ y,+,) ( 4-
on the polygonal cross section, resultan Ire obtained by m
the following exact formulas:

N = fmA; M, = -~~MAX; M, = ~~MAY (4.5)

where obviously the area and first moments of area X [(y~+Y~+,)~io-3~)+loY‘Yi+l] (4.11)
correspond to the subsection over which this type of
stress is assumed to act. For this case, local coordinate
systems are unnecessary since stresses are independent M& m x Wi[(Xi + Xi+lMYt + Yt+l)(s-*)
of strains and always unidimensional.
These formulas have been extensively used in the +Xiyi 5-2: +Xi+iYi.+t(5-2? .
( ) )I
author’s research since 1969to obtain without dis-
cretization and numerical approximation the ultimate From available data on computation times for
strength failure surfaces of reinforced concrete short moments of area, it is estimated that using the CEB
columns of any imaginable shape according to the AC1 parabola-rectangle concrete stress distribution requires
Code, and to produce numerous design aids [5,8-l 11. about 5.5 times as much computing time as needed by
4.2.2 Linear &stir behavior. First, a translation the simpler AC1 rectangular stress bIock+ However, this
and rotation of the coordinate system is needed to place added complexity is not compensated by the accuracy
the local abscissa axis conveniently on the neutral axis or achieved or test results16, 10, 121.
zero pressure line. Then the unidimensional stress or 4.2.4Otherstress-strain orpressure-coordinaterelation-
pressure distribution is expressed in terms of coordinates ships. Specific formulas for computing precisely and
as: optimally the resultants of other involved polynomial
stress or pressure blocks, acting at any plane strain level
f(Y) = atY (4.6) on members subjected to axial load and skew bend_ing,
can be found by combin~g additively and simplifying the
in which al is the slope of the linear stress-coordinate general equations (4.2)-(4.4) with particular cases of the
relationship. For footings and beam-columns, a, is moment generating expression (eqn 2.9, as just shown.
c,,,Elc, where emax is the maximum compressive In structures, this is especially required in buckling
normal strain, c is the neutral axis depth, and E is the theory, or in the evaluation of service load and time
modulus of elasticity. For retaining walls and gates, aI is effects; in hydraulics this is needed when considering
simply the weight of the soil or fluid. Therefore, varying flow.
what has been well known theoretic~ly is now easily 4.2.5 M~~t~p~e behauior: band polygon ulgorjthrn, When
feasible: there are different polynomial unidimensional functions in
Computing columns, footings and gates through moments of area 341

the stress block, such as with elasto-plastic behavior or If the material is now assumed to be elastic, this kind of
anisotropic materials such as soil or concrete, the cross resultant can be computed as follows:’
section must be divided into bands parallel to the neutral
axis. The above mentioned formulas can be applied A’ = E(aO,oAf a,,,,MAY t a&4AX t a,JXY);
routinely by first performing the simple band polygon
algorithm whose flow diagram is detailed in Ref.[7]. As M, = - E(ao,oMAX t ao,,lXX + a,,,A,,z);
t a,,JXY
Fig. 3 shows, this consists of projecting vertexes which
lie outside the specified band onto its bounding straight M, = E(ao.,,MAY +a,,lYY t ao.,lXY t a,,,.&,,).
lines and adding the intersections without losing the (4.17)
sequential order of points and the simple connectivity. In
Fig. 3, the original section is indicated by vertexes l-4, .~erivation of particular exact formulas for more in-
andthe resulting band subsection is defined by points i volved functions, as required in twist bending, is merely
to 12; yT and ye are the top and bottom band ordinates, a similar algebraic substitution of the proper moments of
respectively. In this way band contents are treated area generated by eqn (2.5).
automatically as a single unit since there is no need to The computation of volumes of prismatic bodies or
ascertain how many different zones have been produced pressures, when the elevation or pressure intensity
within[4,7]. This is a substantial programming sim- z(x, y) from the xy plane of reference is polynomial, is
plification, and makes it possible to deal uniformly with mathematically identical to finding stress resultants. Let
all kinds of plane cross sections, as has been done since V denote the volume, Mxy, M,, and M,, are the
1969 in research on reinforced concrete short columns moments with respect to the three orthogonal planes, and
and structural walls reported in Refs.[5-131. A is the projection on the xy plane or zero level. Then, V
is given by eqn (4.13), I’& by the opposite sign of (4.14),
and M,, by eqn (4.15). Finally, the moment M,, neces-
sary to find the elevation of the centroid or center of
pressure can be computed by the following nested


Fig, 3. Band subsection and resulting simply connected band t-2 %il m+i,n+j (4.18)
I=7 +I
where k and i are the vector or combined unidimensional
indexes which locate proper coe~cients and moments of
4.3 ~e~ultunfs of bid~mensiona1 no~ul stresses or pres- area in their matrixes; a basic and common efficient
sures addressing technique used in computer programming.
Consider f(x, y) as a bidimensional polynomial normal For these bidimensional arrays, the conversion to the
stress or pressure-coordinate relationship (Fig. l), equivalent storage vector index is: k(m, n) =
characteristic of problems dealing with warped sections: (M t 1)n t m t 1, and similarly for I when m and n are
substituted by i and j. K is the total number of
f(x, Y) = P(x, Y) = $,“go
4nJtx"Y". (4.12) coefficients, i.e. (M t l)(N t 1).
In order to check the numerical precision on curved
surfaces, paraboloids of revolution such as z/c =
Then, from equilibrium conditions and by substituting (x -x0)’ t (y - y$ were experimented. Again, 50 points
the definition of moments of area (eqn 2.1), the axial load were satisfactory to approximate the curves with a rela-
and bending moment components of the resultants are tive error less than 1%. Moreover, it is interesting that
readily derived: the computation of these volumes costs aro~d 10 times
as much as calculating the projected areas, and M;, for
the centroid eievation requires around 55 times.
N = f(x, y) dA = 2 i: awJLw (4.13)
m n
4.4 Composite beam-cofumns
When the cross section of a beam-column is composed
M, = - yftx, y)dA = - 2 5 am.n&,n+, (4.14) of several materials or material strengths having different
m n strain-stress relationships, as in mixed members, com-
posite construction, concrete confined cores or centri-
M, =
If xfk, y) dA = $ $ am,n&+~,n. (4.15) fugated piles, the normal stress resultants are obtained
by adding the separate strengths corresponding to each
selected common strain distribution. As Fig. 4 shows, a
As the simplest example or approximation of a warped simple way to assure that a given neutral axis coincides
section, suppose that norma strains are distributed on a is to have an identical exterior outline for all component
h~erbolic paraboloid: parts. The case of residual stresses may be handled in
this fashion.
t.(x, Y)= uo.o+ aI.& + &.lY + Ul,lXY. (4.16)

Strain ReinforcedConcrete StructuralSteel

Distribution stresses stresses

Fig. 4. Treatment of mixed beam-cofumns.

4.5 Rotated and afine areas, sections and volumes algebraically formulated in terms of the basic solution,
By changing variables in the basic twofold integral of eqn (2.9, as eqns (2.6) and (4.18) illustrate. Therefore,
eqn (2.1), analogously to eqn (2.6) for translations, it is moments of area make it possible to treat many double
possible to write simple expressions for coordinate rota- integrals as mere algebraic operations, and this may open
tions and affinity relationships in terms of the original an universe of new enginee~ng solutions.
outlines without recomputing moments of area, as
detailed in Ref.[l3]. However, over a wide range of 5.CONCLUSION
computational efforts with loops that are not highly A simple, general and direct numerical method is
repetitive, it is clearer and may be preferable to change presented for the exact and optimum computation of
vertex coordinates and compute moments of area again. moments of area of any plane polygonal surface. Since the
method has innumerable applications in calculating double
integrals, it is believed that a powerful basic algorithmic
In the case of experimental data or functions other tool has been developed for research and practice in
than polynomials, two approximate numerical methods the engineering field.
are available to use the preceeding formulas and al- REFERENCES
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2, pp. 337-338.Ernst, Berlin (1965).
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with the simplest least squares criterion and exponents 3. H. Flessner, Ein Beitrag zur Ermitllung von Querschnitt-
not greater than 3. swerten mit Hilfe elektronischer Rechenanlagen. Der Bauin-
(2) To divide the surface into elements on which a genieur 37, 146-149,327 (1962).
polynomial function is assumed to act. For example, 4. .I. Marin, C&u10 num&ico de las caracterfsticas mecanicas
curved surfaces subjected to normal pressures may be de figuras planas. Bofetin de/ Colegio de Ingenieros de
replaced by plane finite elements. Moment of area Venezuela 121,30-36 (Aug. 1970).
5. J. Marin, An&is y revisibn de columnas cortas de concrete
generators for triangular, recently, and quadrilatera1
armado de forma cualquiera sometidas a flexocompresi~n
elements are readily derived from the general eqn (2.5). esviada. ProgramaREVCOL.Publicaficin PICEOZI, Centro
de Processamiento de Datos, Fact&ad de Ingenieria, Uni-
4.7 Other applications versidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, 26 pp. (1970).
Since the mathematical expression of moments of area 6. .I. Marin, Investigacibn de las columnas cortas rectangulares
eqn (2.1), appears frequently, many useful applications simttricas de concrete armado sometidas a flexocompresibn
of eqns (2.5)-(2.17) are found in fields other than struc- esviada comparando 10s m6todos de c&lculode1 AC1 y de1
tural enginee~ng, such as computation of soil pressure CEB. Progr~ma INVCOL. PubI~c~c~~nPJCEO36, Centro
resultants on retaining walls and footings, or hydraulic de Procesamiento de Dates, Facultad de Ingenieria, Uni-
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7. J. Marin, Numerical computation of plane figures and con-
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Computing columns. footings and gates through moments of area 349

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NH = N IF<N-1>1,2,3
cull = 1. 1 POU = t +
KOR = 1
co TO 4
IF(NN .EP. 0 )RETURN 2 PObJ = x
Nl = H - NH GO TO 4
DO 1 I = irNN 3 POY = x**ff
1 con p. ( HI + I )/FiOAff I MCOII 4 RETURN
KOH m COH + 0.005 END


C EQ.<2.5) J.RARZR 1tRQ
nx = n + N
AR0 + 0.
DO f x - l.WP
Xl = X(I)
x2 = x<I*l>
Yt = Y( I)
Y2 = Y(I+li
SS * 0.
DO 2 J - O,H
tld = N - d
x3 - POM~X1.WP )*POoCxZ.J3
DO 2 K * OaN
WI: = N - K
2 ss l SS+KO~<JtK,J?*kOU(NP+NK~NK3~
1 AN0 = fiRo+ss*c Xl*Y2-x2*Yl~
AU0 f BXO/FLOIT(KOX(IN,N~r~NN~~~.~~~~R~~

FUHCTIOH TRIIOo(, N, X0, YO. nnoa 1

c f&.(2.6) J .HRREH 1980
TRHO = 0.0
DO I I - D,W
II = It1
lllci = Kt?Nf tt, 1 )*POY< X0,X-f >
DO 1 J = 0,X
1 TA!tO = TA~OtKOK~N~J~+6KI+PDU~YO~N-J~~~~ON~Il~J+~~

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