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Jl. Akasia D3 No. 1 – 2, Phone : (0251) 8635442, 8638062

Jl. Cemara D3 No. 36 Phone : (0251) 8634172
Taman Pagelaran Ciomas Bogor

Test Junior
Nama : ........................................
I. Conversation:

1. A: What is your teacher like?


2. A: What do you think of your school?


3. A: By the way, what about going to the beach next holiday?


4. A: Where do you want to go? (use use had better or would better)


5. A: Which sport would you like to play?


II. Grammar: A. combine two sentences by using “too, so, either, neither”
1. My father has stopped smoking
Her father has stopped smoking
2. We haven’t returned the novels
The haven’t returned the novels
3. Mr.Rafli built a new house last year.
Mr. Lukman built a new house last year.
4. Marry can’t play violin
Santy can’t play violin
5. My mother is atailor
My grandmother is a tailor
B. Fill in the blank with the appropriate question tag.
1. You bought this blue jacket, .........................?
2. Your father can drive a bus, ...........................?
3. Her aunt won’t come here soon, ...................?
4. We have finished our homework, ...................?
5. They aren’t playing baseball, ..........................?

III. Translate into English.

1. Berapa berat badanmu?

2. Apa ukuran kemejamu?

3. Berapa lebar kamarmu?

4. Berapa jauh rumahmu dari WEC?

5. Berapa tinggi badanmu?

6. Dia ingin menyuruh adiknya melakukan apa?

7. Mereka bertanya apakah kami mengerti atau tidak?

8. Ibumu ingin kamu melakukan apa?

9. Alam mengatakan pada saya bahwa dia akan melanjutkan sekolahnya ke SMP 4.

10. Guru-guru di WEC akan senang jika kalian bisa berbicara bahasa inggris.

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