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Answer 1:

Customer Persona: Value-Oriented (The Smart Spender) Customer

To address the pain points of the value-oriented customer persona, who seeks a balance between cost-effectiveness and
comfort, and faces issues of increased fares and doubts about transparent pricing, the Ola app can incorporate the
following three novel features:

1. Fare Assurance: This feature provides value-oriented customers with the assurance that the initially displayed fare will
remain unchanged, regardless of any fluctuations during the ride. By guaranteeing fare consistency, Ola builds trust and
demonstrates a commitment to transparent pricing. This feature addresses the pain point of increased fares and helps
customers feel confident in their choice of Ola as a reliable and fair service.

2. Fare Breakdown: The Fare Breakdown feature provides a detailed breakdown of the fare components, making it clear to
value-oriented customers how their ride fare is calculated. It allows customers to understand the pricing structure, including
base fare, distance fare, ride time fare, and any additional charges or discounts. By offering transparency and clarity, Ola
ensures that customers can assess the fairness of their fare, reducing doubts about arbitrary fluctuations and perceived
unfair practices.

3. Fare Comparison History: This feature allows value-oriented customers to view their ride fare history and compare it with
previous trips. Customers can see any variations in fares for similar routes and distances, helping them evaluate the
consistency of pricing. By providing this historical data, Ola enables customers to identify any unfair or inconsistent fare
fluctuations and make informed decisions based on their past experiences. This feature addresses the pain point of feeling
trapped or exploited by changes in fares.

These proposed features directly address the challenges faced by value-oriented customers. Fare Assurance provides price
consistency, Fare Breakdown offers transparency in fare calculations, and Fare Comparison History allows customers to
evaluate fare variations over time. By incorporating these features, Ola enhances the customer experience for value-
oriented customers, instilling trust, and ensuring that they perceive Ola as a fair and reliable ride-hailing service.

Answer 2:

To evaluate the proposed features and determine the most effective one to address the pain points of the value-oriented
customer persona, we can employ the MoSCoW prioritization framework. This framework categorizes features into four
prioritization levels:

1. Must-have: Features that are deemed crucial and have a high impact on addressing the pain points.

2. Should-have: Features that are important, but with a slightly lower impact compared to the must-have features.

3. Could-have: Features that are desirable, but their impact is not critical in addressing the pain points.

4. Won't-have: Features that are not essential and can be postponed or excluded.
Let's evaluate each feature using this framework:

1. Fare Assurance:

- Must-have: Fare Assurance is crucial in addressing the pain point of increased fares and doubts about transparent pricing.
By assuring customers that the initially displayed fare will not change, it builds trust and transparency, enhancing customer
confidence in Ola's commitment to fair pricing.

2. Fare Breakdown:

- Could-have: While providing a clear breakdown of the fare components is desirable and enhances transparency, it has a
lower impact compared to Fare Assurance. Fare Breakdown helps customers understand the fare structure but does not
directly address the pain point of increased fares and doubts about transparent pricing.

3. Fare Comparison History:

- Should-have: The ability for customers to view their ride fare history and compare prices is valuable in evaluating fare
consistency. It aids customers in identifying any unfair fluctuations and making informed decisions. Although not as critical
as Fare Assurance, it enhances transparency and helps address doubts about arbitrary fare changes.


Based on the MoSCoW framework assessment, Fare Assurance emerges as the must-have feature to address the pain
points of the value-oriented customer persona. It directly tackles the issues of increased fares and doubts about
transparent pricing by assuring customers that the initially displayed fare will remain consistent. By building trust and
transparency, Fare Assurance satisfies the critical needs of the customer persona and significantly impacts their overall
experience with Ola.

While Fare Breakdown and Fare Comparison History are desirable features, they have a lower impact compared to Fare
Assurance. However, they can still be considered as should and could-have features, respectively, to enhance transparency
and provide additional tools for customers to evaluate fare consistency.

By prioritizing the development of Fare Assurance as the primary focus, Ola can effectively address the pain points of value-
oriented customers, improve their confidence in the service, and strengthen the overall customer experience.

(Note: The prioritization assessment is based on the assumption that the Must-have features are critical in addressing the
pain points and will have the highest impact on customer satisfaction, while the Should-have and Could-have features
provide supplementary benefits.)
Answer 3:

Product One-Pager

Feature Name: Fare Assurance


The objective of the Fare Assurance feature is to address the pain points of value-oriented customers regarding increased
fares and doubts about transparent pricing. By assuring customers that the initially displayed fare will remain unchanged,
this feature aims to build trust, enhance transparency, and reinforce Ola's commitment to fair pricing.

Target Audience:

Fare Assurance targets value-oriented customers who prioritize a balance between cost-effectiveness and comfort. These
customers are frequent commuters and prefer Ola services like Ola Mini or Prime Sedan for their daily office commute.

Key Benefits:

1. Trust and Confidence: Fare Assurance ensures that customers can rely on the upfront fare displayed at the time of
booking. By assuring them that the initially displayed fare will not increase during the ride, it builds trust and confidence in
Ola's pricing practices.

2. Transparent Pricing: This feature provides transparency in pricing by eliminating doubts about hidden charges or arbitrary
fare fluctuations. Customers can trust that Ola is committed to fair and transparent pricing, ensuring a positive customer

3. Customer Satisfaction: By offering fare consistency, Fare Assurance enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. Value-
oriented customers feel valued and respected, knowing that they are receiving fair pricing and reliable service.

Features and Functionality:

1. Fare Lock: Fare Assurance includes a Fare Lock functionality that guarantees the initially displayed fare remains
unchanged throughout the ride. This feature provides certainty to customers and eliminates concerns about unexpected
fare increases.

2. Real-time Fare Tracking: Fare Assurance tracks fares in real-time, detecting any fluctuations that may occur during the
trip. If fluctuations are detected, this feature immediately corrects the fare to maintain the initially displayed price, ensuring
fare consistency and customer satisfaction.

3. Fare Confirmation: At the end of the trip, Fare Assurance provides customers with a fare confirmation that reiterates the
maintenance of the initially displayed fare. This confirmation showcases transparency and reinforces trust in Ola's pricing

The development and implementation of Fare Assurance will involve collaboration between the Product, Engineering, and
Operations teams. Backend development will be necessary to support real-time fare tracking and adjustment
functionalities. User interface modifications will be made to ensure clear communication of fare assurance to customers.

Impact and Evaluation:

The implementation of Fare Assurance is expected to have a significant impact on value-oriented customers by addressing
the pain points of increased fares and doubts about transparent pricing. Key metrics, including customer satisfaction scores,
retention rates, and feedback on fare consistency and transparency, will be evaluated to assess the feature's effectiveness.

Next Steps:

1. Development: The Engineering team will initiate the development of Fare Assurance, adhering to agreed specifications
and timelines.

2. Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing will be conducted to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and seamless
integration of Fare Assurance within the Ola app. Quality assurance measures will be implemented to guarantee a seamless
user experience.

3. Rollout and Adoption: Fare Assurance will be rolled out gradually to a subset of customers for beta testing and feedback
collection. The insights gained will be used to optimize and refine the feature.

4. Full-scale Launch: Following a successful beta testing period, Fare Assurance will be launched to all value-oriented
customers across the Ola platform. A comprehensive marketing and communication plan will accompany the launch to
maximize awareness and drive adoption.

Your support and collaboration in developing Fare Assurance are crucial to ensure its success in addressing the pain points
of value-oriented customers. By implementing this feature, we can

enhance trust, transparency, and customer satisfaction, strengthening Ola's commitment to providing fair pricing and
exceptional service.

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