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Open Access Journal by MDPI

Impact Factor 3.7

CiteScore 5.1
Indexed in PubMed

Message from
the Editor-in-Chief

The worldwide impact of infectious

disease is incalculable. The Aims
consequences for human health in terms
Pathogens (ISSN 2076-0817) publishes
of morbidity and mortality are obvious
reviews, regular research papers and
and vast but, when infections of animals
communication on all aspects of pathogens
and plants are also taken into account,
and pathogen-host interactions. There is
it is hard to imagine any other disease
no restriction on the maximum length of the
that has such a significant impact on
papers. Our aim is to encourage scientists
our lives—on healthcare systems, on
to publish their experimental and theoretical
agriculture and on world economics.
research in as much detail as possible. Full
Pathogens is proud to continue to
experimental and/or methodical details
serve the international community by
must be provided for research articles.
publishing high quality studies that
There are, in addition, unique features of
further our understanding of infection
this journal:
and have meaningful consequences for
disease intervention.

Prof. Dr. Lawrence S. Young
Scope Author Benefits
- Identification and characterization of Open Access
Unlimited and free access for readers
- Pathogen invasion and host defenses
- Transmission of pathogens No Copyright Constraints
- Pathogen genetics and genomics
Retain copyright of your work and free use
- Pathogen lifecycle
of your article
- Host adaptation
- Pathogen inactivation Thorough Peer-Review
- Innate and adaptive immune responses
- Molecular mechanisms of host–pathogen 2022 Impact Factor: 3.7
interaction (Journal Citation Reports - Clarivate, 2023)
- Vaccine and therapeutic development
- Immune defense mechanisms Discounts on Article Processing Charges
- Veterinary infections (APC)
- Cell signalling effects If you belong to an institute that participates
- Vectorology with the MDPI Institutional Open Access

No Space Constraints, No Extra Space or

Color Charges
No restriction on the maximum length of the
papers, number of figures or colors

Journal Rank
JCR - Q2 (Microbiology)

Coverage by Leading Indexing Services

Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed,
PMC, Embase, PubAg, CaPlus / SciFinder,
AGRIS, and other databases
MDPI is a member of

Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland
Tel:  +41  61  683  77  34

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