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Summative Test (2nd Quarter)


Name: ____________________________________________________________

I. Draw a line to match the main parts of the body to each picture.

1. Head

2. Trunk

3. Upper Limbs

4. Lower Limbs

II. Write the body parts in the correct column where they belong.

eyes knees chest stomach hands

nose mouth navel feet


III. Write the letter of the correct answer.

_________14. What do growing children need to breathe in?

A. clean water B. clean food C. clean air

_________15. It should be eaten regularly at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

A. spoiled food B. complete meal C. junk foods

_________16. Children need a ______________ and _______________ shelter.

A. clean and safe B. dirty and small C. smokey and stinky

_________17. They give your body time to relax.

A. rest and sleep B. exercise C. cleaning the house

_________18. It is the most important nutrient needed for your body.

A. fats B. sugar C. water

_________19. Which body parts work together when you dance?

A. eyes and nose B. hands and feet C. ears and mouth

_________20. Which body parts work together when you sing?

A. knees and nose B. hands and feet C. eyes and mouth

V. Identify to which group the food belongs and write GO, GROW, GLOW.

________________ 21. ________________ 26.

________________ 22. ________________ 27.

________________ 23. ________________ 28.

________________ 24. ________________ 29.

________________ 25. ________________30.

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