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Title: "The Time-Traveling Mix-Up"


Alex - An enthusiastic inventor

Morgan - Alex's skeptical friend
Professor Wigglesworth - Eccentric time-traveling expert
Bob - A confused time traveler from the past
(Scene opens in Alex's cluttered garage. Alex is working on a strange contraption with
wires and blinking lights. Morgan enters.)

Alex: Morgan, my friend! You won't believe what I've invented – a time machine!

Morgan: (rolls eyes) A time machine? Seriously, Alex? You can't be serious.

Alex: Trust me, Morgan! It's going to revolutionize everything. Step into the future with me!

(Professor Wigglesworth, an eccentric-looking character in a lab coat, bursts in.)

Professor Wigglesworth: Did I hear someone mention time travel? Ah, splendid! I'm
Professor Wigglesworth, the foremost authority on temporal anomalies.

Morgan: (sarcastically) Oh great, another mad scientist.

Alex: (excitedly) Professor, meet Morgan, my skeptical friend. Morgan, meet Professor

Professor Wigglesworth: (ignores sarcasm) I sense a disturbance in the temporal ux. What
have you done, young inventor?

Alex: I've built this marvelous time machine. Watch this! (Presses a button)

(A puff of smoke lls the room, and when it clears, Bob, a bewildered man in historical
attire, appears.)

Bob: Where am I? What sorcery is this?

Alex: Oops! I might have made a tiny miscalculation. Morgan, meet Bob, a time traveler
from the past.

Morgan: (sarcastically) Oh, fantastic! Hi, Bob, welcome to the 21st century.

Bob: (bewildered) The 21st century? I was just tending to my goats in the 18th century!

Professor Wigglesworth: (stroking his beard) Fascinating! An unintentional chronological


(Morgan looks at Alex accusingly.)

Morgan: So, Alex, how do we x this mess?

Alex: Fear not! I'll just recalibrate the temporal coordinates and send Bob back to his time.

(Bob starts exploring the modern gadgets in the garage.)

Bob: Is this a magical box that makes light without re?

Morgan: (to Alex) Better make it quick before Bob thinks our smartphones are enchanted

(Alex frantically adjusts the machine, and another puff of smoke lls the room. Bob

Professor Wigglesworth: Ah, crisis averted! You've got potential, young inventor.

Morgan: (sarcastically) Potential for chaos, you mean.

Alex: (grinning) Well, at least it was an entertaining mix-up!

(As the trio laughs, the time machine blinks, and they hear distant goat noises. Bob
reappears, holding a confused goat.)

Bob: It seems the goat followed me through time! Can I keep it?

(Morgan facepalms. The laughter continues as the scene fades out.)


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