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Brusov State University

Topic: Fear

Faculty/Group: ICPS, 2nd course, 4th group

Student: Chris Aghababyan
Lecturer: Abgaryan Lusine

Erevan 2023
In psychiatry, it is customary to call a phobia a morbidly intensified manifestation of fear of
one or another stimulus. A phobia is a strongly expressed, persistent and sticky fear that is
irreversibly aggravated in certain situations and does not undergo a complete logical explanation. We
cannot completely get rid of the feeling of fear. It is this feeling that is one of the strongest factors
that prevents a person from fully discovering his potential and achieving success. To be able to
overcome our own fear, we need to know what kind it is. He who is warned is armed.

In extreme situations, fear mobilizes all human forces for active action. It is quite possible for
anyone to feel a heavy feeling in the chest when they are afraid. In addition, a person's face becomes
very pale in a stressful situation. This happens because the blood "goes" from the skin to the muscles
in a strong flow.

The feeling of fear helps a person to make quick strategic decisions in the absence of
information. By overcoming fear, each person discovers new opportunities and begins to perceive life
from a different perspective. He learns to appreciate life in all its manifestations, the surrounding
world acquires brighter colors for him, every situation is evaluated from the point of view of
overcoming the feeling of fear.

There are different types of fear։

1. Real fear: it is a person's reaction to an external threat. Everyone has that fear at the
subconscious level, and it has a signaling function. danger is very close, it is necessary to
concentrate the reserve forces of the organism in order to be ready for defense.
2. Nervous fear: often occurs without any reason, but sometimes its manifestation depends on a
certain situation and object. People with nervous fear always expect the worst and live in
constant anticipation of misfortune at any moment.
3. Different phobias: A phobia is an unrealistic fear that severely interferes with normal living,
working, and communicating with people. Any fear can be caused by a certain object or
4. Fear of loneliness: the more a person becomes self-absorbed and withdraws from people, the
more he condemns himself to the danger of isolation. It is a very common type of fear that
makes a person even sometimes associate with people who are unpleasant for him. It is
understandable that a person sometimes wants to be alone and relax from the surrounding
commotion. But if the separation lasts for a long time, a person begins to feel the fear that he
is no longer needed in this world. A person is a social being and wants to be loved and valued
in order to feel like a full member of society.
5. Fear of trust: if a person opens his soul to someone, he is still worried inside. "Am I doing the
right thing by trusting this person? Can you believe him?" This same fear surrounds a person
when he falls in love or feels sympathy for a member of the opposite.
6. Fear of changes: everyone knows that nothing in this world is unchanging, everything
changes sooner or later. And everyone, without exception, is afraid of change, because any
change threatens with its unknown. Very often, people accept any kind of novelty with some
reservation, because they see a certain danger and threat in it. Sometimes it is not known
what the change will bring, where the danger may be hidden and, most importantly, how to
protect against it.
7. Fear of addiction: living in society, a person depends on its laws, provisions, traditions. The
more he wants to get rid of the "yoke" of society, the more acutely he perceives that it is
impossible. Since the way of life depends on the environment, various circumstances, and
finally, on other people, a person constantly lives with the fear that he should "submit to the
general order", and if he does not want it, then the internal struggle begins.

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