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In the first chapter of this university handbook, key terms are explained

important for understanding the field of quality management. The chapter begins
by reviewing the basic terms and settings of access to quality for the purpose of
better introducing readers to the scientific field. Then, various aspects of quality
important for a better understanding of possible views on quality are analyzed.
In the third subchapter, a short historical description of quality is given, while
the last one three sub-chapters describe and analyze quality control, assurance
and management as key phases of the development of the quality field that have
defined today access to business and other organizations quality. Bednar and
Reeves (1994) state that throughout the history of quality, it is not uncommon
defined as value, conformity to specifications, conformity to customer
requirements, suitability for use, avoidance of loss or satisfaction i
exceeding customer expectations. All these definitions are in the given time
had their value in the context and somewhat accurately described the key quality
factors. In this university handbook, we will define quality as
the overall features and characteristics of the product or service that affect it
the ability to satisfy expressed and unexpressed needs.
In order to fully understand this definition, it is important to break down all the
which are contained in it. According to Lazibat (2009) product and service
can be classified into two basic groups:
1. features that determine the functional basis of the product or service
2. features that make a hedonic addition to the product or service
The technical properties of a product or service will determine its functionality,
reliability and durability. Type of materials used in construction
of a product or the robustness and stability of the network platform through
customer consumes a certain service are typical examples of features that make
technical properties. Functionality and reliability together form functional
basis of a certain product or service and have the purpose of satisfying
basic needs of customers, and in addition contain a time component
in terms of durability.
The phenomenon of globalization, driven by technological development,
continuously leads
to the increase in consumer demands, as a result of which they are becoming
more and more prominent
features that make a hedonic addition to a product or service. Hedonistic
the supplement can be defined as the goal of satisfying the customer's
requirements in a pleasant way (Lazibat, 2009). It belongs to the hedonic
addition to the product or service
anything that adds value beyond the basic functionality and to this one
the method also meets the unspoken demands of the user

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