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04 – “Born to Save the World”

Good evening! We are so glad you came again tonight! Our topic will be:
“Born to Save the World.”

Today we are living in a time when man has made a lot of powerful inventions
and gadgets. How many of you like powerful things?

Do you like to ride on a motorcycle that has a lot of power, and can take you
places quickly?

Do you like to ride in a powerful car or truck?

Do you like riding in a powerful boat that moves quickly across the water?
Yes, we like powerful things.

Would you like to ride on a powerful airplane, that can fly high in the sky?

But it seems that even with all the powerful gadgets man has made, that most
people have no power in their own lives. Have you ever said, “I don’t like
those angry, hateful feelings in my heart, but I don’t know how to change
them”? The question is, “Who can give us the power that we need in our
lives?” Could it be that Jesus is the one who can give us the power we need?
Let’s see what the Bible tells us:
Let’s read this together: “As many as received Him, to them gave He
power...” John 1:12. Those who receive Jesus, receive power. Then you and
I need to receive Jesus. What the world needs today is not more powerful
machines. We need Jesus. When we receive Jesus we receive power-power on
the inside, to become happy, kind, loving and obedient.
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Jesus invites us to study His life. Where can we read about the life of Jesus?
This is what the Bible says, “Search the scriptures...they...testify of me.”
John 5:39. Jesus is the pattern we want to copy, to think about and follow.

The Bible is divided into two parts-The Old Testament and the New
Testament. The Old Testament was written before Jesus came to our earth. In
this part of the Bible the prophets told all about how Jesus would come to our
world. The New Testament was written after Jesus lived on this earth. This
part of the Bible tells us all about the things Jesus said and did while living
here on this earth.
(Show Old Testament part of the Bible) Do you remember what this part of the
Bible tells us? It tells all about how Jesus would come to our earth, where He
would be born, how He would live here. So let’s find out if what this part of
the Bible says would happen, really happened.

God told the Prophet Isaiah to whom Jesus would be born when He came to
this earth. Do you remember to whom Jesus was born?

Let’s read it together: “Behold, a virgin shall…bear a son…” Isaiah 7:14

What is a virgin? It is a pure, unmarried woman. God told Isaiah that Jesus
would be born to a pure, unmarried woman. Was Jesus born to a pure
unmarried woman? Yes, it happened just like the prophet Isaiah said it would.

God told a prophet named Micah where Jesus would be born, when He came
to this earth. Do you remember where Jesus was born?

Let’s read it together: “Out of Bethlehem…shall He come forth.” Micah

5:2. Where would Jesus be born? Yes, in Bethlehem! Was Jesus born in
Bethlehem like the prophet Micah tells us? Yes, He was!

God told the prophet Daniel when Jesus would be born! Did everything
happen, just like the Bible said it would? Yes it did! Tonight let’s take a look
at this wonderful story of Jesus.
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The time came closer for Jesus to be born. Mary lived in Nazareth. Mary was
a sweet, pure girl. She was not married, but she was engaged to marry a good
man named Joseph.

One day an angel came to Mary. The angel told Mary, “You are going to have
a baby. God will be the Father of this baby. This is the baby that will be the
Saviour of the world.”

The angel went to Joseph, too. He told Joseph about the baby. He told Joseph
to call the baby “Jesus”. Why? This is what the angel told Joseph:

Let’s read this together: “Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save
His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21. What does the name “Jesus”
mean? It means that He will save us from our sins.

Joseph and Mary got married. They were living in Nazareth. But do you
remember where the prophet said that Jesus would be born? Yes, in
Bethlehem. When it was almost time for Jesus to be born, the King or Caesar
made a law. This law said that Mary and Joseph would need to go-right away-
to Bethlehem to pay their taxes. God used this law, saying that Mary and
Joseph must come to Bethlehem to pay their taxes, to bring Joseph and Mary
to Bethlehem, so that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem.
It was many miles to Bethlehem! Mary and Joseph took their donkey and
started on the way to Bethlehem.

Angels went with Joseph and Mary as they traveled from their home in
Nazareth to Bethlehem.

I’m sure Mary and Joseph were so happy as they saw the city of Bethlehem.
Very weary, they searched for a place to sleep for the night. From the gate of
the city, to the eastern end of town, they walked through the narrow street of
the city, looking without success for a place to sleep that night.
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Was there any room for them in the crowded inn? No, no one in that town had
any room for Jesus. How about here in this room tonight? In this room
tonight, will Jesus find boys and girls that have room for Him? Jesus is
waiting for boys and girls to say, “Please come into my life, my mind, and my
home. I want to make you most important in everything I do.”

Where did Joseph and Mary at last find a place to stay? In a stable, where the
animals are kept, they at last found a place to stay for the night,

...and here the Savior of the world was born.

Jesus was born! The news filled all heaven with rejoicing! A multitude of
angels were waiting above the hills of Bethlehem to tell the good news to
someone. But could they find someone who was waiting for Jesus to be born?
To whom should they tell the good news? Do you remember to whom they
told the good news?

In the fields near Bethlehem, shepherds were watching their sheep by night.
During the night they talked together of the promised Savior. They prayed that
He would come soon!

Suddenly a bright light shone down on the shepherds. The shepherds were
afraid. They had never seen such a light. What could be happening?

The light came closer until a bright, shining angel stood right in front of them.
The angel said unto them, “Fear not: (Don’t be afraid) for, behold, I bring you
wonderful news that will bring you great joy. Today, is born in Bethlehem the
Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. You will find him lying in a manger.”

The angel had given the shepherds time to get used to his brightness, but then
the joy and glory of all the angels could no longer be hidden.
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The whole plain was lighted up with a multitude of bright shining angels.
“Glory to God in the highest,” they sang, “and on earth peace, good will
toward men!” I would have liked to listen to those angels sing the night that
Jesus was born! How about you?

The angels then disappeared and flew high up into the sky until they looked
like a bright, twinkling star.

The shepherds said one to another, “Let’s go right now to Bethlehem and see
this wonderful thing that the angels have told us.” They went running with
excitement, and found Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus lying in a manger.
What wondrous love, that Jesus, the Son of God would leave His glorious
throne in heaven, and come to earth to live with us, so that He could save us!

In a land far, far away from Bethlehem, were living some men who liked to
study the stars at night. What do we call them? Yes, Wise men. As they
looked at the glorious heavens they wanted to get to know the one who made
the stars-Jesus. So they started studying the Bible. As they were studying the
Bible, they were so happy when they found out that the Prophet Daniel told
that it was almost time for Jesus to be born. On the night that Jesus was born,
they saw a bright light in the heavens.
As the light went away, a bright star appeared and stayed in the sky. These
wise men knew it was not one of the regular stars that shines every night in the
sky, and it was not a planet, so they were very excited as to what this could
mean. What was this star? This star was a company of shining angels, but the
wise men didn’t know that. They believed this star had an important meaning
to them, and so they again got out their Bibles to see if the Bible would say
anything about a star. Sure enough, they this in the Bible:
Let’s read this together: “There shall come a star out of Israel.” Num.
24:17. Could this star have been sent to tell people that Jesus-the Savior had
come to our earth. That night while the wise men were sleeping, what do you
think they had? God gave them a dream, and in that dream He told the wise
men to go and look for Jesus.

The wise men gathered the very best presents they could take. What did they
take? Yes, a bag of gold, a jar of a special perfume called frankincense, and a
box of myrrh, a valuable spice, and started on their journey.
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It was necessary for them to journey by night. Why? When do the stars shine?
Yes, at night. They had to wait till the evening when it got dark so they could
see this star. They traveled for many, many nights. During the long hours they
read everything they could find in the Bible about the promised Saviour that
had come to our earth. Their journey, though a long one, was a happy one for
them. Where did the star direct them? The star directed the wise men all the
way to Bethlehem,
to the very place where Joseph and Mary were staying. By this time Mary and
Joseph were not staying in the stable anymore, but in a house. The Bible gives
us a short but beautiful description of what the wisemen did next.

It says, “When they were come into the house and saw Jesus they fell down
and worshiped Him.” In this humble baby they recognized Jesus. They
received Him as their Savior. Then they gave their rich gifts-gold,
frankincense and myrrh. Do you want to be like those wise men and receive
Jesus into your mind and life and home?

Let’s read this all together: “As many as received Him, to them gave He
power...” John 1:12. What does Jesus give to those who receive Him? Yes,
power! Power to be kind, loving, gentle and beautiful on the inside.

MEMORY VERSE: Now it’s time for our memory verse!

Let’s say it all together. “As many as received Him, to them gave He
power…” John 1:12.

What does Jesus want to give us? Power! “As many as received Him, to
them gave He power…” John 1:12.
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How do we get power? By receiving Jesus. “As many as received Him, to

them gave He power…” John 1:12.

Will Jesus give power only to a few? No! As many as receive Him! He will
give it to all who receive Him. “As many as received Him, to them gave He
power…” John 1:12.

Here’s only the first letter of each word. “As many as received Him, to them
gave He power…” John 1:12.

Let’s make it really hard! “As many as received Him, to them gave He
power…” John 1:12.

Let’s make it really, really hard! “As many as received Him, to them gave
He power…” John 1:12.

Now let’s sing our memory verse.

Now let’s continue the story, but first I will request everyone to be quiet.

Someone else knew that Baby Jesus was born; someone who hated and feared
Him; someone who wanted to kill Him. Who was that? Satan knew that Jesus
was the Son of God. Satan whispered in the ear of a wicked king, “You must
kill Baby Jesus!” But God was watching over His beloved Son. One night, He
sent an angel to warn Joseph. The angel told him, “Get up! Take the baby and
flee to Egypt! There the wicked King can’t find and hurt him.”
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Joseph told Mary what the angel had said. They loaded their donkey, and while
the people in the town of Bethlehem still slept, they turned down the road
toward Egypt. The wicked king would not find them there.

The family stayed in Egypt for a few years. Jesus grew to be a boy. Finally
the wicked king died, and it was safe to leave Egypt. Joseph and Mary took
Jesus to their old home in Nazareth.

Every day, Mary taught Jesus from the Bible. She told Him about God, His
Father and His great love. She helped Him learn the words of the Bible. She
knew Jesus must be ready to save His people from their sins.

Jesus worked for many years in the carpenter shop. He did good work!
Whatever Jesus made was very, very nice! But Jesus had another work to do
in this world. When Jesus was 30 years old, he left His home in Nazareth and
went into the cities and villages and began to teach, and to heal the people.

Often Jesus found a grassy hillside, where there was room for hundreds and
thousands of people. Jesus taught the people that by receiving Him, believing
in Him, and loving Him, they could live a power filled life. The people loved
to hear Him speak, because He was so kind and loving to them, and gave them
such hope.

The people brought sick people to Jesus. He healed every one! If you had
lived then, wouldn’t you have gone to see Jesus? I know I would have! The
people crowded around Jesus all day long. Sometimes Jesus didn’t even have
time to eat or rest. Jesus’ work was also to make people free from those bad
habits that made them unhappy and miserable.

After Jesus had worked for 3½ years, every day teaching and helping people,
one night some wicked men that didn’t like Jesus, came and took Him. They
made Him a prisoner.

The soldiers took Jesus and put Him on a cross. Jesus didn’t cry out or
complain. Meekly He received this awful punishment. Remember, Jesus was
dying for us, taking our punishment, so that we could someday live again.
Jesus would have gone through all this even if you were the only one for Him
to save. He loves you with a great love!
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After Jesus died, some of His friends came and took Him off the cross. Near
the place where Jesus was crucified was a grave that had never been used and
they buried him there. But the good news is that Jesus didn’t stay in that
grave. Jesus is not in that grave today! Why?

Jesus came out of that grave. His is alive again, and is living in heaven today.
Because Jesus died on the cross for us, He can forgive our sins. Because He is
alive today He can give me power in my life, power to stop doing those
naughty things that I don’t want to do, and live a new life of joy, love and
peace. How can we receive this power that Jesus wants to give us?

Yes, by receiving Jesus. Let’s read this together: “As many as received Him,
to them gave He power...” John 1:12. I can receive this power by receiving

I have a question for you tonight, “Have you received Jesus?” You might be
thinking, “No, I haven’t. I want to. How do I do it? Make it plain and simple
to me.” And it is very simple:

Appeal: Pretend this door is your mind. Tonight Jesus is asking, “May I come
and live with you, and always be with you. May I be every day in your
thoughts? Will you think about me, love me, follow and obey me?” And
tonight Jesus is waiting for you to ask Him come into your life and home and

Do you want to receive Jesus? (Pause for response.) If you do, I will teach you
a simple prayer.

It is called the “sinner’s prayer.” That means it is for us! We are all sinners.
Read it with me: Be sure to memorize this part, so you can say it by memory at
the end.

Dear Lord, I am a sinner.

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I want You as my Lord and Savior.

I want You to live in my heart.

Please forgive my sins.

Please give me Your grace to do what is right.

Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now, while the music is playing quietly, I want to give you a few minutes to
talk to Jesus in your own words. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins, and ask Him
to come into your life. Then tell Jesus thank you for hearing your prayer.
Then after a few minutes I will pray. We will pray the sinners prayer, and you
can repeat the prayer after me. Let’s kneel together. (As you repeat the prayer,
pause after each phrase so the children can repeat the words after you. You
may wish to coach the assistants ahead of time to join in repeating the prayer.)
Dear Lord, (pause) I am a sinner. (pause) I want you (pause) as my Lord and
Savior. (pause) I want you (pause) to live in my heart. (pause) Please forgive
my sins. (pause) Please give me (pause) your grace to do (pause) what is right.
(pause) Thank you (pause) for hearing and answering (pause) my prayer.
(pause) In Jesus’ name. (pause) Amen. (pause)

Do you want this to be your prayer? Let’s quietly sing this song together:
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Craft: Salvation craft. Give instructions for how to make it.

Good night! God bless and keep you!

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