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Ssnlces 2021 Proceedings EXPLORING SCIENCE TEACHERS’ TECHNOLOGICAL, PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AT TWO SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN GAUTENG PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA Portia Kavai & Eunice Nyamupangedengu University of Witwatersrand, South Africa Corresponding Email: portia. Abstract Digital technology is fast becoming highly advocated for in the teaching and leaming of school curricula across the world, In response to this advocacy, the Department of Education for the Gauteng Province in South Africa, has promoted the integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) by installing smart boards and projectors in classrooms, providing teachers with laptops and tablets to learners in selected township schools. The installed gadgets are meant to be used as instructional tools to enhance the understanding of abstract concepts and improve the quality of lesson delivery. This qualitative, multiple case study was conducted to establish the teachers’ Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge as they use these gadgets. The participants were two Physical Science teachers and two Life Sciences (Biology) teachers from two selected high schools that used Smartboards and Tablets for teaching and learning. Lesson observations and teacher interviews were used to collect the data to establish the extent to which teachers integrated the technologies (TK) in their delivery of content (CK) and the coherence with their teaching strategies (PK). The data analysis was based on multi-level thematic process of coding to investigate relationships, differences, similarities and deduce the teachers’ extent of TPaCK. Results have shown that most of the teacher participants are eager to use technologies in the teaching and learning of the two science subjects, however the lesson observation showed that they are still struggling with aligning the components of TPaCK in their teaching hence the components mostly manifested in isolation. The descriptors basic, proficient and sophisticated were used to indicate the quality of the four teachers’ TPaCK where basic is when interaction is between two components only and/or when components manifest in isolation. Proficient is when there is interaction between all three components two or three times. Sophisticated is when interaction between all three components manifest more than three times and that there is limited manifestation of components in isolation. ‘Three of the four teachers had their TPaCK level at Basic and Proficient levels and only one was at Sophisticated level. The teachers also highlighted the challenges which include lack of training in using the gadgets effectively, the leamers misdirected use of the gadgets, limited or no intemet access and loadshedding (electricity blackouts). The teachers acknowledge the case of learning abstract concepts by leamers when they integrate ICT. Keywords: ICT, Life Sciences, Physical Science, Smartboards, Tablets, TPaCK. INTRODUCTION The use of digital technology has been influencing most aspects of people’s lives inclusive of careers, social, and academic lives (Palvia et al., 2018)) and the teaching and learning has not, been an exception. In response to this digital era, almost 370 schools in Gauteng Province in South Africa had Smartboards installed, and Tablets offered to learners. Most of these schools that benefitted from this digitalisation programme were in underprivileged township communities to minimise the gap of inequalities in South African Education, (Graham, Stolls & Kapp, 2020). Grimus and Ebner, (2015) point out that in the current era, teachers and 122 Ssnlces 2021 Proceedings learners require prospects that simplify the process of teaching and learning, which may include ICT use. Kirova and Veselinovska (2016) define ICT in educational settings as a term used to denote all computer and communication technologies used in the teaching and learning proces According to the Educational Strategic Roadmap, the Gauteng Department of Education has, incorporated ICT promotion and the extension of ICT facilities in almost 370 schools around Gauteng Province in South Africa (Department of Education (DoE) 2018). The promotion of ICT started in Gauteng province as a pilot project with the vision of extending it to other provinces of the country as well. The Department of Basic Education (2020) envisages a way forward to expose all leamers to technology in the classroom for improved teaching and learning. It is considered a necessity for learners to be exposed and utilise ICT equipment to equip them for the fourth industrial revolution since technology now has a significant impact on their daily lives. The ICT school policy (DoE,2018) emphasizes that all learners should have the opportunity to utilise ICT resources to help them develop their ICT skills and competencies, Taking all this advocacy to integrate ICT in teaching and learning, the roles of the teachers and how they engaged with the content they teach, pedagogy and technology (TPaCK) was of utmost importance. This study therefore aimed to investigate the extent to which four science teachers were teaching with technology with the aim of determining their TPaCK for promoting effective teaching and leaning. Rationale for the study While the argument of the Gauteng Department of Education for installing smartboards was to promote effective teaching and learning, installation of ICT tools like smartboards docs not always translate into effective teaching and learning (Dynarski., Agodini., Heaviside., Novak., Carey., and Campuzano (2010)). This is because, according to Voogt., Fisser., Pareja., Tondeur., and Van Braak (2012), in some instances, the ICT integration may not happen at all, may happen too slowly, or may happen with no effect on teachers’ or students’ learning, In addition, learners do not always reach their full potential because teachers do not have the technological, pedagogical content knowledge (TPaCK) i.e. the ability to use new technologies in alignment with appropriate teaching strategies in the classroom (Mishra & Koehler (2006)). This was the motivation for this study which sought to establish the TPaCK. of Life Sciences and Physical Science teachers in Gauteng schools. The study investigated how two Life Sciences and two Physical Science teachers engaged with the content they teach, pedagogy and technology to help their learners to learn in order to determine their TPaCK. This study was prompted by the documented difficulties faced by Life Sciences teachers and learners’ difficulties when dealing with abstract topics such as ecology, evolution, genetics, and biodiversity in plants and animals (DeVilliers, 2011; Sanders, 2010; Tunnicliffe & Ueckert, 2007). Laursen et al., (2010), Salloum & Abd-El-Khalid, (2010) and Stavy & Tirosh, (2000) also highlighted the difficulties experienced by Physical Science teachers and leamers in topics such as stoichiometry, geometrical optics and electromagnetism. Hence it was deemed essential to consider Life Science and Physical science teachers as cases in this study. The study investigated the extent to which four science teachers were teaching with technology with the aim of determining their TPaCK. for promoting effective teaching and learning, Research Question The question that this study addressed was: How do teachers integrate technology, pedagogy and content (IPaCK) in Life Sciences and Physical Science classrooms? 123 Ssnlces 2021 Proceedings THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The theoretical framework for the study was the Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (Koebler & Mishra, 2008). The swift development of accessible technological tools has stimulated scholarly investigation of how Shulman’s (1987) paradigm of pedagogical content knowledge might be built upon to help describe the sort of knowledge teachers need for teaching with technology. As already indicated, the phrase “technological, pedagogical and content knowledge” (TPaCK) describes “an understanding that emerges from an interaction of content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge” (Koehler & Mishra, 2008, p. 17). Such a conceptualization emphasizes that TPaCK is more than just the combination of its parts. It is an understanding that allows teachers to engage with content, pedagogy, and technology in order to develop knowledge of how technology can help students leam specific Life Sciences and Physical Science concepts. This study was therefore, underpinned by the TPaCK model which was adopted as the theoretical framework (Koehler & Mishra, 2009). Figure 1. TPaCK framework and its knowledge components (Koehler & Mishra, 2009) TPaCK provides the complex relationship among the domains of content, pedagogy and technology-related knowledge. Although the model consists of seven components, the focus of this study was on science teachers’ TPaCK, i.e. the knowledge that manifest as a result of the integration of the three primary components namely: content (CK), pedagogy (PK) and technology (TK). I describe these components in some detail next Firstly, content knowledge refers to actual subject matter that is to be learned or taught. It includes curriculum content, facts, concepts, theories and procedures. McCrory (2008), argue that science teachers need to have sufficient knowledge of science to help students develop understandings of various science concepts. Secondly, pedagogical knowledge refers to knowledge of how students learn or construct knowledge, acquire skills and develop attitudes (learning theories), knowledge of methods of teaching and learning, classroom management, lesson planning and lesson implementation. Adequate pedagogical knowledge enables teachers to teach effectively a particular science concept to a particular group of students, (Koehler & Mishra, 2008). Thirdly, knowledge of technology includes among other things, knowledge of devices, operating systems, software programs and hardware. It also includes knowledge of how to install and remove devices and software programs as well as knowledge of how to use the devices and software programs. Lastly, technological, pedagogical content knowledge is knowledge that is a result of the interweaving of all three primary knowledge components of technology, pedagogy and content. It is not just a combination of the other forms of knowledge, but in its synthesized form represents a new paradigm of knowledge which is required for the successful pedagogical integration of ICT (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). 124 SAlced 2021 Proceedings METHOD This study is located within an interpretivist epistemological paradigm and has been designed as a multiple case study. Purposive sampling was adopted. A purposive sample of two Life- Sciences and two Physical Science Grade 11 teachers were selected. The condition was that they had to be teachers from technologically equipped schools which have smartboards installed in the classrooms. The schools selected were in Tshwane South District of Gauteng Province in South Africa since some of Gauteng’s formerly disadvantaged schools were used as pilot projects with the goal to expand to other provinces. Table 2 below shows the demographic profiling of the participants. Table 1. Demographic profiling of participants Schools Pseudonyms Gender/Age/Highest Teaching Experience of qualification Experience using ICT in /subject the classroom School Themba Male/48/PostGraduate 25 years/Life 4 years A Diploma in Education Sciences Pilani Male/32/PostGraduate 9 years/Physical 3 years Certificate in Education Science School Thando Female/42/Bachelor’s 10 years/Life 3 years B degree Science Marble Female/27/PostGraduate 2 years/Physical 2 years Certificate in Education Science The study employed two main instruments to collect data. The first instrument was the lesson observation schedule, and the second instrument was a semi-structured interview schedule. The reasoning behind using the two instruments was to triangulate the data. The lesson observations schedule captured the three components of the TPaCK model, content taught, how it was taught (PK) and ICTs used. The validation of the instruments involved consulting Life Sciences and Physical Science education experts and reviewing literature on TPaCK to check whether the questions and the aspects on the observation schedule were appropriate for addressing the research questions. A pilot study was also done with two Grade 11 teachers (one Life Sciences and one Physical Science) The lesson observation for Life Sciences were done when the two teachers were teaching ecology, which is one of the abstract topics. Physical science teachers were observed when they were teaching the topic Electricity and Magnetism, an also challenging topic. Each teacher was observed teaching a double lesson of 80minutes. The information captured in the completed observation schedules was then used to produce narratives of what had transpired during the lesson. The teachers were interviewed immediately after the lesson observation, The interview duration was about 30minutes. Ethics involves the moral issues implicit in the research work with respect to people directly involved in or affected by the project. I complied with ethical regulations by applying for ethical clearance with the relevant committee and the permission from the Gauteng Department of Basic Education and the principals to do research in the respective schools. Written consent from parents of all participating learners and the participating teachers was obtained. The participants were made aware of the right to withdraw from the study anytime and that confidentiality and anonymity were guaranteed in publishing the data, 125 ‘snc 2022 Proceedings Data analysis was deductive, where the components of TPaCK were used as codes. Analysis of observations The first data analysis step was the coding of the lesson observation narratives, focusing on technology used (TK); pedagogical strategies (PK); concepts taught and accuracy (CK). Step ‘two involved mapping of the TPaCK components as they manifested in the teaching and learning process to produce what we have called the TPaCK Component Interaction Map using ideas from Mavhunga (2020). Step three was the determination of the quality of teachers’ TPaCK. Considering that TPaCK is about the extent to which teachers transform content, by applying appropriate pedagogical strategies and technology during teaching, the level of interaction of these components was used by the authors to determine the quality of participating teachers’ TPaCK. Three descriptors were used namely basic, proficient and sophisticated according to Mavhunga (2020). The term basic was used when interaction between two components only manifested during teaching and/or when components were ‘manifesting in isolation, Proficient was used when interaction between all three components manifest two or three times and the rest of the time, components manifested in isolation. Sophisticated was used when interaction between all three components manifest more than three times with limited manifestation of isolated components. Although four narratives, one for each participant, were produced and analysed, in the section that follows, we have used observation narratives from Themba and Philani as examples to show the data analysis process. ‘Themba’s coded lesson observation narrative The classroom had a smartboard and a data projector installed. Themba was teaching a lesson on population ecology focusing on the water availability and quality to Grade 11 Life Sciences learners. Some of the learners had tablets with pre-loaded textbooks but they were not allowed to open them during the lesson. Instructions were given for them to use the Tablets for homework at home. The lesson began with a recap of the previous lesson. The recap was on the concept of human behaviour which is resulting in climate change. Themba touched on the following: carbon dioxide emissions, carbon footprint, deforestation, greenhouse effect and global warming and water quality and availability (CK, PK). Afier the recap, the lesson proceedings occurred as follows: The teacher switched on the smartboard (TK). Ile had pre-loaded the slides on the smartboard in the Grade 11 folder (TK). Tle opened the folder (TK) and started teaching by moving the slides one by one with bullet points (TK, PK, CK) whilst explaining (PK) the content (CK) and annotating (PK) thereby ‘adding more content points (CK) on the smart board (TK, PK, CK). No further use beyond slides and annotating was done. After explaining the various concepts, Themba concluded the lesson by asking learners to give examples of what influences water quality and he added to what the learners had said (PK and CK). Mapping of Themba’s TPaCK (ae Co) {L__] Components manifested in isolation \ Manifestation of Figure 2. Component interaction map for Themba 126 ‘Sniced 2021 Proceedings ‘The interaction map is showing that during Themba’s lesson, there was a lot of manifestation ‘of PK and TK components in isolation (TK, PK & CK; CK, PK) and there was manifestation, of two interacting components (CK and PK) once then interaction of all three components (TK, PK & CK) on two occasions, We therefore considered Themba’s TPaCK as proficient, Pilani’s coded lesson observation narrative Pilane taught a lesson on electromagnetism to Grade 11 Physical Science learners. The learners had the tablets with pre-loaded textbooks. He firstly revised the previous work given (PK). The learners were shouting the answers as he wrote them on the board and mostly the learners seated at the front participated (PK). The lesson proceedings occurred as follows: Pilani used the smartboard to display the powerpoint presentation (TK) and used a smart marker to write on it annotating the slides (PK, CK) which helped clarify some of the concepts like magnetic flux. A simulation video was presented showing the concept of magnetic flux (TK, PK, CK), and the majority of the learners seemed to understand. He also allowed the learners to use the smartboard to show some calculations to the rest of the class (TK, PK, CK). Pilani presented a memorandum of the previous work given but no further explanation (CK) on the given answers. During the teaching with the aid of the simulations (TK), the content ‘was well explained (PK, CK) but when it came to calculations, there were exponents mix-up {incorrect CK presented) which neither the teacher nor the learners noticed. The teacher related to real life situation using simulations (TK, PK). The teacher showed that he is aware of the importance of different pedagogical approaches by using the discussion or collaborative method (PK), including both visual and auditory learning style (TK, PK), however not much attention was given to the learners seated at the back who were seemingly distracted by their gadgets (poor PK). Technology was used to demonstrate or simulate complex ar abstract concepts (TK, PK). It was also aligned to the content taught (CK). Technology was used to support the teaching strategy which included lecture method using annotated slides (TK, PK), Simulations and learners centred by allowing the learners to discuss basing on textbooks on their tablets and some demonstrating on the smartboard (TK, PK) ‘Mapping of Pilani’s TPaCK ‘Components oem am Pam ee Tnterading Figure 3. Component interaction map for Pilani 127 Ssnlces 2021 Proceedings The component interaction map is showing three components manifesting in isolation repeatedly and on more than four occasions, there was interaction of all three components, We therefore considered Pilani’s TPaCK as sophisticated. Analysis of interviews Having determined the teachers’ quality of TPaCK, we wanted to establish the possible influence of their perspectives on their TPaCK using information from the interviews. The first step of data analysis was the transcribing of the audio interviews into text and member checking was done to increase the reliability of the data. The second step was coding of the interviews. Coding was both deductive and Inductive. It was deductive because we still focused on the various aspects of TPaCK components. It was however inductive because we also wanted to find out what their perspective was about TPaCK. Step three was categorization of codes into themes. FINDINGS Findings from the analysis of lesson observation narratives The analysis of lesson observation narratives showed that Themba’s TPaCK was at proficient level, Pilani’s TPaCK was at sophisticated level and that of Thando and Marble was at basic level. Findings from the analysis of interviews Five themes emerged namely: Access to gadgets, knowledge and confidence, view of effective teaching, approaches to resource choice and use and lastly external factors. Due to word limitations, we present below the themes that emerged using data from Themba and Pilani interviews only. As can be seen in Table 2 above, although the analysis of lesson observations had shown Themba’s TPaCK to be at proficient level, the analysis of his interview showed that his use of ICTs was routine without any pedagogical reasoning informing it. His responses showed that he was still inclined to traditional teaching methods and the ICT gadgets were only considered in cases where they provided convenience rather than a consideration of the nature of the concept to be taught: The gadgets make teaching and communication with learners easy, but learning is achieved through hands-on practicals, visuals, more homework and classwork and relating content to daily issues so the learners can relate. Themba did not seem to have an awareness or understanding that these traditional teaching and leaning approaches could be enhanced by utilising the [CT's which were at his disposal. Electricity cuts/loadshedding was also a cause for concem although it did not seem to be the reason for not fully utilising the ICTs at his disposal, 128 Snices 2021 Proceedings Table 2. Themes that emerged from the analysis of interviews zg | Avcess of Confidence and View of effective Approaches | External £2 gadgetsimpact | knowledge: use of teaching toresource | factors that 22 gadgets choice and | impact BE use teaching and a? learning Taptop, Teed more taining, Right | Leaming isachieved | Dependent | Loadshedding cellphone now all Ido is just making | through: hands-on on Big classes Scale 7 gadget | slides and play videos on | practicals, visuals, availability | not use the smartboard More homework of: electricity | manageable Teaching made | Lean’t use other features. | classwork, relating | or apparatus. | to monitor easy also need to teach content to daly issues | CAPS guide | Ieamers and Improves leamers how to operate | so the leamers can | on resources | what they do results gadgets and and to relate touse on tablets, Install acknowledge that the Use of textbooks, Use of Limited | information on | gadgets are for educational | remedial sessions, pictures | training on Z| smartboards, | purposes which I am Use smartboards to technology 2 | Chat groups | struggling to do so Thave | writ use © | with leamers | decided that no use of ‘Marks improvement in and social tablets in my elass due to | the test media indiseipline Gaps: could have done T prefer practcals to help | a practical or give them them understand but work to wateh videos practical work is limited | on ecology, water due to lack of apparatus, | availablity and quality nisbchaviour, limited resources and time limitation Tapio Yes, in using smartboard, | Leeming achieved: | Dependent | Loadshedding cellphone cellphone Simulations on on Limited Scale 8 gadget | Use smartboard and also magnetic flux, Faradays | availablity | imtemet use for learners to demonstrate | law; difficult to teach in | of: ime, | access, Teaching made | calculations on the board | abstract electricity, | Misuse of easy Use of visual simulations, | Use of visual internet, or | gadgets Smartboard | videos simulations, videos | apparatus | Gadgets the software use | Teach how to access PET; free online Relevant __, | Snapshots for | installed textbooks and | physics and chemistry | method to the % | concepts internet access simulations learning = Leamers get distracted and | Testor classwork outcomes misuse the gadgets Sometimes lecture, No apparatus, its textbook oan thooretical or installed | experiment if resources simulations allowed Gap: Could have accessed more resources already installed in smartboards but ime Unlike Themba, Pilani’s TPaCK was at sophisticated level and her choice and use of the ICT was pedagogically reasoned and aligned to the nature of the content: J used simulations to illustrate the concept of magnetic flux because it is an abstract process and difficult to understand if taught in an abstract way. Just as with Themba, electricity cuts which then disrupt internet access were a cause for concem for Pilani but this did not deter her from using the ICTs. 129 Ssnlces 2021 Proceedings Thando’s TPack was at basic level and the analysis of her interview showed that although she had access to the ICT gadgets she was still in favour of and comfortable with the traditional teaching methods. She, therefore, did not see any reason for using ICT. So just as with Themba, Thando’s reasoning maybe a reflection of a lack of understanding of how ICTs can be integrated into one’s teaching to support traditional teaching methods and promote leaning. Marble’s TPaCK was at basic level. She did not use the smart board and she indicated that this was because she didn’t know how to use it. She had not received any training as she got deployed to the school after training had been completed, She however used Power Point presentations in her lessons, but she did not provide any pedagogical reasons for using PowerPoint presentations. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS The findings presented above show that only Pilani displayed the pedagogical reasoning that aligned her application of TK to the nature of the content she was teaching thereby showing quality TPaCK. The other three teachers (Themba, Thando and Marble) not only showed limited TK but also showed no evidence that their application of TK was informed in any ‘way by the nature of the content they were teaching. From the teachers’ explanations, the limited TK. was owed to inadequate or no training in using the smartboards that were installed in their classrooms. However, the study showed that while lack of TK was a contributing factor, it was also the lack of TPaCK i.e. the ability to use ICTs in alignment with appropriate teaching strategies in the classroom (Mishra & Koehler (2006) that saw them preferring the traditional pedagogical strategies that were devoid of any ICT support. Therefore, both the teachers’ lack of TK and TPaCK compromised the effective utilisation of most of the smartboard’s functionalities. In addition to lack of TK and TPaCK, Marble also expressed her dislike of technology which contributed to her not putting much effort to learn to use the ICT gadgets. She did not see the need for switching over to smartboard use as her students were passing anyway without use of technology: I rarely use the smartboard, so the technological part of TPaCK still needs attention and it makes me nervous, but I use the projector sometimes, as for the smartboard, I ‘am still trying but there is no time. The teaching methods I use are still effective because the students pass. This dislike of technology by Marble which led to non-use of the smartboard confirms Azarfam and Jabbari’s findings (2012) that teachers’ technophobia in the classroom can prevent them from utilising the technology to its fullest. One pedagogical reasoning aspect which came through in all four interviews was that technology was helping them to save time, This was evident during lesson observations as all came to class will already pre-loaded slides on either the smartboard or the laptop. There was no time wasted writing notes as it used to be done when they were still using the chalkboard hence all teachers admitted that use of technology made their teaching easy and saved time. Heick (2020) supported this observation by stating that a teacher with TK can maximise the content taught during a lesson as more time will be spent in actual teaching and providing learners with more challenging activities. The study also showed that teachers’ TPaCK is always challenged by issues that arise when using technology in teaching. These challenging issues include malfunction of the gadgets, load shedding, which is switching off, of electricity which then requires them to always have plan B in case it happens and weak or unavailability of Wi-Fi. 130 Snices 2021 Proceedings CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This study investigated the extent to which four science teachers were teaching with technology with the aim of determining their TPaCK. The question that this study addressed was: How do teachers integrate technology, pedagogy and content (TPaCK) in Life Sciences and Physical Science classrooms? Results from this study have shown that teachers in this study integrated technology in their teaching. However, the integration was mostly done to save time and not to promote effective teaching and learning. 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