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- A patient walks into your clinic with subconjunctival ecchymosis without visualization of posterior limit.

(She also
has black eye? No nerve paresthesia. She gives h/o an Orthognathic surgery done to correct mid face deformity.
What would be the most likely procedure
a. High Lefort I
b. Quadrangular Lefort II
c. Lefort III
d. Pyramidal Lefort II

- A patient has midface deformity with deficiency in the malar and zygomatic regions. How would you correct her
condition ?
a. High level Lefort I
b. Quadrangular Lefort II
c. Lefort II
d. Lefort III

- A 58y old male presents with an ulcer that is 3×2cm in size .no palpable L.N. contrast enhanced CT reveals no
cortical perforation in the lesion no lymphatic involvement .SND 1-3 is planned. Best option to reconstruct the
b) temporalis myofacial flap**
c) full thickness skin graft
d) split thickness skin graft

- Pt with class 2 with normal chin

a- Advancement genioplasty
b- Increase orthodontically class 2 condition and maxillary setback
c- Orthodontically increase and protrude incisors to class 3
d- Mandibular advancement and reduction Genioplasty

- A pt. with class 1 molar relationship has sever retrogenia and a sever disparity in the anteroposterior relation of
her mand to maxillary relation what is the treatment plan??
a- genioplasty
b- mand advancement with genioplasty
c- lefort 1 with mand advancement for mandible**

- Ulcer in the floor of mouth in a 65 yr old. SOHND (supra omo hyoid neck dissection) ( 1 to 3) is chosen to treat
him. What are the reconstructive options that are best suited?
b. Temperomyofascial flap
c. Massetric flap
d. Radial forearm free flap (PMMC is a very bulky flap and added disadvantage of hairs as best in FOM region... temporoMF can not reach floor
of the mouth....massetric is only for retromolar reconstruction, buccal mucosa... radial forearm free flap is the best flap, studies show that 90% or more is the
success rate..also supraomohyoid neck dissection can spare some vital vessels for anastomosis later the answer is RFFF)

- As part of preoperative assessment for elective facial cosmetic surgery, photographs need to be done
a. With ring flash
b. Flash at the side of the lens
c. With overhead flood lights
d. In natural light

- Mandibular defect iliac crest graft and sternocleado muscle what is not found in this flap?
a- blood supply not well maintained
b- no importance change in shape and size
c- donor morbidity
d- have viable cell to do osteogenesis

- During BSSO (Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy) bulk of buccal bone fracture, what do you do?
a. Remove fracture part and continue
b. Complete as your plan**
c. Fix fracture part and re do after healing
d. Just fix a bone and re do after 2 year

- To get more cancellous bone during illic bone graft harvest

A. Medial and lateral cortical pedicle
B. Decapping of crest (trap door)
C. Medial cortical pedicle with muscle
D. Expand medial and lateral cortical cortex

- The reason of recurrence of ankylosis

a- Non proper physiotherapy
b- Normal due to growth
c- Trauma
d- Inadequate gap between fragment ( due to Inadequate resection of ankyloses)*

- Case come with invasive wound in the neck area what is the investigation done ?
a- angiograph
b- ct with contrast
c- ct without contrast

- Patient with mandibular defect graft by clavicale and sternocleidomastoid muscle .what not found in this flap?
a- blood supply not well maintained*
b- no importance change in shape and size
c- donor site morbidity
d- have viable cell to do osteogenesis

- TMJ capsule medial wall attached to:

a- lateral pterygoid muscle
b- glenoid fossa
c- zygomatic arch
d- sphenoid bone (may be there is other choice ( articular eminence of temporal bone)

- While doing an IVRO osteotomy of the mandible for advancement, there is an unfavorable fracture high
in the proximal segment. What is the most apt way the surgeon should proceed:
a) Change the osteotomy to the inverted L
b) Do a C osteotomy
c) Treat the pt for a condylar neck fracture
d) Abandon the procedure and do MMFtion twice

- patient undergoing hemi mandibular resection with radical neck dissection due to malignant tumor of floor of the
mouth , reconstruction is best performed using :
a- pectoralis myocutanous flap
b- temporalis flap
c- sternocleidomastoid flap
d- free microvascular fibula flap

- after finishing Bimaxillary orthognathic surgery (lefort I and bilateral sagittal split ostotomy) and make internal
fixation you see that occlusion is derranged and patient still intubated what you is the next step
a- remove maxaillary internal fixation and resume proper occlusion
b- remove mandibular fixation and resume proper occlusion
c- post operative elastic traction
d- follow up observation followed by orthodontic treatement if needed

- A 7 year old boy has come to your maxillofacial clinic with a history of congenital facial deformity. His OMENS
score is 8. What systemic examination will you send the boy to next?
a- cvs, cns, skeletal
b- cns, skeletal, cvs
c- cns, cvs, pulmonary ( CNS, CVS, PULMONARY, RENAL, GIT, this sequence u will rate the anomalies severity)*

- Iliac crest grafting – tessier approach (from the medial cortex) in detail
- During posterior iliac crest bone graft, nerve injured is
a- Lateral cutaneous
b- Lateral femoral
c- Superior cluneal
d- Lateral femoral

- Most inter positioning between bone ends is achieved by

a- lag screws
b- compression screws

- The most common nerve damaged in pre-auricular incision is: (The safe area of pre-auricular incision is 0.8 mm)
a- temporal branch of facial
b- Zygomatic branch of facial
c- Auriculo-temporal nerve of trigeminal (can be both??)


- The patient has osteoporosis due hyperparathyroid How to diagnose

a- Blood calcium
b- Parathyroid hormone
c- alkaline Phosphate

- Absolute contraindication for implant ?

a- smoking
b- liver diseases

- Which of the following is not a sign of occlusal trauma :
A. fremitus
B. gingival recession
C. widened periodontal ligament
D. tooth migration

- A 56 year old lady has a small giant cell granuloma in her mandible. She is diagnosed to be having secondary
hyperparathyroidism. What is the next step
a. Treat her tumor by enucleation and curettage
b. Excision of the parathyroid gland to conrol excess secretion of PTH
c. Treat her renal condition and supplement with Vit D and Calcium** *
d. Treat the lesion by steroid injections

- Which nerve we use for grafting facial nerve ?

we use sural nerve for IAN defect 25mm and greater auricular nerve for defect 15mm

- What is the less alveolar bone height and width to use immediat implant when sinus lifting
a- 5mm ( A minimum of 4 to 5 mm of alveolar bone)
b- 6mm **

- Which access that gives the approach to the inferior border and floor of orbit through the lateral canthus:
a. Orbital rim incision
b. Subcilliary incision
c. Transconjunctival**

- Presence of pus mean:

a- body can wall off
b- Body can’t wall off
c- Virulent organism
d- Low immunity

- Patient came to your clinic, she has osteoporosis she was afraid that it is transformed to osteonecrosis what in
the investigation you do:
A-technetium 99**
B-blood Calcium
C-parathyroid hormone
D- ctx

- Patient with anticoagulant therapy, surgeon makes sure that:

a- PT INR 1-1.5
b- PTT INR 2-2.5
c- PTT INR 1-1.5
d- PT INR 2-2.5**

- Patient finished radiation 60 g...from 6 monthes want to extract a tooth you have to inform him that:
a- Have high affinity to osteomylitis
b- Socket will not heal (delayed healing)
c- Ostitis (dry socket)
d- Osteoradio necrosis

- Rectal flap for reconstruction and it turned to bluish color , how you should assess the blood circulation is well in
the flap :
a- ct
b- electromyogram
c- Doppler
d- Stabbing it with small needle
- Pt. of HBV came to your clinic and during dental procedures have a sever Injury and bleeds alot, what is ur
1. Squeeze the wound but don’t scrub.
2. Wash the wound with water and put waterproofer plaster.
3. Assess the virulent of the pt. and refer him for infectous disease consltant.
4. Ask him to apply pressure on the wound to stop bleeding.
a. 1+2+3.
b. 1+4.**
c. 1+2+4.
d. 3+4.

- Thin mandible distal extension with tooth as abutment .type of implant ?

a- root form implant
b- Blade form implant
c- trans mandible implant
- The amount of electromyographic feedback that can be expected during facial nerve monitoring and indicate
proper facial nerve healing after paralysis due to trauma
a- 10% for 5 day monitoring
b- 10 % for 10 days monitoring **
c- 15 % for 5 days monitoring
d- 15 % for 10-14 day monitoring


- Which of the following drugs may reduce metabolism of benzocaine:

A. bisprolol
B. cemitidine
C. echothiphate
D. mafenide
E. C+D

- pt. with TB infection with positive sputum and need dental ttt what's ur choice
1- make ttt wearing mask
2- postpone ttt

- All of the following are direct vasodilators that can produce reflex tachycardia as a side effect except:
A. captopril
B. amlodiphine
C. sodium nitroprusside
D. hydralazine
E. flecainide

- The choice of local anesthesia depends on????

a. Diameter of the nerve
b. Structure of the bone
c. Number of branches
d. Type of L.A agent chemistry

- The x ray show scattered radiopaque line in the mandible jaw, the diagnosis will be:
a. Paget disease.
b. Garres syndrome
c. Fibrous dysplasia
d. Osteosarcoma

- Sodium solution:

- Best way to clean interdental areas after flap/ perio surgery

a- Floss
b- Interdental brush
c- Tooth prick
d- Water irrigation device

- What are the purposes of using occlusal splints?

A. To change the pattern and degree of tactile afferent neural impulses.
B. To immobilize teeth.
C. To produce a permanent change in the occlusion.
D. To prevent teeth from disturbing occlusal sensory input.

- The main goal of using the occlusal splint:

a- increasing vertical height
b- Relieving muscle spasm
c- Reducing TMJ load

- Pt came with 5 years old denture . Pt wear during day and night now denture become ill fitting & require new
one, first step
1- recovery therapy
2-pharmaco therapy
3- alveolo plasty
4- vestibulo plasty

- What kind of suture used under the increase clot:

1. Horizontal matter suture***
2. Vertical matter suture.
3. Interrupted suture.
4. Continuous locked suture
5. 8 shape suture***

- After patient lose consciousness in dental office, the dental surgeon is unable to accurately determine the
presence of normal breathing due to the presence of agonal gaps, which indicate that:
a- There are breathing response to hyper capnia
b- patient is not yet in cardiac arrest
c- patient has defective breathing pattern
d- CPR should be administered

- When probing sulcus depth prob end stop at

1-most coronal part of junctional epithelium
2-most apical part
3- 2/3

- Which of the following is correct about Nitrous Oxide N2O:
a- N2O has high analgesic property and low anastatic at its minimum anaesthetic dose. “Low MAC; Max Anaesthetic
b- Absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy
c- Has low blood diffusibility and result in hypoxia
d- It is good aesthetic and low MAC

- Patient have abccess in the left side of the mandibular jaw related to tooth number 6:
A-Drain abscess and extracted
b-antibiotic and extracted.
c-refere to Maxillofacial surgeon to drainage ,
d-give antibiotic for 3 days and extracted.

- You are doing operation and immediately after extubation you heared wheezes from patient chest and patient in
asthamatic he is not breathing, you give the patient bambuterol ( ‫)حسب ما اذكراسم الدواء‬but patient not respond, what
is your management:
a- Return the tube again and ventilate
b- Make CPR with compression and ventilation
c- you continue with bambuterol till the breathing come back
d- tracheostomy

- The most RG (radiographic) use to locate the impact canine buccal or lingual?
a- lateral cephalo
c- CT**
d- ultrasonic
- During inferior alveolar nerve block which of the following muscles penetrated by the needle
a- medial pterygoid
b- lateral pterygoid
c- buccinator
d- superior constrictor

- Prolonged activated partial thromboplastine with normal prothrombine time indicated deficiency of
a- factor VII
b- factor VIII (Factor 8 hemophilia most common)
c- factor X
d- factor IX

- 0.4 cm lesion found below ear lobe. The lesion is:

A. Attached to skin but movable and not attached to underlying connective tissue sebaceous cyst.
B. Attached to skin but movable and not attached to underlying connective tissue epidermoid cyst.
C. Attached to skin not movable and attached to underlying connective tissue sebaceous cyst.
D. Attached to skin not movable and attached to underlying connective tissue epidermoid cyst.

- Curettage and enucleation The question is not exactly in the same formula
a. Indicated in OKC
b. Removal of bone 5mm or 1cm
c. Treatment of Dentigerous cyst

- 24 year female with angle fracture. Surgeon decides to fix with compression plating technique. Following is true
a- Less chance of motor and sensory nerve injuries *( written in Neelima text book)
b- Will need two week IMF postoperative
c- Should be approached extraorally** ( very hard to adapt compression plating intraorally due to its stiffness and hardness)
d- Will heal by secondary intension

- Implant patient has moderate pain postoperatively; you subscribe:
a- Opioid
b- Acetaminophen 625 mg + 30 mg Codeine ******
c- Ibuprofen 400
d- Ibuprofen 200 + 60 mg Hydrocodone

- The best bone graft used in secondary alveolar cleft bone graft procedure
a- Particulated cancellous bone
b- Cortical bone
c- Corticocancellous bone
d- alloplastic bone

- The graft best for early stabilisation and functional loading in 9yr old for alveolar cleft?
a- Autogenous cancellous
b- autogenous corticocancellous
c- allogenic

- Non calcific central tumors of the jaw :

a) Are aspirated through intact mucosa
b) Are aspirated after flap resection
c) Are aspirated from the intact lesion after exposure
d) All of the above**

- Pain occurs with:

a) Osteoid osteoma
b) Osteoblastoma
c) Chondroma
d) All of the above**

- Patient having an ulcer on left buccal mucosa since 3 months, for histopathological examination, the method of
choice is
a- Incisional biopsy along with direct immunoflurosence of rupture vesicle
b-Incisional biopsy along with direct immunoflurosence of un rupture vesicle
c-Incisional biopsy with frozen section
d- Excisional biopsy with frozen

- A carcinoma of lower lip entails sacrificing 80% of the lower lip. Which is the best reconstructive option available?
a- Advancement of the lip flap based on sup labial artery
b- Rotation flap
c- Bernard ... flap / technique*
d- Releasing incision of naso-alar fold and advisement of cheek flaps bilaterally

- Post CA upper lip 80% loss. Reconstruction flap

a- Wester – bernald flap**
b- Perialar advancement flap*
c- Abbe flap
d- Radial ?

- During day care anaesthesia which of the following muscle relaxant should not be used in a patient induced using
fentanyl and is under preoperative β blockers:
1. Pancuronium
2. Rocuronium
3. Vecuronium
4. Atracurium

- Treatment of choice for postoperative cutaneous ecchymosis
1- asooration of blood
2- application of cold
3- use of topical steroids
4- none

- Palatal tori :
a) Cancer may develop on the torus ‫غلط‬
b) Stop growing when the person stop growing
c) Are hereditary
d) All of the above

- Osteoma :
a) Attached to cortical plate **
b) Radio opaque without a demarcating line
c) Commoner in females
d) Autosomal recessive
e) Gardners syndrome

- Cause pain on mastication with limit function

a- m f p with dysfunction
b- Arthritis
c- Internal derangement without displacement

- The most common cause of the angina is:

a. Stress.
b. Renal disease.
c. Arteriosclerotic plaques of the coronary vessels.
d. Hypoglycemia
e. Hypertension

- While making vertical incision for flap for mandibular third molar impaction one can injure
a- branches of facial nerve
b- buccal nerve
c- branches of facial artery and vein
d- branches of lingual nerve

What is the CT scan interval for zygomatic fracture: (OBLIQUE PARASAGITTAL VIEW FOR ORBITAL FRACTURES)
A. 0.5mm
B. 1-1.5mm*
C. 15.2.5mm
D. 2.5-3.5

- Iliac crest grafting – tessier approach(from the medial cortex) in detail

- 50 years old patient present for extraction under GA, his clinical examination is significant for a IV/VI holosystolic
murmur heart at the apical area and radiates to left axilla. The preoperative treatment should include??????:
a- Decrease intravascular vol
b- Decrease myocardial contractility
c- Increase heart rate
d- Peripheral vascular resistance

- The radiograph is shown of a tooth #10. (The crown is destroyed completely up to the level of bone with some
bone loss at the apical third)The plan is for immediate placement of implant following surgery. What is the plan for
a- Intralveolor extraction with straight forceps
b- Transalveolar extraction
c- Transalveolar extraction with elevators
d- Intraalveolar extraction using root tip forceps

- An inconsonant smile line means:-

a- Smile curve flatter than the smile line of the upper incisors
b- Smile curve flatter than the smile line of lower incisors.

- Absolute contraindication to hyperbaric oxygen

- The primary vital sign in traumatized patient

a- blood pressure
b- pulse rate
c- pulse pressure
d- respiratory rate

- The least effective vasoconstrictor:

A. Norepinephrine.
B. Epinephrine.
C. levonordeferrin
D. Octapressin/ Felypressin*

- TMJ 15 yr old patient is being intubated fiberoptically. Suddenly his pulse rate goes up and he is apneic. No
breath sounds on auscultation. Bronchoscopy reveals spasmodic vocal cords.What to do:
a- Abandon non-surgical airway and do Cricothyrotomy
b- Give positive pressure ventilation with bag mask
c- Rocuronium
d- Diazepam
e- Treacheostomy



46 d

15- A

16- A

17- A


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