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Dentogist: MCQs in Dentistry—Clinical Sciences

52. A 32-year-old female patient reported with

bilateral subcondylar fracture with anterior

open bite, the treatment would constitute:

A. IMF for 6 weeks

B. Distraction with rubber stoppers and anterior

traction followed by IMF for 4-6 weeks

C. IMF for 4 weeks

D. Distraction with rubber stoppers and posterior

traction followed by IMF for 4-6 weeks

53. While doing- circum-mandibular wiring there

are chances of injuring:

A. Facial nerve

B. Facial artery, vein

C. Epiglottis

D. Lingual nerve

54. The submandibular incision for approaching

angle fracture is placed one finger breadth

below the lower border of mandible:

A. To keep the incision line masked

B. To prevent injury to facial vessels

C. To prevent injury to marginal mandibular


D. Access becomes easy

55. If fracture angle result following extraction of

mandibular impacted 3rd molar the immediate

treatment should be:

A. IMF only

B. Bone plating (under GA)

C. Superior border transosseous wiring and


D. Transosseous wiring at the lower border and


56. In old patients, open reduction and fixation

should be done with great care to:

A. Prevent iatrogenic fracture of atrophic mandible

B. Detach minimum of periosteum

C. Prevent dislocation of condyle

D. None of the above

57. Walsham's forceps are used for:

A. Disimpaction of maxilla

B. Reduction of maxilla fractures

C. Reduction of fracture nasal bones

D. Ash septal force

58. Following are the examples of rigid fixation:

A. Lateral frontal suspension

B. Extraskeletal pin fixation

C. Bone plating

D. B and C

45. A horizontally unfavourable fracture of angle of

mandible runs from:'

A. Lingual plate anteriorly backward through

buccal plate posteriorly

B. Upper border downward and forward

C. Upper border downward and backward

D. None of the above

46. Best radiograph for fractures of middle third of

A. Submentovertex

B. Reverse Towne's view


D. Occipitomental view

47. To find if fracture of angle mandible is vertically

favourable or unfavourable the radiograph


A. PA view mandible

B. Lateral oblique 30° mandible

C. Occipitomental view

D. Lateral oblique 15° mandible

48. Submentovertex view is an ideal view for diagnosing

fracture of:

A. Zygoma

B. Zygomatic arch

C. Horizontal fracture of mandible

D. Nasoethmoid region

49. There is absolute indication for extraction of a

tooth which is present in the fracture line when

there is:

A. Longitudinal fracture of tooth involving the


B. Infected fracture line

C. Dislocation of tooth from its socket

D. All of the above

50. Gunning type splints are used when patient is:

A. Edentulous in one jaw

B. Edentulous in both jaws

C. When vertical relation is not known

/ D. All of the above

51. A 7-year old boy presented with fracture of left

subcondylar region with occlusion undisturbed,

- the treatment would be:

A. Immobilisation for 7 days

B. Immobilisation for 14 days with intermittent

active opening

C. No immobilisation with restricted mouth

opening for 10 days

D. No immobilisation and active mo

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