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Local and Genera!


1. A nerve is absolutely refractory during:

A. Depolarisation

B. After depolarisation

C. Hyperpolarisation

D. Firing level only

2. A nerve can be stimulated during relative refractory

period by:

A. Stronger than normal stimuli

B. Sustained normal stimuli

C. Subthreshold stimuli

D. None of the above

3. Local anaesthetic agents act by:

A. Increasing the rate of depolarisation

B. Shortening the rate of repolarisation

C. Decreasing the threshold potential

D. Increasing the threshold potential

4. The local anaesthetic agent acts on:

A. Nerve membrane

B. Axoplasm

C. Epineurium

D. Perineurium

5. The most acceptable theory which explains the

actions of LA:

A. Surface charge theory

B. Calcium displacement theory

C. Membrane expansion theory

D. Receptor binding theory

6. The ultimate action of binding the receptor by

LA agent is brought about by its:

A. Hydrophilic component

B. Lipophilic component

C. Intermediary chain

D. RN of amide agents

7. Amide group of local anaesthetic agents are

dispensed as salts of strong acids because:

A. They are not lipid soluble but stable in air

B. They are not water soluble but stable in air

C. They are not water soluble and unstable in air

D. They are lipid soluble but stable in air

8. In acidic medium (during pyogenic infections)

local anaesthetics are less effective because:

A. More uncharged particles are released

B. Less uncharged particles are released

C. Less charged particles are released

D. None of the above

9. Local anaesthetic agents with higher pka would


A. Shorter onset of action

B. Longer onset of action

C. No affect on onset of action

D. None of the above

10. Which characteristic of a LA agent is responsible

for its penetration into the nerve?

A. Lipid solubility

B. Water solubility

C. Its iontsation

D. None of the above

11. Addition of a vasoconstrictor to LA agents:

A. Increases alkalinity of the solution

B. Increases acidity of the solution

C. Has no effect on the pH

D. None of the above

12. Sodium bisulfite has the following affect on the

action of LA solution:

A. Slows down its onset of action

B. Decreases its duration of action

C. Increases its pH

D. Has no affect

13. Increasing the concentration of LA from 2% to

5% would have:

A. Rapid onset and prolonged action

B. Onset would not be affected but action would

be prolonged

C. No change on action

D. Rapid onset and duration not affected

14. The efficacy of benzocaine in inflamed area

would be:

A. Decreased B. Increased

C. Not altered D. Prolonged

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