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Q1: Which is the log in which data changes received from a replication master server are


a Binary Log

b Relay Log

c None

d General Query Log

e None

f Error Log

Q2: What dos the acronym CMS stands for??

a None

b None

c Content manager system

d None

e Content management system

f Common manager system

Q3: How to delete a stopped container??

a None

b $ docker rm -n <container id>

c $ docker rm <container id>

d None

e $ docker ---rm <container id>

f None

Q4: Which of the following type of variables have only two possible values either true or
The correct Answer is: None

b Booleans

c Integers

The correct Answer is: None

e Doubles

f Strings

Q5: How can we display human readable information of a variable with PHP??

a None

b To display a human-readable result we use print().

c To human-readable result we use print_r(/ln).

d None

e None

f To display a human-readable result we use print_r().

Q6: What do you mean by the custom field in WordPress??

a Custom fields are also known as post meta. Post meta is a feature in WordPress
which allows post authors to add additional information at the time writing a post.

b None

c None

d Custom fields are also known as request meta. request meta is a feature in
WordPress which allows post authors to add additional information at the time writing a

e Custom fields are also known as get meta. Get meta is a feature in WordPress
which allows get authors to add additional information at the time writing a post.

f None

Q7: How to initialize a docker swarm??

a docker init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

b None

c docker master init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

d docker swarm init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

e docker init swarm --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

f None

Q8: How to compares the current state of the cluster against the state that the cluster would
be in if the manifest was applied in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl diff -f ./my-manifest.yaml

c None

d kubectl state -f ./my-manifest.yaml

e kubectl show -f ./my-manifest.yaml

f kubectl log -f ./my-manifest.yaml

Q9: Which of the following is true for a Persistent Cookie??

a A persistent cookie is a data file capable of providing websites with user

preferences, settings and information for future visits.

b The next time you visit a particular site which you have already done it will not
recognise you and will treat you as a completely new visitor as long as it hasn't been more
than 2 days

c A persistent cookie is permanently stored in a cookie file on the browser's


d A persistent cookie is temporary stored in a cookie file on the browser's computer.

e Persistent cookies provide convenient and rapid access to familiar objects, which
enhances the user experience (UX)

f A cookie that is stored on a user's hard drive until the next login
Q10: Which of the following attribute triggers event when an element gets user Input??

a Ondata

b None

c Oninput

d Onhaschange

e Onloadeddata

f None

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