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Topic – ‘Legal age for voting and driving should be increased to

21 years’
Good morning respected teachers, esteemed judges and my
dear friends, today I Adhiraj Grover of class 7-E of DPS
Vasant Kunj will be presenting a debate in favour of the
motion, Legal age for voting and driving should be increased
to 21 years’
At the age of 18, many young individuals are still in the
midst of their formative years, navigating the transition from
adolescence to adulthood. By increasing the age requirement
to 21, we allow for more life experience, critical thinking,
and emotional development, which can lead to more
informed and responsible choices during voting. This change
ensures that voters are more likely to consider the long-term
implications of their decisions and engage in the political
process with a greater sense of responsibility.
Additionally, it contributes to improved road safety by
reducing accidents and fatalities, as individuals aged 18 to 20
are about 60% more prone to accidents due to limited driving
experience and risk-taking behaviour. Fewer accidents result
in lower healthcare costs and less property damage,
benefiting the community at large.
In the realm of politics, an increased voting age encourages
young adults to engage with politics and current events more
comprehensively, fostering active, informed citizenship
during their college years or early careers. This, in turn, leads
to a more educated and responsible electorate, resulting in
more thoughtful and impactful decisions at the ballot box.
I shall conclude by saying, increasing the voting and driving
age to 21 promotes personal growth and emotional maturity,
enhances road safety, and encourages young adults to
become better-informed and responsible citizens, ultimately
benefiting society as a whole.

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