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Paper tittle: An optimized management model of the resources embedded on an isolated water-
energy microgrid for a Ranchería.

Reviewer: Daniel Vargas Medina.

Originality: It is a good article towards a better integration between electrical and water systems
in microgrids aiming an optimal management.

Opportunity: The study case used is proper in order to generate knowledge that allows the
creation and implementation of social projects in Colombia.

Materials and Methods: How the data is obtained and variables are defined is specified clearly
and in detail. However, in Table II there is not specified which are the parameters defined and
which are the results.

Results: Additionally to the previously mentioned lack of specification in Table II, it would have
been good to show the results obtained against a conventional separate electric and water
management using graphics. This way is easy to validate and show that the integrated electric-
water system proposed is a better option compared with the conventional one.

Discussion and Conclusions: The ideas presented are consistent to the investigation done.

State of Art: The state of art review is good but is quite short.

Redaction: Some redaction corrections are presented in the next pages, but in general is important
to improve the general redaction of the article. Use more periods (.) instead of comas (,) or
semicolons (;). Avoid the repeated use of ‘Likewise’ as a connector.

Article structure: Good.

Tables y Graphics: As mentioned before, it would be good to show some graphics of the results.

Bibliography: Even if there are some recent articles, as mentioned before, the bibliography is
quite short.

Tittle y Abstract: These are properly selected.

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