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Concept of Customer Complaints ………………………………………………….4

Complaints Management objectives………………………………………………..5

Common Types of Customer Complaints………………………………………..5-6

Types of Dissatisfied Customers…………………………………………………..6-7

Consequences of Customer Dissatisfaction……………………………………...8-9




Even the best companies screw up due to the difficulty of anticipating the wishes
and expectations of each individual customer. It often happens, for example, that
most of the target group is satisfied with the offer, but some find fault with the product
or service offered. Occasional failures in production, supply or delivery cannot be
ruled out: sometimes the product or service does not reach the customer as planned.
Although these things happen, for any company it is understandable that the
customer, who has invested his money in it, is not happy. This is why establishing
an effective claims management system is so important. With it, the company
ensures that, even after a mistake, a good relationship is maintained with the
customer and that the customer is not disappointed or breaks the relationship with
the company. So, that is why is important to analyze customer complaints to find
new ways for improvement of the service or product offered increasing the trust of
the customers.



We need to understand that a claim is an order that is made as a demand, a complaint

or disagreement due to an unsatisfied demand, bad treatment, damage, etc.
Customer complaint is all annoyance that a
client gets when he acquires a product or
service in a poor way and causes a lack of
conformity with the quality received.
Dissatisfied customers feel betrayed or
disappointed by your company and their
disappointment is because you have failed to
meet their expectations.

-But it’s true that customer complaints are a lucky reality no matter what type of
business you operate. Yes, as you are reading it, it is "lucky" because thanks to that
client who tells us that he did not like it, we will be able to improve.

-Dealing with angry or upset customers can be difficult, especially if your staff never
received a standard protocol for handling complaints.

-Teaching customer service personnel how to appropriately respond to complaints

and empowering them to offer solutions will help you retain customers and improve
customer satisfaction with your services or products.


 Satisfy the customer: the management

of complaints must alleviate customer
dissatisfaction and, in the best of cases,
also strengthen their bond with the
 Guarantee quality: thanks to claims
management, customer feedback
reaches the appropriate department,
which uses it to improve the product or

Customers of all things complain, and if they are not satisfied, they have every right
to express their concerns, since they paid for a product or service. Customer
complaints can be costly, but also valuable, as negative comments can affect the
reputation of the corporate image. Getting to the cause or root of the problem
becomes more and more important. The timely resolution of problems increases
customer satisfaction and therefore reduces the threat of losing them.


3.1. Product or service with defects: This is one of the main complaints from
customers. Any service or product that we sell must be tailored to the needs of the
buyer for whom it was designed. Malfunctions or poor quality materials can lead to
complaints and a bad reputation.

3.2. Long wait for care: If the client calls the company's call center and waits too
long, being constantly from one promoter to another, it will be a cause for complaint.
It uses a Help Desk Software to give a better treatment to the user and promptness
in the solution.

3.3 The problem persists after making the first call: If the buyer contacts the
customer service center, it is to find a solution to a problem on the first call. The
consumer may not expect the issue to go away during the call, but after hanging up.

For this reason, 67% of consumers prefer to go with the competition if in the first call
they do not receive a solution.

3.4 Repetition of inconvenience: If the customer observes that the problem

persists, they will be disappointed and the company will lose a loyal user.

3.5 Inattentive customer service: staff Communication with the customer is

essential to achieve business success. Reps without empathy often make a
dissatisfied user 's mood and perception worse, so they do not contribute to company


When customers are dissatisfied with the service you're providing, they will be one
of four kinds of complainers: aggressive, expressive, passive or constructive. So how
do you identify which type of customer you are dealing with and the best way to

4.1 Aggressive complainer

The aggressive complainer is an extrovert who is controlling, practical and decisive.

To get on their wavelength, avoid small talk and get straight down to business. Give
them options so they feel they're staying in control. Aggressive complainers are most
difficult to please and are often more concerned with displaying their emotion than
actually achieving a solution.

4.2 Expressive complainer

The expressive complainer is also an extrovert but they are also more sociable and
impulsive. They will respond to an enthusiastic presentation style and need time to
talk. Go for the big picture and avoid too much detail if you want to win over an
expressive customer. Their social nature means that expressive customers are more
likely to complain openly to others, but possibly not directly to you. They may use
social media to express their dissatisfaction - which will give their complaint a public
airing. You should consider responding publicly, swiftly and positively in return.

4.3 Passive complainer

The passive complainer is an introvert. They are friendly but can be totally indecisive.
You cannot hurry this type of customer. They hate sales pressure and need
reassurance.Passive complainers are the most lethal to a business' success, as they
will complain to everyone but the actual business. Since the business is left unaware
of their error they can't correct it, and the only thing a passive complainer succeeds
in doing is depriving the company of potential business.

4.4 Constructive complainer

The constructive complainer is organised and critical. They are perfectionists who
can suffer from 'paralysis under analysis'. Give them plenty of detail and proof to win
them over. Constructive complainers are most beneficial to a business since they
are analytical and address their problem to the business in a calm, rational and
detailed manner. This means you can identify the exact cause of the problem,
making it easier to address and help you avoid future problems. Whatever type of
complainer your customer may be, it's important to deal with all complaints with the
utmost care. After all, the customer is essential to business success. Loyalty is a
direct result of customer satisfaction. A loyal customer is a returning customer. In
fact, many studies show that there is a possibility that a loyal customer will endorse
your products or services and even recommend them to his friends, colleagues and


When you have dissatisfied customers you can expect different reactions that wipe
out the costs of your company. This is because its impact is reflected in the loss of
customers, lower billing and all the costs of attracting new ones and retaining those
who are dissatisfied.

Some of these negative reactions that dissatisfied customers present and that are
an immediate threat are:

 Dissatisfied customers
 Bad reviews on social media and person-to-person: all the good things
that social networks have to gain visibility and reach in the market, they can
be bad when you have dissatisfied customers on them. Negative comments
from your customers on networks can destroy trust in your brand and have a
direct negative impact on your company's finances, as the BBC assures in a
recent publication.

 Brand reputation is damaged:

Whether through social media or
person-to-person voice-to-voice,
a brand's reputation with
dissatisfied customers ends up
being damaged. You just need
to see the negative influence
that a dissatisfied customer has
on everyone in the branch. It
seems that a negative circle is generated that affects the service in the branch
and has an impact on customers, clients and employees.

 There is difficulty in attracting new customers: Customers are the main
promoters or detractors of any company, both in offline and online channels.
Opportunities to find new affiliates to your brand depend on their opinions and
recommendations. Currently, consumers include in their decision process the
review of comments and opinions of other peers who have already had
experience with a certain company or brand investigated.

 Your customers turn to the competition: When your dissatisfied customers

can't find what they need at your branch, they must supply their needs with
the competition. In this highly competitive market, in which the prices and
characteristics of products and services are so similar, the great differentiating
factor is the attention and everything that makes up the memorable
experience that consumers demand. Just an error in customer service is what
your competition is waiting to get ahead of you. Don't let it happen!

 Your income decreases: Among the main source of income for companies
are those received from sales to their customers and consumers. Therefore,
not having a solid client portfolio is equivalent to an imminent reduction in
profitability. Having dissatisfied customers causes them to leave faster than
you think. With them the turnover of the company is lowered. Now, in the
event that they do not leave for one reason or another, they will be willing to
spend less in your company, so the income will also be affected.


Dissatisfied customers have a negative impact on the profitability and reputation of

any company. It only takes a bad experience for them to become detractors, so it is
important to know the main reasons for their dissatisfaction and work on effective
solutions. Among the aspects that most bother clients are the lack of informed help,
delays in service, rude treatment and inconsistency in service. These situations can
trigger a direct impact on the income of the business, and more so now, that with the
use of digital channels, customers show their dissatisfaction immediately and with
global reach. Therefore, it is essential to rely on service strategies and technologies
that help improve the experience.

Nothing more effective for the success of a business than to achieve the satisfaction
of its customers. The idea is that customers feel that their expectations have been
exceeded after using the products or services that your company offers them. In this
way, customers will always return to your business and recommend you. This in turn
will lead to loyalty and recommendation of the brand to others users.


ComparaSoftware. (s.f.). Obtained from

debMedia. (s.f.). Obtained from


DestinoNegocio. (s.f.). Obtained from


MarketingDonut. (s.f.). Obtained from


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