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## Héctor Rodríguez Famous Habits Review Date: April 19th, 2021

It is very interesting that time in the morning can be the greatest determinant to start a day with the best
attitude. The famous should certainly have very stressful lives due to their thousands of personal
obligations and commitments that makes it necessary to seek the most effective way to be productive
in their work and personal life. Something that is not indifferent to me as a university student.

The lack of maturity and optimism, ar one of the causes by which people like me do not seek to make
these habits that are highly recommended by experts. Undoubtedly, health plays a very important role,
since eating healthy, sleeping well and exercising regularly, will help us to resist the constant
intellectual, physical or social effort to which daily we are subjected. I believe that each person is
different, so considered oneself an early bird is practically the result of our obligations and not a great
luxury. Other people will work better at night and will have other suggestions or benefits of being a night
owl. However, the routine can help us develop the habit of taking advantage of the morning and beat
the desire to fall asleep on the bed and not get lost from profitable sunrises.

One of the problems that most of them pointed out was the management of stress. Handling it is not
something so easy and requires to pay attention to what motivate us, makes us happy, which softens
that attitude. Making meditation as Oprah shares it, can help to calm our being and connect with that
inner being. I even see it as feasible, when we feel that we want to throw ourselves from a bridge.
Looking for that moment or small space, can redirect our frustrations and raise them as challenges we
can fulfill. On the other hand, the routine of exercising early, can vitalize and activate our carcass to
amortize the working day. In addition to helping us to be healthy, reduces fatigue. Usually, I wake up
and go as Zombie. This would be good for me to wake up every day with a walking routine. Also, I loved
the habit of listening to music in the mornings, since it is one of the habits that works for me. I feel that
singing at my free time relieves my sadness or heaviness, in return my mind is cleaned with songs in
English, because it is a language that I love and also the lyrics contain melodies of piano playing or
electronica which convey positive messages. To get up early is not easy, however, I consider the tricks
of washing my face or bathing with cold water, thus I feel my body reacts and activates all my senses,
so that it makes me more alert. In fact, this habit, I already had experienced when I was studying in the
North where it used to be something natural, rather than the use of hot water. In conclusion, we must
pursue daily small goals or socialize and share more with our loved ones to help us to fight stress, low
self-esteem, sadness, discouragement and set ourselves in a full disposition positively to help us take
control on deciding what to do and how to be awaken early with only carrying out activities that fill up
with joy and enthusiasm our daily life. They’re choices that can change our lives for good 

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