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The formation of these spores is known as spore formation or sporulation.

Sporogenesis for spore formation- This is the most common method of asexual reproduction in the
majority of fungi. In this method a structure called as sporangium (plural = sporangia) is developed
from the fungal hypha. The nucleus of sporangium divides several times into many daughter nuclei.
Each daughter nucleus gathers a bit of cytoplasm all around and develops into a spore. The
sporangium dehisces after the maturation of spores liberating the spores. The spores germinate and
develop into new hypha after reaching the ground or substratum. Example - Rhizopus

Spore formation:

1. Spore Formation is an Asexual Reproduction technique.

2. Many Spores are housed in sacs known as Sporangia.
3. The plants produce hundreds of spores and the spore sac bursts.
4. These spores are dispersed into the air, where they germinate and create a new
plant under favorable conditions.
5. Sporangia bursts, producing minute single-celled, thin, or thick-walled objects
known as spores.
6. Fungi that reproduce by spore formation include Rhizopus, Mucor, Penicillium, and
Mushroom fungus.

The term sporulation is often used to mean the production of spores by bacteria
when conditions are harsh. Such spores can remain dormant until conditions are

An example of bacteria that sporulates up to about 9 endospores is Metabacterium

polyspora. In this bacteria, the cell produces spores at the poles. The spores divide
to produce more spores, elongate and develop into mature endospores.

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