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Dear Members of the Parole Board:

I Lisa Starcher am writing in regards to inmate 331456 (Robert Starcher Jr.). At this present time there
is no hearing set forth for parole. Mrs. Smiley informs me weekly the parole board is awaiting a time
sheet for him. I would like my letter taken in to consideration for a speedy parole hearing and parole
granted due to our circumstances. Our son Robert Starcher III (Trace) (Age 6 in kindergarten) has a very
rare disease called prethees. It affects 1 in every 12,000 children (more seen in males). Prethees came
into our life when He was about 2 ½ - 3 years old. Trace has fought to learn in school this year. Trace is
always worried about his daddy’s safety and well-being, as well as battling a separation issue from his
daddy. Trace has what we call good days and bad days and we never know from one day to the next if it’s
a good day or bad until we wake up. Trace unfortunately does not get a choice in picking a good day or
bad day. He wakes up and we get what faces us. A little boy full of energy and loves sports but is unable
to participate due to his illness. Imagine waking up with so much you want to do and then to realize you
cannot even get out of bed (paralyzed) or sit on the potty because you cannot bend due to severe pain.
Trace is a big boy so this make life right now very complicated with his dad being in doc custody and not
able to be home helping to lift and move Trace when Trace becomes paralyzed or unable to move
because of pain, from a flair up. We make often visits to the chiropractor (not since the incarceration). I
had to seek immediate employment and shut down our two businesses (Myself and Robert owned for
the last 2-3 years) upon the incarceration. (Robert was the one to bid the jobs, get a material list, and
start the guys in the right direction, I had to let it all go due to this situation) I had to Start a new job, I
have not wanted to miss much work due to bills would fall behind, this leads to Trace missing his
chiropractor visits. (New employee! no time built up and taken off 3 times a week is not something a
business cares to deal with, you have to be dependable to keep a good job that will carry your bills
weekly.) So, this effects my son's health in many ways. You will find copies of Trace’s x-rays along with our
business licenses enclosed with this letter.(Proof because I am not a pity party or making things up or
lying to get past anything). Upon his incarceration we did have to close down our two businesses B & T
automotive and T & B Tractor ser. and construction until Robert can come home to resume business as
is. Robert focused on helping the less fortunate people that are in need of vehicle care and care with
their homes, acreage, driveways, so much he done, due to the lack of funds does not mean anyone
person should have to go without. So, our goal was to make sure everyone could fix their life accordingly
at a low budgeted cost. Robert has done many homes threw a help center called Ecumenical
Ministeries. We did not do hundred-thousand-dollar jobs we done low-cost jobs affordable for the
elderly, disabled, and young struggling families. Robert was a huge blessing to many people and families
in our area. Robert made us a great living and was able to help with our son as needed when he had bad
days. I have herniated disk (l3,l4,l5,s1) and deterioration along with a nerve issue in my lower back. This
makes it very hard or impossible to lift Trace when he has a bad day because it strains my back and puts
me down a couple days if I am able to even lift him. I have recently had left knee surgery complete acl
reconstruction and meniscus myomectomy. My knee is not back to normal as I had to give up therapy to
find a job and go to work, in order to keep me and our son financially stable. This has been a huge
hardship on both myself and our son. The only reason Robert agreed to anything was because we were
lied to the date of court. The Da and probation officer told us if he plead guilty, he would be back home
before Christmas of 2022 and the way it would work is process threw Kilby and most likely sent to a work
release until he went home around December. That has defiantly not been the case. The doc has not had
him even classified correctly so this has been the absolute worst nightmare ever. I am to the point I don’t
know the truth from a lie anymore with the doc. He is currently held in Stanton prison treated so
inhumane, and the lies just continue along with his race being white is a huge issue with most guards
that are of a different race. (This should not even be able to be wrote because this should not be an issue
from guards) I am writing in hope that this would please get reviewed and read. However, I am unsure of
the faith I have in the system at this time on doing the right things. It’s a long shot But I do hope and pray
someone somewhere could understand the trials and obstacles myself and this little 6-year-old boy face
daily. Upon having understanding then you would understand why I write to you today on Robert’s
behalf as well as myself and my son (Trace) to ask that a parole date be given and parole granted for Mr.
Robert Starcher inmate 331456. Myself and my son need him as well as our employees we (have/had)
to return to work, our community needs him back at work for their sake of not getting robbed by big
price gouging contractors and auto shops. (We have jobs that need finishing, the customers are very
understanding of the situation and waiting on his return. We have returning customers needing more
work, willing to wait on him to return home) There is a huge demand for the release of my husband
Robert Allen Starcher Jr. (inmate 331456) You as an individual would not know this without knowing my
husband. He has not deserved the treatment he has received. (Recap: the lies from aldoc, lies from the
county DA and probation officer, the race issues in the aldoc system, the fact another inmate tried to rob
him upon arrival and it was overlooked, the fact he should have never been at a medium facility because
someone failed to do the proper work on his classification, and then lied to cover it up wanting new
paperwork, some of the food in these facilities is not for human consumption he is feed, all the drugs
allowed around him to become a junkie inside the walls of a prison. The mental status from watching all
the deaths by illegal drug use in this prison. The fact he has a support group and a very loving family that
truly needs him and his help in so many ways along with our community.) The sooner he is released the
safer he will be. I now live daily in fear that something bad will happen to my husband and my son’s dad
because of the neglect and the race issues inside the prison from officials, I never know if he will live
throughout the night or if I will receive a call about something happening to him. Then the worry about
what happens in the long run health wise because of the food with the warning labels on them he is
forced to eat or do without. We none know the long-term effect. I do not feel his life matters in there to
anyone. I do apologize for a lengthy letter. I am not even sure it will be reviewed or just tossed in a folder
and never looked at. Myself and my son (trace) just truly and desperately need my husband his dad
Robert Starcher Jr. Home.
Thank you all for the time and consideration,

Lisa Starcher
24764 Powell rd.
Loxley, Al. 36551

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