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MTIN 105

(A) Python for IoT (Py IoT)

Data Aggregation, Group Operations, Time series & Web Scrapping ,GoupBy Mechanics – Data
Aggregation – GroupWise Operations and Transformations – Pivot Tables and Cross Tabulations –
Date and Time Date Type tools – Time Series Basics – Data Ranges, Frequencies and Shifting. Data
Acquisition by Scraping web applications –Submitting a form - Fetching web pages – Downloading web
pages through form submission – CSS Selectors.

What is data aggregation?

Data aggregation is the process of gathering data and presenting it in a summarized format. The data
may be gathered from multiple data sources with the intent of combining these data sources into
a summary for data analysis. This is a crucial step, since the accuracy of insights from data analysis
depends heavily on the amount and quality of data used. It is important to gather high-quality accurate
data and a large enough amount to create relevant results. Data aggregation is useful for everything from
finance or business strategy decisions to product, pricing, operations, and marketing strategies.

Examples of Data Aggregation

Companies often collect data from their online customers and website visitors. For example, I am using
Google analytics to see where my users are from? What kind of content they like etc.

For example,

Google collects data in the form of cookies to show targeted advertisements to its users.

Facebook is doing the same thing by collecting and analyzing the information and show ads to its users.

The aggregate data would combine statistics on customer demographics and behavior metrics, such as
average age or number of transactions.

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