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Canonical form

1. Classify the following PDEs. Find the characteristic curve and trans-
form into canonical form.

(a) 4uxx + 8uxy + 5uyy + 2ux + 7uy + u = f (y), u := u(x, y)

(b) 9uxx + 12uxy + 4uyy + ux + 3uy + 10u − f (4y − 2x) = 0

(c) uxx − 8uxy + 15uyy + 7ux + 11uy + 20u = f (2y + 8x).

7. Uniqueness Result

1. Show that each of the following problem has a unique solution:

−∆u = f (x), u := u(x), x ∈ Ω ⊂ Rn
with Robinson boundary condition
αu + = g, x ∈ ∂Ω,
here ∂Ω is the piecewise smooth boundary, ν is the outward normal
and α is a positive constant.

−∆u + u = f (x), x ∈ Ω ⊂ Rn ,
with Neumann boundary condition
= g(x), x ∈ ∂Ω.

ut − ∆u = f (x, t), u := u(x, t), x ∈ Ω ⊂ Rn , t ∈ [0, T ],

with Robinson boundary condition

αu + = g, α > 0, x ∈ ∂Ω, t ≥ 0,
and initial condition: u(x, 0) = u0 (x), x ∈ Ω.


utt − ∇ · a(x)∇u = f (x, t), a(x) > 0, x ∈ Ω ⊂ Rn , t ∈ [0, T ],

with Robins boundary condition

αu + a(x) = 0, x ∈ ∂Ω,
and Initial conditions

u(x, 0) = 0, ut (x, 0) = u1 ∀ x ∈ Ω.

Here ∂Ω is the piecewise smooth boundary, ν is the outward normal,

a(x) ≥ β > 0 and α is a positive constant.

2. For the heat equation

ut − ∇ · a(x)∇u = 0, x ∈ Ω ⊂ Rn , t > 0,

with homogeneous boundary condition: u(x, t) = 0, x ∈ ∂Ω, t ≥ 0

and with initialR condition u(x, 0) = u0 (x), x ∈ Ω, show that the en-
ergy E(t) := 21 Ω |u(x, t)|2 dx is monotonically decreasing and satisfies
E(t) ≤ E(0), t > 0.

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