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Jhona Eullaran

1999 - 2024
Family is the first school in a person’s life, family
values, traditions, and the first love of your life. In
a family, connection is essential when you have a
problem your family must be the first one to
know. Family is where you find your happiness.
For many, family comes first in their career.
Almost every person on the planet has a family
structure. A family comprises individuals who are
supportive of one another and have the same
blood. Family is the one group of individuals who
will always be there, no matter what happens in
life. Family is significant because they support
one another in difficult times and are
dependable. I would like to share my little
vocation in the family, as an older
sister I am assigned to some chores
like washing dishes, washing the
clothes when I have time, cook dinner
if I have also time since I sometime
go home late at night or cook some
breakfast for everyone. Sometimes
when there is no class I will help my
mom in our little sari-sari store or buy
some goods to sell. This photo was
taken last April 2023, me and
Dorothy went together to help my
Mom bought things needed in the
Together with my family we
sometimes spent together as one by
traveling to different places with
beautiful scenery. In this way, I can
show them that even though we are
busy with our work and studies, we
can still make time and bond. We
should not always spend time with
our friends and unnecessary stuffs
but also lend our time with our
family, it also a gesture that you
love and care for them. I also show my love and care for
them by buying gifts on their
birthdays, and anniversaries. Just like
last May 2023 I bought two gifts,
one for my brother and one for my
parents Silver wedding anniversary.

As an older sister I sometimes take care by

cooking food either breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Just like this picture it is me and my Mom
cooking together for dinner since my Dad is
not around at that time, my brother also
finished eating, and my lola who is also done
eating which leaves us two who did not eat our
dinner. This gesture means that even though it
is small you can always express your love and
care for them.

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