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Common issues

- This/these/that/those
- Pronunciation
- 3rd person singular present tense: Use an "s"
- Transitional words and phrases
- Idiomatic expressions: Dough, crystal clear, dirt poor, a cup of tea
- Interaction
- Varied vocabulary
- Relative clauses: That/who (implies person in general)/which (implies choice)
- Creatures (synonym for Animals)
- Allegory (prononciation)


- Language: Vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, complex grammar

- Literary extract: Make effective use of the extract. Observations and opinions are
effectively developed and supported with reference to the extract
- Conversation: Responses completely appropriated and developed. Responses are
relevant and broad in depth (personal interpretations & attempt engage interlocutor)
- Communication: Responses that demonstrate comprehension. Participation is
sustained with independent contributions



- Unfortunately/fortunately
- As a result/consequently
- Additionally/also/furthermore/moreover

English expressions

- Well
- I guess
- Oh
- Probably
- I think so
- I agree/I disagree
- That's an interesting point
- I would tend to agree
- I hadn't thought of that before
- I see what you mean/you are saying/I see where you're coming from
- I am on the same page as you
- Arguably
- It's debatable whether
- Equally important is how …
- Also, I would like to add this in (something relevant for me and for Animal Farm)
- Conclusion/Summary


- One one hand … On the other hand … (compare opposite viewpoints)

- It is crystal clear that
- Cup of tea (what someone likes)
- Dough (money)
- End in tears (unhappy or unpleasant outcome)
- Taking into account
- Feel the pinch (be poor)
- A hard pillow to swallow (something difficult to accept)
- On a separate note (talk about a completely different thing)
- Turns out (result in ..)
- Caught flat-footed (caught unprepared, taken by surprise)
- Touch a nerve (provoked a reaction by referring to a sensitive topic)
- Kick the bucket (to die)

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