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Saadallah, Dima 990926-xxxx

FOA323 Business research method

Mälardalen University, VT-2023

How do cultural diversity in a foreign

environment shape students' academic
journeys and personal development?

Cultural diversity in foreign environments influences both academic and personal aspects for
students studying internationally. Cultural diversity in this context refers to the wide range of
disparities that students encounter during the academic journey as it includes social,
academical , and personal perspectives and experience. The study aims to examine the
effects of this exposure on students' capacity for adaptability, problem-solving, and analytical
thinking. The study also looks at how students' interactions with instructors, interest in the
course materials, and the general academic performance could be impacted by cultural
diversity. In foreign environment ,students are challenged to reevaluate their own values and
ideas as a result of being exposed to a variety of perspectives, enabling personal development
as well as qualities that are extremely desirable in a society that is becoming globalized.
This study will be based on qualitative research as it provides interviews as an approach to
provide researchers to acquire comprehensive participant-focused insights, creating a deeper
and more complex comprehension of this significant subject. This reserch will provide
aspects and perspectives of this phenomena and to offer useful insights for educators,
organizations, and policymakers looking to develop inclusive, culturally enriching
educational settings for international students abroad.

-’’How do cultural diversity in a foreign environment shape students' academic journeys and
personal development?’’

2. Literature review:

The term "cultural diversity" describes the coexistence of numerous cultural groups and their
behaviors, opinions, habits, languages, and norms within a society or community. It is a
fundamental feature of human society and can be seen at the international, governmental, or
personal levels, (Desmet et al. 2017). In the academic context, students must navigate
cultural, economical, and language barriers while adjusting to an environment that is
frequently defined by dominant society's cultural norms and practices. Along with the
challenges of adaptation, such as the language barriers, exposure to different perspectives and
the personal growth aspect (Schachner et al., 2016). It is widely acknowledged for
possessing unique organizational cultures that set out the expected norms for how the
academic community should function and act. Cultural practices are ingrained in institutional
regulations, activities, and facilities despite the fact that distinctions in academic societies can
be difficult to discern and differ from institutions to another. Through international
educational initiatives educators have emphasized the significance of comprehending

academic culture (Schachner et al., 2016). Understanding how to approach this variety in a
way that enables international students to feel included and perform well is essential as
institutions become increasingly culturally diverse. Schachner et al. (2019) argues that
Students from different backgrounds do less well academically than their majority
counterparts. In this context, the term "educational environment" refers to the multifaceted
build that encompasses nearly each component of the educational experience, involving the
standard of education provided, interpersonal interactions and the institutional and
fundamental characteristics of the institution environment.
However, Positive interactions between groups in educational settings assists international
students to adapt easier and might as well assist students achieve their goals and feel satisfied
within their academic journey (Schachner et al. 2019). The multicultural student base that
fills the university's facilities has different standards for how they will be treated by faculty
and staff and how they will feel as part of the university community (Owusu-Agyeman, Y.
2021). If not satisfied by institutional support mechanisms, this sense of belonging in an
international setting may negatively impact students' ability to adapt, remain enrolled, and
succeed, affecting the academic journey as well as the personal development being limited.
Owusu-Agyeman, Y. (2021) argues that a lack of diversity might foster a hostile environment
and a sense of exclusion, even though diversity is necessary for individuals from various
sociocultural backgrounds to live in harmony.

3. Method:

The qualitative research method is used to examine the experiences of previous students
studying in a foreign enviroment . Due to its capacity to thoroughly examine and comprehend
cultural diversity that influences students in the academic and personal context. Purposive
sampling, which includes choosing sample members based on certain characteristics of
respondents, was employed to collect qualitative data (Hox, 2005).
The respondents were approached based on their experiences and were selected from
personal contacts. Three participants were deliberately chosen from the demographic of
university students aged 20 to 25, with the specific criterion of having personal experience
living in a foreign environment with a relation to both academic and personal factors. The
respondent possesses a foreign descent while maintaining fluency in English.

Given the limited scope of this study, a concise set of five questions was formulated with a
duration of approximately 20-25 minutes for each interview including small pauses. These
questions, while centered on the same overarching topic, encompassed distinct dimensions.
This approach was adopted to garner diverse perspectives on the research question. Each
question offered unique insights, delving into areas such as personal experiences, challenges,
advantages, cultural diversity viewpoints, and recommendations. This multifaceted approach
was employed to provide a comprehensive and nuanced portrayal of the research study.
The respondents' identities will be anonymized to ensure the protection of their personal
privacy. This measure fosters a sense of confidence and facilitates open and candid

discussions about their experiences and perspectives (Schröder & Schmiedeberg, 2020). The
Respondents gave consent for the interview to be recorded in audio form, while a transcript
was made from these recordings. Capturing the interview audio enabled the authors to review
the recording meticulously and rectify any overlooked details. Conducting interviews with
those selected students was intended to obtain insights that could be contrasted and applied to
the researched topic. This particular type of data is useful for giving in-depth explanations
and a deeper comprehension of social, behavioral, and experiential components of a research
(Saunders et al. 2012). The interviews are semi structured, indicating that The queries have
been developed by utilizing a set of topics and important questions connected to the themes
(Saunders et al. 2012). The geographical location had to be considered by the author, due to
the time limitation and restricted schedule, when planning the interview preparations. This
diversity in geographical locations enabled the inclusion of perspectives from abroad
(Krouwel et al., 2019). To ensure convenience for all participants, the researchers conducted
three interviews, with two of them taking place online through platforms such as Zoom and
Skype. However, one interview was conducted face to face allowing the interviewer's
understanding of what is being said and expected to increase the ability to interpret
non-verbal cues by analyzing body language, facial expressions, and eye contact (Saunders et
al., 2012).

The interviews were conducted impartially to reduce the potential for bias and distortion of
responses. The primary criteria for assessing interview quality from this standpoint include
traditional standards of objectivity, reliability, consistency, and validity (Welch & Piekkari,
2006). The author constructed a table, In order to arrange and demonstrate the data in a
systematic manner, which made it simpler to evaluate and derive insights for the research
(See table 1).

table 1: interview Démonstration.

4. Discussion of data:
All three respondents mentioned that their experiences in culturally diverse educational
settings had a positive impact on their personal growth. As they became more independent,
confident, and open-minded as a result of studying abroad. However, each respondent
acknowledged that there were challenges associated with cultural differences as they
mentioned language barriers and differences in educational systems as common challenges
when studying in foreign environments. Schachner et al.,(2016) research consists of this
insight as the students are often required to navigate through cultural, economic, and
linguistic hurdles as they adapt to their surroundings.

R1 and R2 specifically mentioned experiencing language barriers and adaptation processes

during their time abroad. As R1 emphasized learning the local language, R2 encouraged
embracing differences and adapting, and R3 advised researching cultural differences and
being prepared which the other two respondents agreed with. They all stressed the importance
of preparation before embarking on an academic journey in a foreign country. Whether it was
researching cultural differences or being informed about the destination, they recognized that
preparation is essential.
R1 and R2 discussed differences in educational systems, with R2 noting that the educational
system was stricter and attendance-focused. R3 also mentioned differences but did not
specify them as a significant challenge. The three respondents encouraged other students to
take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad. They viewed it as a chance to broaden
horizons and ambitions and to experience new cultures. However, R3 highlighted the
importance of support and information from the home university, which was not a significant
point in the responses of R1 and R2. R1 as R3 touched on the importance of preserving one's
cultural identity while adapting to a new environment. Owusu-Agyeman, Y. (2021) stated
that the absence of adequate institutional support mechanisms, have adverse effects on
students' capacity to acclimate, persist in their studies, and attain success, which is aligned
with the statements of the repsondent. .

In summary, the similarities revolve around the positive personal growth impact of studying
in diverse environments, the challenges posed by cultural differences, and the importance of
preparation. The differences lie in the specific challenges faced, the emphasis on home
university support, preservation of cultural identity, and the nature of recommendations given
to future students.

4.1 Discussion of other methods:

Given the small-scale nature of the research study, it is imperative to align the research
method with the research goals and the requisite data to foster a meaningful study.
Furthermore, the limitations posed by time constraints and participant availability may be
accentuated in such a confined scope of research (Saunders et al. 2012). For a more

comprehensive exploration of a research topic, I would consider employing case studies as it
proves highly beneficial when there is a need to delve deeply into a particular phenomenon,
process, or circumstance.A thoughtfully selected case studies can aid students in attaining
proficiency (Flyvbjerg, 2006). The research could encompass in-depth case studies exploring
students' perspectives on living abroad, focusing on different countries. This approach
recognizes that while the educational systems in various European nations may share some
similarities, there could be nuanced differences worth investigating.

In relation to case studies I would consider focus groups as a beneficial method as it allows
examining a variety of perspectives, gathering observations and collecting further data about
participants' fundamental views and purposes (Saunders 2012). In line with this research
focus groups would be a great way to gather different observations as it allows a broader
understanding of a topic from different people experiencing what could be defined similar or
different based on the geographical location.

4.2 Discussion of own experience:

While acknowledging the time constraints within the scope of this study, it is worth noting
that conducting interviews under such limitations has provided me with valuable insights into
my ability to manage stress and extract optimal results. I find this quality particularly
gratifying as it equips me with a skillset essential for navigating similar situations that may
arise in future professional settings. Confidence has emerged as another significant facet of
my learning from this study. I have realized the importance of maintaining confidence when
engaging with interview subjects and establishing rapport to elicit engaging and credible
responses. Personally, I tend to favor face-to-face interviews as I sometimes struggle with
online platforms, which can induce nervousness during virtual meetings. However, I
recognize the need to overcome this challenge when participating in research of this nature.
To enhance future research endeavors, I believe that expanding the scope of interviews to
encompass more intricate and compelling topics would be beneficial. This would not only
contribute to a richer dataset but also further hone my interviewing skills and research

5. Conclusion:
In summary, this study sheds light on the multifaceted influence of cultural diversity on
students' academic journeys and personal development. It underscores the need for adequate
preparation and support mechanisms to help students navigate the challenges and maximize
the benefits of studying in foreign environments. Ultimately, embracing cultural diversity
contributes to the holistic development of students and prepares them for an increasingly
interconnected global society. ‘"How do cultural diversity in a foreign environment shape
students' academic journeys and personal development?" "How do cultural diversity in a
foreign environment shape students' academic journeys and personal development?" It
becomes evident that cultural diversity in foreign environments fosters positive growth,
enabling students to amass valuable experiences and conquer challenges through adaptation
and acceptance.

Desmet, K., Ortuño-Ortín, I., & Wacziarg, R. (2017b). Culture, ethnicity, and diversity. The
American Economic Review, 107(9), 2479–2513.

Flyvbjerg, B. (2006). Five misunderstandings about Case-Study research. Qualitative Inquiry,

12(2), 219–245.

Hox, J. J., & Boeije, H. (2005). Data Collection, Primary vs. Secondary. Elsevier eBooks,
1(1), 593–599.

Krouwel, M., Jolly, K., & Greenfield, S. (2019b). Comparing Skype (video calling) and
in-person qualitative interview modes in a study of people with irritable bowel syndrome – an
exploratory comparative analysis. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19(1).

Owusu-Agyeman, Y. (2021). The relationship between supportive campus environment and

cultural diversity in enhancing students’ sense of belonging in higher education. Journal for
Multicultural Education, 15(4), 429–444.

Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2012). Research methods for business students.
Financial Times/Prentice Hall.

Schachner, M. K., Noack, P., Van De Vijver, F. J. R., & Eckstein, K. (2016b). Cultural
Diversity Climate and Psychological Adjustment at School-Equality and Inclusion versus
Cultural Pluralism. Child Development, 87(4), 1175–1191.

Schröder, J., & Schmiedeberg, C. (2020). Effects of partner presence during the interview on
survey responses: the example of questions concerning the division of household labor.
Sociological Methods & Research, 52(2), 933–955. .

Welch, C., & Piekkari, R. (2006). Crossing language boundaries: Qualitative interviewing in
international business. Management International Review, 46(4), 417–437.


1- How do you believe that cultural differences can influence a student's approach to
education and learning in a foreign country?

2.What challenges have you encountered as a student in a culturally diverse educational

setting, and how have you overcome them to achieve your academic goals?

3.Have you observed any advantages or opportunities that arise from cultural diversity in
your educational environment? How have these experiences contributed to your personal and
academic development?

4. How do you balance preserving your own cultural identity while adapting to a new cultural
environment in the context of your academic and personal growth?

5. Have you noticed any similarities or commonalities among students from different cultural
backgrounds in terms of how they adapt and grow in a foreign academic setting?

6. How can educators and institutions better support students from diverse cultural
backgrounds in their academic journeys and personal growth?

7.What advice would you give to other students who are about to embark on their academic
journey in a foreign environment? How can they navigate and make the most of the cultural
differences they will encounter?

Interview 1

D= Dima
R1= Respondent 1

D: As a clarification, I Am a student enrolled in the Master's program in International

Marketing at Mälardalen University. I am conducting research to comprehend how cultural
diversity in foreign environments shapes students' academic journeys and personal
development. This study aims to explore the experiences of international students like myself
who navigate the challenges and opportunities of studying in a culturally diverse
environment. Your participation in this interview is greatly appreciated, as it will contribute
to our knowledge and provide valuable information for educational institutions and students.
Thank you for being a part of this research. (pause)

D:I would also like to inform you that the answers of the questions will remain anonymous, and any
personal information that could identify you will be removed or changed before files are shared with
the teacher and the other students of the course. Lastly I would like to ask for your consent to record
the interview as an audio in order to transcript it.

R1: Of Course you can record it, lucky it's an audio because otherwise i need to get changed
to be nice (laugh). But, I'm glad to contribute to this research and hope to fulfill all the
questions needed with my experience. And thank you Dima for choosing me.

D: Thank you R1. I really appreciate it. If there is anything that needs clarification or if you
need pause, feel free to do so anytime. Now, starting with the first question: How do you
believe that cultural differences can influence a student's approach to education and learning
in a foreign country?

R1- Yes, for sure, (short thinking pause). Well believe that culture can play a role when it comes to a
quicker adaptation to a local environment. At the same time it is up to every individual to have the
ability and the will to adapt as quickly as possible to a new environment and be able to implement the
study techniques that work best, with slight reforms to fit into a different environment.

D: Okay , so What challenges and advantages have you personally experienced in a culturally
diverse educational setting, and how have these experiences impacted your academic and
personal growth?

R1: Well maybe I should clarify that I Am originally Greek but moved to Sweden for educational
purposes a few years ago. During that period I had the opportunity to study abroad for a semester,
which I definitely did. ( giggles) My decision to study abroad in France was probably the best one I
could have made when it comes to personal growth and overcoming struggles (short thinking pause).
Although the south of France and Greece have many similarities, especially when it comes to the
general lack of coherence, there were some challenges that I had to overcome (water pause) .
Academically the level compared to my home university was generally higher, language barriers and
different procedures presented an extra challenge to the adaptation part. In general however, I would
not say that I faced any true difficulties during my study abroad. The most advantage in my personal
opinion was the part of me adding it on the resume (Laughter), Jokes to the side, this opportunity was
a blessing for my educational development as well as for my personal development. (pause) You see, I
have a shy nature but I could definitely claim that the experience of being independent made me grow
out of my bubble and become more confidenet.

D: Wow, that's interesting and I really love Greece and your culture is truly amazing. However, I'm
glad that the experience had a positive impact to help you overcome shyness. .How do you balance
preserving your own cultural identity while adapting to a new cultural environment in the
context of your academic and personal growth?

R1: Thank you Dima, you should come visit someday, the weather here is amazing and the food is
delicious. (pause) to answer your question, simply try to be yourself while at the same time respecting
the local abode. If you are a communicative person, you will find that eventually preserving your own
culture is largely appreciated as long as you don’t try to enforce your habits over the rest. Being an
ambassador for your culture in a positive way is really fun for everyone.

D: I totally agree! In your personal opinion: How can educators and institutions better support
students from diverse cultural backgrounds in their academic journeys and personal growth?

R1: Well, Simply by respecting any difficulties in adaptation that the student may have. Being close to
them and making them feel part of the place that they currently study. However, from a personal
perspective the support could be limited to practical issues (e.g. exams, deadline, attendance ). That
way the “magic” of trying to fit in a new place and the potential for personal growth is slightly lost.

D: Good points, now for the last question: What advice would you give to other students who are
about to embark on their academic journey in a foreign environment? How can they navigate
and make the most of the cultural differences they will encounter?

R1: I could go on all day, I really enjoyed the interview questions so far. (Laughter). I would say do it
without a second thought. Studying abroad, while being young without so much responsibility except

your academic progress, is a great chance to experience new places, new environments and face
difficulties that will grow you. (short pause). Cultural differences are always overcome by
communicating with locals, befriending them, being part of their life and them being part of yours. It
is the easiest way to find out what you can improve in order to adapt and what you can contribute to
the locals. If possible, try to learn the local language, especially in places in southern europe as you
will find that it unlocks many doors and can attract more help if needed.

D: Thank you for your amazing participation and for being so kind with the details. If there are any
second thoughts about anything that you in afterhand would like me to remove or maybe add on,
please feel more than free to let me know. Thank you once again and good luck with work.

R1: For sure Dima, I hope everything goes well and update me once you finish the research paper. I
would love to see what results you gained.

Interview 2

D= Dima
R2= Respondent 2

D: As a clarification, I Am a student enrolled in the Master's program in International

Marketing at Mälardalen University. I am conducting research to comprehend how cultural
diversity in foreign environments shapes students' academic journeys and personal
development. This study aims to explore the experiences of international students like myself
who navigate the challenges and opportunities of studying in a culturally diverse
environment. Your participation in this interview is greatly appreciated, as it will contribute
to our knowledge and provide valuable information for educational institutions and students.
Thank you for being a part of this research. (pause)

D:I would also like to inform you that the answers of the questions will remain anonymous, and any
personal information that could identify you will be removed or changed before files are shared with
the teacher and the other students of the course. Lastly I would like to ask for your consent to record
the interview as an audio in order to transcript it.

R2: Thank you for letting me participate Dima and im happy to help out. Yes you can record an audio.

D: Thank you R2, if there are any thoughts or questions you want to ask, please feel free to do so and
if you need any pause let me know. So, starting with the first question: How do you believe that
cultural differences can influence a student's approach to education and learning in a foreign

R2: Okay! (short thinking pause) I would say that the way a student approaches education
and learning in a foreign nation can be influenced by cultural differences for sure. I
personally believe that factors such as language, economy and adaptation may have an impact
on a student's attitudes, habits, and expectations throughout their school career. Students from
different backgrounds could find it difficult to adjust to a new instructional style if it differs
from what they are used to when they move to a foreign environment.

D: Interesting, however you mentioned economy could you elaborate on that please?

R2: Yes, well countries have different lifestyles and economic systems. For example here in
Sweden it appears to be more expensive than other countries which can make the living

environment in that culture different especially if you are a student with a limited budget, but
that wouldn't necessarily affect the educational development but more the personal
development in order to be more independent and take care of the weekly or monthly budget
you have .

D: I see, Well for sure! As a student myself I could agree on that. However, could you
describe what challenges and advantages have you personally experienced in a culturally
diverse educational setting, and how have these experiences impacted your academic and
personal growth?

R2: I can start off by saying that I was an exchange student for a semester, where I studied in
Germany. From my own personal experience, I could definitely say that the Swedish
educational system for example is more hard and complicated, since education is more of
your own respinsibility and attending university or contributing to lectures is something you
have to choose yourself. (thinking pause) However in Germany the educational system
reminded me more of an highschool type of system, where you could fail by not attending the
lectures daily as well as having homework once or twice a week which shocked me since the
university system in sweden does not require you to attend daily but do recommend the
attendance when lectures are presented. (laugh). In my opinion that was challenging since I'm
not used to this and had a hard time adjusting to ‘’follow the obligations’’ of the attendance.
However, the advantage is experiencing the different culture of education in Germany that I
appreciated since it gave me a different type of educational routine and motivation. (thinking
pause). Another advantage was me having broader insight into my future and opened the
door for me to explore and learn about other countries than Sweden which is for me a great
personal achievement and development since I was too afraid to open up to the idea of me
leaving Sweden. Today I'm more than willing to work abroad and use the knowledge I gained
from my experinece. (paus). You know Dima, to be honest with you what I'm mostly happy
about is that this experience is a great deal for my resume (Laughter), who wouldn't like to
brag about studying abroad (laughter).

D: Thank you for being detailed, this helps me a lot to gather the information needed. And I
could say the other participant would agree with you about having this experience in the
resume (laughter). Moving on to the next question; How do you balance preserving your own
cultural identity while adapting to a new cultural environment in the context of your
academic and personal growth?

R2: (Laughter) You see im no the only one here. (thinking pause). I might have forgotten to
mention that, but as you can guess I'm not originally swedish. I was born in the South of
Africa and moved here when I was 9 years old. So I could easily say that I was and still am
mentally prepared for cultural diversity, I grew up and understood that people came with
different understandings, beliefs and cultures. I have battled with identity crises when I was
younger, I felt like I belonged nowhere. To make it easier to understand, I felt more Swedish
in Africa and more African in sweden. As for the educational aspect, the african schooling
system was very strict and harsh compared to the european for exampel.

D: Oh, could you please elaborate what you mean by strict and harsh?

R2: Sure, So I was young at that time but I still have a memory of a teacher punishing me by
hitting me with a ruler on the fingers for not understanding the homework. As here in Sweden
or in Germany, violence towards students is perceived as a crime. Students in Europe should
be thankful for the soft and patient educational system in Europe.

D: That is fortune to hear, but how did you deal with the identity crises that you mentioned?

R2: Well, I still have some challenges figuring things out, but I could proudly say that I have
gained a lot of understanding in adapting and adjusting to a lot of things in my life. When I
moved abroad for educational purposes, I believe that it was not as easy to adapt to a new
culture for my colleagues as it was for me. They had only experienced Swedish culture,
However, I had already done that and knew that I would expect changes. So to answer your
question, I could definitely say that the journey I encountered has created a positive impact
on my educational and personal development. (Thinking pause) I also could easily
recommend others to expect differences when studying abroad, but I'm sure that they will
develop different views and aspects that will assist them in their educational development by
exploring different approaches in the learning aspect as well as developing different strategies
to keep them motivated and ambitious for studying.

-D: Well thank you for sharing your story and thank you for this honest answer.
Moving to the next question. How can educators and institutions better support
students from diverse cultural backgrounds in their academic journeys and personal

R2: In my opinion, educational institutions and educators could make a significant

contribution by creating a welcoming as well as culturally responsive learning environment
that supports the success of students from various cultural backgrounds in a foreign
educational environment. In order to assist students overcome the gap among their native
culture and the new academic culture or environment they are joining, I would suggest they
provide support, resources, and direction for the students in order to create possibilities for a
positive personal and educational development.

D: I agree, and what advice would you give to other students who are about to embark on
their academic journey in a foreign environment? How can they navigate and make the most
of the cultural differences they will encounter?

R2: I would for sure recommend them to experience this amazing opportunity of studying
abroad. I was once insecure and hesitant to experience new adventures in my academic and
personal life. However my friends supported me and gave me the courage to ‘’go with the
flow’’ and learn something from this, which I will forever be thankful for. (thinking oause)
Not only have I received unforgettable memories, but I gained knowledge and experience that
will assist me in the future. I would recommend them to step out of their comfort zone and
explore how amazing other cultures are when it comes to the academic and personal benefits.
However, they for sure need to expect different expectations, culture, language, and
educational system and make the best of it in trying to adapt. (water pause) I get it that some

people find adapting hard but please give it a try, it will be challenging at first but in the end
worth it and i believe they wouldn't regret a moment of it. I would also recommend them to
do reashech about the country they choose and prepare themselves in time.

D: Thank you so much R2 for being so open and contributing in this conversation and your
insights will definitely assist me for this essay.

R2: You are welcome and best wishes of luck to you dear.

Interview 3:

D= Dima
R3= Respondent 3

D: As a clarification, I Am a student enrolled in the Master's program in International

Marketing at Mälardalen University. I am conducting research to comprehend how cultural
diversity in foreign environments shapes students' academic journeys and personal
development. This study aims to explore the experiences of international students like myself
who navigate the challenges and opportunities of studying in a culturally diverse
environment. Your participation in this interview is greatly appreciated, as it will contribute
to our knowledge and provide valuable information for educational institutions and students.
Thank you for being a part of this research. (pause)

D:I would also like to inform you that the answers of the questions will remain anonymous, and any
personal information that could identify you will be removed or changed before files are shared with
the teacher and the other students of the course. Lastly I would like to ask for your consent to record
the interview as an audio in order to transcript it.

R3: As long as you only record my voice it's fine. Let's get started.

D: Of course, So how do you believe that cultural differences can influence a student's
approach to education and learning in a foreign country?

R3: ( water pause), I believe that cultural differences can be difficult to approach for some
students, but it can also be very beneficial in many aspects. Especially when it comes to
educational puposes, since students get the chance to experience a different view and
approach than they usually used to. By that I mean a different teaching system, different
expectations and different learning approaches when studying. (pause) However, it all
depends on your approach and your intent to make the most out of it. So, I believe that this
is more of a personal or individual question. I personally felt like I saw more opportunities
than difficulties. And as far as the education part, I felt like I didn't really comprehend or I
didn't really prepare for that before I went on my exchange semester. However, I Am quick
at adapting but this can vary from person to person.

D: I see, but what challenges and advantages have you personally experienced in a culturally
diverse educational setting, and how have these experiences impacted your academic and
personal growth?

R3: (Thinking pause). The most challenging aspect of it all was the language barrier for me. I
actually went on an exchange semester in Italy and I don't speak any Italian at all. So I feel
like that definitely hindered me in some aspects. The courses were presented in English,
however, the accent could be tricky to understand as well as the limited knowledge of English
that the students shared made it challenging in group work. So I definitely saw a language
barrier, which impacted my personal life there, as well as my educational environment. You
know, I feel like most people there don't really want to speak English as much. They're not
inclined to speak English. They probably want us, you know, foreign students to adapt more
to their language. So that was definitely a challenge I experienced. When it comes to the
advantages, I feel like an advantage for me was that I could broaden my horizon a bit. (water
pause) You know, I feel like it made me open up my eyes to a different culture, a different
way of living. And it also made me more independent. I went from living at home to living
alone abroad with no family around. I also gained more confidence and developed my
abilities and created strategies in order to develop myself. The academy I went to was
amazing and had a similar educational approach as Sweden, however, I could definitely say
that it was more strict to attend lectures there as well and student participation was an
important factor for the institution, which in my opinion is great and motivated me to work
harder and improve myself further.

D: This is really interesting, and it is impressive how you managed to make it work for you.
But could you please describe from your own experience, how you balance preserving your
own cultural identity while adapting to a new cultural environment in the context of your
academic and personal growth?

R3: Well, I am a part of a subculture. (cough). I am a Swedish resident and I have Swedish
nationality, since I was born and raised in Sweden. But my ethnicity is not Swedish. So I
definitely feel like I have the power and the experience of preserving my own cultural
identity already. You see, I don't feel like I really struggled or was challenged with that when
I went on my semester abroad. As far as my own personal growth, but in context of my
academic growth, I feel like it had a positive effect on me there too. Because I feel like since I
already have the instruments to, you know, feel safe and preserve my own cultural identity, it
helped me do the same when I studied abroad. ( water pause) However it is important to
embrace your own culture as well as being open to other cultures, by doing so, the adoption
process will be much easier and less challanging. It is okay to expect things in a certain way
but it is important to not let your expectation hinder you from experiencing different angles
and perspectives, especially when it comes to the educational system. By doing that you will
allow yourself to develop strategies and views that will assist you in your future life,
especially if you are considering moving or working abroad (soft giggle) .

D: Thank you for sharing your story and for being detailed. I like how you mentioned that it
is okay for expectations to change and to give it a shot, because people sometimes forget that
life is not predictable. But how can educators and institutions better support students from
diverse cultural backgrounds in their academic journeys and personal growth?

R3: yes for sure, (thinking pause). I feel like preparation is the biggest factor that would assist
students studying abroad.. I personally think that I maybe should have gotten more

information from my home university before actually leaving for my semester abroad. I went
there completely blind to all the cultural differences, as I was very naive and I felt like I
thought that everything was gonna be the same. However, when I actually arrived at my
partner university, they really made an effort in making me feel comfortable and making me
feel, you know, safe in my new home, which made me feel more confident and left a positive
mark on me. However, I could have also done that research myself, you know, so it's not all,
all the home university's faults (laughter).

D: Absolutely, being self prepared is great, however being assisted with information from
your home university is beneficial as well this brings us to the last question, What advice
would you give to other students who are about to embark on their academic journey in a
foreign environment? How can they navigate and make the most of the cultural differences
they will encounter?

R3: Well, I would definitely recommend a semester abroad, not only a semester, if you could
do it for a year, do it (giggles). As I earlier mentioned, this journey really opened my horizon
and broadened my ambition and my vision for my future. This journey made me realize that
I'm too young to be in one country when there are different possibilities and adventures in
other countries with amazing cultures. I could actually envision myself doing this for the rest
of my life for maybe a few years at least. I would definitely recommend it to any students
who have such a possibility. And I feel like compared to me, they should probably do more
research before they do their exchange year or semester in foreign country to study or to work
whatever they want or whatever they choose to do.

D: I agree and I really appreciate your time and this conversation will definitely be assisting
me with the research.

R3: You are more than welcome Dima, I wish you good luck with your studies and have a
great day!


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