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y the educated public in my writings on astrology.

The second edition herewith presented has been

thoroughly revised and some paragraphs re-written. Credit goes to IBH Prakashana for bringing out
this edition attractively, in a short time. It is my hope that the educated public will continue to evince
the same interest in my astrological writings, as they have been doing for the past half a century

Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are combust when within 17°, 14°, 11°, 10° and 5° respectively backwards
or forwards of the Sun. Venus and Saturn are exempt from this reduction.

The Ninth House : In Chart No. 95 Capricorn is occupied by Jupiter, the 8th and 11th lord. He is
debilitated but obtains cancellation of debility since Mars who gets exalted in Capricorn is in a
quardrant from the Moon. Ketu is also in the 9th house and is aspected by 7th and 12th lord Mars.
The Ninth Lord : Saturn is in the 6th house but exalted and aspected by the karaka exalted Sun and
2nd and 5th lord Mercury. Pitrukaraka ; The Sun is exalted but in the 12th house with 2nd and 5th
lord Mercury. He is aspected by exalted 6th lord Saturn.

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