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Hey [friend's name],

I can imagine how disappointed you must be with your mom's bookings. It's always a problem
when parents interrupt our plans, isn't it?

First of all, it's great that your mom cares about your safety. Share details about your safety
measures, your group's responsibilities, and maybe even offer a compromise.

I've heard that sometimes parents need a little reassurance. You can suggest that she join the camp.
It may seem funny at first, but it can be a win-win situation. You will be able to enjoy the festival
and she will have peace of mind.

I recently came across this amazing recipe for homemade pizza that I think you'd love. It could be a
fun distraction to suggest making it together with your mum. It's a great way to spend time together
and maybe even lighten the mood.

Finally, assure your mother that you understand her worries and that you will be responsible during
the festival. It's important to let her know that you value her concerns and want her to have a safe
and enjoyable time.

Take care of yourself,

[Your name]

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