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An Interview With


F.W. Shannon
For Tami

This was all YOUR idea.

My name is David.
I am a journalist.
I’ve had a very successful career in my field for a great
number of years. During that time, there has been no
shortage of available stories to chase and get down in
black and white.
Over the past three years, I have been inundated with a
barrage of letters from a person, claiming to be God,
asking that I interview him. As I am a serious journalist
and pride myself on avoiding irresponsible reporting
and catering to those who might be a few sandwiches
short of a picnic, I ignored these letters, writing the
author off as a crackpot.
But during a recent dry spell, I fell to the enticement of
low=hanging fruit. I figured at the very least, I could
churn out a piece that would entertain my readers in an
uncharacteristic fashion while keeping me from having
nothing at all to give them. What I found in this
interview was nothing of the kind. I am still
apprehensive about publishing this work due to the
nature of some of its content and the effect it may have
on some readers. I’m putting it out there as a work of
fiction. I want to make it clear that anyone who reads it
should keep that in mind. I’m not professing to know
anything about the validity of the content of this work,
nor am I attempting to convince anyone that the person
I interviewed was actually God. I’m not trying to start a
new religion and I’m not trying to turn anyone away
from any religion to which they currently subscribe. I am
not L. Ron Hubbard and this is not a ploy to garner
support or derision for or toward any religious
institution. I am simply reporting.
If you read this book and you are in any way led toward
thoughts of anything negative, please understand that is
not the intention of this work. If you read this book and
find yourself uplifted or more comfortable with your
personal estimation of what God is, great. Anything
good that comes out of this work is that for which it is
The man I met when I arrived at a large apartment, in an
undisclosed location, was just as regular as they come.
He wore a ball cap, a plain, white tee shirt, jeans and
flip-flops. The only furniture in the place consisted of
two lawn chairs and a blue and white cooler on the floor
back and to the immediate right of the chair on my right
while facing them. The room was expansive but
contained nothing else in the way of furnishings. The
floor was blonde Oak and the walls were flat white.
The man greeted me at the door before I knocked. I can
only assume he saw me coming from some vantage
point and waited at the door for the appropriate length
of time, then opened it as I approached. He ushered me
in and had me take a seat in the lawn chair on my left as
I faced them. This is what occurred after that …
Chapter 1
On The Holy Trinity
The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost

Me: I’m really not sure how else to approach this

interview other than to dig right in. I have some
prepared questions and the rest I’ll just shoot from the
hip, so to say. Is that okay?

God: Shoot.

Me: So … Um … The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost

… We hear it all the time and it seems to be the subject
of a lot of debate. Some say it is supposed to be three
completely separate entities. Some say it means three
separate incarnations of you. Some say it's nothing of
the sort … Theologians, clergy and laypeople alike have
been banging their respective heads against the wall
trying to nail this one down for eons. Can you give me
anything that will put this bone of interpretive
contention to rest?
God: Oh that's an easy one. See … People in general
have trouble with accepting simple answers for what
they perceive to be complex questions. The answer is in
the fact that there are three separate references given.
There is The Father … That's me. God. And let me clarify
something here … God is a name YOU gave me. I made
it pretty clear long ago that my actual name is
something your mouths were not made to utter. It has a
power, when spoken, that you just aren't made to
wield. I am called by any number of names by any
number of people. The argument over who uses the
correct moniker is moot. Hence the whole 'your mouths
are not made to speak it' deal. More of the simplicity
people tend to avoid in an effort to set themselves apart
from their brothers and sisters. But I digress …
I'm The Father. One would suppose this implies The Son
is just that … My Son. And that is exactly what it DOES
mean. I made a Son in the belly of The Virgin Mary
through Immaculate Conception so that he could walk
among you and do my work. He was not me. Simple
logic would dictate that I would not put myself in the
belly of a woman so that I could be born among you. If I
want to be among you … Well … I'm God. I just come
there and hang out. I can do that. I'm God. I don't need
some special artifice or procedure to do whatever I wish
and go wherever I want to go. You came up with that
bit. Always trying to box me in and quantify me so as to
make me more like you. I made you in my image. What
part of that is so hard to get a grip on in your heads? …
Just look at it from a logical perspective … Why would I
speak to myself in the second person? Why would I cry
out to myself and ask why I had forsaken myself as I
hung on the cross? Why would I refer to myself as my
own father when speaking to others? It's right there in
front of you. The answer is as clear as anything you see
with your own eyes or hear with your own ears. I have
trouble grasping what the issue is or why there is any
need for clarification.

Me: And The Holy Ghost?

God: The Holy Ghost is something I put in each and
every one of you. It's like a tiny piece of me … Like the
genetics a father passes on to their offspring. It is the
thing that makes you feel good when you do good and
makes you feel remorse when you do bad. It is the part
of you that is charitable and has the capacity to love. It
is that thing that makes you set aside your self-
preservation instinct and sacrifice for those for whom
you are responsible. It is altruism. When anyone
engages in an act of self sacrifice, that's where it comes
from. You are all hardwired to survive. I had to make
you that way so that you would live to multiply and
spread across the Earth and grow as a species. But that
instinct has an override. It's love. It's heroism. It's a
safety valve that ensures the survival of those who
would otherwise perish before they could complete the
work I put them here to perform.
Me: So … Can we nail down the other two roles? I mean
… You're The Father. Jesus is The Son. If you're two
different entities, what role do each of you play? Is
there a difference?

God: Yes. Of course there is a difference. Think about it.

If we both had the same exact role, why would there be
any need for us to both exist? I mean .... There is the
simple logic that I sent my Son as The Lamb to pay for
your grace and save you. That was his purpose at that
time. But he was a carpenter before all of that. And at
that time his purpose was, frankly, to build things for
people and contribute to the house of Mary and Joseph
as a part of their family. And after the lamb bit and the
resurrection, he came to sit beside me and continue my
works. See ... Jesus is the part of it all that has to do
with love and forgiveness and kindness and benevolent
miracles. He's the New Testament guy. I, on the other
hand, am the Old Testament guy. The Old Testament
didn't just go away when he showed up among you. If
that were the case, I'd have had all of those books
thrown out at the Nicean Council of three twenty-five
AD. The need for wrath didn't go away simply because I
sent you The Lamb. I still send angels to do my smiting
when the circumstance calls for it. All of that 'turn the
other cheek' business has its place. But so does 'an eye
for an eye'. It kind of chaps my ass when people weed
through my words in order to find justification in
scripture for their personal agenda. It's situational.

When it's a relative non-issue, of course you should

show restraint and turn the other cheek. But when it's
an issue of great gravity, wrath is the only answer.
Sometimes it's swift and apparent. Sometimes my wrath
is slow and methodical … even insidious when called for.
Do you think I am asking you to turn the other cheek
when a man takes the life of another man while robbing
his home? Do you think I would have a child molester
walk off unpunished to continue his sins? If I frowned on
war, would I allow it to continue unchecked? ALL sins
will be counted and paid for in the long run. Sometimes
here. Sometimes in The Pit. More often than not, the
payment starts here and continues in The Pit. Let's get
this straight .... No one rides for free. You transgress,
you pay. As for what exactly I consider transgression ...
Well that's a long and convoluted road. We can save
that one for later. Let's just say dogma has bent your
backs unnecessarily since the first of you got your hands
on my word.

With that, God leaned back in his lawn chair, far enough
to reach the ice-filled cooler to his immediate left and
slightly behind him. When he drew his hand out, he held
a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Water and small bits of
ice clung to the outside, dripping on his lap as he
cracked open the pop-top.

God: You thought my son was the only one that did the
whole 'water to wine' thing ... I prefer beer ... Next

He leaned back further still and took a long drink, wiped

his mouth on the sleeve of his flannel shirt, then leaned
forward, placing his elbows on his knees, peering back
at me from beneath the bill of his cap.
Chapter 2

How Much Of The Bible Should We Believe?

Me: You mentioned The Nicean Council of 325 AD. If I

understand correctly, that's when a bunch of guys got
together and decided what went into the final draft of
the Bible. So, if they threw stuff out and maybe changed
stuff, how much of it is missing and how much of what
we currently have is just dogma?

God: Dogma is one of my least favorite things mankind

came up with. I made it really clear that not one word of
what I revealed to be written down was to be changed. I
mean … It's in the friggen book. They managed to write
that down without changing a word, then they've been
changing stuff on a regular basis ever since. How much
sense does that make? It's not like they're going to be
able to claim ignorance when they come before me for
judgment. It's literally in the book they've changed.
During the Nicean Council, Constantine and a bunch of
other guys got together and came to an agreement on
what writings were going to comprise the final draft of
the Bible. And there were a LOT of writings. Back then
and for a long time before then, I spoke to many men,
tasking them with writing down what I told them. I
spoke to women too, but the things they wrote down
were mostly ignored and eventually thrown out. A great
deal of the monotheistic religion was originally a
matriarchy. Women were high priests and held in high
regard because their womb was the literal cradle of life.
It's the place through which my Son came to be born
among you. Even back in the days when people
worshiped Greek and Roman gods, female oracles were
considered as conduits through which said gods sent
their words to mankind … By the way … They mostly just
babbled a bunch of nonsense and the male priests
would listen and pretend to know what they were
saying. Then they'd just interpret it for those who had
come seeking words from the oracles, telling them
whatever they damn well pleased. They took bribes and
often took sexual liberties with the female oracles. And
the poor girls were just hopped up on carbon monoxide
that was leaking into the caves where they lived, which
made them babble incoherently. A lot of them died
from carbon monoxide poisoning in the end. It's no
wonder people are so confused about what they should
or shouldn't do or are or aren't allowed to do. I gave
Moses a lot more than ten commandments on that
mountain. There was one that said 'Thou shall not turn
a blind eye to thy brother's suffering' … Not surprised
that one got thrown out. How can you get away with
living in the lap of luxury as a king or priest, while others
suffer in poverty with a commandment like that hanging
over your head? And then there was 'Thou shall not
enslave thy brother'. I'm pretty sure I made that one
clear via the plagues in Egypt before the exodus I had
Moses lead. But they tossed it out. Ninety percent of
the people at the Nicean Council owned slaves and
weren't about to give them up. Chaps my ass. Slavery of
one kind or another goes on to this very day. And every
last one of those involved has to answer for it in the
end. My own kids … Buying and selling each other in one
way or another. You can imagine how that makes a
parent feel. And that's exactly what I am. I am literally
the father of both the buyer and the seller of every
slave that has ever existed. It's one of those things that
makes me regret promising not to bring another flood.
But back to the dogma issue … Dogma isn't always bad
… There have been instances throughout time, when
men have laid down laws and rules, claiming they came
from me, for damn good reasons.

Me: Like what?

God: Well … Imagine you are the chief of a large tribe …

Hundreds of thousands of people look to you for
leadership and direction. You have people dropping like
flies from an illness you eventually discover comes from
eating pork. Back in those days they didn't have
refrigeration or proper meat curing techniques. So pork
was a dangerous proposition. Now … Far be it from me
to take bacon from my children. But back then it was
literally decimating the population. So some guy in a
high position decided to tell everyone that eating pork
was against the law of Allah ... Me. Now I never said
that. And to this day one of my favorite things to grub
on is a bacon cheeseburger. But back then, I had a lot
more clout than any government or king. So if you
wanted to make sure everyone abided by a law, you
simply told them it came from Me. Instant,
unquestioning compliance. The problem is, kings and
priests realized this and began to abuse it for their
personal agendas. Take a look at some Christian
religions that forbid women from wearing makeup,
showing any skin below the ankle or above the wrist.
Some non-Christian religions even make them wear
veils or burkas. I never handed down any such law. I
made women beautiful. Why would I want some of my
greatest work covered up so no one could see it? Hell ...
I got seriously bent when Adam and Eve hid from me
and covered themselves in the Garden of Eden ...
Doesn't anybody read that part?

Me: So where did that come from?

God: It came from fear and jealousy and insecurity and
the desire to subjugate women. Over the eons, any
number of men in powerful positions have lost their
women to men who found them beautiful, pursued
them and stole them away from their husbands. Now,
while I don't condone such behavior, if a woman can be
stolen away, it can only mean a few things … She's a
woman of poor morals and you don't want her anyway
… You abuse her or neglect her, thus she is in a position
where she is right to want a better man … You are a
selfish man and she lives below your station, feeling
neglected and beaten down, thus she eventually seeks a
better station in life … There are many reasons a woman
can be stolen away. But the men who came up with
these so called laws sent down from me were men who
sought to put women in such a position by taking
advantage of their religious obedience to my laws, that
they couldn't be stolen away regardless of the
circumstances. If they keep their women all covered up
in public and under their respective thumbs around the
clock by threat of religious noncompliance and
subsequent damnation, they can be horrible to them
without fear of them being stolen away. I mean.... Why
the hell would I send down a law that forced women to
stay with bad men? Again …. I know I gave all of you
free will. But for Pete's sake, use some common sense!
Me: There has to be more dogma floating around than
just that.

God: Of course there is. Another example is … Did you

know there is a religion out there that is the basically
the same as standard Christianity, only their Sabbath is
on Saturday and they don't eat meat of any kind?

Me: Yah … Seventh Day Adventist, right?

God: Yup … Now think a minute … With all of the really

important stuff I've had to hand down laws against, do
you really think I care one way or another about your
interpretation of the calendar or your dietary
preferences? Of course not. But some chuckle-head
decided to set his followers apart from the rest by
focusing on semantic differences born of his own,
personal beliefs and wants. Hard to miss a Sunday ball
game if you move the Sabbath to the day before … and
if you're a vegan, you want some way of keeping the
rest of your congregation from eating meat. So you dig
through the scriptures and twist things around until you
find something you can interpret to support your
agenda. Hell … You're not supposed to be getting the
meaning of ANYTHING in the Bible from someone ELSE.
That book is meant to speak to the heart of each reader.
That's why I have the Gideons running around giving the
things away for free for crying out loud. A member of
the clergy is just a man. He doesn't know anything more
about me than you do. That has to come from your
heart. If you read it and you find something that tells
you not to eat meat, it's because I didn't want you to eat
meat because you probably have a medical condition
building in you that makes eating meat dangerous to
you. That doesn't mean I don't want anyone to eat
In all honesty, things would go a lot better down here if
about three quarters of the clergy would just go find
something else to do with their life. A lot of them treat
their job like a position of power. It's a position of
service. I've had Popes whispering in the ears of kings
and politicians and priests telling people whether or not
they can get married or divorced … Who do they think
they are? I gave you ALL free will. Those are decisions I
speak to your hearts about on my own. I don't need
those guys sticking their fingers in the pie and screwing
up my work. It's just another form of dogma when they
suppose themselves an authority on such matters. What
Catholic priest could possibly be an authority on
marriage? Doesn't anyone think for themselves
anymore? They aren't allowed to have wives, yet you
turn to them for guidance on marriage matters? While
you're at it, go ask a nun to advise you on how to keep
your car running right … I guess the best way to answer
such a broad question about the authenticity of the
scriptures that have survived into this era would be to
ask people in general to use their minds and hearts
when they doubt and to bear in mind that anything they
read in any faith-based literature or hear from anyone
who claims to have something to do with their salvation
… Realize that anything that strives to drive a wedge
between two people or two countries or two churches,
has nothing to do with me. Religion … Faith.... Moralistic
ideologies … All of these things should bring people
together in the spirit of inclusion and brotherhood. If it
doesn't do that, it's not good and it's not MINE ....Next
Chapter 3


Is God All Around Us All The Time And Does He Know


Me: I guess the next question would have to be, are you
omnipotent? Are you everywhere and do you know

God: You’re asking me to tip my proverbial hand in a

metaphoric poker game. It’s well known that people behave
better when they believe they are being watched. You and I
both know that. There was actually a study done by a group
of sociologists in which they had children go into a room
alone and toss Velcro balls at a Velcro target. They weren’t
allowed to look at the target and they were told they
couldn’t walk across a certain line to get any closer to it. They
had to stand on their side of the line, twenty feet from the
target with their back turned to it and throw the balls over
their shoulder at the thing. Most of them gave it a try at first,
staying to the rules they had been given. When they saw that
their attempt left them with a terrible outcome, having none
of the balls strike the intended target, they then broke the
rules to varying degrees in order to come closer to the
expectation and have a respectable score. Some broke the
rules to the point of a resulting perfect score because they
perceived that to be the ultimate meeting of the expectation.
See … They were told that it was a test to see how good a
person they were. The higher the score, the better a person
they were. This is analogous to how some people are willing
to break pretty much all of the rules in life in order to be
perceived as somehow better than those around them. They
do so to garner the approval of whoever they feel
accountable to or whoever’s favor or approval they crave.
These people don’t realize that if they go outside their
normal self to appear to be something better than they are
or other than they are, it’s just a lie dressed up in a suit of
good intentions.

But back to the test … So, the scores were logged and then
the kids were brought back into the room by those
proctoring the test. They were each shown an empty chair in
the room and told there was a ghost in the room who sat in
that chair and watched everything that went on in the room
and then reported back to the proctor. The ghost was
invisible and only sat in the chair when they felt like it … The
ghost could be anywhere in the room but was always
watching and reported everything to the proctor afterward.
Then they were each left in the room to complete the test a
second time. Some walked over to the chair and examined it
to see if they could detect the presence of the ghost. Some
spoke to the ghost as if to try and debunk its presence. All
had some level of doubt. But all also performed the test the
second time without cheating in any way. THAT is your
nature. Always has been. Always will be. So whether I’m
omnipotent or not is again, a moot point. The point is, the
thought that I am always watching and know everything that
you do and think, makes it a bit more likely that you’ll follow
the rules than if you were positive I wasn’t around.

But in another sense, yes … I am everywhere at all times and

I do know everything … because I made everything. All that
you are surrounded by is my creation …. The trees and sky
and people and animals etc. … All pieces of me. And as I
stated earlier, I put a tiny piece of myself in each and every
one of you. The thing that makes you feel good when you do
or witness good and feel badly when you do or witness bad.
So I am in each of you and thus know all you do and think, in
that manner. But remember this … Your brain knows each
time your heart beats, because your brain is where that
particular electrical impulse originated. But it isn’t acutely
aware of each heartbeat. It doesn’t count them or dwell on
them. It has the rest of your body to contend with as well. I
…. Have the entire universe to contend with. I created a
perfect system, in many respects, that doesn’t require my
constant, conscious control or direction. My attention is
drawn by situations that warrant it.

Me: So you’re not watching us twenty-four seven.

God: Of course not. There’s no need. You all came equipped

with the ability to handle your respective lives without my
help. And to tell you the truth, I find it tedious when you pray
for guidance or assistance with the simple things. There was
one woman who constantly thought she needed … deserved
… my help. She’d get lost driving someplace and stop at a
four way and hold up traffic while she waited for me to give
her a sign that would correct her course. What she didn’t
realize or take into account was that I had already made a
bunch of human beings who were blessed with the ability to
make maps. I had already made men and women who went
around putting sign on all of the roads with names on them. I
had already given her husband a good brain which got him a
good job that paid good money with which she could easily
have bought a map and followed it with the assistance of the
signs the other people had put up. At the very moment she
was waiting for me to tell her which way to turn, there were
millions of people dying of cancer with tens of millions of
family and friends praying for them to be healed. There were
six wars being fought by soldiers who had families at home
praying for them to come back alive. There were sixty-two
thousand children being sold into slavery of one kind or
another. And that was just on this planet. What the fuck did I
care which way she turned her car? This is the kind of bullshit
that comes out of human arrogance … All this ‘I have a
personal relationship with God’ crap … Really? The average
person doesn’t have a personal relationship with the guy they
bought their last car from. What the hell makes them think
they have any right to run around claiming to have a personal
relationship with the creator of the whole fucking universe?

Me: But people find comfort in that personal relationship. It

makes them feel loved. It makes them feel closer to you.
God: People find comfort in it? I think not. They take pride in
it and use that pride to set themselves above those whom
they believe to be beneath them for supposed lack of that
kind of relationship with me. Pride … Cardinal sin … Did any
of you actually read the book? I have watched my name be
taken in vain so many times I dare not put a number to it for
fear of going all Sodom and Gomorrah on everyone. And I
don’t mean saying ‘God damnit’ … Those are just sounds
people assigned meaning to. They mean nothing in reality.
What I mean by taking my name in vain is waging war in my
name … condemning your fellow in my name … excluding
your brother because they call me by another name …
supposing you can call upon me to have mercy on someone’s
soul just before you throw a switch and electrocute them to
death … What the fuck?!?! You wield my name like a
weapon. You call upon me to smite your enemies. You put
my fucking name on your money! How would you feel if your
neighbor ran someone over with their car, then painted your
name on that same car and drove it around? … You wouldn’t
like it very much. Along that line, more people are killed
because of money than any other thing on this planet. And
you put my name on it. Pisses me off to say the least … We
need to move on to another question. This one is really not
putting me in a good mood.
Chapter 4

On Evolution

Adam And Eve Or Big Bang Theory

Me: Then we’ll move on to something totally unrelated …

How about the whole Genesis thing … Adam and Eve and the
Garden Of Eden. Is that how it all began? Is that where we
came from?

God: Are you kidding me? … If your seven-year-old daughter

walked up and asked you where babies came from, would
you explain to her about menstrual cycles and sexual
congress and sperm and eggs? … No. You’d tell her
something that she could wrap her young, undeveloped mind
around, in terms that she could understand. That’s the case
with Adam and Eve. The people I related that to … the
explanation of how life came to exist upon the face of the
planet, which ultimately resulted in the human race coming
to be … were without any understanding of science of any
kind. They were just getting a firm grasp on sleeping indoors
and cooking their meat before eating it. If I had laid the
principle of infinity and an expanding and contracting
universe on them, they’d have gleaned nothing from it and
walked away just as ignorant about their origins as they’d
been before asking.

So … I told them what they could digest and get something

out of. But mankind managed to fuck that up too. The bible
was originally written in Aramaic. And when you read the
passage in the book of Genesis that says I took the rib of
Adam and made Eve, they mistranslated it into Greek. To
take the rib of anything in Aramaic, is to cut it into two
symmetrical halves. As in cellular division. As in the amoeba
dividing into two amoeba when reproducing asexually. That
is where you all started. But trying to explain that to
someone back then … telling them there were these things
that were invisible to the naked eye that were the first life to
occur on this planet … I might as well have tried to explain
string theory to them … See … When you read the bible …
what’s left of it anyway … you need to understand which
parts are history and which parts are stories told to illustrate
a point or teach a lesson. Once you have scientific proof
about something like the origins of life on earth, you should
be able to see that the whole Adam and Eve and the rib thing
was a way of describing what you eventually discovered …
the splitting of a single-celled organism into two symmetrical
halves to reproduce. The parallel should have been easily
drawn. But the mistranslation made it less evident. So I can
understand the confusion.

Me: So Adam and Eve weren’t real people?

God: Of course they were. But that doesn’t mean everything

that happened to them in the bible was a historical account.
Take the incident with the snake in the tree talking Eve into
eating a piece of fruit. There was no tree of life nor was there
a tree of knowledge nor was there a snake. It was all
metaphoric. I was illustrating how mankind could screw
things up in their search for knowledge. I was demonstrating
the loss of innocence that comes from discovery. Ignorance is
often bliss. Once Adam and Eve ate the so called forbidden
fruit, they discovered they were naked. With that discovery,
they decided they needed to cover themselves from being
seen in their natural state. They began to stress over
something that hadn’t changed in any way except in their
knowledge of its existence. It was the end of that particular
innocence. There is nothing wrong with being buck ass
naked. You are all born that way. Clothing is for protection
and warmth. Nothing more. Seeing one another naked is
natural. But when there is lust in your respective minds,
nudity becomes more than it really is. Had no one decided it
was a sexual state of being, it wouldn’t be except for within
the confines of intimacy between people with sexual
intentions toward one another.

Me: And what about their sons, Cain and Able? Was that
another illustration? Or did the murder really occur?

God: Oh it occurred. But in the telling, it was also meant to

provide a lesson about jealousy, envy, pride and murder.
Remember … Thou shalt not kill … Pretty plainly laid out in
the commandments later in the book. And I did set the mark
of a murderer upon Cain so that all who saw him would know
his sin.
Me: That brings up another related question … The bible says
that Cain was afraid others would see the mark once he was
cast out of Eden and that they would want to murder him …
But, if Adam and Eve were the first people on earth and Cain
and Able were their first two sons, once Able was dead and
only Adam and Eve were left on earth so see the mark on
Cain … then there weren’t any other people to see the mark
and subsequently try to murder Cain … Right?

God: Wrong. There were millions of people on the planet by

then. Evolution wasn’t specific to the Garden of Eden. It was
occurring on every continent.

Me: But it clearly says in Genesis that Adam and Eve were the
first …

God: No … It clearly says earlier in Genesis that I made male

and female. Later on it then says I made Adam and breathed
into him a human soul. Prior to that, the population of
bipedal primates on earth had grown exponentially over the
eons, evolving into what you see around you every day now
… Do you not believe your own fossil record or are you just
refusing to make the connection? … And by the way … Only
about five percent of the creatures that live and die on earth
do so in the correct conditions for fossilization to occur. You
can’t imagine some of the amazing creations have walked
this planet over time.

Me: So cavemen and all that stuff really existed …

God: Dude … Really? You have to ask? … Of course … So did

dragons and unicorns and dinosaurs and flying horses and
ogres and giants and fairies. Like I just said, you have no idea
what has walked the earth. Ninety-five percent of them
never made it into your fossil record. Fairies in particular had
such soft bones and such slight bodies, there was no way
they could end up as fossils. Plus they were particularly
delicious to carrion eaters … They were sniffed out and
devoured after dying like a pig might sniff out truffles.

Me: And we really evolved from apes?

God: No. Otherwise there wouldn’t still be apes now, would

there? You have a common ancestor with apes, as do all
primates. Some advanced and left the jungle and eventually
became people after eons of evolving and adapting. Others
went deeper into the jungle and adapted to that
environment, taking on the physical characteristics most
suited for survival there.
Chapter 5

Playing By The Rules

Me: So … I've had people bring up in conversation that it

bothers them that you don't just set things right down here
… Just make people like each other and stop mistreating each
other. The general idea is that if you did that, there would be
no more war and no more suffering and things like hunger
and poverty would just cease to exist because if everyone
loved their fellow man, they'd stop hurting each other, to put
it in the simplest of terms.

God: If only it were that simple. Remember free will? Well, it

comes at a price. I made a deal with all of my children long
ago. I gave you all a choice. I can't just take that away. There
are rules. And although I'm the one who made the rules, that
doesn't mean I'll break them. What kind of a gift would life
be if I took away your ability to live it as you see fit? I want
you all to follow me, not to come to me because you can't
choose anything else. If I made all of your decisions for you,
you'd be perfect. You'd never make mistakes. You'd never
learn or grow or evolve spiritually. What sense would life
make if you had nothing to learn from living it?
Me: But why not just do away with the bad things? I mean....
are war and hunger and poverty and murder necessary?

God: Of course not. But those are all inventions of mankind.

They are all the result of choices made by people, not things I
invented and then laid out for you to embrace or reject.
When I created the Earth, it was without defect. THAT was
my doing. There existed only good. All evil in the world was
brought into existence by mankind … Here’s an analogy to
make it more clear … Let’s say you have a son. You give your
son a baseball. It is now his baseball. He can play with it, toss
it up in the air and catch it, hit it with his bat …. Or throw it
through your living room window … or smash his little
brother in the face with it. See … I gave each of you life and
free will and a conscience. What you do with them is a
matter of choice. You can’t tell me you don’t feel a pang of
guilt when you do something bad. That’s me. You feel
pleasure as a reward for doing good. That’s me too. But
when you ignore those functions of the conscience I gave
you, in the pursuit of wealth or sex or whatever you decide is
worth the guilt, you begin the process of conditioning
yourself to resist said conscience. The more you ignore it, the
better you get at ignoring it. With time and repeated
resistance, you push your conscience so far down into the
recesses of your consciousness that it doesn’t register good
or evil anymore with enough strength to encourage or deter
you from or for doing either. Fresh out of the proverbial
bubble-wrap, you are unable to do evil. You literally condition
yourselves and work against your very nature to become able
to sin.
Me: But what about The Devil and the whole Original Sin

God: Really? You buy into that whole ‘The devil made me do
it’ bit? Oooooh, I think it’s time to start a new chapter. This
one is gonna take a bit to iron out … Go ahead … Scroll down
to a new page and start with a new heading … Do it.
Chapter 6

The Devil

Does He Exist?

Me: Okay … New chapter … So what about the devil? … Does

he exist?

God: Yes. And in more than one form … There is an angel

named Lucifer. And the majority of what you’ve read about
him coming to reside in hell is mostly true. A very long time
ago he did come to me with a proposition to make everyone
on earth worship in the same way and obey all of my
commandments. But he wanted to be a deity in the eyes of
mankind and be worshiped as well … Sort of like the
presence of me on earth, riding herd over the flock so to say.
We ended up in a tiff about free will and top billing. He
amassed a bunch of other angels and tried to stage a coup. I
tossed their asses out and they got in a huge scrap with
Michael and his army of arch angels. In the end, I had to put
an end to it all and restore some semblance of peace. So I
gave in. But not in the way Lucifer had hoped. I made him the
guy in charge. But I made his domain The Fiery Pit instead of
earth. And instead of being in charge of everyone, I only gave
him dominion over those who had sinned so badly that they
had damned themselves to The Pit … Needless to say, he was
seriously pissed at first. But he eventually settled in to his
new position and has become extremely good at what he
does. But let’s get something straight … He can’t make
people do anything. He can only present them with options.
The choice is always theirs to make. That is Lucifer. But ‘The
Devil’ is something completely different.

Me: How can that be? Lucifer … The Devil … Same thing as far
as I know. That’s what pretty much every Christian I’ve ever
known thinks. Are you telling me we’re all wrong? Was there
another fallen angel we don’t know about?

God: The ‘devil’ to which I refer, lives inside each and every
one of you. And you cultivate that devil when you choose to
ignore your conscience … Drop the ‘d’ and capitalize the ‘e’ …
Get it? … See … When people train their heart and mind to
ignore their conscience, they become nothing more than
animals. And over time, they become capable of horrible
transgressions and acts of evil. And in the distant past, when
faced with the knowledge of the extreme evil those people
could do, it was just easier to manufacture the mindset that
it wasn’t a human being who was responsible for such evil. It
was easier to sleep at night if people thought that those who
could perpetrate such evil were under the control of ‘The
Devil’. In time, the whole ‘the devil made me do it’ concept
spread to even minor acts of misbehavior. It’s always easier
to blame misdeeds on some outside influence than to just
realize the person who did it, did so by choice. Even with
Lucifer and The Fiery Pit as an additional deterrent, some
people just soldier on, doing evil as they wade deeper and
deeper into an evil existence.

Me: So some people become so evil that even the knowledge

that they risk eternity in a lake of fire doesn’t make them
think twice … That’s just crazy … But I see it now. It would be
so much easier to believe they were under the control of ‘the
devil’ than to accept that they chose to be that way.

God: You might wanna back up a little bit on that ‘eternity’


Me: What do you mean?

God: Can you imagine the agony of being burned in a lake of

fire? You never pass out like you would from the pain of
burning like you would as a living person. I put that
mechanism into human physiology as a form of mercy for
those experiencing such pain. When the pain becomes too
much, you pass out and no longer feel it. When you’re dead
and in hell, there is no passing out … no end to the pain … no
escape from the horror of seeing and feeling your flesh burn
and peel away until you’re nearly ash, only to have it all grow
pack and have it happen again … and again … and again. But
no punishment lasts for eternity. No evil could warrant such
restitution. In the end, you’re all my children. And in the end,
I will have all of my children home. Some will burn for
centuries. Some for weeks or just days. Some won’t burn at
all. There are other punishments that are tailored to fit the
extent of the evil one has done. There are even occasions
that call for an earthly beginning to the punishment.
Sometimes it even ends with just that. The suffering some
people endure while living is enough to cleanse them. I
actually prefer it when that is possible. I put you all down
here with a job to do. I’d rather get you right and have my
work done in your lifetime than have to send you back.

Me: Whoa! … Send me back?! Are you saying there are

occasions when you actually send the dead back here to
complete your work?

God: Don’t get side-tracked. You’re concentrating on the

wrong part of what I just said … No one burns for eternity …
Do you get what I’m saying? … I don’t use my wrath to simply
destroy evil people. I use it to educate them. And I don’t care
how evil or ignorant or obstinate you are, if it hurts badly
enough for long enough, you learn … you change … you grow
and return to the path you were meant to travel as a child of
the light. Remember … I am the alpha and the omega. What
happens in between, you have a choice in … But in the
beginning and in the end, I will have things my way.
Chapter 7


The Do-Over Question

Me: So what about religions that contain reincarnation in

their respective ideologies? I mean, are there do-overs?

God: You need to understand the nature of culture. Emersion

in any culture leads to a belief in some ideology germane to
that culture. And, as I’m sure you know, there are any
number of both cultures and ideologies. The key is belief. If
an ideology gives one a reason to feel accountable for one’s
actions in this life, it has done its job. Whether it is the desire
to lead a good life in an effort to enter my kingdom or to
garner a higher state of being in a supposed next life on earth
or to be one of the few to be risen from the grave during the
final conflict etcetera, the important thing is belief in
accountability. But the whole concept of being brought back
in another life on earth as a dung beetle because you did a
bad job in your life as a person, is just another dogmatic
threat to keep the minds of the flock fixed on behaving
themselves to avoid such a punishment. In short ….
Whatever works is fine with me. In some cases, the truth
about me is moot. I would rather see the result of goodness,
whether or not I get credit for it.

Me: So do you send people back or not?

God: That’s my business. Not yours. As I said, the point is

moot. It’s the end result that matters … Next question.
Chapter 8

What About The Universe

Big Bang: Yes Or No

Me: So … Touching on something you said in the last chapter

… What did you mean about infinity and the expanding and
contracting universe? Are you trying to say you didn’t create
the universe?

God: That’s a slippery slope. The concepts that outline the

universe and its origins can’t be narrowed down to a matter
of creation or a lack thereof. The universe wasn’t created per
se. It’s simply always been, as have I. It’s a matter of infinity.
Mankind has trouble with wrapping their respective heads
around the concept of something that has no beginning or
end. There always has to be a starting point and an ending
point. People say things like ‘Where did all of the matter in
the universe come from?’ … The answer is, it’s simply always
been there. The concept of matter and energy being
interchangeable and that matter can neither be created or
destroyed is something I figured would help mankind get the
big picture. As of yet, so few have actually gotten to that
point intellectually. Matter can be converted to energy and
vice versa. But there is a finite amount of it. The same exact
amount that has been there forever. Nothing or no one
created it. It should be simple to glean that by adhering to
the basic principle of matter can neither be created nor
destroyed. It’s self-evident. If it cannot be created, why the
hell does everyone keep asking where it came from? It’s a
very short leap of logic to simply accept that it has always
been there and move on. People get stuck on the simplest
things. And the next short leap is that I … God … have/has
always been here … there … everywhere. I put it right in the
book. Eternal. That means no beginning and no end. Again, I
find myself baffled at the confusion that has come from
something that has been so simply explained.

Out of all of this, so many theories about the origins and

nature of the universe have been born. Obviously only one of
them can be completely correct. The one that is completely
correct is The Theory Of The Expanding And Contracting
Universe. What it contains is completely correct. But the
theory its self is incomplete in a way. It says that all of the
matter/energy in the universe once existed in a state of
infinite density in an infinitely small space, i.e. all of the
matter in the universe in a mass the size of the head of a pin.
It was infinitely dense, in that it weighed the same then as
the sum of all of the matter in the universe weighs now. The
amount cannot change. The only thing that can change is its
form and the amount of space it occupies. Once all of that
matter is compressed into one tiny space, it goes giga-critical.
Imagine a few trillion nuclear bombs going off at the same
time in the same place …. Then multiply that by a few trillion.
That’s the part that The Big Bang Theory got right. But it’s
only the beginning of a cycle that has been occurring at a
very specific periodicity at a very specific location for infinity.
It never started happening and it will never stop happening.
And I’ve been around to see it every single time.

Now … Scientists have figured out a few things about what

happens next … How planets and galaxies form and some of
the basics of radiation fields being used to judge the age of
things like that by the residual energy left behind. They’ve
guessed at a few things but never put all of the pieces of the
proverbial puzzle into place. They’ve discovered black holes
in space. But they’ve never applied that discovery in the way
it plays into the whole formation and subsequent collapse
and end of a universal cycle. A black hole is a collection of
matter that, over time, becomes infinitely dense and
occupies an infinitely small amount of space, like say … the
head of a pin. Sound familiar?

Me: Yes. But what does that have to do with the expansion of
the universe?

God: Nothing. But it has everything to do with the collapse

and subsequent end of a universal cycle. Black holes are
collection points for matter … Satellite accumulation points
where stray matter comes to be amassed and packed down
to infinite density and stored. Black holes are spaced
equilaterally across the span of infinity. Over the time the
universe is in expanding, expanded and collapsing states,
matter continues to accumulate at these weigh stations.
Eventually all of the matter in the universe … planets, stars,
dogs, monkeys and yes. People … ends up in one of these
black holes. Then … Since they are so dense and contain so
much matter, and since they are equilaterally spaced
throughout infinity, they begin to give in to each other’s
gravitational force. In a vacuum, there is no friction to slow
them down or change their trajectory. Soooooo … They all
end up travelling at an increasing speed toward the exact
center of the universe. With no friction and no obstructions,
they all end up moving at the speed of light, but in absolute
darkness since even light its self has been gathered and
turned to matter by being sucked into the black hole. And for
a fraction of a nanosecond, all of the matter in the universe
occupies one infinitely tiny space in a state of infinite density
… then BANG …The next universal cycle begins. In the
interim, all life in the universe as you know it, ends. Everyone
has been long dead and converted to either matter or energy
for eons before the collection of matter for the final
acceleration begins. So … In the grand scheme of things, the
life span of a man is likened to a single breath for me …
Sound familiar?

Me: Oh my God.

God: I knew you were gonna say that.

Chapter 9


Me: Alright then … While we’re on the subject of outer space

… Simple question with what I imagine is a not so simple
answer … Are there aliens?

God: Yes.

Me: That’s it? … Yes?

God: Of course not. The pause was for dramatic effect … I’m
often amazed at people who don’t believe there is life on
other planets. Oh sure … A few hundred years ago I could see
it. People had no idea how vast the universe was and that
made it acceptable to think the dynamic that allowed life to
exist on earth was a singularity. But with the absolute
knowledge of the fact that there are trillions of other planets
out there, anyone who doesn’t think the odds are
overwhelming that other life exists, is just being arrogant or
ignorant. And the Christians who deny the possibility of
extraterrestrial life are presuming to put limits on my abilities
… Or they’re just plain being intentionally closed-minded. See
… The universe is filled up with things mankind cannot, nor
will they ever, see or visit. None of that stuff has any effect
on the existence of earth. So why would I bother to create all
of those things out there? It stands to reason that I didn’t
create them for mankind to enjoy or explore. If I had made
things for that purpose, I’d have stopped creating things once
the distance from earth was too great for mankind to ever
see them. That’s the logic end of that argument.

Now let’s look at the psychological end of it. People want to

be special. They want to be the one loved best by their
daddy. And if they are the only children, it rules out any
competition for fatherly affection. So being the only children
in one’s mind ensures being the favorite. It also ensures
mankind that I’m not distracted by other worlds and what
goes on upon them, hence I always have time for them.
Again … Mankind tries to put limits on my abilities. The fact
of the matter is, not only are you not the only life in the
universe … you’re not the first. I have been putting, and
continue to put, life on other planets throughout the
universe on a scale that your minds could scarcely
comprehend. When I had them write down Genesis, ‘the
heavens and the earth’ wasn’t planet-specific. Hell …
mankind decided to name this place ‘Earth’. I don’t name
planets. Too damn many of them to bother with such a
triviality. I am however amused by the pains astronomers go
through to cater to the human need for labels on everything.
It may help them keep track of their discoveries and assist in
the mapping process, but it’s completely moot. In the end, all
of the planets and stars will be renewed and different. So all
discovery is fleeting. Naming celestial bodies in an ever-
changing universe is intellectual masturbation.

Don’t get me wrong … I realize all of these things are just part
of being human. Your psychology gets in the way of your
actual thinking. All humans have a psychological aspect that
influences them whether they choose to acknowledge it or
not. There are those who are able to see that in themselves
and that makes them better thinkers. It doesn’t make them
better people … Just better at setting aside their
psychological proclivities to avoid having them interfere with
their logical processes.

I did create all of mankind in my image … The basics are all

there … But when I say ‘my image’ I refer to the heart and
soul of a person. The body you occupy is just a container.
Containers come in all shapes and sizes. So when humans
have contact with aliens’ … and you do occasionally … Don’t
expect them to look like you.

Me: So aliens do visit the earth …

God: Of course. But not like it is in the movies or most of the

stuff on YouTube. They aren’t coming to perform
experiments on people and the like. You aren’t anyone’s
science experiment … You’re more like a zoo.
Me: What?!

God: Well … Humans go to the zoo to see life forms they

don’t encounter on a daily basis in their environment, right?
People also go camping and hunting and hiking, all in places
outside the environment in which they live their day to day
lives. You travel to other countries to experience or observe
other cultures? Some of you scuba dive to experience what
goes on in the ocean. It’s the same for those from other
planets, only on a grander scale because they are advanced
enough that their travel abilities are greatly expanded. They
can travel here with about the same logistical difficulty as you
would travel to Germany for a vacation or to Africa for a
hunting safari. But you also have to realize that advanced
doesn’t automatically mean benevolent. Look at the different
kinds of travelers you have here on earth. There are those
who hike and take photos of wildlife and remain respectful of
that environment, being careful not to disturb anything or
cause any harm. Then there are those who go out for a hike,
cut down a tree for firewood, drink a case of beer, piss on
everything in sight, scare the hell out of every animal in the
area and leave litter behind when they leave. The same goes
for hunters … Some believe in wildlife management and
responsible harvest and use of whatever they kill, wasting
nothing and leaving the wilderness as it was before they
came. The same goes for visitors and hunters from other
Me: Whoa … Wait a minute … You’re telling me that some
aliens come here to hunt us?

God: NO, no, no … I’d never allow that. They come here
hunting things rather than people. And some of them have
grown partial to beef, pork and venison. Loooong ago, some
were fans of dinosaur meat. That actually worked out quite
well for human-kind in general. Once the dinos were hunted
to near extinction it made it a lot easier for humans to ascend
to the top of the proverbial food chain. Imagine what life
here would be like if you still had to worry about a T Rex
eating you for a snack while you were out for a morning jog.

And, as I said, it’s not just hunters. There are tourists and
science types who come here too. They tend to just hang out
and observe. Most go to great lengths to remain undetected
and unseen, leaving behind no trace of their having been
here. Others, however, could care less since they view
humans as they are on earth, as beneath them and unable to
comprehend that they are even being visited, much as you
would stand over an anthill and imagine they are oblivious to
your presence. So now and then, they are seen. Sometimes
their craft are seen and even filmed. I kind of like it because it
at the very least causes those who refuse to believe there is
other life out there, to have a second thought about their
point of view. Aaaaand let us not forget the rednecks …

Me: Alien rednecks? … Really?

God: Yup. Got ‘em on every single planet. They’re the ones
who come down here and cause a ruckus. They love to build
things, knowing that future generations of humans will be
baffled by the structures when they uncover them and that
the people they are building them for at the time will think
they are deities or something along those lines. They do,
however, sometimes do things that turn out to be quite
beneficial to mankind. Some of the knowledge they pass on is
actually kept through oral or written record and, once that
civilization reaches a certain developmental stage, they put it
to good use.

And last, but certainly not least, are those who come from
civilizations so advanced that they can’t fathom why on earth
humans are trying to see them. They come to visit and
observe and are taken aback by the idea that humans are out
looking for them. I mean … Imagine going out bird watching
and finding that the birds have binoculars and are trying to
get a better look at you.

Me: I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.

God: Well, Bigfoot for one … See … On their planet, their

need to evolve physically beyond the stage you know as
‘Gigantopithecus’ didn’t exist. There was plenty of food and it
was easily obtainable. The climate was such that their great
size was not a detriment. And being huge and ridiculously
strong is always a good thing. You here on earth evolved so
far that you have to go to the gym and lift weights and eat
massive amounts of protein to stay at the high end of human
strength and fitness. They are all like that naturally from the
get go. But they are incredible cerebral as well. They have
advanced mentally and technologically to heights you can’t
imagine. They don’t even have to use craft to travel here, or
anywhere for that matter. They come around regularly to
observe what they consider to be an alternate evolutionary
path that, had it not been for the environmental influence
specifics on their planet, they too would have taken. You are
what they consider the equivalent of cavemen. So they come
and observe a living version of what archeologists here have
to dig for and find in fossil form. And when a human sees
them and reacts the way humans do to such things, they are
completely baffled. That’s why they just walk off instead of
running away as an animal would do. I’m surprised no one
here has made that connection.

Me: So … What about the so called giants we read about and

occasionally find fossil remains from? Were they aliens as

God: You’ll need to start a new chapter for the answer to this
one …
Chapter 10

… And They Were Giants And Heroes …

The Nephilim

God: The whole thing about giants and some of the heroes
from human history, is extremely complicated. It began
almost at the beginning of humans as you now exist … Homo
sapiens as you have classified yourselves in your own books
of science …

Waaaay back … You, as a species, garnered a lot more

attention than is usually garnered by a burgeoning race. The
females of your kind …. Your women … turned out to be so
amazingly beautiful. Even I had no idea things were going to
turn out so well in that respect. Out of everything I have
created and everything those things grew to become over
time, the human female is by far the most beautiful to
behold that actually breathes. The awe they inspire has been
the reason behind war and poetry and art and sin and
redemption and altruism … Nearly every good thing that
human men do can be traced back to human women and
their effect on them. It was just a matter of time before the
angels fell prey to that effect … And yes, there are angels and
they too are eternal, just like me. They’ve simply always been
around too.

Me: But I thought you created them just like you created
everything else.

God: Nope. They’ve always been … It even alludes to that fact

in your bible. In Genesis I often refer to myself as a collective
or in plural terms. That’s because the angels were there also.
They simply are just the same way I am.

But … That being said, you also have to realize I don’t have
complete control over everything they do or say. They are,
after all, eternal and not my creation. So …

Just like it says in Genesis, ‘the angels looked down upon the
daughters of man and found them beautiful … and the angels
descended to the earth and took them as wives and did have
intercourse with them … and their children were heroes and
giants in the land in those days …’ But there is so much more
to it than that. Again … I’m surprised no one has made
certain connections that are pretty obvious just by what is
written in your bible.

The hybrid children that were born from these unions of

angel and human women, were called Nephilim. They had
angel DNA mixed in with human DNA. They were stronger,
smarter and often bigger than the average human, who was
back then, considerably smaller than current day humans.
They lived far longer than regular humans lived, often well
over five hundred years. In some cases nearly a thousand
years. There are all kinds of records that mention such things
… David and Goliath … Methuselah … The Cyclops … The
Minotaur … Some of the giants mentioned in fairytales were
actual accounts handed down and exaggerated through
retelling after retelling over the centuries. They are so often
referred to in tales throughout completely unrelated
cultures, it should be obvious that they actually existed at
some point in time. And as for the age thing … It seems one
person in particular has been passed over by historians and
theologians alike, much to my surprise … Noah … As in
Noah’s Arc … As in the guy whose family are the ancestors of
every living person today on this planet. Everyone else drown
… Remember? … Flood … Rain … Forty days and forty nights?
… Animals two by two? … And no … I didn’t do that … It just
happened … I’ll explain later … But Noah was well over six
hundred years old when the flood came … His father was an
angel. He was a hybrid. Otherwise he would have died before
the age of sixty, which was the way of things back then for
everyone except the Nephilim … I’m just stunned that no one
has put that together in all of the years the clues have been
right out there in the open. And if Noah was half angel … And
Noah is the ancestor of every human being to live since the
flood … Wait for it … Then you’re all hybrids. It’s the only
reason the angels still pay attention to anything that goes on
down on this planet. They ignore the rest of the universe on
most occasions. But they have a vested interest in this place
and you people because you’re family. The majority of divine
intervention on this planet is due to them, not me. I pretty
much stay out of things except in extremely extenuating
circumstances. And on all of the other inhabited planets in
the universe, miracles are practically nonexistent. I
intentionally create systems that are self-regulating and
require little or no conscious attention from me … Just like I
said a few chapters ago. I love all of my creations equally,
across the board, across the universe. The earth gets special
treatment from the angels and that is what sets it apart from
the rest in that respect.

Me: So what about the Greek gods and Roman gods and the
like? Were they Nephilim too?

God: Some yes. Some no. Apollo and Zeus were angels who
decided to take an active role in human development.
Hercules and Sampson were Nephilim though. As far as the
abilities of the angels, they can do pretty much anything
except create things … like turn existing matter into
something else made of matter … Not even I can create
matter. We went over that already … Basic law of the
universe. But I can gather matter at will and turn it into
anything I can picture in my head.

Me: Were you mad at the people who worshiped the Greek
and Roman gods?

God: No. Why wouldn’t they? They had divine evidence right
there in front of them. It would have been ridiculous to
expect them to reject that kind of proof. Like I said before,
whatever gets the job done. I’m not looking for a pat on the
back every time a human being does something good due to
their belief system. What’s important is that they did
something good.

Me: Are you mad at the angels for posing as gods?

God: Nope. When held up against anything else in the

universe except me, they are quite god-like. And they did a
ton of good for the human race. Not to mention how much
they took off my plate in the early days. I barely had to lift a
finger around this place. It freed me up to go off and do my
thing elsewhere with one less thing to worry about … Don’t
get me wrong … They all did things here and there that
pissed me off. But we settled up on that stuff when the time
was appropriate. The whole Pompeii being destroyed by the
volcano thing was over a dispute between two angels over
one particularly beautiful human woman. In the end, neither
of them got her because she died during the eruption along
with all of the others while the two angels bickered and paid
no attention to the disaster they had set into motion. The
whole Atlantis thing was a thorn in my side as well. About a
thousand angels decided to build a Utopia of sorts in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean and bring in tens of thousands
of humans, mostly beautiful human women, and gave them
access to technology that wasn’t available to the rest of the
world for centuries to come. It ended badly. Nuclear reactor
meltdown. Threw off the balance of so many things for a very
long time on earth. We had it out over that one as well.

But all in all, having them hovering around this planet,

watching over all of you pretty much twenty-four seven,
makes it easier on me and especially easy on all of you. As I
said, no other planet gets that kind of divine attention.

Me: Okay … A bit of a mind-blower. But, while we’re on the

subject of commonly held belief or lack thereof, in monsters,
giants and the like, what’s the deal with The Loch Ness

God: Just a run of the mill aquatic dinosaur. There are

hundreds of thousands of them out in the depths of the
oceans. But on occasion one or two wander into that loch in
search of food or a place to give birth. Now and then
someone sees them. It’s really not that big a deal. Seventy-
five percent of this planet is covered in water. There are
things living in it that humans just haven’t run across yet. A
lot of the fish that have been found in the fossil record and
declared extinct are alive and thriving in the depths. They just
haven’t been caught by anyone who cared to question their
origin or if they were supposed to be a long dead species.
Your scientists thought the Sea Lecanth had been extinct for
millions of years for example. But then someone caught one
off the coast of Madagascar and blew everyone’s mind. A
couple of species of shark have had similar occurrences. And
that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. If people knew
just what all lives down there, boat sales would come to an
abrupt halt. No one would ever stick a toe into the ocean
again. Bear in mind that all life on this planet began in the
sea. There are things down there that never had the need to
make their way onto land. But they didn’t stop evolving. They
got smarter just like you did. And if they ever do decide to
make landfall, you’ll all be in for a really bad day.
Chapter 11

The Love That Dares Not Speak Its Name

Gay Marriage

Me: Okay … Switching gears … There has been a lot of

hubbub in the news lately about gay marriage being
legalized. And just a short while ago, it was made legal on a
federal level. What are your thoughts on it?

God: Well … Fist we have to clear up the difference between

marriage and civil union. Civil union is a matter of being
joined together in a legally binding arrangement or contract.
Marriage is a spiritual matter that for some reason, the legal
system has decided they have a stake in. The government
only took an interest in marriage when they discovered they
could charge people for a marriage license, hence it became
a source of revenue for them. Once people allowed the
government to do that, then the government decided to
weigh in on who a person could marry. People let them get
away with that as well. They used financial threats and
threats of imprisonment to do away with a man having
multiple wives. They made it illegal for gay couples to marry.
Then the decided they were losing out on yet another source
of revenue, so they gave the okay for that … As an aside …
I’m amazed at what Americans let their government get away
with. They work for you … Yet you let them tell you what you
can or can’t do. I chuckle every time I think about it …
Anyway … If people want to be married in a way that I
recognize, they have to do so according to the way it’s laid
out in the bible. If they want to have the legal rights of a
couple who has been joined under the legal system, they
have to seek out and execute a civil union contract. And
that’s all that is … a contract. Marriage is a contract between
two souls and me on a spiritual plane. A civil union is a
contract between two people and the government. Apples
and oranges. One has nothing to do with the other.

So … There is no such thing as legalized gay marriage. The

purpose of marriage is to join together two souls and bind
them to one another. It is a union within which a man and a
woman build a family … They have children together etc. A
gay couple can’t do that. If you’re gay and you want to be
joined with your significant other in the eyes of me … you’re
simply out of luck. It clearly states in the bible that
homosexuality is an aberration in my eyes. So making a
spiritual contract with yourselves and me in order to make
holy a union that I see as an aberration is just an ignorant
concept. Such a contract will never exist … period.
On the subject of homosexuality in general, I’ve already
stated how I feel about that. Sex between two people of the
same gender is just assisted masturbation. There’s nothing
spiritual about it. And the reason I see it as an aberration is
that I gave people sex organs for a reason. And that reason is
to procreate. Every time a man and a woman have sex, it’s an
opportunity for me to decide if I want to use that union to
create a new human life. Masturbation is something outside
this idea. I could care less if everyone did so with impunity,
just so long as they have sex with someone of the opposite
gender sometimes. But those who choose to be homosexual
… and I do mean choose … That whole ‘born gay’ bullshit
doesn’t cut it with me … you take away the opportunity
altogether. People talk about unplanned pregnancy. No such
thing. You might not have planned it. But I sure as hell did.
And while we’re on the subject, abortion is murder … No
extenuating circumstances. No excuses. No term limits.
When you become pregnant under any circumstance, even
rape, I might just as well have put that child in that belly
myself. I allowed that miracle to happen. If a woman is
assaulted and made pregnant, it’s because I decided to show
her how something wonderful can come out of a terrible act.
It infuriates me when they run off and terminate the
pregnancy. And that ‘it’s my body’ ploy doesn’t cut it with me
either. It’s not anyone’s body but mine. I gave each and every
one of you a body to contain the soul I created for the time
you are on this planet living out the life I also gave you. That
child in that belly had a purpose … My purpose. It might have
been a great purpose or a relatively simple one. But it was
mine. You have no idea how much I regret giving humans
free will when it comes to abortion. I’ve had a huge amount
of time wasted on lost lessons and unfulfilled purpose
because of it. And these doctors who claim to know some
term limit on when to call a fetus a human life and when it
can be legally aborted … There’s a special place in hell for
those people. How the fuck do scientists claim they have
found life on Mars because of a tiny microbe, yet they debate
whether or not a 5 month old fetus should be considered a
human life or not? It has a heartbeat! I’ve already committed
a soul to it. Anyone who gets or performs an abortion is
judged as a murderer. Plain and simple. There are no ifs, ands
or buts about it … It’s time for you to start a new chapter … I
need another beer.

With that, the man who called himself God leaned back and
grabbed another Pabst Blue Ribbon as it seemed to appear
out of thin air, just above the cubes of clear ice in the cooler.
He removed his ball cap with his free hand and dragged his
forearm across his forehead as if to wipe away sweat. He was
however not sweating despite the fact that the apartment
had grown uncomfortably warm. I was sweating for sure and
quite thirsty. But asking ‘God’ to make another beer appear
for me just felt like bad form. But as that thought passed
through my head, ‘God’ leaned back a second time and when
he leaned forward again, he had an ice cold Corona Extra
beer in his fist. I only drink Corona beer. There is no way he
could have known that. I had the sudden urge to go over and
look in the cooler to see what exactly he had in there besides
ice. But the feeling subsided quickly as he handed me the
beer and said, “I’m glad you drink beer … I’m glad you
decided to become a reporter … and I’m proud of the
courage you’re showing by doing this interview.”
As I took the Corona from his hand, a feeling of … warmth,
for lack of a better word … swept over me. ‘God’ and I sat in
silence for a few long minutes, sipping from our respective
beers, making subtle sounds of satisfaction with each tip of
our vessels.
Chapter 12

God’s Purpose

Why Am I Here?

Me: A lot of people go through their life searching for a

purpose. And I know you mentioned having a purpose for
each of us in the last chapter. Can we expand on the subject?

God: Certainly. But I have to warn you … You may not like
some of what I have to say.

Me: I understand. This interview is about the truth about

you, not just to make readers feel all warm and fuzzy. Give it
to me straight.
God: All of my children, regardless of their religious beliefs or
lack thereof, have a purpose. The problem I see most often is
that everyone is searching for a grand purpose. People live
their lives wondering what huge, amazing thing they were
meant to do or become. They often torture themselves
because they have never done anything that made a massive
impact on the world or the people they have in their
respective lives. And that isn’t always a bad thing. It causes
some people to work that much harder at being a better
person and learning and growing as much as they can. People
strived to make a meaningful difference in their corner of the
world. Some have great successes. Some do a lot to help
others along the way. Then there are others who beat
themselves into the ground over not finding a great purpose
or not doing something noteworthy that brightens the light
in the world. They are never satisfied with who they are and
live a life filled with self-imposed disappointment. But the
fact of the matter is … Not everyone has a grand purpose …
Don’t get me wrong. Not one single life on earth is wasted.
But the degree to which most people participate in ‘The
Grand Scheme’ is minute … often unnoticeable to themselves
and others.

I hesitate to tell you some of this because when some people

read this, they may become severely depressed and feel that
their life is meaningless. But I have to reiterate, not one
single life on this earth is wasted. Each and every purpose,
regardless of its size, is absolutely necessary in its role in the
bigger picture. You may be born and live your entire life
simply for the purpose of being in some else’s way just long
enough to keep them from walking into the street five hours
later and getting hit by a bus. You changed the rhythm of
their day and set their schedule back by fifteen seconds by
being in the way … And that was your role … That was your
entire purpose for having been born. And not one single
other thing you did with your life came into play in ‘The
Grand Scheme’. Now that doesn’t mean that all the rest of
the things you did with your life didn’t matter. You all have a
role in the institution of human responsibility too. You are
obligated to do all you can to make the existence of those
around you as bearable as possible. You have a human
responsibility to be kind and loving and respectful and
altruistic. It is your job to be a good person. And in simply
being that, you become part of the mechanism that
maintains balance in the universe. If you see an elderly
person that needs help carrying their groceries to the car or a
child who falls and needs a hand getting back up, doing your
part in those situations puts positive energy into the mix. The
entire universe adheres to a basic law of physics … It
constantly strives for equilibrium … a balance between light
and darkness, good and evil, positive and negative energy …
And every single thing you do that ads to the positive energy
in the universe helps the constant process of balancing out
against any negative energy that exists. Negative energy is
responsible for all of the bad things that happen. Bad things
will always be around. But the frequency at which they occur
can be kept to the norm by helping the universe stay in
balance. You feed a homeless guy and that puts a little bit of
positive energy in the pot to go toward keeping another guy
from becoming homeless. You give your time or donate
money to a charitable organization that does good works and
maybe a child on the other side of the world doesn’t get
cancer. I know these are extreme examples, but it really is
just that simple.

Me: But you said it is all toward universal balance. Couldn’t

all of the positive energy put into the pot from good deeds
on earth end up going toward stopping bad things from
happening on some other planet in some other galaxy?

God: Yes and no. The balancing occurs locally first. It’s
proximity-based. Once enough good is done here to balance
out the forces on this planet, the excess positive energy
travels outward to other places that need to be balanced. So
in essence, the good you do here will improve the balance
here before it is used elsewhere. It adheres to yet another
law of physics which is that all things travel from a greater to
a lesser concentration. That means that the positive energy
cancels out the nearest negative energy it encounters once it
is created. But bear in mind … This also works the other way
around. And evil you do, immediately goes to work canceling
out the nearest positive energy it encounters. Hence the
saying ‘Evil only begets more evil’ … I you pollute your
surroundings with negative energy, you block cancel out any
positive energy near you and thus create an ever-broadening
radius of negativity around you and those close to you. That’s
how mobs are formed and riots start. And it’s kind of like
bringing a piece of hell to earth. When they say ‘War is hell’
they are closer to the actual truth than many might realize.
Me: But how does that work when large gatherings of people
doing good or being good have horrible things happen to
them? I mean … There are people shot in churches and mass
killings in schools … Families on happy vacations together
dying in horrible car crashes on their way to Disneyland. I fail
to see how this principle applies across the board. Things like
that have to be exceptions to the rule, right?

God: No. Not at all. You have to realize that these … clouds of
positive or negative energy for lack of a better term … lack a
conscience. They act indiscriminately in their quest for
balance. The church may simply be in an area where so much
other evil is occurring in the surrounding neighborhood that
the negative energy causes horrible things to happen there
simply because that was the nearest positive energy the
negative energy encountered. The family on the highway
may have been loving and happy, but the drivers in the
multitude of surrounding cars and trucks may have been
seething with negativity. The same goes for any bad thing
that happens to good people. I hear constantly how people
‘just can’t believe God would let such a horrible thing happen
to such a good person’ … We need to get this straight … I
don’t let things happen. On rare occasion I do make things
happen. But nothing happens simply because I didn’t prevent
it from happening. You have the angels here doing their
thing. But even they can only do so much to offset the
balance and only for so long. The struggle for balance is
never-ending and will only allow an imbalance to remain for
a very short time. I don’t give people cancer. As a matter of
fact, people’s bodies produce cancer cells every single day …
That’s every body. But occasionally a person with a genetic
pre-disposition to cancer, will have a specific chemical
exchange in their body that triggers an unchecked growth of
cells and the cancerous cells take hold and begin to grow
masses or worse, spread throughout their body and then
grow multiple masses. It’s not a matter of good or evil, god or
bad, positive or negative energy at play or that anyone has
done anything to deserve cancer. It’s human physiology.
Cancer isn’t a character inditement. It’s a disease.

Me: So catching a terminal illness has nothing to do with your

plan for someone?

God: In some cases it does. But more often than not, no. If
something like that happens to a good person, you can count
on one of two things … Either it is simply that they were
genetically predisposed to that illness … or they’re not really
a good person. Bottom line, I don’t let bad things happen.
They happen independent of me. I’m God. I do only good.
Chapter 13


And More Questions

Me: I went onto the internet and punched ‘Questions for

God’ into the search bar for Google. I found a few thousand
without really digging. Seems everybody has questions they’d
love the chance to ask you. Believe it or not, I found ninety-
five pages of questions for you on a site called ‘Ethical
Atheist’. I thought it was ironic that so many atheists have so
many questions for a God they claim not to believe exists.
Would you be willing to take a look at some of them? I
printed out quite a few pages for you this morning.

God: Sure thing. But for starters I’ll skim through and weed
out the ones that can be answered with something short and
simple. The more complicated ones will have to be covered
in more depth. Some may need their own respective
chapters. You okay with that? You’re the one who has to do
all the typing.

Me: If that’s what you want to do, I’m on board. Here they

I handed ‘God’ about half a ream of printouts from my

briefcase and watched as he leaned back and began flipping
through the pages slowly. In short order he spoke …

God: Some of these have already been answered in the

preceding chapters. I’ll try to point them out … I guess I’ll just
dig right into the rest …

Why am I here?

That’s a bit vague … Would have been easier to answer if

they’d included their name. But I already covered that
subject on a general basis.

Let me just shotgun through a few of the quick ones …

Is Jesus God? No. He’s Jesus.

Is the devil real? Lucifer? Yes. “The Devil”? No. Already

covered what “The Devil” is in an earlier chapter.

Is it too late for me? No.

Why can’t I find a job? You can. You just can’t find one you
How can I please you? Be good … Literally … That’s all it

What should I give up for Lent? Lent. It’s silly. Depriving

yourself to earn my favor is not and never has been,

Why is it that all the evidence points to you and all other gods
not existing? It doesn’t. There is no such thing as evidence
pointing to something not existing. There can only be
evidence that something exists or a lack thereof. But if you
need evidence that I exist, let me lay some science on you …
We’ll start with something simple … At any given moment
across the planet, there are any number of influences at
work changing the oxygen concentration in the air … Forest
fires, volcanoes, millions of cars and trucks running, 7 billion
people breathing in and out, trillions of plants and animals
taking in or producing carbon dioxide and oxygen, decaying
plant matter in the ocean that covers three quarters of the
planet … Yet the oxygen concentration in the air stays
between eighteen point five and twenty-two percent …
always … And that happens to be the exact band of oxygen
content required to support human life. If I gave you a box
that was forty feet cubed and all the bottled gas and
regulators you wanted, without a serious computer and
mechanical assistance, you couldn’t even come close to
holding the oxygen content in that box within those tight
tolerances. Nature, which I created, does that for the whole
planet, all day, every day … Better yet, take a look at a
common bird … A sparrow. Now … It’s made up of the same
elements as the rest of the stuff in the universe. But those
elements come together in a very specific combination which
makes a sparrow. Now … The odds of such a combination
occurring randomly are about a thousand trillion to one.
Then add the odds of everything else in the universe that is
alive happening in a random combination of those same
elements. Then add the odds of grass and trees and stars and
bananas and water all being random combinations or the
elements. The odds are staggering against it being possible.
But simply ad in an intelligent intent … me directing and
designing those combinations, and all of a sudden the laws of
statistical probability improve a billion fold. So literally, on a
purely scientific basis, my existence is a billion time more
likely that the odds that I don’t exist … It cracks me up when
people try to use science to disprove my existence when in
fact that very same science proves I do exist.

And while we’re on the subject of miraculous probabilities,

I’d like to add something for all of the people out there who
have, for one reason or another, gotten it in their head that
they were a mistake … That they have little value in the world
or that for some reason they are something less than those
around them … The mere fact that you exist is a miracle …
You are a miracle. Out of the millions of the millions of sperm
your father produced during the time of your conception, the
one that made it to your mother’s egg was the one that was
meant to make it through. With all of the odds at play in the
act of conceiving a child, the combination that resulted in you
coming into existence are comparable to the odds of winning
the lottery. There were tens of millions of possibilities at that
moment, and you are the possibility that came to fruition.
Then take into account the child mortality rate and roughly
one point six million abortions a year performed in The
United States alone, and the fact that you are alive and
kicking at the moment that you read this, you’ve overcome
yet another set of astronomical odds. Do the math. The
universe skipped over a couple of hundred million other
possibilities for which human being to bring into existence,
and you were the one possibility that happened. Bear that in
mind the next time you feel worthless, or worse yet when
someone tells you you’re worthless. It’s simply not true.

Is the earth only about six thousand years old? No. The earth
is roughly four point three billion years old. That’s if you go
all the way back to the moment matter began to gather
together to form what would eventually become this planet.
As for how long mankind has been on earth, you have to first
take into account that there are cultures with written records
that go back far longer than six thousand years. And as
recently as last week, archeologists uncovered fossil evidence
of human remains in a location alongside the charred
remains of a fire pit or campfire. The site dated back six
hundred thousand years. You also have to take into account
that, as I stated earlier, only about two to five percent of
what dies becomes fossilized and only a tiny amount of those
fossils have been uncovered to date. Your knowledge of the
history of mankind on earth will never be much more than a
scratch on the surface of the sum of human history.

When theologians dig through the bible and try to use it to

date the historical age of the earth, they are leaving out a
crucial component that is clearly stated right in the text. Time
to me, hence a day to me, is nothing like what mankind sees
as a day. If the life of a man is like unto a breath for me,
imagine how long a day to me might come out to in terms of
human perception. When it says I created the heavens and
the earth and all that is upon it in six days, resting on the
seventh, I was just trying to give a timeline that mankind
could relate to. I wasn’t about to try and explain the actual
process by which the planet formed to a bunch of people
who thought the stars were pinholes poked in the curtain of
night. Frame of reference is an important thing that seems
not to be taken into account. Just like a lot of the things that
are in the bible. It is a book, comprised of scripture that was
written over eons by different men, then translated into
different languages etc. It’s clearly not the entirety of all
scripture ever written that had divine direction. The book
would be thousands of pages long if that were the case.
Again, The Nicean Council of three twenty-five AD trimmed
down what went into the book considerably. That will always
be a sore spot for me. But the things in the bible were
germane in the time in which they were written. That isn’t
the case across the board as time passes and people grow
and learn. I expect people to realize that. It doesn’t mean the
things in the bible aren’t still applicable. It means they bear
consideration with reference to the frame of reference and
time in which they are read. Back when I said ‘Thou shalt not
covet thy neighbor’s ass’, your neighbors livestock was
analogous to your neighbor’s form of currency and a symbol
of his labors in animal husbandry that resulted in the sum of
his wealth. You have to apply that to what people consider to
have the same meaning in modern times. I know no one is
envious or wants to steal livestock from one another in New
York City in this day and time. It’s not rocket science to take
what you read in the bible and apply it sensibly to your day
and age. The part about respecting your parents applies only
if you have parents who are respectable. If your parents are
drug addicts and beat you, you should understand that you
are not expected to respect them. As a matter of fact, you
are expected to get the hell away from them as far as you
can in order to give yourself a chance to live a life worth
living. You can only learn two things from your parents …
What to do …. And what not to do. When it comes right
down to it, those are the only two things you can learn from
anyone. If you are surrounded by people who are immoral,
you should learn what not to do from those people by the
example of the results of their actions, i.e. the pin they cause
themselves and others etc. If you are surrounded by people
with good morals, you should learn from them what to do.
All of this should be common sense to people. But I find that
some people often twist what they read in the bible to agree
with an agenda that they already have.
Chapter 14


Me: So … Getting away from the list of questions for a bit …

Can we touch on the subject of cults? Historically, there have
been a lot of people who have, through claiming to be doing
your work or even claiming to be you or an incarnation of
you, who have garnered large followings and, in many cases,
done horrible things with the power and influence their
position afforded them. What’s your take on that?

God: Oh that kind of thing has been going on since the first
time mankind decided to look for divine direction from one
of their own kind. The fact of the matter is that you can never
find me in another human being. I am in each and every one
of you already. The search has to be inward.

Me: But we need the clergy, right?

God: No … There are those who benefit from the direction
they find in the clergy. But when all is said and done, they are
not necessary in order for a person to commune with or find
me. There were people running all over the earth for
hundreds of thousands of years before the advent of religion
… before there was the slightest hint of scripture or a single
temple or church. What do you think they did for spiritual
guidance? Clergy didn’t exist in those days. But mankind did.
And they were my children just as surely as you all are today.
The idea that you need another human being to direct you to
me is a human invention. The need for clergy did exist when
bibles were rare and hand-written and only the very few
even knew how to read. But in today’s world, that isn’t the
case. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a holy tome
of some kind or another. And most people know how to
read. For those who cannot read, the clergy still have a place.
But as for interpretation of what the bible means to an
individual, that has to come from the heart of the person and
is germane to their situation and need.

As for cults … All organized religions are considered cults by

those who do not belong to that religion. That piece of it is
completely dependent on perspective. But as for
organizations that do harm in my name, again, there is a
special place in hell for the leaders of those organizations.
But remember, the fact that such organizations continue to
exist and grow and increase in influence is not solely the fault
of the leaders of said organizations. The followers of those
leaders are the ones who grant such authority to those
leaders. And when those leaders begin to bastardize my
word and do things that are not in keeping with the edicts of
what one would expect from a benevolent God, their
followers should know to turn from them and seek me
elsewhere. But in many cases, followers do their following
with blind abandon … because it’s easier than thinking for
themselves. They would rather be led down the proverbial
mountain into the valley of iniquity that to have to climb to
the peak of goodness and true salvation by their own
navigation. They would rather put the responsibility for their
actions and the life they lead on someone else. What they fail
to realize is that the only person held accountable for all of
that is them on their day of judgment. I didn’t hold David
Koresh accountable for the ignorance of the parents who
allowed him to have his way with their children in that
compound in Waco, Texas. He had three children of his own.
Do you think he was molesting them? Who follows a guy who
screws kids? His name wasn’t even David Koresh. It was
Vernon … Vernon Wayne Howell. And he changed his name
to David in order to be associated as the founder and so-
called messiah of The Branch Davidians. People didn’t bother
to check into who this guy really was. He claimed to be the
second coming of the messiah, yet he was born to a regular
mom and dad in Huston named Bobby and Bonnie. But it was
easier for these people to let someone else lead than to find
their own way, even though he was doing horrible things.
They were willing to accept what he was doing because
leaving that compound meant having to take responsibility
for their own actions and quest for salvation. It’s not
supposed to be easy. Any time someone offers you an easy
way to salvation, they’re full of shit and you need to
immediately stop listening to anything they tell you.
And there are more than just religious cults. There are cults
of personality as well. Hitler didn’t profess to be a religious
leader, yet he managed to create an empire filled with
people who were willing to do some of the most horrible
things that any human being has ever done. And they did it
because that monster told them it was okay to do so because
the people they were doing those things to were less than
people. That was a perfect example of people training their
souls away from acknowledgement of what that little piece
of me inside them was saying. They all became monsters
themselves because someone told them it was okay to do so.
They all knew it wasn’t okay, but they wanted to believe it
was okay. And all it took was saying it was. And it became an
insanely fast escalation of the concentration and growth of
negative energy, hence evil, growing unchecked in an ever-
widening radius. Pure hatred. Complete insanity. And what
little positive energy and good the soon-to-be victims
generated was cancelled out immediately when it was
released into an environment that was saturated with evil.
Soon the terror of the victims of that evil augmented the
negative energy vortex. It grew and grew until it had infected
so many people it was nearly unstoppable.

When evil reaches such a point, often times it has to be

countered with something horribly destructive to initiate the
pathway back to universal equilibrium. In the case of Hitler, it
was two atomic bombs. The forces that were perpetrating so
much evil in the world only understood power. Something
more powerful than them, to the point of leaving them
awestruck and terrified, had to come into existence.
Once the bombs were dropped and all of those people in
Japan were killed in an instant, the growth of evil in Hitler’s
followers was stemmed by the realization that there was
indeed a force that held them accountable. Unfortunately it
wasn’t their conscience that brought them around to this
realization and they didn’t suddenly realize they were
accountable to me. They were turned away from their evil
deeds by the fear that the next atomic bomb would be
dropped on them. Sadly … None of them learned anything
about the wrongness of their actions. None of them changed
because the light inside them came to life and drove away
the darkness. And in the end, they all met with the most
severe judgment for what they’d done. I didn’t spare a single
one of them. Every single victim was granted entry to
Paradise including those who were killed in Japan. All of
those who took part in the insanity that Hitler instigated got
a ticket on the fast train to hell. Not one of them was spared.
On the day each of them finally died, Lucifer came and
collected them personally at my request.
Chapter 15

Divorce And The Church

Me: There are many who believe you frown on divorce. Some
even claim that their religion forbids divorce. What is the
truth about divorce?

God: First you have to realize that a real marriage is between

a man and a woman and me. It’s a contract. And that
contract has terms and conditions that, when adhered to,
keep the contract binding. Love, honor and cherish. Keeping
only unto him/her. Obey etc. These are the terms and
conditions of that contract. When a husband abuses his wife,
one could hardly say that he is keeping to the love, honor
and cherish terms of the contract. If either of them commits
adultery, they break the contract. When anyone in the
marriage breaks the terms of the contract, the contract
becomes void.
But once that contract becomes void, it is up to the people
who entered into the contract to decide whether or not to
remain bound by it. If they do decide that, it becomes a
contract of will. They have decided to remain under the
remaining terms of that contract despite one or both of them
violating the terms and conditions of the contract. That is a
decision that is theirs and theirs alone. When the church tries
to get involved in the decisions made about that contract, it
becomes an outside arbitration of that contract. People can
be brow-beaten into remaining in the contract even though
they didn’t choose to be out of a decision they made from
the heart. This makes it a contract of surrender. And at that
point, it is a form of slavery. And how do you think I feel
about slavery?

Me: Point taken … I’m guessing that is a Segway to a new


God: You’re catching on quickly …

Chapter 16

“The Operation”

To Dude Or Not To Dude

Me: That subject got really heavy, really quickly. I’d like to
move on to something less grim … What are your feelings
about people who get sex change operations … The whole
transgender thing?

God: Oh boy … Yah …. That whole thing … Well, I doubt I

need to say I’m against it. But I’d imagine the real question
would be why I’m against it.

I made each of you the way you were supposed to be. I made
no mistakes. All this horse shit about people being born
trapped in the body of the opposite gender really chaps my
ass. It’s the same as my take on the whole ‘born gay’ tack.
You are all born exactly the way you are supposed to be born
… Boy, girl, black, white, brown, poor, rich … You name it,
that’s what was meant to be your lot. Now what you do with
that lot is up to you, but only to a certain extent. Gender isn’t
negotiable. Neither is the color of your skin. You can go from
poor to rich or rich to poor. You can make a weak body
strong by lifting weights and eating right. You can change
your name six ways to Sunday and it won’t change who you
are. But when you go to a surgeon and have your junk cut off
or turned inside out or have parts added to your genetalia
that make you appear to be the opposite gender, and start
eating hormone pills like tic tacs and getting injections, you
are second-guessing me … I don’t like that.

Now I know there are people out there who are so unhappy
with their lives that they are willing to do just about anything
to change it. I know there are people who have psychological
issues who do things for irrational reasons. I know there are
people born with hormonal imbalances that cause their brain
to tell them they are something their physiology isn’t. Those
issues need to be addressed, not given in to.

We might as well head straight for the issue I know is in the

mind of a lot of the people who are going to read this …
Bruce Jenner … And no, I won’t call him by that other name
nor will I call him ‘her’. He’s a dude. He was born a dude and
he’ll die a dude. The shame of it is, he was the dude back in
nineteen seventy-six when he won the decathlon in the
Olympics. He was the very personification of the male of your
species. He took the body he was born with and turned it
into an amazing machine that was capable of things few
other men could dream of doing. And he took that gift later
on in his life and turned it into a walking freak show. In doing
so, he marred the impressions he had made on so many
people who adored him for his accomplishments. He also did
a great deal of damage to the psyches of children
everywhere who were going through a time of sexual or
gender confusion. What he did taught a lot of them that you
don’t have to deal with such issues. You just have to go get
an operation and pop some pills. That carries over into the
problem solving mentality of a huge number of people.
When you rise to a position of influence, regardless of how,
you inherit a responsibility to use that position to make the
world a little bit better. You inherit the responsibility to live
your life as a good example. It can be difficult at times, but
it’s the price you pay for the accolades and adoration. And
for the people who applaud such behavior and say the
person is brave for expressing themselves … You are idiots.
When you give praise for aberrant behavior, you are trying to
render said behavior as acceptable. You are diluting the pool
of decency and respectability in the world. And some of you
are doing so because you, yourselves are prone to aberrant
thoughts or behaviors of your own and you believe you are
laying the groundwork for future acceptance of your aberrant
behavior. You want to behave badly and be applauded for it.
You want to be called brave for giving in to your twisted
desires and lack of moral character. No matter how you look
at it, it’s not just stupid and destructive to the moral fiber of
all of society … It’s evil, plain and simple. And that evil paves
the way for yet more evil. Bear in mind that in the end, you
aren’t just held accountable for the evil you do … You are
held accountable for all of the evil you cause to come about
in others as well.
Chapter 17

Immigration And Border Control

Where Do You Draw The Line?

Me: For a long time there has been an issue here in America
with illegal immigration. Do you have a stance on the

God: Sort of … In reality, borders to countries or states or

towns for that matter, mean nothing more than that
someone drew a line on a map and decided that was where
something ended and something else began. It’s mostly a
human invention. I’m often amused as well as saddened by
the ability of mankind to think on such a small scale,
completely ignoring the bigger picture. You like to separate
yourselves from each other with labels and borders and the
like, not taking into account that you all share the same
planet. You spend so much time concentrating on your
differences that you lose sight of your commonalities. You
are all connected by blood. It’s not like I created another
bloodline after the flood. There is Noah’s bloodline and that’s
it. You all descend from that bloodline. And while thousands
and thousands of years have passed since then and you have
all adapted to different environmental influences, changing
the color of your skin and hair and eyes, you’re all still related
by blood.

Now don’t get me wrong. I realize there are reasons other

than race and national origin in play here. There are
economic issues and crime statistics and any number of other
things to take into consideration in the short-sighted view.
But when it comes right down to it, you take into
consideration what you choose to take into consideration.
And that is determined by what you decide is most important
… which is seldom what’s really important. You don’t want
Mexicans crossing the border illegally because you think they
are taking away jobs or adding to the crime element or
creating a burden on the welfare system etc. That’s because
you are looking out for the best interests of America. That is
…. That you are separating yourselves from family due to
national origin, when you all come from the exact same place
in the big picture. Americans of any descent other than
Native American have an ancestral origin outside the borders
you’ve drawn on maps to outline ‘your’ country. You even
took some of what used to belong to Mexico in the process.
Yet now you are hell bent on keeping the Mexicans from
coming back to land that belonged to them in the first place a
couple of hundred years ago. Mexicans are Native North
American Indians. They actually have more of a right to be
here than anyone from Europe or Asia or any other
continent. And it’s the same with other countries and their
respective borders and immigration laws. Everyone spends
untold resources trying to protect borders that are nothing
more than lines drawn on a map.

It’s because you have divided yourselves up into teams, for

lack of a better team. You have your own colors on your flags
and your own languages and your own laws and national
anthems … Why? Because someone along the way convinced
you that you were somehow better than someone else from
somewhere else. Nothing more. You’re all being played by
the very few who are actually running things on a scale more
grand than you could believe. Those people decided a long
time ago that the human race couldn’t be managed and
controlled because there were just too many of them. So
they devised a method of breaking you up into groups that
they could manage by creating and then pointing out
differences between you, exploiting those differences in the
name of country or culture or skin color or language … and
religion. And you all bought into it … At least your forefathers
did. It was no mistake that The United States came to be and
that the colonies revolted against the English and won. It was
all devised to break off a chunk of an ever-growing European
population and move it to another location where they could
be kept separate from the rest of the population and thus
keep them manageable. Look at the size of most countries.
None of them get too big. And when they do, they end up
being managed by a tyrannical government that keeps them
under and iron thumb. They have to be managed in that
strict fashion because there are too many of them together
to manage any other way. Look at Russia, Red China and
North Korea. Those people are kept terrified of their
respective government so that they never even dare dream
of not doing what their leaders tell them to do. All of the
things humans use to drive wedges between themselves and
other humans are inventions of the very few who control all
of you … Twelve … There are twelve men who control every
aspect of every nation and every economy and every cultural
dynamic in every industrialized nation. And they all work
together. And they are evil, greedy, power-hungry bastards.
And every time one of them dies, I send Lucifer again to
collect them personally, just like I do with Hitler’s brood.
Unfortunately, each of them have a small group of
replacements just waiting in the wings to replace them. It has
always been this way. And unless something drastic happens,
it will always remain this way. It’s yet another example of
mankind preferring to be led than to strike out and create
their own individual destiny.

Me: Who are the twelve men?

God: Nope … That one is for mankind to nail down. When all
of you realize you are brothers and sisters, maybe you’ll start
acting like a family … And then I might just spill the beans.
But as things stand now, even if you knew who they were
and where they lived and what they had for breakfast this
morning, half of you would give in to your selfish desires and
join up with them to fight the other half. You’re just not
Chapter 18

The Way

Is Jesus The Only Way To Heaven?

Me: Okay … Changing gears again. We have all read in the

bible that the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus. Is
that true? I mean, what about all of the people who just
don’t believe in Jesus, like people of other cultures and other

God: I’ve heard this question so many times and I’m amazed
at the amount of confusion that particular piece of scripture
has caused. First off, Jesus died for all of you, present past
and future generations … everyone. Not just Christians.
Technically, there were no Christians at the time of his
crucifixion. Every single one of you is born with that Grace.
You didn’t have to anything to earn it nor can you do
anything to earn it. It’s yours for free the moment you are
born. It doesn’t matter if you are born into a culture that
recognizes Jesus or not. If people would use just a little
common sense they would know that I could never slant the
proverbial playing field in that manner considering you are all
my children. Would you, as a parent, have in your possession
a medication that would cure your children of any ailment,
but withhold it from some of them while giving it to others?
Of course not. So for me to do the same thing in the context
of letting children be born into cultures that would, by their
very existence, damn that child’s soul to hell, would be
ridiculous and pointless and cruel. Jesus is the only way to
Heaven for Christians. And being a Christian by its very
definition means you’ve already qualified in that provision of
your salvation. In other cultures and religions, they have a set
of rules that govern their expected behavior to be in the
good graces of whatever deity they look to for their salvation.
And as long as they keep to those rules, they too go to
Heaven. And then there are people out there who, for
whatever reason, don’t subscribe to any religious ideology,
but they lead lives filled with charity, love and goodness
toward their fellow man. They simply listen to that tiny piece
of me that is inside them and act accordingly. In a lot of cases
they are more Christian-like than many actual Christians.
Why would I deny them access to Heaven? If someone is
kicked in the teeth so many times during their life on earth
that they stop believing in me, but they don’t allow that to
change them and they continue on to live a good life and
continue to be true to their conscience and exhibit the
qualities of a Christian without the label, in many ways they
are more in keeping with what gets people into heaven than
so many others who think that their association with a
religious organization is what gets them in. To be good
without believing in an organized system that demands
goodness is good just the same. Only it’s good for goodness
sake instead of for fear of being caught and punished. And
don’t forget all of the billions of people who were born, lived
and died long before Jesus came. Do you really think all of
those people were sent to the lake of fire because they didn’t
know a Jesus who didn’t yet exist?

Far too many people wield the bible like a sword. They use
what they read in it to exclude and persecute anyone who
doesn’t agree with them. They call on me to smite whole
countries and races. They dig through the bible, pouring over
page after page of pure love, searching for a reason to hate …
Looking for a lofty perch from which to judge the rest of
humanity. That book is meant for anyone who has a desire
to, to crack it open and let it speak to their heart. It does not
imbue the reader with any power over anyone else nor does
it mean the same thing to everyone who reads it. No one has
the power to interpret a single word of it to the masses and
claim that their interpretation is the way everyone is
supposed to abide by it.
Chapter 19

The Death Penalty

Is There Ever An Actual ‘Time To Kill’?

Me: Another subject that has a lot or religious organizations

up in arms is the death penalty. Some states have it. Some
don’t. Some countries execute criminals on a regular basis for
relatively minor crimes. Is there ever a dynamic in which man
is sanctioned to kill in the name of justice?

God: There are so many factors that come into play on this
one. It clearly states in the bible that Thou shalt not kill’ …
But that is a generalization. I also said an eye for an eye and
that if a man kills another man’s son, the son of that man’s
life shall be forfeit. It’s situational. I mean … If a man has
killed another man in cold blood for no good reason and he is
caught dead to rights, tried in a court of law and found guilty,
I am all for that man being put to death. He’s going to be
judged for his sin. If the process of getting him to that
judgment is accelerated, it’s no skin off my nose. Putting
people to death for minor crimes is just a form of cruelty
used by countries and cultures that still treat each other like
animals while acting like animals themselves. Anything they
do should be discounted when looking at legal processes that
are carried out by civilized cultures.

If you want my honest opinion on the subject, I don’t think

the death penalty is used often enough. There are far worse
crimes than murder and none of them carry the death
sentence … Rape, child molestation, abuse of the elderly …
All of these are crimes that are committed by people who are
so inherently evil that there is no hope of rehabilitating them.
They should be put down like rabid dogs and sent to their
judgment. Anyone who has trained their soul away from the
voice of their conscience to the point where they can do such
things to their fellow human beings, is beyond any kind of
justice other than death. And the fact that the average
criminal gets caught once for every sixteen crimes they
commit, makes it that much more important that those
people be done away with to ensure they can’t continue to
do such evil in the world.

Me: But the statistics say that about ten percent of people
who are given the death penalty are actually innocent.

God: I know. And that’s unfortunate. It’s always terrible

when someone pays for a crime they didn’t commit. But also
understand that anyone who is killed unjustifiably goes
straight to Heaven. What that means is, if someone has lived
their life up to the point when they are killed, without doing
things for which they deserved to be killed anyway, they get
a free pass to Paradise. But if they are a criminal and a killer
etc. in the first place and they happen to get killed by
another murderer or even by someone who has taken it
upon themselves to serve justice by killing them, they burn
regardless. The Mormon religion has a little-known clause
with ‘The Angel Of Mercy’ wherein they believe that if
someone is living a life of sin and, while doing so, they are
murdered, they get a free pass straight to Heaven. It doesn’t
work like that. Getting murdered doesn’t absolve you of sins
you’ve committed. It just brings you to judgment earlier. The
judgment will be the same regardless of how you met your

Me: What about killing that takes place in a war?

God: War … Oh boy … I knew this one would come

eventually. War is wrong. Period … I know, I know … There
have been ‘Holy Wars’ throughout history fought in my
name. I didn’t start or sanction a single one of them. Those
wars were fought by people who thought they were doing
my work … But those armies were led by people with their
own selfish or deluded agendas. Not once have I ever said it
was okay for anyone to engage in war. Every single person on
this planet I my child. As a parent, can you even dream of a
circumstance where you would want one of your children to
kill another of your children? Of course not. It’s exactly the
same with me. There has never been a war in which only the
guilty died. There has never been a war in which one side had
more of a right to kill than the other. There has never been a
war that didn’t leave in its path a swath of horror and
destruction and loss of innocent life. War is hell. Why would I
ever sanction that?

Me: So does everyone who participates in a war damned?

God: No. Only the people who are behind the war … Only the
people who start it and profit from having done so. I’ve never
sanctioned any war. All I’ve ever done is anguish at the
presence of such barbarism among my children. The horror
of watching brothers and sisters slaughter one another day in
and day out is more than I can bear to watch. I have to turn
my eyes away from it and set my mind on other things in the
universe for great spans of time because I simply can’t bear
to see it. There are times I actually look forward to the end of
earth as you know it because of such things. I know that in
the end good will win out over evil. But watching the process
is so heart-wrenching. The only thing that keeps me from
taking away free will altogether when I see such barbaric
behavior is knowing the human potential for growth. If I
thought you, as a species, would never grow out of your
need to wage war, I’d have turned this whole planet to ash
eons ago. The potential I see every day in lovers and poets
and artists and mothers and fathers and children … every
time I see a glimpse of altruism … every time I see kindness
or forgiveness or reconciliation or self-sacrifice … It makes
me able to resist taking back the promise I made to Noah
after the flood.
Chapter 20

Global Warming


Me: There has been a lot of talk about the environment

being on the decline due to the human contribution to the
greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. We’re being told that
Global Warming is in the process of melting the polar icecaps
etc. and that there will eventually be catastrophic
consequences. Are we really destroying the planet?

God: This is a subject that is obviously near and dear to my

heart. And I wish I could wag a finger at you and say you
need to reduce your carbon footprint and all of that other
junk … But I can’t. This is another case of people attempting
to control other people through scare tactics. The amount of
greenhouse gas produced by human activity on earth is
roughly two point five percent of the overall production.
There are greenhouse gasses produced from decaying plant
matter in the ocean, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, decaying
plant matter on land etc. etc. etc. I even heard a bunch of
vegans trying to make a case against beef ranchers, saying
that cow flatulence was a significant contributor. What do
those morons think the other few trillion animals on the
planet are doing … Holding in their farts to save the planet?
Every single solitary creature on this planet that breathes
contributes to the greenhouse gas production. They breathe
in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is
a greenhouse gas. And here’s the funny thing about the tack
being taken by the global warming scare-mongers … plants
need carbon dioxide. The more carbon dioxide there is in the
atmosphere, the more food there is for plants to consume in
order to conduct photosynthesis and produce oxygen that
humans need to survive. I sat in on a talk being given by a guy
who is considered a global warming and climate science
expert. He actually said that the planet was doomed unless
someone invented ‘some kind of giant tube like thing that
can catch and isolate carbon dioxide, removing it from our
atmosphere’ … The last time I check, those giant tube like
things are called trees. There was even a couple sitting
together in the auditorium where the talk was being given,
who burst out laughing when he said it. They quickly put
their hands over their mouths and suppressed their laughter,
but it was clear I wasn’t the only one there who saw the
absurdity of what he was saying. The entire idea that global
warming exists goes against pretty much everything science
has learned about the climate. Recent aerial photos of the
South Pole, when compared against similar photos taken in
nineteen seventy-three, show a thirty percent increase in the
ice mass. Yet a large part of the argument climatologists are
using claims the polar ice masses are melting at an alarming
rate and will cause sea levels to rise and eventually destroy
coastal cities etc. Really? Does anyone ever check up on
these idiots or do you all just take what they tell you as the
gospel and go into a panic? The rise in the global average
temperature has been a total of roughly two degrees over
more than one hundred years. And that is due to the fact
that the planet is still thawing out from the last ice age.
Everyone knows there have been multiple ice ages over the
life of the planet. Everyone knows that the glaciers advance
and retreat periodically. Yet for some reason they want
people to get their panties in a twist over a two degree
temperature fluctuation over a one hundred year period.
And what’s even more amazing than the size of those
people’s balls to attempt such an obvious scam, is that
millions of you bought into their bullshit. And worse yet is
that these guys didn’t even think this scam up on their own.
They are using the same scam that the Catholic Church used
hundreds of years ago … You can buy carbon credits from the
fear-mongers today, which give you a sort of dispensation to
create greenhouse gasses with your business etc. because
you’ve paid ahead of time for the damage you’re going to
cause to the environment. A few hundred years ago you
could pre-pay for dispensation for sins from the Catholic
Church, before you committed them. This is just a way to
collect money from people for what is perceived as bad
behavior, before they behave badly, so that they can
misbehave with impunity at a later date. Same game.
Different deck of cards.
And while we’re on the subject … Do you ever wonder what
happened to that hole in the ozone layer they were going on
and on about a few decades ago? … Ever wonder why you
never hear about it these days? … I’ll tell you why … There
never was one. But people bought into that bullshit too. Next
thing you know, no one can charge their own refrigerator or
car air conditioner or home air conditioning unit because
Freon was only allowed to be in the possession of special
technicians who had paid the government for a special
license. Freon was blamed for a hole in the ozone layer that
didn’t even exist. But a lot of people made a lot of money off
of that nonexistent hole. And to think there was already a
basic law of physics that made it clear to anyone who cared
to do a little investigating … All things travel from a greater to
a lesser concentration … High school earth science class stuff
… So if there was a hole in the ozone layer, all of the ozone in
the layer would rush to the hole and fill it. That might make
the layer a tenth of a micron thinner. But the fact is, no hole
can come to exist in the ozone layer in the first place because
of that basic law. Millions and millions of dollars were made
by certain people from that lie. How much money do you
think is going to change hands over this global warming crap
before it’s all said and done?

Bottom line … I set up a perfect system in the ecology of this

planet. Human activity might be able to cause a little hiccup
now and then. But long before you could ever hope to
destroy the earth, it would shake all of you off its back like
fleas and then heal its self and go right on as though you
were never here.
Chapter 21

Nuclear Power

Me: On a mildly related topic, a lot of people are against

nuclear power. They seem to be afraid of nuclear plants
melting down and contaminating the environment etc. What
are your feeling on nuclear power?

God: Since we touched on greenhouse gasses in the last

chapter, let’s first look at what nuclear power means as far as
carbon dioxide production … Pretty much none. The process
of splitting the atom …. Fission … produces absolutely zero
greenhouse gas. It produces heat. That heat is used to turn
water into steam and that steam drives a turbine which
drives a generator that makes electricity. The only difference
between a nuclear power plant and any other power plant is
the source of heat. Coal plants burn coal to make heat. Gas
plants burn natural gas to make heat. There are even power
plants that burn garbage to make heat. All the rest of the
inner workings of a power plant that produces electricity via
heat/steam are the same. Burning natural gas is cleaner than
coal or garbage. But it is still a finite source of fuel, depleted
from the earth, leaving voids beneath the surface. I often
wonder when people are going to question that. For every
cubic foot of natural gas that is piped up out of the ground,
there is a cubic foot void left behind. They don’t go back and
fill those voids in. They leave them. At some point, there will
be a sink hole or something of that nature due to that void
and gravity and soil moisture and the like. Same with oil.
They pump it out of the ground and leave a void. Some of the
voids are back-filled with water. But water doesn’t have the
same consistency as oil and won’t create the same structural
stability underground as the oil did before it was harvested.
It’s funny how mankind just loves to dig things out of the
ground and burn them.

But nuclear power is your current best bet for cheap, clean
electricity. The regulations are so strict on waste disposal and
the carbon footprint is practically nonexistent. The accidents
from the past have caused the operators of nuclear plants to
learn from their mistakes. The media has, however, made a
field day of fear-mongering with each accident. Three Mile
Island was called a ‘nuclear disaster’ when the amount of
radiation released in total was the same as a single chest x-
ray at the doctor’s office. Other accidents that have
happened outside the United States have been much worse,
but occurred mostly because of an utter lack of regulatory
control of their operation of those plants. Fukushima was a
perfect storm scenario. An earthquake and a tidal wave all at
the same time. But even that could have turned out much
better if someone had simply pushed a button and switched
the electrically driven cooling water pumps over to the steam
driven cooling water pumps. If there was anything they had
plenty of at Fukushima, it was steam.

Me: So you’re saying nuclear power is the way to go.

God: For now …. Yes.

Me: Is there a better solution?

God: Yes … But I’m not sure mankind is ready for it.

Me: We couldn’t understand the concept from a scientific

standpoint yet?

God: Nope. From an altruistic standpoint. You see … Roughly

thirty-eight percent of every dollar that changes hands in the
world can be tied either directly or indirectly to the oil and
natural gas industries. And a lot of extremely powerful
people make an extremely good living off of those industries.
If an alternative source of power were invented, those
people would be ruined. Especially if it was practically free.
And there is also the matter of mankind having the
infrastructure in place to accommodate such a drastic
change. If cars ran on electricity instead of gas, gas stations
would have to change completely to provide electricity for
cars instead. The only thing petroleum would still be used for
would be lubrication and the manufacture of plastics. And all
of the current power plants would be useless. All of the
people who work at them would be out of a job.

Me: Where would this practically free power come from?

God: The oceans … I covered seventy-five percent of this

planet with salt water for a reason. Do you know what
happens to sea water when you expose it to an RF signal at
thirteen point five six MHz? It burns … It burns at about
fifteen hundred degrees C. You put some money into that
technology and you’re headed in the right direction. Also you
can build huge barges with photo-voltaic cells covering them
and have them generate solar-derived electricity to use to
electrolyze water, splitting apart the hydrogen and oxygen to
be collected and compressed into cylinders for fuel. Seventy-
five percent of the earth is covered by seawater. You’re not
going to run out. But the money for research and
development of most power production technology, is
controlled by the people who stand to lose their butts
financially if the gas and oil industries go under. Human
greed has been the end of so much technology. It’s sad

The same goes for curing cancer and the like. A big chunk of
the economy is tied to illness … Treatment, pharmaceutical
companies, hospitals etc. … If someone came up with a pill
that cured all disease, there would be a lot of people looking
for a job tomorrow. You’d have doctors lined up for jobs
digging ditches and flipping burgers. Illness is a business. And
until the parts of the world economy that are tied to illness
and oil and gas are fitted to some other source of profit, it
will remain a business and the proverbial right thing will be
intentionally passed over when decisions are made.
Chapter 22

When Will I See You Again

Me: When we die … If we go to Heaven … Do we get to be

with our significant other when they die or if they have died
already and they are in Heaven? Some say yes. Some say no.
What’s the truth?

God: There is a fairly well spread idea that when you go to

Heaven, you forget all things earthly. You forget about all of
the people you knew and all of the things you did, along with
all of the suffering. You don’t have to remember your death
etc. It’s not the truth. But I can understand how the idea
came into existence …

Suppose someone asks a member of the clergy about the

logistics of their grandmother, who has died, worrying that
she will be in Heaven and missing all of her grandchildren
who are still living. Or suppose a spouse dies and the one left
behind is worried that he or she is alone in heaven without
them and sad. Said member of the clergy does the best they
can to manufacture something that will make those people
less sad about the situation. And thus the idea was born. It
wasn’t intentional dogma and the intentions behind it were
noble. But it’s dogma just the same.

Think about it … The whole concept of Heaven is love and

happiness like you’ve never known before. Now how could it
be that happy if you and your significant other weren’t
allowed to be together if you were both there? It would be a
form of torture. And as for forgetting everything that
happened on earth along with all of the people you knew,
that too would be taking away from you something that gave
you joy. It just wouldn’t make any sense. There are instances
where bad memories are wiped from the minds of those who
come to Heaven. But that is a completely different
circumstance. And if your entire life on earth was misery and
pain, your mind would be completely wiped clean of those
memories. It is, once again, situational. People need to take
more time and think about what makes good sense when
they are told things like that. If it has a bunch of holes in the
logic, it more than likely isn’t true. Just like blind faith, blind
acceptance of anything you are told in reference to religion is
seldom a good idea. I gave you free will for a reason.

Look at some of the doctrines of The Church Of Latter Day

Saints, or The Mormon Church, as it is commonly known.
There are things in their doctrine that should have been
immediately identified as dogma by people the first time
they read it or were told about it. There is actually a part
where they say that during the division in Heaven brought on
by the defiant actions of Lucifer, one third of the angels sided
with him, while two thirds sided with me and they fought it
out. My side won. But half of the two thirds that fought on
my side didn’t really give it their all. So those angels’ skin was
turned black … Black because they were lazy warriors! Are
you kidding me? Someone actually wrote that down and
then the people who read it believed it. The semantics vary
on the story. But the crux of it is so offensive to black people I
can’t believe there haven’t been riots over it. Their doctrine
also speaks of an ancient race of white people who tried to
live on the North American continent and ended up having a
war with the indigenous peoples, or Indians, who were evil
and killed all but one of the white people … Another slight
against non-white people that was never called out as
dogma. There are Native American Mormons. You’d think at
least they would be up in arms about that particular piece of
their doctrine. But to date, not a peep about it.

The bottom line is, think before you believe, regardless of the
source of the information. If you read it in the bible and it
makes zero sense, look into it and see if perhaps you have a
badly translated bible or if it is a bible from a religion you are
not familiar with or something along those lines. And if it is a
‘correct’ bible, and it makes zero sense to you, it either
doesn’t apply to you or it’s just plain dogma. Remember the
book speaks to the heart of the individual. Some of it is
meant for you and some it isn’t. And unfortunately, some of
it is dogma. So many ‘chefs’ have had their fingers in that pie
over the centuries, there are just parts of it you shouldn’t
Chapter 23


Me: So … There are a lot of people out there who subscribe

to the Wiccan and/or pagan belief system … Being at one
with the earth, which they believe is alive … They call it Gaya
… I don’t know why I’m explaining it. I’m sure you already
know what I is. What is your take on it?

God: There are a lot of facets to the Wiccan and pagan belief
systems … Some I agree with conditionally … Others I
disagree with whole-heartedly. The fact that many of them
are of a mind that the earth needs to be respected and
nature protected. That’s all well and good. But to believe that
they can derive some sort of magical power out of
communing with the earth is just silly.

Don’t get me wrong … Mankind was a lot better off in many

ways in the distant past because of their reverence for the
natural world around them. They realized that they were a
part of nature rather than thinking they were the masters of
it. They didn’t struggle against nature. If they built a village
on the edge of a particular body of water and a hurricane
destroyed it, they learned that it wasn’t a good place for a
village and they rebuilt elsewhere. People now days rebuild
in the same exact place every time a natural disaster brings
down the house. I understand tenacity, but that’s just
stupidity. If the topography is such that it directs tornadoes
into a specific area, and that is discovered via having a trailer
park blown away, it makes no sense to rebuild said trailer
park in that area after making that discovery. But it happens
every year. People die because they refuse to surrender to a
power so much greater than anything they can ever hope to
control. Less advanced humans understood the value of
surrendering to nature. Everyone want a house on the water
and they are willing to pay through the nose to be able to
wake up in the morning and look out across the sea while
they drink their coffee. But that very same sea will churn up
and smash their house and swamp their belongings and cars,
costing them a fortune to replace and wreaking havoc on
their lives. They all know what a hurricane is. People who
build their houses in a flood plain know what water is. It
makes no sense.

The people who still commune with nature also get the
benefit of being healthier on average because of the fact that
being in contact with the environment in which your species
evolved in is just plain old good for your physiology. But to
think that you can throw a handful of herbs and berries into a
stew pot and cast a spell that has any influence on the world
or anyone in it is ridiculous. Granted … If you cast a spell on
someone who believes strongly enough in what you’ve done
and they are aware you’ve done it, they can make the
contents of said spell occur through the power of suggestion
and psychosomatic symptom expression. People can, in some
instances. Will themselves to be stricken with pretty much
anything if they believe strongly enough.

The pagan end of the whole thing … And many Wiccans are
also pagan by choice … is just a matter of refusal to exhibit
any form of self-control. They do whatever pops into their
head. They have orgies at will. They steal or lie or sometimes
even kill with impunity and claim it’s okay due to their belief
in paganism. It’s just crap. Heck … I could just as easily crank
up a new ideology about people in that sect being allowed to
take any money they see regardless of who it belongs to, and
call it monetarianism. Or a sect who eats nothing but Hostess
snack cakes and call it Twinkieism … It’s just that silly. The
basis for Paganism goes back eons. And in its origins, it was a
bit more of an ideology of substance. The Druids had a
decent thing going on, although some of their practices were
once again steeped in the personal agendas of their

Brass tacks … Witchcraft per se doesn’t exist. No one in this

day and age is capable of magic. Actually … No human has
ever had magical abilities. They were just slick enough to
make people believe they had powers. Sleight of hand …
Smoke and mirrors … And a whole lot of people who had zip
for scientific knowledge or anything that could pass for a
formal education.
Me: And what about people with psychic abilities? It’s hard
to believe none of them have even the slightest ability to see
into the future.

God: Think about what you just said … See into the future?
By even saying that, you’ve thrown free will out the
proverbial window. There is no future. The past is made up of
nothing more than people’s memories of events. The only
thing that actually exists is the here and now. The predictions
that pan out are just coincidence. If you predict enough
things are going to happen, eventually some of it will happen.
Even Nostradamus made so many predictions for the future
that at least some of his predictions were bound to come
true. The guy made a ridiculous number of predictions in his
time. Only a tiny percentage actually happened to date.

Same goes for time travel. Scientists go on and on about how

they can prove it’s possible on paper … Big deal. If you go ten
seconds into the future or the past, what makes you think
there would be anything to see? To believe there is a future
or a past to visit, again throws free will out the window. Not
to mention the assumption that matter is omnipresent along
the time line in both directions, with a new and complete set
of everything in the universe for each fraction of a
nanosecond. Now … Does that make any sense? To assume
you could go back to fifty million BC and see dinosaurs is just
silly. The earth that they walked on is here … now. It can’t
exist in any other timeframe than right here and now. The
matter that the dinosaurs were made of is now something
else. And that matter exists only in the here and now as well.
Now … The simultaneous occupation of space by matter that
exists on different vibrational frequencies is another story.
You and I are sitting in these lawn chairs. At this very
moment, the signals from all of the local television and radio
stations, along with the digital content of every cell phone
conversation and wireless internet transaction, are filling the
room and passing right through our bodies, these walls and
your beer. But since we don’t have the equipment in here to
interpret those signals, they go unnoticed by the equipment
we do have in this room … Our five senses. But right now,
signals containing Oprah, Doctor Phil and The Evening News
are in the room with us. We’re just oblivious to them.

Me: So what does that have to do with matter?

God: I’m getting to that … Okay … If you set your beer down
on the floor in front of us, you could imagine that is the
nucleus of a Hydrogen atom. It has one proton and one
neutron in it. Now … If the nucleus of the atom was the size
of a basketball, the valence ring that the single electron in
that atom travels in at near the speed of light, would have a
radius of about five miles. There is nothing in between
theoretically, except the incidental wandering x-ray or beta
particle. You were taught that there is no such thing as empty
space in sixth grade earth science. So …. What do you
imagine is in all of that empty space?
Me: I never looked at it that way.

God: Few do. But wait! There’s more. Now … The guys and
gals who are monkeying around with String Theory are
getting near the doorstep to this one. See … If matter were to
vibrate on a frequency other than that of discernable by the
senses you possess, it could occupy the same space as matter
on non-interfering frequencies without interacting in any
way. The matter on each vibrational frequency is oblivious to
the existence of the other matter present in the same space.
It’s just like all of the radio and cell phone signals floating
around in here that you can’t pick up with any of your five
senses. But if you had a television or cell phone, tuned to the
correct frequency, all of a sudden you would be able to see
or hear them. As for matter in this room that is on different
frequencies, there could be monkeys and spaceships and
water and fish just floating all over the place and we’d never
know it.

Me: Can you see them? I mean … You’re God, right?

God: I could if I tuned myself in to those frequencies. But

then I’d be oblivious to you sitting there while I was tuned in
elsewhere. And if the right person reads this book, it should
speed things up in getting your heads wrapped around the
whole subject. Once that happens, the sky’s the limit
scientifically. You could figure out ways to tune into different
dimensions of matter and retune said matter and bring it to
this frequency. You could figure out how to sub-tune mater
so that gravity has less or more effect on it. The possibilities
are mind-boggling. I look forward to seeing what happens.

Me: Do you think mankind is ready for this kind of

technological leap forward? What if we do bad things with
the knowledge you’re leaking out to me right now? Should I
omit this stuff from the book?

God: I’m not worried. And no, don’t omit anything I tell you.
That’s how the bible got in the mess it’s in right now. Besides
… You can hand loaded guns to people all day long. It doesn’t
mean they’re going to shoot anybody with them. I give things
to mankind daily … What you do with those things is a
measure of your character. I’m not responsible for that. Free
will … Remember? We’re right back to you giving your son a

Me: I get it. But our government tends to do whatever they

want in such matters.

God: Speaking of your government …. I think it’s time to start

a new chapter for this one …
Chapter 24

Uncle Sam

Me: So … Our government …

God: Yes … Those guys. I’d like to give you an analogy of what
I think about how governments generally work. Let’s put it in
the form of a nine one one call …

Nine one one … What is your emergency?

Yes, operator? I have a bunch of people I hired to take care of

things for me … I pay them to take care of my legal matters,
financial matters, keeping up with my property … I hired them
to take care of pretty much everything except my personal
matter … But … I agreed to pay them a certain amount for
their services, yet every year they insist on a raise. They tell
me it’s not optional and that I have no choice in the matter.
And so each year they cost me more and more money. They
don’t do what I ask them to do. Instead they do whatever the
heck they feel like doing. When I try to stop them, they band
together and make my life miserable. And lately, they have
started telling ME what to do. And they say if I don’t do what
they say and if I’m late with a payment to them or if I break
one of THEIR rules, they’ll lock me in a box for as long as they
see fit. I need someone to come and get these people out of
my house!

And that’s exactly what is going on in today’s government in

many cases. In the open market, if you hire someone to do a
job and they do a terrible job of it, you fire them. You can’t
do that to the government unless they break specific laws,
and even then it’s nearly impossible to get them fired … It’s
literally takes an act of congress … who are, by the way, a
part of …. Yup … the government. So the government decides
when a member of the government can be fired. You see any
problems with that picture? Not to mention, the government
is filled exclusively with people you hired and you pay a salary
to, yet they tell you what to do on a daily basis. Again … you
see anything wrong with that?

Me: But they run everything. They have authority over the

God: Nope. The people of this country literally own this

country. The government is accountable to you for the job
they do managing your assets. Americans have let this crap
go on for so long, it’s going to be a long road back to the way
it’s supposed to be. But it’s doable. Not easy. But doable. The
people of your country have grown so steeped in their day to
day lives that they have lost sight of what allowed them to
have those lives in the first place. It started with a bunch of
colonists saying no to a government that was robbing them
blind and telling them what to do from across the Atlantic
Ocean. You probably remember it. They threw a bunch of tea
into the harbor … It’s high time for another such ‘tea party’ if
you ask me. But the so called system has them so
preoccupied with buying this and that and trying to keep up
with the people they watch on television, that they don’t feel
connected to the country on the whole anymore. It’s
designed to be that way by the people who run things and
rob you blind. Funny thing is … They take your money and
then refuse to tell you what the heck they’re doing with it …
and you just sit there and take it. You can’t do anything about
it because you don’t believe you can do anything about it.
There is a reason they make a point to teach certain things
about The Civil War in school … In particular the part about
the South trying to defy the federal government and getting
their asses handed to them for their trouble. They go on and
on making sure everyone learn about the horrors of the war
and how many people got killed and the whole brothers
fighting brothers bit. It’s to make sure people keep their
heads focused on the part about how you shouldn’t try to
defy the government or something similar will happen to you
too. What they gloss over is the principle that was behind it
all … That the South was tired of giving all of their wealth
away to the federal government and having squat for
representation in the decisions the government made and
sorry few benefits from the money they put in the pot. And
don’t forget the Native American Indians. They owned this
whole place. And as soon as they tried to get something
worthwhile for the land that was being stolen from them,
they were all enslaved in a fashion by being put on
reservations. The ones who fought back were slaughtered
along with the women and children they were trying to
protect. They make a point of teaching that as well in
schools. Only they put this we were wrong spin on it. But in
reality, they once again are driving the point home that if you
screw with the government, you’re going to lose. And when
that isn’t working particularly well, they throw you a
recession or even a depression so that when you come out of
it, your minds are refocused on being grateful for having a
roof over your head and food in your belly.

In the end, you are all pulling the carriages while the horses
ride for free. I hope the right people read this book on this
subject as well. It’s about time you people shook things up in
your country. It’ll get uncomfortable. But then again, no one
makes any changes unless they get a little uncomfortable
with the way things are.

Me: I never knew God would have such strong political views.
What about the separation of church and state?

God: Yah … That … Who wants a copy of The Ten

Commandments on display in front of a building filled with
thieves and liars? Might cause someone to start listening to
their conscience and we wouldn’t want that happening. Tell
me something … If there is a real separation of church and
state, why do you have to pay the government for a marriage
license, when you’re getting married in a church?
Chapter 25

The Meaning Of Life

Me: Well … I know I’ve taken up a lot of your time … And I

hope this last question isn’t too much to ask. But mankind
has been asking it for as long as mankind has been asking
questions … What … is the meaning of life?

God: It’s okay David. I have been waiting for this one. It is a
very important question and I think it’s about time I
answered it …

Life … Is a wonderful gift from me to you. It should be treated

as such. Sometimes life becomes unbearable to some people
for some stretch of time. But in the end, all things pass …
Misery … Joy … Love … Hate … Passion … Indifference … All
stages in one life or another at some point or other. I’ve
given each of you this gift with an expectation that you share
it with others. You are each imbued with different talents
and proclivities. You each have a unique perspective on the
world in which you live. And the only way you will learn
about and grow to respect the perspectives of others and
hence inherit the knowledge gleaned from it, is to listen and
share. Life begins as the box in which the gift was kept. You
are supposed to then fill that box with the things you collect
during your time on earth … Love … Joy … Pain … All of it. And
the things in the box should be gifts you’ve received from
others, not things you’ve manufactured yourself.

Life is a journey. Along the way, you’re expected to look at

the scenery and learn. You’re supposed to learn and love and
share and talk and listen … You’re supposed to find your gifts
and then give them to anyone who needs them. It doesn’t
mean you’ve lost what you’ve given away. It means that you
have multiplied that gift each time you share it. If you find
that kindness is your gift, you should give it away at every
opportunity, for in doing so, you’ve given something that
costs you nothing, is not depleted in you, and enriches the

We already covered the importance of each person’s

purpose. Some are great and some are small. But the
meaning of any life is sharing. If everyone shared their gifts
on a constant basis, there would be no war. There would be
no hatred. There would be no hunger. There would be no
need for governments or borders or police or courts or
religious labels. You would all become what you were
intended to be … Together.

If you think of everything that drives a metaphoric wedge

between any two people, it can be done away with by
sharing. Anything that does this in the name of religion, is not
religion. It’s politics or greed or hatred or pride or fear or
want for something not possessed. None of that comes from
me. None of that is useful. None of it could be born out of
love … and I am love.

I love you David … I love every single person who reads this
book and I love every single person who doesn’t. Not one
single life is more important than any other. Not one need is
any greater than any other. Not one cry in the night merits
any less compassion than any other. Not one hunger is more
justified than any other. You are all my children. I don’t make
junk. And in that vein, you are all brothers and sisters and
should act accordingly.

I’ve answered your questions in a manner and language with

which you could identify. I appear in a manner that is
acceptable to you. But this is not me. I’m not even actually
here other than in your heart and mind.

Publish this. Every word of it. No editing. No filling in any

blanks with opinion or conjecture. The holes are intentional.

With that, he stood and walked out the door through which
I’d come, leaving me alone in the apartment. I wish I could
say he walked through a wall or that he simply vanished. But
he didn’t. He opened the door, walked through it and pulled
it shut behind him. He didn’t say goodbye or tip his hat.

I sat for probably half an hour in my lawn chair. Before

leaving I went over and looked in the cooler. It was half filled
now with half melted ice and two cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon
beer alongside two bottles of my brand floating side by side. I
decided to leave them.

I never returned to the apartment after leaving. Again, I’d like

to be able to say I did return and find that it was just a
warehouse or that the building was never even there, but
that isn’t the case either. I drive by it daily and it is indeed an
apartment building and for all I know that guy is still in there
drinking beer and perhaps talking to someone else. At least
I’d like to think so.

But as it stands, this is the book. Do with it what you will. If

you’ve gotten this far, then you’ve most likely read it. If you
liked it, maybe share it. If not, use it to prop up that wobbly
leg on the kitchen table or throw it away.

The End

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