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A beeping sound awoke Alder as his alarm screamed near his ears, it was 8am
and he is late for work. He showered quickly and reminded himself to take his breakfast
at the office. He quickly tied his tie and hurriedly ran down the stairs in his house and
got out and smelled the fresh air.
As he walked fast in the bus stop, he saw some police officers in a dark alley that
is reprimanding a black american. The man is about to run away but the police officers
shot him and got out of the scene. He felt shivers in his spine as he heard the gun shot,
he was about to run but his legs disobeyed the orders of his brain and quickly ran in to
the corpse and as he saw the bleeding body of the man, he was seen by the police and
without a word he was shot dead.
Alder woke up sweating as the alarm beeps at 8am. It was all familiar but he
shrugged it off and got up and start readying for work.
As he was walking out of his house, he saw some police officers in a dark alley
that is reprimanding a black american. The man is about to run away but the police
officers shot him and got out of the scene. He felt shivers in his spine as he heard the
gun shot, he remembered the dream and walk straight ahead. And as his brain was pre
occupied by the dream, he never noticed that a bus was speeding and was hit by it and
fell dead on the pavement
Alder woke up sweating as the alarm beeps at 8am. It was all familiar again but
he shrugged it off and got up and start readying for work.
Again, as he was walking out of the house, he saw the police and he felt de ja vu
as he walked straight ahead, he saw the bus speeding and quickly evaded it and as he
evaded it, he realized that the happenings were in his dreams. He quickly got into his
office, he felt that he was safe and went to work. But as he was working a mid-50s man
armed with a pistol shot all the people near him and including him.
Alder woke up sweating as the alarm beeps at 8am. But this time he knows one
thing; he is marching the inevitable march called death. He called his best friend Emily
to come over. 20 minutes later, Emily arrived and Alder told him his story, But Emily
knew it wasn’t real, but he said he believes Alder. Emily offered to make him some tea
to ease his stress but little did Alder know that Emily poisoned the tea he is giving Alder.
And as Emily gave Alder the tea, Alder sips the tea and felt cold and cannot breathe,
this time he knew that he was betrayed by his best friend Emily.
Alder thought that he will wake up again in his bed sweating but he woke up in a
dark room and a shrilling voice asks him “How was the trip of four deaths in your life?”.
And as he heard this he cried and slowly forgetting who he was and he fell
down in a pool of water and there he continued crying and screaming, as he saw a light
and he completely forgot who he was and cried and screamed louder.
A woman in a white garment said, “it’s a boy!!”. And Alder’s memory drifted into
oblivion and was renamed Neo. And this is a new beginning of another ending that ends
with another beginning; a rebirth that will go on forever.

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