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Social media has a great impact to students' behavior in their study. It becomes a
great source of information and a platform used by most students in their studies.
It is very accessible with the use of some gadgets that is being connected to the
internet. That's why social media became the new playground for students. They
use it for communication and socialization. Also, it helps them to do their
assignments, projects and able to meet deadlines. Behind the good benefits of
social media to students, there are also negative effects. Due to social media
purpose which is to make people's lives easier, students also take less effort to
their studies. They are being dependent on it and even in simple school
requirements, they will just click and plagiarized another person's work without
examining if it is accurate and reliable in what they were searching for. Laziness
and procrastination arise. Those negative effects will surely affect their grades.
Hence, positive practices of social media increase student’s
Social intelligence and understanding of human behaviors. Negative practices of
social media make them materialistic, angry and addicted to too many bad things.
We, the proponents believe that it is important to educate students about the
best practices of social media in the schools so that they can get the benefits of
communication, applications and technologies for their career and personal

Background of the Study

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The internet is today's most important source of information and social media in
present time is very accessible with the use of gadgets such as mobile phones,
laptops, computers, tablets and more that is being connected to the internet. It
seems that everything can be found on social media and it has a great help to
students in their studies, but in some instances, students are becoming
dependent on it as they do their assignments and projects on their particular
subjects. Hence, social media is a toleration of student's laziness, also it triggers
the procrastination to do their school requirements. Addiction to the usage of
social media has extremely increased in recent times. The perils of its effects on
the academic performance of students are disturbing. Academic performance,
which is depicted by the grades of students is a great concern that student spends
excessive time on social networks. It influences them in many factors and
students are becoming vulnerable as a victim, if they don't know how to use social
media in an effective and efficient way because the usage of social media
must always be present with responsibilities. Students are soft-hearted
individuals that are easy to be empowered by bad things if they are unguided

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Statement of the Problem

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceived effects of social media
usage on individuals' mental health and well-being. Specifically, it aims to explore
the relationship between social media usage and variables such as self-esteem,
body image dissatisfaction, social comparison, and cyberbullying. The study will
examine the extent to which individuals perceive social media to have an impact
on these factors and explore potential differences among different demographic
groups. By understanding the perceived effects of social media usage, this
research aims to contribute to existing literature and inform interventions and
strategies to promote positive social media experiences and mitigate potential
negative consequences.
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Significance of the Study

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Understanding the impact on mental health: Social media has become an
integral part of people's lives, and its influence on mental health and well-being is
a subject of growing concern. This study can shed light on the specific ways in
which social media usage affects individuals' mental health, helping researchers
and practitioners develop targeted interventions.

Identifying risk factors: By exploring variables such as self-esteem, body image

dissatisfaction, social comparison, and cyberbullying, the study can help identify
the specific factors that contribute to negative outcomes associated with social
media usage. This knowledge can guide the development of preventive measures,
policies, and interventions to mitigate these risks.

Informing policy and guidelines: Governments, educational institutions, and

organizations can benefit from evidence-based guidelines and policies that
address the perceived effects of social media usage. This study can provide
insights into the potential risks and benefits, informing the development of
responsible practices and guidelines for safe and healthy social media use.

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Scope and Delimitations of the Study

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Sample size and characteristics: The study may have a limited sample size,
which may restrict the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the study may
focus on specific demographic groups or age ranges, such as adolescents or young
adults, which may limit the applicability of the results to other populations.

Perceived effects vs. objective effects: The study may solely focus on individuals'
subjective perceptions of the effects of social media usage on their mental health
and well-being. It may not explore the objective or measurable effects, such as
changes in psychological measures or behavioral outcomes.
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Operational Definition of Terms

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Research Design

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Population and Sampling

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Locale of the Study

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Sampling Technique
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Data Gathering Methods

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Data Gathering Procedure
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General Instructions

Font : The Arial font is to be used

Paper : Type the manuscript or print it on your word processor on one side
of standard size (8 1/2 x 11 in.) heavy, white bond paper.

Margination : There should be a one- inch margin at the top, bottom, and
right. 1.5 inch for the left margin.

Spacing : Use double spacing after every line on the title page, between all
lines of the manuscript. Use single space on the reference list. Double spacing means
leaving one full-sized line blank between each line of type on the page.

Paragraphs and Indentation: Indent the first line of every paragraph five to seven spaces. For
consistency, use the tab key. The default settings on most word processors are acceptable.
Type the remaining lines of the manuscript to a uniform left hand margin. The only
exceptions to these requirements are the abstract, block quotations, titles and headings.

Order of Pages : Arrange the pages of the Proposal as follows:

1. Cover Page
2. Title page
3. Transmittal
4. Approval
5. Table of Contents
6. List of Figures
7. List of Appendices
8. References
9. Appendices
10. Curriculum Vitae

Pagination : After the manuscript pages are arranged in correct order, number
them consecutively, beginning with the title page. Number all pages with Arabic numerals in the
upper right-hand corner. The numbers appear at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) from the right-hand edge
of the page in the space between the top edge of the paper and the first line of the text.
Page Headers : Identify each manuscript page (including the title page) with the
first two or three words from the title in the upper right-hand corner above or five spaces to the
left of the page number.

Punctuation : There is only one space after any period, whether it in the
reference list or in the text. There is no need for two spaces after periods.

Language and Style

 The word choice should be formal, not colloquial. Abbreviations should be avoided.
 Observe simplicity, conciseness and straightforwardness in writing the research paper.
 Be consistent in the terms used and in the form of expression .All elements in the
research paper should be parallel with each other – that is they should take the same
grammatical form.
 There must be continuity from chapter to chapter and from section to section.
Transitional sentences help achieve this quality.
 The language and style should reflect accurate rules of grammar, correct spelling and
correct punctuation.
 Use the passive voice of the verb. The first person is not used in order that the style
does not become personal.
 Numbers should always be written as words. In the middle of sentences, numbers under
10 should be spelled out as words and above should be written as numbers.


The citations that appear throughout the body of the paper are necessary because they
give credit to the original author. Both direct quotes and paraphrasing require citation. Citations
include the author’s last name and the year of publication. For quoted material, a page number
is also included. For the details, follow the APA format 7th Edition.

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