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Activity 2.

Liberalism and conservatism


A: Antonio’s conclusion

I: Iñaki’s conclusion

I: Left or Right? That has always been a great debate since the main ideologies of
these sides have been invented in the XIX century, but is there really a necessity of
being on one of both sides? Like when we were born we must have an ideology
based on the country we were born in. If you were born in the USSR you need to be
left wing and if you were born in the U.S you need to be right wing.

A:Talking about left and right ideologies with iñaki gave me a new perspective about
my ideas about left and right ideologies. Why don't we need to adapt the best parts
of each ideology so we can have a better system? Well that's actually what is being
done in most of the countries in the world but why there is still war. I think the man is
the wolf of the man, well never find peace because its on our nature to be afraid and
attack what is different from us. So what is better to do is to learn and educate about
accepting other’s opinion.

Free Market Individuals and/or companies must be free to make financial

decisions as they see fit, or they must be regulated by the state.

I: In this topic I am more on the right side, I think everyone should be free to make business
with whoever they want to, but I think there has to be some regulations to make it fair and
better for everyone, for example, to the the employees from that business hey need to have
a fair salary for the amount of work they do, enough vacations, also a very important
regulation for the well being of the environment is that they have to be eco-friendly in some
ways but still deliver quality.

A: I consider we all commit mistakes, we are not perfect and we will never be, when
someone else controls us and stop us from making mistakes they are just limiting the
progress and intelligence that we are capable to have if we learn how to be better, the
economic systems still so young while digital markets are just around 20 years old so we
have much to learn like when the society from the 18th century found out that we can hire
people to work for us and not work on our own stuff, in that time there were a lot of injustices
that were fixed within the time. In that topic i consider we must be free to experimentation, so
in may be 100 or 150 years we can have a better economic system than the one we have

Ideal Family?:
People have the right to create a family as they see fit, raise their children with
complete freedom and exercise their sexuality without legal limits.

I: I consider in this topic my posture would be more from the left wing because the people
must have the right to decide what to do about his sexuality, or if they want to create a family
and how and with who. I think the opression that the people and/or government applies on
the people that wants to be different and decide about their fate in relations just causes more

A: I agree with iñaki’s opinion, must of the people that disagrees or even attacks the liberty
that people can have about his sexuality or affective relations are just causing the opposite
they want, one of the biggest arguments of those people is about the decrease in population
and the “anti-natural” education that LGBTQ parents could give to their sons but i think if we
stop attacking other’s opinion we could find the real peace that we’ve been seeking.

Free Migration:

I: In this topic I’m mostly on the left side because I’d say that anyone should be free to
migrate to any other country as long as they respect the country that they are migrating to,
they should also be able to bring products from his native country to the new or the other
way around, and the foreign person should also be able to live there as a native but with
obviously some regulations.

A: I consider that each culture must know about the others culture around the world, sharing
makes progress and isolating makes the progress slower, for example: iIf Cristopher
Columbus didn't discover or discover later America we won't have most of animals food
and species that now we have in all the world, we wouldn't be as rich as we are today thanks
to the resources that europeans collected from america and we will probably live in a kind of
a modern middle age because most of the liberal and anti-monarchy ideas came from the
oppression that Europe caused to America since it was discovered.

It is always good to discover and learn new things and we must totally disagree with
xenophobia behaviors that just cause the late progress of the human kind.

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