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In 1881

to isolate
What was this
The French
movement after
War, 1870-71
It lapsed in 1887
Russia and Austria-Hungary
1. Colonial rivalry in the Balkan States

a. Where were the Balkan States?

b. It was part of _____________ under

Turkish rule.

c. Was the Turkish government strong

enough to control the Balkan States?
The Balkan, 1878-1914
a. Where were the Balkan States
❏ __________ Europe
❏ It was adjacent to __________, __________ and
❏ It was ____________ important.
❏ It also had rich natural resources, such as coal and iron

b. In the 19th century, it was part of the __________

/Turkish Empire.
Russia and Austria-Hungary
c. Was the Turkish government strong
enough to control the Balkan States?

Turkish Empire
Russia and Austria-Hungary
1. Colonial rivalry in the Balkan States
More about the Balkan Peninsula?
It was a region with different ethnic groups. Slavic

It was ruled by the _____________ Empire.

Various ethnic groups resented against its high-handed
rule and sought to be __________________
Angelina Jolie
Russia and Austria-Hungary
2. Russian support to Serbia threatened Austria-

Both Russia and Serbia were Slavic

Russia was the big brother which

always supported Serbia
1. What did Serbia do before WWI?
2. Why did it do so?
3. Did Austria-Hungary want to Serbia to be more and
more powerful?
1. What did Serbia do before WWI?

It expanded its territories. It became bigger and

more powerful.
2. Why did it do so?

Nationalism- the desire to unite all Serbs under its

leadership (Greater Serbia Movement)
Extreme nationalism – the desire to be strong
and powerful, be respected by the other powers
3. Did Austria-Hungary want to Serbia to be more and
more powerful?

No. Serbia would be a threat to her.

WHY? Will be explained later.

4. Russia supported Serbia to be stronger

antagonized Austria-Hungary -> bad
relationship between Russia and Austria-
Russia and Austria-Hungary
● Serbia and Russia colonial rivalry (imperialism)
Gained territories in the
Balkan States

● Austria-Hungary

Tensions increased among the

European powers when their national
interest clashed.
Various powers were ambitious towards the Balkan.

They actively intervened into the local affairs of the

Balkan Peninsula.

Conflicts could easily break out.

Why did Russia want expand to the Balkan States
Russia always wanted to exert influence over the Balkan states
which would enable her to have an easy access to the
Mediterranean Sea.
Why did Russia expand to the Balkan?

Russia was ____-bound in


She wanted to have an _____-

free port.

Expanding to the Mediterranean

Sea allowed Russia to have
an ice-free port.
Why did Russia want to expand to the Balkan?

● People in Russia and the Balkan Peninsula were mainly


● Russiaconsidered itself to be the leader of Slavic

countries and advocated ‘Pan-Slavism’, which aimed at
placing all Eastern Europe, Balkan states and the
Slav-inhabited areas in Austria-Hungary under its

Russia supported the nationalist activities in the Balkan

Slav states.

It impeded Austria-Hungary's expansion in the Balkan

Peninsula and sparked off conflicts.
● Austria-Hungary also wanted to expand to the Balkan states
due to nationalism.

● She always wanted her country to be stronger. To

Austria-Hungary, expansion was a necessary move
to achieve greatness.

● It
is therefore argued that their relationship was
poor due to their rivalry over the Balkan States.
Another reason why Russia and Austria-Hungary were
enemies before WWI

Russia considered itself to be the leader of Slavic

countries and advocated ‘Pan-Slavism’, which aimed at
placing all Eastern Europe, Balkan states and the
Slav-inhabited areas in Austria-Hungary under its
What would happen to Austria-Hungary if Pan-Slavism
was successful?
Another reason why Russia and Austria-Hungary had poor
1. What did Russia support Serbia?
2. Why?
The Balkan States

Greater Serbian


Serbia was encouraged by Russia to promote the

Greater-Serbia Movement.
1) What idea was Serbia supporting?
2) Why was Austria-Hungary opposing that idea?
The Greater Serbia Movement

Serbia hoped to form a Greater Serbia by uniting all the

Serbians that were ruled under Austria-Hungary and the
Ottoman Empire, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania
and Montenegro.

A threat to Austria-Hungary, the Slavs in her empire would be

under the control of Russia and Serbia
2) Why is Austria-Hungary opposing that idea?

This was because if Serbia achieved her aim, the

Serbs living in Austria-Hungary would unite with

Austria-Hungary would lose the Serbs and the

land they inhabited.

Austria-Hungary would become smaller and

From the angle of Serbia

The expansion of Austria-Hungary in the

Balkans boosted an anti-Austrian sentiment
among Serbians.

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