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Stephanie M.

1. Why do you consider ethical standard should always be observed in conducting research?

➢ In all aspects in life moral values and rules should always be adapted and apply to
know what is right from wrong. Likewise, in conducting research where researchers
will interview or survey the participants in order to further enlighten their research
problem. But before doing the process, researchers should provide letter or consent
if the participants are willing to participate or not. For that action, each participant
can take their time to think without any pressure coming from the researchers and
also to protect their privacy. Secondly, ethical standards are essential to create a
successful research paper, why? If the researchers don’t claim other’s work, then
the researchers can produce a paper with better result. Also, in conducting research
citing sources is highly important to avoid issues regarding plagiarism. Addition to
that, all the information included in the research paper should be accurate not copy
paste because every single sentence can give thousands of information to the
readers. To sum up, I consider ethical standard should always be observed in
conducting research because it is one of way to give justice and originality into a
particular research and obtain honesty, team work and hardship during conducting

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