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Practice Book for

Practice Book for

Mathematics Grade

Grade 1
Practice Book for Mathematics was developed by
the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
for providing educators with mathematics practice
questions, which can be used for developing
mathematics learning materials such as textbooks. This
book is also intended for students individual learning.

This book covers all of the contents taught at elementary

school in Japan and is based on the Japanese
mathematics curriculum.

It is JICA s hope that this book will improve the quality of

mathematics education all around the world.

* This book was developed under the supervision of

Hiroshi Tanaka (Founder of“Class / People <jyugyou
/ hito>”School < a school focused on the further
development of teachers >, Former Vice Principal of
Elementary School attached to University of Tsukuba,
Former Chairperson of National Mathematics Lesson
Study Association).

March, 2022


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