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Ministerul Educaţiei

Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucureşti

OLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZĂ - 2021-2022, clasa a VII-a, v1

Subject I (50 points):

A. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Write your answers on the
Answer Sheet.
Sammy Milton is not very clever. He (1) ______ (WALK) along the beach one day when he (2) ______ (TRIP) over
something and fell on the sand. He (3) ______ (NOT/LOOK) where he was going. “What is this?” he said, picking up the
object he (4) ______ (TRIP) over. “I (5) ______ (NEVER/SEE) anything like it before.” It was, in fact, a very old oil lamp, and
as he (6) ______ (RUB) it, a genie suddenly flew out of it. “You (7) ______ (JUST/RELEASE) me from the lamp!”, said the
genie. “Now you may have three wishes.”
“Great!”, said Sammy who was feeling very thirsty. “I want a bottle of lemonade that never runs out. “No problem!”, said the
genie, and (8) ______ (PRODUCE) one instantly. Sammy picked up the bottle and drank all the lemonade in one go.
Magically, the bottle filled itself up again. Sammy drank all that, and exactly the same thing happened again. “That’s
amazing!”, he said. “Thanks very much!” “You still (9) ______ (HAVE) two more wishes, young man.” “That’s easy”, said
Sammy. “I (10) ______ (HAVE) two more of these bottles of lemonade!”.

B. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate word A, B, C or D. Write your answer on
the Answer Sheet.
It is a well-known fact that Japanese people have a longer (1) ______ expectancy than the population of most other countries.
They also expect to remain healthier for longer. Scientists are trying to work (2) ______ what keeps elderly Japanese people
so healthy, and whether there is a lesson to be (3) ______ from their lifestyles. Should we (4) ______ any changes to our
eating habits, for instance? Is there some secret (5) ______ in the Japanese diet that is particularly (6) ______ for the human
Although the (7) ______ of a longer, healthier life is a good thing for the individual, it can (8) ______ create a social problem.
The number of people over the age of 65 in the population has doubled in the last 50 years. Japan could soon be (9) ______
an economic problem: there are more elderly people who need to be (10) ______ and relatively fewer people working and
paying taxes to support them.

1 A. life B. living C. alive D. live

2 A. for B. out C .in D. off
3 A. learnt B. gathered C. understood D. gained
4 A. do B. make C. set D. give
5 A. ingredient B. component C. portion D. helping
6 A. caring B. supportive C. positive D. beneficial
7 A. view B. outlook C. prospect D. wish
8 A. therefore B. actually C. even D. as well
9 A. facing B. meeting C. adopting D. obtaining
10 A. looked after B. looked at C. looked up D. looked down

C. (1px10=10 points) Read the sentences below and use the words given in capitals at the end of the row to form
words that fit in the gaps. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

1. We lost the match 15 – 0. It was ____! 1. LAUGH

2. You must ____________ to him for your rude behaviour. 2. APOLOGY
3. Children should be ____________ examined at least twice a year. 3. MEDICINE
4. I don’t know what to do now that my friends are away. I feel that I’m going to die of ___. 4. BORE
5. The fire fighter was given a medal for the ____ rescue of the little boy from the burning
building. 5. HERO
6. He has become rich in a ____________ way. 6. HONEST
7. She's a very ____________ person. She wants everything done immediately. 7. PATIENT
8. The doctor advised me to exercise in order to ________ my back muscles. 8. STRONG
9. Amanda is unlikely to lose any weight, as she has a ______ for sweets and junk food. 9. WEAK
10. The government attempted to reduce ________ by increasing police patrols. 10. VIOLENT

Subject II (5px5=25 points) Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to the questions. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet.

Olimpiada de limba engleză 2021-2022, etapa pe şcoală,

Clasa a VII-a, v1
Ministerul Educaţiei
Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucureşti
OLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZĂ - 2021-2022, clasa a VII-a, v1

Intense physical exercise is not the only way to better health. Studies show that walking several times a week can lower the
risk of many diseases. They include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, bone loss, arthritis and depression. Walking also can
help you lose weight. Fast walking is good for the heart. It lowers the blood pressure. It raises the amount of good cholesterol
in the blood. Researchers say walking can sharply reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack.
Studies have also shown that walking for thirty minutes a day can delay and possibly prevent the development of type 2
diabetes. People who are overweight have an especially high risk to develop this disease. Walking strengthens the muscles
and builds up the bones that they are attached to. Studies show that women who walked and took calcium decreased their
risk of developing osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones. Walking can also help ease the pain of arthritis in areas where
bones are joined. This is because walking strengthens the muscles around the bones.
Walking several times a week is a good way to control weight and lose extra body fat. Studies show it can also help ease the
sad feelings of depression. Experts say walking is one of the safest ways to exercise. There is a low risk of injuries. So, it is
good for people who are starting an exercise program for the first time and for older people.

1. Studies have revealed that people can enjoy better 4. Why does walking ease the pain of arthritis?
health by means of … A. because walking strengthens the muscles
A. good sleep B. because walking lowers the blood pressure
B. regular walking C. because walking helps you lose weight
C. cycling D. because walking releases stress
D. weightlifting
2. What risk can be reduced quickly and suddenly by 5. How often do you need to walk in order to lose
walking? extra body fat?
A. suffering from cancer A. several times a week
B. suffering from pneumonia B. a couple of times a month
C. suffering minor injuries C. several times a day
D. suffering a heart attack D. once a day
3. How can the development of type 2 diabetes be
A. by strolling for thirty minutes a week
B. by running for thirty minutes a day
C. by walking for thirty minutes a day
D. by jogging for thirty minutes a month

Subject III (25 points) Write a narrative essay beginning like this:

‘Leprechauns and hobgoblins, vampires and ghosts and whatever creatures were sharing his bedroom that night left Sam
tossing and turning in his bed late after dark. His imagination had been stirred by the bonfire stories he had heard all

Write your story in 120 - 150 words (12-15 lines) and give it an appropriate title. Pay attention to the following:
 you don't need long descriptions;
 use dialogues only if they are relevant for your characters or events;
 you should use this plan:
1. Introduction (paragraph 1 - set the scene)
2. Main body (paragraph(s) 2/3 - develop the story)
3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 - end the story)

Don’t count the words given!


Olimpiada de limba engleză 2021-2022, etapa pe şcoală,

Clasa a VII-a, v1


I. (50 points)

A. (2px10=20 points)
1-was walking; 2-tripped; 3-was not/wasn’t looking; 4-had tripped; 5-have never seen; 6-was rubbing;
7-have just released; 8-produced; 9-have; 10-will have

B. (2px10=20 points)
1A; 2B; 3A; 4B; 5A; 6D; 7C; 8B; 9A; 10A

C. (1px10=10 points)
1. laughable 2. apologise 3. medically 4. boredom 5. heroic 6. dishonest 7. impatient 8. strengthen 9.
weakness 10. violence

II. (5px5=25 points)

1-B; 2-D; 3-C; 4-A; 5-A

III. (25 points) – Marking Scheme

NOTĂ: Pentru subiectul I.A se acceptă orice altă variantă corectă.

Ministerul Educaţiei
Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucureşti
OLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZĂ - 2021-2022, clasa a VIII-a, V1

Subject I (50 points):

A. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Write your answers on the
Answer Sheet.

Sightings of the Loch Ness monster – or ‘Nessie’, as it (1) ______ (often/call) – have been in the news ever since 565 AD.
Yet, people within and outside the scientific community (2) ______ (still/question) the existence of this popular beast. One
of the most famous photos of Nessie, the Surgeon’s Photograph, (3) ______ (take) in 1934 and showed a strange, large
creature with a long neck in the waters of the lake. Before long, though, scientists (4) ______ (discover) that the photo was
fake, that an artist (5) ______ (forge) it in order to become rich and famous. Yet, the search for the mysterious creature
continued and, as time (6) ______ (pass), more and more photos and videos (7) ______ (present) as evidence that it’s real.
So far, Nessie’s existence (8) ______ (not/prove). In fact, it (9) ______ (suggest) by ecologists that such a large creature
wouldn’t be able to survive in Loch Ness because the lake doesn’t have enough fish for the animal to feed on. Yet, there are
still a large number of people who are convinced that a monster inhabits the lake. People hope that somebody (10) ______
(solve) the mystery one day!

B. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate word A, B, C or D. Write your answer on
the Answer Sheet.
People’s sleeping habits have changed over the last 500 years. Before electric lights (1) ______ invented, most people went
to bed soon after it got dark. Today, we can sleep whenever we want to. Most people (2) ______ to sleep between six and
eight hours per night during the week and (3) ______ to ten hours per night at weekends. The problem is that if we (4)
______getting up at the weekend, then we don’t want to get up on Monday morning either! Many of us (5) ______ like
sleeping after lunch and in some hot countries people do sleep in the afternoon. In (6) ______ countries, however, people (7)
______ to keep working all day with only a short break. We all have dreams (8) ______most of us fail to remember them.
Some people find it difficult to (9) ______asleep. The advice for them is to (10) ______taking more exercise and remember
not to drink coffee in the evening.

1. A. have B. had C. were D. are

2. A. encourage B. choose C. consider D. advise
3. A. beyond B. above C. over D. up
4. A. delay B. refuse C. fail D. force
5. A. wish B. enjoy C. prefer D. feel
6. A. any B. every C. another D. other
7. A. might B. have C. should D. must
8. A. because B. so C. but D. therefore
9. A. make B. fall C. get D. go
10. A. prepare B. try C. decide D. manage

C. (1px10=10 points) Read the text below and use the words given in capitals at the end of the row to form words
that fit in the gaps. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.


Throughout history, women have had (1) ______ for healing the sick. However, it is only in recent times that they have been
allowed to train as doctors at (2) ______ schools in Britain. Yet, in that short time, they have made an enormous (3) ______to
modern medicine.
The first female doctors were priestesses who gave (4) ______ about diseases and (5) ______ and prepared medicines. In
ancient Rome, women healers were considered (6) ______ and respected.
In Britain, for centuries male doctors were (7) ______ of women who practised medicine (8) ______ and in 1512 a law was
passed making it (9) ______ for them to do so. Women couldn’t study medicine at universities until the 19th century and they
only began to gain (10) ______ with male doctors in the 20th century.

Subject II (5px5=25 points) Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to the questions. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet.

Liam Killeen is a rising star in cross-country mountain biking. He has raced since he was 12 and has had both successes and
disappointments in that time. His worst moment so far was during a recent World Championship. His front tyre started to lose
Olimpiada de limba engleză 2021-2022, etapa pe şcoală,
Clasa a VIII-a, V1
Ministerul Educaţiei
Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucureşti
OLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZĂ - 2021-2022, clasa a VIII-a, V1

air in the last part of the race and he finished fourth. This was not the first time he’d been unlucky. In a previous race, it was
raining heavily and he crashed his bike just minutes after the start.
He often gets nervous before a race, but he thinks this is a good thing. ‘Nervous energy makes you go faster and on the day,
it’s all about winning. The important thing is to stay positive.’
Liam likes a hard race with steep climbs. ‘They make all the difference. You have to be really fit to get ahead.’ He also enjoys
entering competitions at top levels as there are fewer riders in the race and this makes the start easier. ‘You get into the front
group more quickly.’
Liam has been chosen to go to the Olympic Games and one day he would like to win a medal. ‘I’m still quite young and
expect to be riding until my mid-thirties so I’ve got enough time to achieve my dream. I know the Olympics are hard and I’ll
have to produce my best performance yet. But I feel confident.’
Liam trains for 30 hours a week - always outside - and he reaches speeds of 65 km/h. He thinks that cycling professionally is
the best job in the world and would recommend it to anyone. His advice to people starting to race is ‘Be prepared for some
hard work. If the training was easy, it wouldn’t make you faster’.

1. What is the writer trying to do in the text? 4. What does Liam say about the Olympics?
A. encourage people to cycle as a hobby A. He thinks he will perform badly.
B. give details of Liam’s cycling career B. Most riders will be younger than him.
C. compare cycling with other sports C. The race is longer than he is used to.
D. explain why Liam became a cyclist D. He is looking forward to the challenge.
2. What happened towards the end of one of Liam’s 5. Which of the following would Liam say about cycling?
races? A. I think everyone should start cycling. You don’t need to
A. He fell off his bike. train very hard to get good at the sport and it’s great fun.
B. The weather got really bad. B. I often get nervous before a race and I think that makes
C. He was involved in an accident. me perform badly but I don’t intend to give up.
D. There was a problem with his bike. C. I know it’s not possible to win every race, but I love
cycling. I plan to continue the sport for quite a few more
D. I have to cycle at least 4 hours a day. To get faster I’ll
have to do even more and I don’t have enough time for that.
3. Liam prefers a race that
A. includes some hilly ground.
B. has a lot of riders taking part.
C. attracts less experienced riders.
D. allows him to get ahead at the end.

Subject III (25 points) Write a narrative essay ending like this:

‘Surprisingly, everything turned out fine the next day. Don't ask me how.’

Write your story in 150 - 180 words (15-18 lines) and give it an appropriate title. Pay attention to the following:
 you don't need long descriptions;
 use dialogues only if they are relevant for your characters or events;
 you should use this plan:

1. Introduction (paragraph 1 - set the scene)

2. Main body (paragraph(s) 2/3 - develop the story)
3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 - end the story)

Don’t count the words given!


Olimpiada de limba engleză 2021-2022, etapa pe şcoală,

Clasa a VIII-a, V1


I. (50 points)

A. (2px10=20 points)
1-is/has been often called; 2-still question/are still questioning; 3-was taken; 4-
discovered; 5-had forged; 6-passes; 7-are being presented/have been presented/are
presented; 8-has not been proven/proved; 9-is suggested/has been suggested; 10-will

B. (2px10=20 points)
1 C; 2 B; 3 D; 4 A; 5 D; 6 D; 7 B; 8 C; 9 B; 10 B

C. (1px10=10 points)
1-responsibility; 2-medical; 3-contribution; 4-advice; 5-injuries; 6-skillful/skilful; 7-
suspicious; 8-unprofessionally; 9-illegal; 10-equality

II. (5px5=25 points)

1-B, 2-D; 3-A; 4-D; 5-C

III. (25 points) – Marking Scheme

NOTĂ: Pentru subiectul I.A se acceptă orice altă variantă corectă.

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