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By: Farida

What is cancer and why is it a problem?

Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and division. These cells often
lead to the formation of a mass or lump of tissue known as a tumor. Some say that all tumors
are cancerous, However, not all tumors are cancerous, for example, benign tumors do not invade
surrounding tissues or spread to other parts of the body. Cancerous tumors, on the other hand,
have the potential to invade nearby tissues and can spread to other parts of the body through
the bloodstream or lymphatic system. The ability to metastasize is a hallmark feature that
distinguishes cancer from benign tumors. Cancer development is usually caused by genetic

mutations that accumulate in a cell's DNA. These mutations can disrupt the normal regulatory
mechanisms that control cell growth, division, and death. Consequently, cancer cells often
evade the body's natural defenses, such as the immune system, and can resist signals that would
normally stop their growth. Cancer is a major problem because it causes a lot of deaths, puts a
burden on healthcare systems, and affects the quality of life for those who are diagnosed with it.

How is cancer related to mitosis?

Cancer is related to mitosis by its involvement with the uncontrolled and abnormal division of
cells. Normally, cells go through a process called mitosis, where they divide and produce new
cells for growth and repair. However, in cancer, there is a disruption in the regulation of this
process. Mutations or changes in the DNA of cells can lead to uncontrolled cell division,
forming a mass of cells known as a tumor. These cancer cells can continue to divide and spread,
impacting the normal functioning of the body. Understanding and controlling the process of
mitosis is crucial in studying and treating cancer.

What is your chosen treatment and how does it work?

I have chose radiation therapy as my chosen treatment and I’ll discuss how it works. Radiation
therapy works by using high doses of radiation to damage the DNA of cancer cells. This damage
disrupts the cancer cells' ability to divide and grow, leading to their elimination and destruction.
There are two main types: external beam radiation, where a machine directs radiation from
outside the body, and internal radiation (brachytherapy), where radioactive materials are placed
close to the tumor. The goal is to target cancer cells while minimizing the impact on healthy
tissues. The damaged DNA in cancer cells prevents them from reproducing, making radiation
therapy an effective strategy in the fight against cancer.

What are the advantages of radiation therapy treatment?

- One major advantage is its ability to precisely target the tumor site due to advanced
imaging and planning techniques that allows healthcare professionals to direct the
radiation specifically to the cancer-affected area, minimizing damage to the
surrounding healthy tissues.

- Radiation therapy is a non-invasive treatment, meaning it does not require surgery. This
can be particularly beneficial for patients who may not be suitable for surgical
- Radiation therapy is highly effective at achieving local control over the treated tumor. It
is often used to shrink tumors before surgery or to eliminate remaining cancer cells after
- Radiation therapy can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other
therapies like surgery, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy. This allows for a
comprehensive approach to cancer treatment.
- In many cases, radiation therapy doesn’t affect the patient’s daily baisis which allows
patients to keep and maintain their daily routines and minimizing the need for long
hospital stays.
- Radiation therapy can be effective in decreasing symptoms and providing pain relief,
especially for cancers that are causing discomfort or pressure on surrounding tissues.
- Radiation therapy can be curative, aiming to eliminate the cancer entirely, or partly,
focused on relieving symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients with
cureable or incurable cancers.
- Radiation therapy is suitable to a wide range of cancer types, making it a valuable option
for different patients and cancer scenarios.
- Some radiation therapy regimens take a short treatment course, typically lasting a few
weeks. This can be advantageous for patients who need a prompt and efficient treatment

Advantages of radiation therapy treatment socially;

- Going through radiation therapy can create community support. Patients often find
encouragement from fellow individuals facing similar challenges, either within the
employees working the faculties, family members, and online support.
- Radiation therapy facilities often provide educational resources and materials that help
patients and their families understand the treatment process. This knowledge helps
people to learn more about it with their social circles.
- Individuals who have experienced radiation therapy may become advocates for cancer
awareness and support. Sharing personal stories can contribute to a broader societal
understanding of the importance of early detection and effective cancer treatments.

- Radiation therapy can involve the patient's family and friends in a supportive role.
Engaging loved ones in the treatment process fosters a sense of togetherness and shared
responsibility, positively impacting the patient's social well-being.
- Treatment centers often provide spaces for social interaction among patients. Shared
waiting areas or communal events can create opportunities for individuals to connect,
share experiences, and provide mutual support.
- Radiation therapy teams, including healthcare professionals and support staff,
contribute to a positive social environment. Their empathetic approach and clear
communication help build trust, fostering a supportive relationship throughout the
treatment journey.
- The availability of online communities and social media platforms allows people that
are undergoing radiation therapy to connect with others globally. This virtual support
network can provide encouragement, rooting for the affected patient to battle even
more, increasing the chances of success for the treatment.

What are the disadvantages of radiation therapy

- One major drawback is the potential harm to nearby healthy tissues. Although efforts
are made to focus on the cancer site, some radiation can affect normal cells, leading to
side effects.
- Radiation therapy often requires multiple sessions, and the effects can accumulate over
time. This cumulative impact may result in increasing side effects as treatment
- Common side effects, such as fatigue, skin changes, and nausea, are usually temporary
but can be challenging for patients to endure during the course of treatment.
- There is a risk of long-term effects, including damage to organs or tissues in the
radiation field. This can manifest years after treatment, emphasizing the importance of
careful consideration in treatment planning.
- Radiation therapy is primarily effective for localized tumors and may have limited
impact on cancers that have spread extensively (metastatic cancers).
- Successful radiation therapy needs to ensure accurate targeting. Any mistakes may ruin
its effectiveness or cause unintended harm to the patient.

- Some types of cancer may not respond well to radiation therapy, limiting its range as a
standalone treatment.
- Radiation therapy may limit future treatment options for the same area, as tissues can
become more sensitive to radiation with repeated exposure.
- The psychological impact of undergoing radiation therapy, including anxiety and stress
related to treatment, can be challenging for some patients.

Disadvantages of radiation therapy treatment socially;

- Radiation therapy often requires frequent visits to the treatment facility. This can affect
daily routines, potentially affecting work, school, or social commitments, leading to the
patient needing to adjust to the shcedule possibly missing a lot of significant factors in
their undergoing treatment.
- For some patients, they don’t have advanced technology in their country so accessing
radiation therapy can require travelling to a whole new another country, leading to
added stress, time consume, andlots of money loss. This can badly affect people with
limited resources in their life.
- It can affect social interactions, leading to patients experiencing anxiety, depression, or
changes in self-esteem, affecting their ability to participate in social activities or
maintain relationships, which could take a toll on their health mentally and
- Radiation therapy physically affects the person,such as hair loss or skin problems. This
can impact on the person’s self identity and could have an identity crisis and lose
self-esteem and go through hard times which can affect them and make it even worse for
them during the treatment. Adjusting to these changes may require support from any

How does radiation therapy treatment work?

It works by delivering targeted doses of high-energy radiation to cancerous cells, damaging

their DNA and preventing them from dividing and growing. This precise approach minimizes
harm to surrounding healthy tissues. The two main types are external beam radiation, where a

machine directs radiation from outside the body, and internal radiation (brachytherapy),
involving the placement of radioactive materials close to the tumor. The damaged cancer cells
are either eliminated or made to be incapable of further growth, helping and showing the
treatment's effectiveness against cancer.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of radiation therapy


Advantages of Radiation Therapy:

- Targets cancer cells precisely, minimizing damage to healthy tissues.

- Can be used alone or with other therapies.
- Does not require surgery.
- Controls localized tumors effectively.
- Administered on an outpatient basis.

Disadvantages of Radiation Therapy:

- Has a risk to nearby healthy tissues.

- Cumulative impact over sessions may lead to increasing side effects.
- Common side effects are generally temporary but can be challenging.
- Carries a risk of long-term effects on organs within the radiation field.
- Primarily effective for localized tumors.

How is society affected by radiation therapy treatment?

Radiation therapy affects society in a few ways. More people knowing about it helps reduce the
stigma around cancer treatment. People getting radiation treatment often find support from
others going through the same thing, creating a sort of community. In some workplaces, there's
understanding and support for employees getting radiation therapy. People who've been
through it might speak up to spread the word about effective cancer treatments. But, it's not all

smooth – treatment schedules can mess with daily life, there might be money issues, and it can
be tough emotionally for both the person getting treated and those around them. So, while
radiation therapy has some social benefits, it also brings its own set of challenges for individuals
and their communities.

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