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Sensilla on the Antenna and Ovipositor of the Parasitic Wasps

Trichogramma galloi Zucchi and T. pretiosum Riley
(Hym., Trichogrammatidae).
1Department of Entomology, Escola Superior de Agricultura ‘‘Luiz de Queiroz’’ - ESALQ/USP, 13418–900, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
2NAP-MEPA, Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Microscopia Eletrônica na Agricultura, ESALQ/USP

KEY WORDS in vitro rearing; host selection; host recognition; host evaluation; host suitability;
biological control; artificial diets; artificial host
ABSTRACT The understanding of the stimuli perceived by these parasitoids to accept and
exploit a potential host may support the development of artificial hosts for their in vitro rearing. The
most common structures involved in the host selection process in parasitoids are the antenna and
the ovipositor. Sensilla present on these structures are involved in host recognition and acceptance,
and the identification of which kind of stimulus (physical or chemical) is perceived by the sensilla
could provide data about the host characteristics that elicit the parasitism behavior. The antenna
and ovipositor of the wasps Trichogramma galloi and T. pretiosum were studied to identify their
sensillar structure and their possible functions in the host selection process, as a support to the
development of an artificial host for the in vitro rearing of these parasitoids. Seven sensilla and one
setiform structure were present on the antenna of both parasitoid species, with a mixed, chemo-, or
mechanoreception function. The ovipositor has four different sensilla and their role in the host
evaluation is suggested.Microsc. Res. Tech. 45:313–324, 1999. r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

INTRODUCTION (Schmidt and Smith, 1985, 1987). Sensilla on the tip of

Trichogrammatidae, a widespread family of Chalcidoi- the ovipositor also seem to be used for the evaluation of
dea consisting of 620 species in 80 genera, are egg the internal quality of the host or at least to recognize
ovipositional stimulants (LeRalec and Wajnberg, 1990;
parasitoids that ranges in length from 0.2 to 1.5 mm.
Nettles et al., 1983; Qin and Wu, 1988; Rajendram,
Trichogramma and Oligosita are the most speciose 1978).
genera of this family, representing 40% of its diversity Trichogramma is an important biological control
with approximately 145 and 110 species, respectively. agent and it has been released against many different
The large number of species described for Tricho- pests on a wide variety of agroecosystems in approxi-
gramma is related to its importance as a biological mately 32 million hectares/year worldwide (Li, 1994). It
control agent; and, although it is the most well-known has been successfully mass-produced on eggs of moths
genus in this family, Trichogramma is not the most of stored products, especially Sitotroga cerealella (Ol.)
typical nor the most common genus (Pinto and (Lep., Gelechiidae), Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller), and
Stouthamer, 1994). Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lep., Pyralidae) since
Trichogramma is a cosmopolitan genus, consisting 1930 when Flanders reported the possible use of eggs of
exclusively of egg endoparasitoids. They are usually non-natural hosts (factitious hosts) to mass produce
associated with eggs of moths (Fig. 1), but also have Trichogramma (Flanders, 1930; Li, 1994; Smith, 1996).
been recorded on eggs of beetles, flies, bugs, hoppers, The use of biological control through entomophagous
wasps, and lacewings (Pinto and Stouthamer, 1994). insects is a very old science and has been implemented
Adults of Trichogramma are 0.2–0.3 mm long, and they with success in many different agroecosystems. It is one
parasitize single or clustered host eggs from 0.3 mm of the best biological methods to control insect pests and
(0.014 mm3) to 3 mm (14 mm3) in size (Pinto, 1997; avoid contamination from broad-spectrum toxic pesti-
Schmidt, 1994). Host recognition and acceptance are cides. This biological method is also compatible with
driven by behavioral mechanisms by using sensilla on any other method of pest control in an integrated
the antenna and ovipositor that assesses the suitability management program (DeBach 1974; Flint and van den
of a host by examining the host’s surface and internal Bosch 1981; Hoy and Herzog, 1985; Huffaker, 1971;
contents (Schmidt, 1994). After contacting the host, Rosen et al., 1994; Stehr, 1975).
females of Trichogramma exhibit intensive antenna-
tion of the host’s surface, drilling the chorion before its
acceptance (Klomp and Teerink, 1962; Salt, 1935). The Contract grant sponsor: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São
antenna is also important in measuring the curvature Paulo (FAPESP).
of the host, which will be used as an estimate of the host *Correspondence to: Fernando Luı́s Cônsoli, Texas A&M University, Entomol-
ogy Research Laboratory, College Station 77843–2475, TX.
size. Trichogramma will use this information to decide E-mail:
the clutch size to be allocated in that particular host Received 25 June 1998; accepted in revised form 12 February 1999



Fig. 1. Female of the parasitic wasp Trichogramma pretiosum parasitizing an egg of a moth, the corn
earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Lep., Noctuidae) (photo by H. Negri de Oliveira).

Because of its economical importance, new lower cost select a host would help the development of attractive
and low labor technologies for mass production of these artificial hosts and diets.
minute wasps have been developed. The in vitro rearing After parasitoids locate the habitat of their hosts in
system for the mass production of parasitoids has been field conditions, they usually locate and recognize their
intensively studied since the 1970s, with the develop- hosts by stimuli produced by the host (Bin et al., 1989;
ment of artificial diets for 72 species of parasitoid Cave and Gaylor, 1987; Isidoro et al., 1996; Noldus and
wasps, of which 18 were species of Trichogramma van Lenteren, 1985; Vinson, 1985; Weseloh, 1972).
(Cônsoli and Parra, 1997). This new technique of insect Sensillar structures present on the antenna of parasi-
rearing allows the production of the natural enemy toid females play a basic role in this process, recogniz-
without the necessity of rearing a second species (facti- ing chemical and/or physical stimuli produced by the
tious host), therefore, reducing the costs and labor of host (Hays and Vinson, 1971; McIver, 1975; Schneider
the rearing system. However, only Chinese researchers and Steinbrecht, 1968; Zacharuk, 1980, 1985). Addition-
have been successful in mass producing and releasing ally, the ovipositor also plays an important role in host
in vitro–reared parasitoids (Cônsoli and Parra, 1997; recognition and acceptance by responding to chemicals
Grenier, 1994, 1997; Li, 1992). The development of an associated with the host, besides being used only as a
artificial diet and artificial host that allows the parasi- puncturing or a poison injection organ (Hawke et al.,
toids to grow up from egg laying to adult emergence is 1973; Le Ralec and Wajnberg, 1990, 1996; van Veen and
essential to establish in vitro rearing techniques. Wijk, 1985; Vinson, 1975ab). Also, the ovipositor can
The development of a suitable artificial diet depends work to externally mark the host after parasitism
on basic knowledge in fields such as functional morphol- (Hokyo et al., 1966; Rabb and Bradley, 1970; Strand
ogy, physiology, nutrition, and parasitoid/host interac- and Vinson, 1983).
tions. The intensity of research in each of these fields In the present work, we describe the external mor-
depends whether an endo- or ectoparasitoid is being phology of the sensilla on the antenna, with especial
reared (Vinson, 1994). For the development of an reference to the ones located on the last antennomere,
artificial egg, it is necessary to understand the mecha- and ovipositor of the two most studied Trichogramma
nisms involved in the host selection process. Chemical species in Brazil, T. galloi and T. pretiosum. These data
and/or physical cues are always associated with host when used in association with behavioral studies will
recognition and exploitation by parasitoids (Vinson, allow us to better understand their roles during the
1976, 1985). The knowledge of what kind of stimulus host selection process (host location, recognition, and
(physical and/or chemical) is used by parasitoids to acceptance) (Klomp and Teerink, 1962; Klomp et al.,

Fig. 2. Antennae of Trichogramma galloi showing the general view. a ⫽ uniporous sensilla trichoidea; b ⫽ multiporous sensilla
distribution of the sensilla. The only difference from that of T. trichoidea type C; c ⫽ multiporous sensilla trichoidea; d ⫽ aporous
pretiosum is the presence of one sensillum basiconica instead of two at sensilla trichoidea; e ⫽ multiporous sensilla placoidea; f ⫽ sensilla
the fourth flagellomere. A: Dorsal view; B: Lateral view; C: Ventral basiconica; g ⫽ setiform structure; h ⫽ coeloconicum sensillum.

1980; Pak, 1988; Schmidt and Smith, 1985 Salt, 1935, (Thornwood, NY) DSM940A scanning electron micro-
1937). Also, these studies should provide information scope (SEM) at an accelerating voltage of 5.0– 10.0 kV.
for the development of a suitable artificial host for the The structure of the ovipositor was observed after
development of in vitro rearing techniques of both dissection of newly-emerged females previously fixed as
species. described above. The proximal portion of the ovipositor
was glued on a cover slide, mounted on a stub, air-dried,
sputter-coated with gold, and examined in the SEM.
Stock Culture of Parasitoids
Ovipositors were also observed by exposing their tip
Trichogramma galloi and T. pretiosum were reared from the genital capsule of fixed females.
on UV-treated eggs of the factitious host, Anagasta
kuehniella (Lep., Pyralidae), and held in incubators
(temperature: 25 ⫹ 1°C; relative humidity: 60 ⫹ 10%
RH; photophase: 14 h). A. kuehniella was bred on
artificial diets composed of wheat flour and yeast or Seven morphologically distinct sensillar structures
corn and wheat flour (Parra 1997), following the tech- and one setiform structure were found on the antennae
niques described by Parra et al. (1989). of females of Trichogramma galloi and T. pretiosum.
The overall structures are essentially similar to what
Scanning Electron Microscopy have been previously described for other Tricho-
Antenna of newly emerged, ether-anesthetized fe- gramma species (Amornsak et al. 1998; Olson and
males of T. galloi and T. pretiosum were fixed in 3% Andow, 1993; Voegelé et al., 1975). Antennae of T. galloi
glutaraldehyde in a 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution and T. pretiosum are composed of 7 segments: scape,
(pH 7.2) for 2 hours, dehydrated in acetone (30–100%), pedicel, and 5 flagellomeres (Figs. 2, 3A). The first
critical point dried in a CO2 Balzers Critical Point flagellomere is cylindrical, short, and slightly longer
Dryer CPD 030, sputter coated (Balzers Union MED than wide. The second is smaller, and when viewed
010 evaporator) with gold, and viewed with a Zeiss laterally, partially covers the third flagellomere. The

The sensilla present on the antennae of females of T.

galloi and T. pretiosum are also found in parasitic
wasps of other families. The aporous sensillum trichoi-
dea is found in 14 other species of parasitoids, the
uniporous sensillum trichoidea in 11 spp., the multi-
porous sensilla trichoidea type C in 5 spp., the multi-
porous sensillum trichoidea in 9 spp., the multiporous
sensillum placodea in 17 spp., the multiporous grooved
basiconica sensillum in 15 spp., and the coeloconica
sensillum in 5 spp. These numbers were adapted from
Olson and Andow (1993) with the inclusion of T. nubi-
lale, T. australicum, T. maltbyi, and T. brasiliensis
(Amornsak et al., 1998; Voegelé et al., 1975). They
represent 19 species from eight different families of
parasitic Hymenoptera (wasps).
Aporous Sensilla Trichoidea (d in Figs. 2, 4A,C,
5B). These sensilla are found on the scape, pedicel,
and flagellomeres. They are long (about 40 µm) with a
ridged surface inserted in a protuberance (Fig. 5B).
They are usually identified as a mechanosensilla, some-
times perceiving airborne vibrations because they con-
tain tubular bodies in which the dendrites terminate, a
feature typical of mechanoreceptors (Barlin and Vin-
son, 1981; McIver, 1975). In Trichogramma, it has been
suggested that they may provide females with informa-
tion regarding the position of their antennae in relation
to the substrate, based on their distribution pattern
along the antennae (Olson and Andow, 1993). Such
information must be useful in host searching and
exploitation, during which Trichogramma females ac-
tively employ their antennae (Schmidt and Smith,
Uniporous Sensillum Trichoidea (a in Figs. 2,
4A,B, 5E,F). This sensillum, about 10 µm long, slightly
curved, is exclusively ventrally located at the tip of the
clava. It is inserted on a distinct elevated socket and is
provided with longitudinal ridges without any visible
pore. At the tip of the sensillum there is a single pore.
Olson and Andow (1993) reported the presence of this
sensillum on the male antenna, but in different posi-
tions from that of females.
Multiporous Sensilla Trichoidea. Two types of
multiporous sensilla trichoidea were present in the
Fig. 3. General structure of the antenna of Trichogramma. A:
Scape (S), pedicel (P) and flagellomeres 1 to 5 (F); B: Flagellomere 2 to antenna of T. galloi and T. pretiosum females differing
4. Arrows indicate the distribution of the coeloconicum sensillum. in their position and type of insertion. Type C is
ventrally located in the clava, being a curved and
laterally flattened structure with oblique grooves along
its surface (b in Figs. 2, 4A,B, 5A). Pores are located
third and fourth flagellomeres are alike. They are along the outer margin of the sensillum at the point of
cylindrical, being as long as wide. The last flagellomere, groove convergence. Zacharuk (1980) designated this
clava, is considerably larger than the others and is kind of sensillum as a multiporous pitted sensillum
endowed with many more sensillar structures than the because the pores are uniformly distributed along the
other flagellomeres (Figs. 2, 3). wall while a multiporous grooved sensillum show these
pores within the grooves present along its length. These
Antennal Sensilla sensilla are found in larger number on T. pretiosum
Although Amornsak et al. (1998) have recently pro- antenna (x̄ ⫾ sd - 30.7 ⫾ 0.80) than on T. galloi (x̄ ⫾ sd -
posed a new terminology for the sensilla of Tricho- 26.6 ⫾ 0.63), being statistically different between these
gramma based only on external morphology, we decided species (n ⫽ 23; F ⫽ 60.6; df ⫽ 1, 45; P ⬍ 0.05, by
to follow the nomenclature previously used by Olson Tukey’s test). The number of these sensilla seems to be
and Andow (1993) that was based on one proposed by species-specific for Trichogramma. Voegelé et al. (1975)
Snodgrass (1935) and Zacharuk (1980). We also decided had already noticed such differences for other species of
on the use of this terminology to avoid proposing new these egg parasitoids, T. maltbyi, T. brasiliensis, and T.
names for structures without knowing their real func- evanescens, and they suggested the possibility of using
tion, because transmission electron microscope were this character to distinguish Trichogramma species
not used by Amornsak et al. (1998). using females instead of males. This would be a solu-

Fig. 4. Sensilla distribution on the last flagellomere (clava). A: Lateral view; B: Ventral view;
C: Dorsal view. a ⫽ uniporous sensilla trichoidea; b ⫽ multiporous sensilla trichoidea type C; c ⫽
multiporous sensilla trichoidea; d ⫽ aporous sensilla trichoidea; e ⫽ multiporous sensilla placoidea; f ⫽
sensilla basiconica; g ⫽ setiform structure.
Fig. 5. Antennal sensilla of T. galloi and T. pretiosum. A: Multi- indicates a pore; E: Uniporous sensillum trichoidea (opened arrow)
porous sensilla trichoidea type C. Arrow indicates the type of basal and the basiconica sensillum (arrow head) at the tip of the last
insertion; B: Aporous sensillum trichoidea. Arrow indicates the type of flagellomere; F: Close-up of the pore at the tip of the uniporous
basal insertion; C: Multiporous sensillum trichoidea. Arrow indicates sensillum, with the arrow indicating the pore.
the type of basal insertion; D: Detail of a multiporous sensillum. Arrow

Fig. 6. Antennal sensilla of T. galloi and T. pretiosum. A: Multiporous sensillum placoidea, flattened
structures attached to the surface of the antennae; B: Surface of the sensillum placoidea showing the
pores; C: Basiconica sensillum, peglike structures; D: Coeloconicum sensillum, depressed structure with
a single, central pore.

tion to identify those parthenogenetic Trichogramma theless, the gustatory function attributed to these
strains that produce an exclusive female progeny. sensilla in the host selection process could be associated
Because the multiporous sensilla trichoidea are al- with host rejection instead of host acceptance. This can
ways contacting the host surface during the drumming be true in the case where moths cover their eggs with
behavior, some authors have suggested they may be scales that have chemicals that disturb the parasitiza-
related with host exploitation by the parasitoid (Olson tion behavior of Trichogramma, like in the association
and Andow, 1993). Yet, recent ultrastructural studies between Spodoptera litura and T. chilonis (Ohta et al.,
developed by Isidoro et al. (1996) revealed a gustatory 1994). Yet, the identification of chemicals associated
function for these sensilla, implying chemical recogni- with the gustatory sensilla from Trichogramma differs
tion. If these sensilla are involved in the host recogni- from that of other species because there is no secretory
tion process, such chemicals should be available on the glands associated with them (Isidoro et al., 1996). This
host surface to induce host recognition or acceptance. fact brings up the question on how the chemical stimu-
However, data available on the parasitization of artifi- lus from the host surface is transported to the sense
cial plastic eggs by T. galloi and T. pretiosum provide organs if secretions are not produced.
evidence that both species of parasitoids do not need Another type of multiporous sensillum trichoidea
chemical stimulants on the host surface for their evalu- present on the antenna of T. galloi and T. pretiosum has
ation and acceptance (Cônsoli and Parra, 1999). Never- a distinct shape and insertion. It is latero-dorsally

Fig. 7. Thin cross section of the ovipositor

of Trichogramma. A: Ovipositor enclosed by a
sheath of the genital capsule; B: Detail of the
ovipositor (V1 ⫽ valvula 1, V2 ⫽ valvula 2; s ⫽
sheath of the genital capsule; NS ⫽ nervous
located on the clava, and its basal insertion is continu- sensilla are very similar to those described for worker
ous with the tegument (c in Figs. 2 and 4A,C, 5C,D). It honey bees, believed to be sensitive to one or more
has a reduced number of pores and has been associated stimuli, such as temperature, CO2, and humidity based
with olfaction (Olson and Andow, 1993). on electrophysiological findings (Schneider, 1969; Dietz
Multiporous Sensilla Placodea. Both Tricho- and Humphreys, 1971).
gramma species under study show 5 long (up to 25 µm), Setiform Structures (g in Figs. 2, 4A,B). They are
flattened (about. 2 µm wide) structures attached to the needle-like (6–7-µm-long) appendages, with indistinct
antennal surface throughout their length except for basal insertion, without pores, and possibly without
their tip. They are laterally and dorsally located on the receptive function. They appear over the entire anten-
clava, running almost half of the clava length. Pores are nal surface, but more frequently on the ventral side of
abundantly located on the sensillum surface (e in Figs. the clava, near the base (Fig. 4). Because they are
2, 4A,C, 6A,B). Doutt (1964) suggested parasitoids may present in large numbers and widely distributed, Olson
use these sensilla for long-range chemical orientation and Andow (1993) suggested they may have a protec-
allowing the detection of chemicals produced by the tive function.
host in its habitat, and such a possibility has been
extended to many other parasitoids species (Schneider Ovipositor (Figs. 7, 8)
and Steinbrecht, 1968; Slifer, 1969; Weseloh, 1972; The overall organization of the female genitalia of
Norton and Vinson, 1974; Barlin and Vinson, 1981). T. galloi and T. pretiosum is similar to that described to
Specifically for Trichogramma, the multiporous sen- T. maidis (Le Ralec and Wajnberg, 1990), and not
silla placoidea may be used to orient parasitoid females different from the basic genitalia structure of Hymenop-
to the sex pheromone released by female hosts, which tera (Smith, 1970). The ovipositor consists of two pairs
may be used by parasitoids to locate a habitat with of valvifers and three pairs of valvulae derived from the
possible egg hosts. Sex pheromones, accessory gland 8th and 9th abdominal segments (Le Ralec and Wajn-
secretions, and chemicals present on adult host scales berg, 1990). The ovipositor is cylindrical and needle-
were identified as the major chemical components like in shape, and is encased by a sheath. It is composed
involved in parasitoid foraging behavior (Noldus, 1989). by three coupled styli (two valvulae 1 and one valve 2),
Multiporous Grooved Basiconica Sensilla. These with many distally located sensilla (Figs. 7, 8A). Trans-
are short (2 µm), with a bulbous tip (about 1.5 µm in verse sections showed that valve 2 functions as a
diameter), with a short (about 1 µm), cylindrical stalk conductor of valvulae 1, holding all styli together and
with pores longitudinally distributed along the bulb interdigitated (Fig. 7A,B), while the female drills the
region, and are found on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th antennal host surface and oviposits. Valve 2, which is the stylus
segments (f in Figs. 2, 4A, 6C). The one found at the tip, facing the abdomen, has a depression near to the distal
on the ventral surface of the clava, shows a distinct portion, and has many irregular cuticle projections at
bulbous shape. It seems to be more slender than all the the tip (Fig. 8B). Four needle-like projections are
other multiporous grooved basiconica sensilla (MGBS) present laterally on each side of the stylus (Fig. 8C).
(Fig. 5E), as described by Amornsak et al. (1998). There These projections are slanted normally downward,
were differences in the number of this type of sensillum towards the ovipositor base and are probably used to
in the 4th segment between T. pretiosum (2) and pierce the chorion of the egg host. Both valvulae 1 have
T. galloi (1). Multiporous grooved sensilla have been four types of sensillar structures distributed proxi-
identified on the antennae of many species and have mately (a,b,c,d in Fig. 8D), behind two lateral cuticular
been shown to have many different olfactory functions, expansions at their tip (Fig. 8D). Two hook-like sensilla
with their functional specificity depending upon their within an ovoid depression (a, Fig. 8D) and a pore at
wall thickness. Thick-walled sensilla were suggested to their base are located distally on the valvulae 1.
be more selective to specific source of chemicals, such as Towards the proximal region, ventrally located in rela-
pheromones, than the thin-walled ones. Thermo and/or tion to these sensilla, there is another sensillum (b, Fig.
hygrosensitive capabilities were also suggested for the 8D), with an irregular and depressed cuticular struc-
multiporous grooved sensilla in many other species ture. This is followed by a tusk-like projection (c, Fig.
(Bin et al., 1989; Olson and Andow, 1993; Zacharuk, 8D) evenly distributed along a line on the surface of the
1985). stylus, just after a cuticular constriction (Fig. 8A,E).
Coeloconic Sensilla (h in Fig. 2; Figs. 3B, 6D). After the first tusk-like projection there is a non-
These sensilla are located on the 2nd and 4th flagello- differentiated structure (d, Fig. 8D), indicated by a
meres, being an almost circular (5 µm in diameter), circular depression of the cuticle, resembling a campani-
depressed structure with a very small (approximately form sensillum. Both valvulae 1 have a great number of
0.3 µm) single pore in the center. Although these projections arising from the internal surface (Fig. 8E).
sensilla are similar on T. galloi and T. pretiosum, they Thin section studies under transmission electron
have a variable shape and distribution on other Tricho- microscope of these sensilla in other parasitoid species,
gramma species. Their number and distribution are disclosed a chemo and/or mechanoreceptor function
similar to that on T. australicum (Amornsak et al., (Greany et al., 1977; Hawke et al., 1973; van Veen and
1998), but differ from that on T. nubilale, which has van Wilk, 1985). However, Le Ralec and Wajnberg
three of these structures distributed on the 3rd, 4th, (1990) suggested a possible mixed function for sensil-
and 5th segments (Olson and Andow, 1993) while T. lum a but only mechanoreception for sensilla c and d.
evanescens has two, but on the 4th and 5th segments However, no function was suggested for sensillum b (Le
(Voegele et al., 1975). Olson and Andow (1993) de- Ralec and Wajnberg, 1990).
scribed these sensilla as campaniform-like structures Chemoreceptors on the ovipositor of Trichogramma
but suggested no function for them. However, these should be expected because they are used by the
Fig. 8. Structure of the ovipositor of Trichogramma. A: Ovipositor (mixed function); b ⫽ sensillum b (no suggested function); c ⫽
partially distended from the genital capsule. The arrow indicates the sensillum c (mechanoreceptor); d ⫽ sensillum d (proprioreceptive
position of a tusk-like structure present on the ovipositor surface, a mechanoreceptor). Arrow indicates a pore (detail: 30,000x); E: hook-
detail of which is in the insect; B: Cuticle projections on the ventral like structures on the tip of the valvifer 2 (* indicates the presence of
side of the valvula 2; C: Cuticle constriction on the upper surface of the cuticle projections on the internal surface of the valvula 1); F: Detail of
valvulae 1; D: Sensilla on the tip of the ovipositor. a ⫽ sensillum a cuticle projections on the internal surface of the valvula 1.
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Le Ralec A, Wajnberg E. 1990. Sensory receptors of the ovipositor of
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(Texas A&M University, College Station, USA) for 35:293–299.
reviewing the early version of this manuscript. We also Le Ralec A, Wajnberg E. 1996. Comparative morphology of the
thank the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado ovipositor of some parasitic Hymenoptera in realtion to characteris-
tics of their hosts. Can Entomol 128:413–433.
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Li LY. 1994. Worldwide use of Trichogramma for biological control on
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