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Name: Eli Batista

Date: 1/18/23

Twyla Tharp’s
Creative Autobiography

1. What is the first creative moment you remember?

When i was in art class and i drew a picture of myself
2. Was anyone there to witness or appreciate it?
My art teacher
3. What is the best idea you’ve ever had?
Building my own shoe business

4. What made it great in your mind?

I have a passion for shoes
5. What is the dumbest idea you’ve ever had?
Playing basketball again
6. What made it stupid?
It was stupid because I was going to give up track for it.
7. Can you connect the dots that led you to this idea (meaning - what
problem/situation led to this idea?)
Probably doing leads me to ideas

8. What is your creative ambition (dream/hope)?

To play In the NFL
9. What are the most important steps for achieving this ambition?
Training everyday, eating the right nutrients
10. How do you begin your day?
Eating breakfast
11. What are your habits? What patterns do you repeat?
Wake up, get ready, brush teeth, eat breakfast, go to school,
football practice, eat dinner, take shower, go back to bed
12. Describe your first successful creative act.
I would say playing football
13. What are your attitudes toward
a. Money: need it
b. Power: dont care
c. Praise: always
d. Rivals: dont care
e. Work: don't mind
f. Play: need it

14. Who is your role model? Doug santos Remember, role models
can be someone you know, or someone famous. There is no right or
wrong role model!

15. Why are they your role models?

Doug my role model because he makes me want to be the best
version on myself
16. What do you and your role models have in common?
We like to work hard for things we want
17. Does anyone in your life regularly inspire you?
My mom
18. Who is your favorite artist?
Lil baby
19. Define artist?
A singer or rapper
20. When confronted with superior intelligence and talent, how do you
Humble about it
21. When you work, do you love the process or the result?
22. At what points do you feel your reach exceeds your grasp?
Never satisfied
23. What is your ideal creative activity?
24. What is your greatest fear?
25. What is the likelihood of your greatest fear happening?
Losing my parents
26. What is your idea of mastery?
I don't really have one
27. What is your greatest dream?
NFL player

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