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EE 428 PROBLEM SET 9 DUE: 16 December 2007

Reading assignment: Ch 7, sections 7.1, 7.5, and 7.7.1 (we previously covered concepts in sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and
Laboratory sections meet during the week of December 10.
Problem 40: (25 points)
Consider the closed-loop system in Figure 1 where
Gp (s) = .
s(10s + 1)

Figure 1: Feedback control system using cascade compensation.

Design a phase-lead compensator Gc(s) so that

• the steady-state error due to a ramp input r(t) = t 1(t) is less than 1/11, and
• the peak overshoot to unit-step input is less than 20%.
Your solution must contain the following elements:

1. An analysis showing how the controller parameters are chosen, including appropriate Bode plots.
2. A Bode magnitude and phase plot of the compensated open-loop transfer function Gc(s)Gp (s). Indicate the
gain-crossover frequency and phase margin on the Bode plot.
3. A plot of the unit-step response of the close-loop system. Use MATLAB to determine the peak overshoot.
4. If the peak overshoot is not within specification, a brief description of what parameter(s) of the design you
would change in the next iteration of the control design and the reason for doing so.

Problem 41: (35 points)

The concept of state feedback is an important topic in control systems engineering. Consider an nth order SISO
system described by the state-space model

ẋ(t) = F x(t) + Gu(t)

y(t) = Hx(t).

If all the state variables are accessible, then it is possible to use full-state feedback

u(t) = Kx(t) + gr(t),

where K is a 1 by n row vector of constant gains, g is a scalar multiplier, and r(t) is a scalar input to the closed-loop
system. The controllability matrix P is defined as
P = G, F G, F 2G, . . ., F n−1G .

If the matrix P is nonsingular, then the constant gain vector K can be chosen to place the poles of the closed-loop
transfer function Y (s)/R(s) at any desired location. The proof of this result is beyond the scope of EE 428, but it
is rigorously proven in the graduate controls course EE 527.
1. (4 points) Suppose that the control law
u(t) = Kx(t) + gr(t)
is applied to the plant

ẋ(t) = F x(t) + Gu(t)

y(t) = Hx(t).

The resulting closed-loop system can be described by the state-space model

ẋ(t) = F̄ x(t) + Ḡr(t)

y(t) = H̄x(t).

Express the matrices F̄ , Ḡ, and H̄ in terms of F , G, H, K, and g.

Now consider the open-loop system described by the state space model
0 1 0 
F = ,G = ,H = 1 1 .
−8 6 3

2. (2 points) What are the eigenvalues of the F matrix?

3. (2 points) Is the open-loop system BIBS stable?
4. (3 points) Find the open loop-transfer function Y (s)/R(s), and specify the open-loop pole and zero locations.
5. (2 points) Is the P matrix singular or nonsingular for this system?
6. (3 points) Apply the control law 
u(t) = k1 k2 x(t) + r(t).
Note that the full-state feedback control law represents an instantaneous (memoryless) system, as the output,
u(t), only depends on measurements of the state vector x(t) and input r(t) at the present time t. Find the
closed-loop matrix F̄ in terms of k1 and k2.
7. (2 points) Without explicitly calculating the gains, can we choose k1 and k2 so that the poles of the closed-loop
transfer function Y (s)/U (s) are located at −1 ± 1? (Assume that there are no pole-zero cancelations so that
the transfer function is second order). Explain your reasoning in one or two sentences.
8. (5 points) Find the closed-loop transfer function Y (s)/U (s) in terms of the parameters k1, k2, and g, and
choose the values of these parameters so that so that the closed-loop poles are located at −1 ±  and the DC
gain of the closed-loop transfer function Y (s)/R(s) is one.

9. (2 points) For the parameters chosen in part 8, specify the zero location of the closed-loop system. Does
full-state feedback affect the location of the open-loop zero?

Suppose that the state vector x(t) is not available for measurement, and so we can not directly implement the control
law in part 6.

10. (3 points) Determine the observability matrix Q and its rank. Is the open-loop system observable?
11. (5 points) Estimate the state-vector x(t) as x̂(t) using the full-order observer
x̂(t) = F x̂(t) + Gu(t) + L(ŷ(t) − y(t))
ŷ(t) = H̄ x̂(t),

where the estimation error

e(t) = x(t) − x̂(t)
ė(t) = (F + LH) e(t).
Is it possible to choose the gain matrix L to place both eigenvalues of F + LH at -10? If so, why, and what is
the necessary value of L? If not, explain why.
12. (2 points) Using observer feedback, 
u(t) = k1 k2 x̂(t) + r(t),
the control law is dynamic in that the estimate x̂ depends on past values of x(t) and r(t). What is the order
of the state representation of the combined open-loop plant and observer feedback system? What are the
eigenvalues of the system matrix that represents the entire closed-loop system?

Problem 43: (40 points)

Consider a plant described by the transfer function

B(s) 3s + 3
Gp (s) = = 2 .
A(s) s − 6s + 8

1. (20 points) Suppose that the desired response of the closed-loop system is specified by the transfer function

Ym (s) Bm (s) 2(s + 1)

= = 2 .
Uc (s) Am (s) s + 2s + 2
Let the observer polynomial Ao have as low as order as possible and place all the observer poles at s = −10.
Find the controller polynomials R, S, and T.
2. (20 points) Repeat part 1 for the case

Ym (s) Bm (s) 2
= = 2 .
Uc (s) Am (s) s + 2s + 2

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