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I. The diagram below shows two different processes for manufacturing black tea.

Summarize the information into a paragraph of at least 150 words and provide a
suitable title.

The diagram illustrates two distinct processes for manufacturing

black tea: the traditional method and the modern method using tea
bags. In the traditional approach, freshly plucked tea leaves
undergo a systematic process. Initially, they experience natural
withering, followed by manual rolling to release essential oils.
Subsequently, the leaves ferment, leading to oxidation that imparts
the characteristic flavor and color to black tea. The final step
involves controlled drying. On the other hand, the modern method,
represented by tea bags, involves a more streamlined and
mechanized process. Tea leaves are ground into finer particles, and
the resulting blend is enclosed in porous bags for steeping. This
method offers convenience and quick infusion, catering to the fast-
paced modern lifestyle. While the traditional method emphasizes
craftsmanship and the preservation of nuanced flavors, the modern
approach prioritizes efficiency and accessibility. The diagram
provides a comprehensive overview of the two contrasting
processes, highlighting the evolution in black tea manufacturing
from traditional methods to contemporary, convenient tea bag

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