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Schedule compression using the direct stiffness method

Construction Engineering and Management, Centre for Building Studies, Concordia University,
1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Que., Canada H3G 1M8
Received September 25, 1991
Revised manuscript accepted May 5, 1992

This paper presents a new method for critical path (CPM) scheduling that optimizes project duration in order to
minimize the project total cost. In addition, the method could be used to produce constrained schedules that accom-
modate contractual completion dates of projects and their milestones. The proposed method is based on the well-known
"direct stiffness method" for structural analysis. The method establishes a complete analogy between the structural
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analysis problem with imposed support settlement and that of project scheduling with imposed target completion date.
The project CPM network is replaced by an equivalent structure. The equivalence conditions are established such that
when the equivalent structure is compressed by an imposed displacement equal to the schedule compression, the sum
of all member forces represents the additional cost required to achieve such compression. T o enable a comparison
with the currently used methods, an example application from the literature is analyzed using the proposed method.
The results are in close agreement with those obtained using current techniques. In addition, the proposed method
has some interesting features: (i) it is flexible, providing a trade-off between required accuracy and computational
effort, (ii) it is capable of providing solutions to CPM networks where dynamic programming may not be directly
applicable, and (iii) it could be extended to treat other problems including the impact of delays and disruptions on
schedule and budget of construction projects.
Key words: construction scheduling, time-cost trade-off, project cost optimization, scheduling with constraints, project

Cet article prCsente une nouvelle methode de cheminement critique qui permet d'optimiser la duree du projet afin
d'en reduire le coiit global. En outre, cette methode pourrait servir a produire des calendriers qui tiennent compte
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des dates de rialisation des projets et de leurs diverses Ctapes. La mCthode proposie est inspirCe de la cilibre (( mithode
de rigiditi directe D. Cette mithode etablit une analogie complite entre le problime d'analyse structurale et celui de
l'ordonnancement de projet avec date de realisation cible imposie. Le rCseau CPM est remplacC par une structure equi-
valente. Les conditions d'iquivalence sont Ctablies de telle sorte que lorsque la structure equivalente est comprimee
par un deplacement impose kgal a la compression du calendrier, la somme de toutes les forces des elements reprksente
le coiit additionnel requis pour realiser cette compression. A des fins de comparaison avec les mithodes prksentement
utilisees, une application type t i d e de la littirature existante a CtC analysie a l'aide de la methode proposie. On a observe
une bonne concordance entre les risultats obtenus et ceux enregistris a l'aide des techniques courantes. De plus, la
methode proposee possede d'autres caractiristiques intiressantes. Premiirement, elle est flexible et assure un compro-
mis entre la precision requise et l'effort de calcul. Deuxiimement, elle est en mesure de fournir des solutions aux rkseaux
CPM lorsque la programmation dynamique ne peut Ctre appliquee directement. Enfin, elle peut Ctre appliquke a la
rksolution d'autres problimes, dont celui de l'impact des retards et des interruptions sur le calendrier et le budget de
projets de construction.
Mots elks : ordonnancement de la construction, compromis coQt-temps, optimisation du coiit du projet, ordonnan-
cement avec contraintes, acceleration du projet.
[Traduit par la redaction]

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 20, 65-72 (1993)

Resource-levelling techniques enable CPM to account for
Ever since the introduction of the critical path method project real-life environments where required resources
(CPM) in the mid-1950s, a number of procedures have been (labour, material, and equipment) may exceed those avail-
developed in an effort to overcome its inherent limitations. able. Time-cost trade-off techniques, on the other hand,
The CPM as originally conceived could be described as a allow CPM to consider contractually imposed completion
"nonconstrained" scheduling tool, where ( i ) availability of dates of the project and its milestones. It is generally
needed project resources is assumed and (ii) target or con- recognized that the time-cost trade-off problem is more
tractually imposed project completion date cannot be complex than the resource-levelling one (Stark and Nicholls
directly incorporated. This led to considerable efforts made 1972). This paper deals with the former problem, which is
by many researchers to transform the CPM from a also known as schedule compression, project time reduction,
theoretical and special nonconstrained scheduling tool to a least-cost expediting, project compression, least-cost
practical and more general constrained-capable one. scheduling, project cost optimization, optimized scheduling,
Resource levelling and time-cost trade-off or schedule scheduling with constraints, project acceleration, and project
compression techniques are perhaps the most important crashing.
practical improvements made as a result of these efforts. Apart from qualitative methods and procedures (Con-
NOTE:Written discussion of this paper is welcomed and will be struction Industry Institute (CII) 1988), available quan-
received by the Editor until June 30, 1993 (address inside titative techniques for schedule compression can be grouped
front cover). in two main categories: heuristic and optimization. Heuristic
Primed in Canada / lmprimc au Canada
CAN. J. CIV. EN(3. VOL. 20, 1993

TABLE1. Equivalent characteristic parameters

No. Project compression Structural analysis

Project Structure
Project CPM network Structure's geometry
Project activity Structural member
Project event Structural node
Activity cost slope Member stiffness
Event early start times Nodal coordinates
Activity available time Member length
(activity duration + float)
Activity compression Member axial displacement
Crashed activity cost Member axial force
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The method could also be used to identify the impact of

delayed and disrupted activities on the project schedule and
FIG. 1. 5-Activity network. estimate the direct cost of acceleration for a given level of
schedule compression.
algorithms aim at providing "good solutions" or near Proposed method
optimal solutions with reasonable accuracy suitable for prac- The direct stiffness method
tical applications. These algorithms require less computa- The proposed method is based on the direct stiffness
tional effort than optimization techniques, and provide a method (also known as matrix-displacement method) for
trade-off between desired accuracy and required computa- structural analysis, where applied forces are directly linked
tional effort. Unlike optimization techniques, these algo- to the resulting structural deformations or displacements
rithms frequently provide practical solutions to large project through the stiffness matrix of the structure (Przemieniecki
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networks. Heuristic algorithms may either be capable of 1968):

tracking project activities in networks having only one
critical path (Pagnoni 1990) or more critical paths, including
those newly formed as the solution progresses (Ahuja 1984;
Handa 1964; Ford and Fulkerson 1962). in which { F } is the applied nodal load vector, {A} is the
resulting nodal displacement vector, [ a is the global struc-
Optimization techniques, on the other hand, aim at pro-
ture stiffness matrix, and n is the number of degrees of
viding "best or optimal solutions" and require considerably
freedom (DOF) of the structure.
more computational effort than heuristic methods. These
In the present formulation, the structure will represent
are operations research-based techniques and include linear
programming (Hendrickson and Au 1989; Pagnoni 1990) the project: its geometry will represent the project CPM
and dynamic programming (Butcher 1967). It is interesting network (the arrow diagram), its elements will, accordingly,
to note that despite the complexity involved, their fairly large represent the project activities, and its nodes will represent
formulation, and extensive computational effort, even the projects events (see Table 1). Each node will be assigned
dynamic programming is not directly applicable to networks one DOF, representing axial displacement or activity com-
pression. As such, if all project activities can be crashed,
without pure combinations of sequential and parallel activ-
n in eq. [I] will be
ities, such as the 5-activity network shown in Fig. 1 (Butcher
1967). [2] n = m - 1
In this paper a new method is presented. The method is in which m is the total number of events in the project CPM-
direct and flexible enough to allow the generation of both type network.
"good solutions" and "best solutions," depending on the
computational effort and the type of network being con- Activity representation
sidered, as will be described later. The method is based on Activities, in general, could either be crashed, i.e., their
the well-known direct stiffness method for structural anal- duration reduced, or not. In this paper, activities that can
ysis. A complete analogy is first established between the be crashed will be called "crashable," and those that cannot
project CPM network and the geometry of the equivalent be crashed will be termed "non-crashable." For the purpose
structure. Schedule compression data (i.e., normal and of the proposed analysis, each of the project activities are
crashed activity durations and their associated costs) are used classified under one of three basic and distinct types: (i) non-
to establish the material properties of all elements in the critical, (ii) critical and crashable (and will be referred to
equivalent structure. A nonlinear static analysis under later, for simplicity, as critical), and (iii) critical and non-
imposed displacement (equivalent to the magnitude of crashable (and will be referred to later as non-crashable).
schedule compression) is then performed. As the analysis Dummy activities are basically non-crashable with a zero
progresses, in each iteration, the sum of all members' axial duration. Noncritical activities, obviously, are crashable, at
forces represent the added cost required to crash the project least up to their float time. In general, each of the three basic
schedule with a time equal to the imposed displacement in types is represented by a "truss member," i.e., a straight
that iteration. A numerical example is worked out in order bar having one DOF at each end. However, for the third
to illustrate the use and capabilties of the proposed method. type of activities (the non-crashable), these DOFs are set

i.II I I I..

normal duration=
crashed duration= I
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(a) critical & non crashable (b) dummy

crashed duration

normal duration I
crashed duration

normal hration float

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(c) critical & crashable (d) non-critical

AE crashed cost - normal cost ' or very small numerical value if computer
I normal duration crashed duration program used does not accept 0.0
FIG. 2. Activity representation.

equal or made identical, rendering it a rigid member (see which the member becomes rigid, indicating no further
Fig. 2). The truss members representing the other two types reduction or compression is possible.
are envisaged to be made of an artificial material such that It should be noted that the stress-strain relationship shown
their axial stiffness varies as a function of their axial defor- in Fig. 4 need not follow a linear or a piecewise linear form.
mation, as shown in Fig. 3. The member axial stiffness, K, Discrete, or step, functions, nonlinear continuous functions,
can be expressed as and any combinations of these relationships could be used.
If it is desirable to avoid fractions or part days in compress-
[3] K = AE/l ing activities and rounding them up to full days, a step func-
in which A is the cross-sectional area of the member, E is tion stress-strain relationship could be used. Fractions or
the Young's modulus of the member's material, and 1 is the part-days compression of normal durations of activities
length of the member. could also be useful, providing a practical help in for-
By making the cross-sectional area of each member mulating an overtime policy and other forms of acceleration.
numerically equal to its length, the variation in the member Solution protocol
stiffness can be expressed solely in terms of the elastic Once a CPM analysis has been performed, needed activity
modulus, E, of its material (Fig. 4). Accordingly, for the data can be extracted. This includes early start event times,
case most frequently considered in current techniques for float, and hence activity status (critical or noncritical). These
schedule compression, where the added cost of shortening data are directly used to input the geometry of the equivalent
an activity duration increases linearly with the activity com- structure (i.e., nodal coordinates and member connectivity).
pression, the E value of its equivalent member will be Project compression data (normal cost, crashed cost, normal
assigned a zero or a very small value when the member's duration, crashed duration for each activity) are then used
axial deformation is < 61, and a value equal to the member to prepare the input for material properties (modulus of
stiffness when the member's deformation is between 61 and elasticity). The first node (the project start event) is fixed
62, as shown in Fig. 4. Notice that 61 equals the float and, or restrained, while displacement is imposed incrementally
therefore, will be set to zero for elements representing critical at the last node (the project end event).
activities. The member displacement, A2, represents the A nonlinear static analysis is performed. In each itera-
maximum possible deformation (the "crash limit"), beyond tion, members' axial deformations (6) are checked against
CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 20, 1993

member axial force

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, crashed i
float normal duration duration 1c:

total time available = ESj - ES'
FIG. 3. Member stiffness variation. (I = length of equivalent member.)
For personal use only.

I modulus of
elasticity of i I rigid
(D0F)i = (D0F)j
the member's i
I material j

member axial

& deformation
= max perm~ss~ble
(crash I ~ m i t )

crashed durat~on
float normal durat~on

C total time available


FIG. 4. Modulus of elasticity variation.

and 62 values, and the appropriate E is used for the next obtained. At this point, maximum schedule compression is
iteration. When 6 exceeds 82, the member becomes rigid, attained. During the analysis, noncritical activities may
indicating that no further reduction is possible. For the ith become critical and new critical path(s) may be formed, and
iteration, the sum of all member forces, Fi, represents the some crashable activities may not be completely crashed.
added direct cost required to crash the project duration by This is achieved automatically through the CPM-network
a time equal to the imposed displacement A,. The analysis logic (i.e., structural geometry, including member connec-
continues until no further increase in member forces is tivity) and the equilibrium and compatibility conditions


1 (**I 1
For each imposed increment displacement h,
calculate the axial deformation in each member 6;.
Fi = Z member forces, and store Fi & Ai

h = Project compression
Fi = Crashed direct cost
ES Bar chart
non-critical activities
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by UNIV CALGARY on 09/30/12

by two members
(float & duration), Calculate Project total cost at each h
FTi = Fi + (Fi)id
Compression data (Fi)d = indirect cost at h
(i.e., normal cost, normal duration,
crushed cost, and crashed duration
for each activity)
Based on 6i of each member,
modify its properties, if needed
Member properties
based on direct cost only

Input geometry
For personal use only.

fix the start event and get a

Nonlinear static solution,
imposing an incremental compression
(axial displacement) Get O m i n =Least project cost
at the project last (fmish) event & corresponding A = Optimum project duration

Procedure used in the present method.

inherent in the structural analysis technique. Figure 5 sum- TABLE2. Schedule compression data
marizes the flow of operations performed in the proposed
method. Activity
Where resource levelling or even resource allocation Normal Crash Normal Crash Cost
No. i-j duration duration cost ($) cost ($) slope
becomes necessary, to account for project resource limita-
tions, the revised CPM network resulting from these anal- 1 1.2
yses should be used to input the geometry of the equivalent 2 2.3
structure. It should be noted that, in this case, although some 3 2.4
noncritical activities may become critical and other activi- 4 3.4
ties may have their early start time modified, this constitutes 5 3.5
no change in the protocol described herein. 6 3.8
The proposed solution protocol could be applied using 7 4.5
existing software systems for structural analysis with 8 4.6
9 5.6
nonlinear capabilities. Alternatively, the protocol could be 10 5.7
coded specifically for the time-cost trade-off analysis 11 6.7
described in this paper. In either case, in order to automate 12 6.8
the process, the generated CPM analysis results could be 13 7.8
directly processed to input the geometrical data of the Total
equivalent structure. This could be achieved by coding a pre-
processor to the solution protocol or an interface programme
between the CPM analysis software and the structural anal- process and make it efficient for practical applications that
ysis software. In this paper, however, the input data were involve large networks.
keyed in using the CPM analysis results. Although this is
adequate for demonstrating the use of the theory developed Example application
in this paper and its capability, the development of the inter- T o demonstrate the use of the proposed method and
face programme is needed in order to automate the entire illustrate its capabilities, the time-cost trade-off example
CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 20, 1993

10/8 .~

63-43 Activity

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A c t i v i t y number

X/Y - Float

Crashed Duration
Normal Duration


FIG. 6. Example project: CPM network.

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A c t i v i t y No.,Float

+b Critical
Critical &
a Duration -DW,CrashedD


FIG. 7. Time-scaled project CPM.

analyzed by Ahuja (1984) is considered. The project CPM of the equivalent two-dimensional (planar) structure (e.g.,
consists of 13 activities connected through 8 events, as shown the coordinates of node no. 4 are x = 30.0 and y = 0.0).
in Fig. 6. Activity durations and associated costs required Activity number and its i-j events' numbers (i-e., the project
for the analysis are summarized in Table 2. The project has CPM network logic) are used directly to describe the member
a normal duration of 70 days and a direct normal cost of connectivity of the equivalent structure, as shown in Fig. 7
$6600. Indirect cost is estimated to be $1000 over the first (e.g., member no. 8 connects nodes nos. 4 and 6). The cross-
60 days and runs at a rate of $100 per day to the end of sectional area of each member is considered equal to its
the project duration. It is required to find the project mini- length (e.g., the cross-sectional area of member 8 is 20.0).
mum total cost and the associated duration. The solution Material properties of the structural members are derived
reported by Ahuja (1984) was performed using a heuristic from the data summarized in Table 2. For example, the E
algorithm that utilizes the criticality theorem developed value for member PO. 8 equals approximately to 0.0 for 6
earlier by Handa (1964). < 1.0, and equals 70.0 for 1.0 5 6 I9.0; the member is
The example was analyzed using the proposed method, considered rigid for 6 > 9.0. The first node was fixed and
following the procedure summarized in Fig. 5. Early start the structure analyzed under an imposed displacement of
event times are directly used to input the nodal coordinates 10.0, applied incrementally at node no. 8. The solution is

8000 - "Z?%"
........ MFthW
A h l ~ i ailggq <-.
I \-.---
.-;--.. .-;...
7000 - %-<:....
--<;.- -
cn 6000 -
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59 60 61 62 63

64 65 67 68 69 70

-.-.-D = Direct C o s t LIndirect C o s t ,...,....

T,.:Total Cost
FIG. 8. Comparison of results.
For personal use only.

performed using a total of 20 iterations. The sum of all- network is replaced by an equivalent structure having
member forces directly represents the added direct cost geometry identical to that of the network and member
required to reduce the project duration by a time equal t o properties derived from activity cost slopes. Based on the
the imposed displacement. The results are obtained and established analogy, the sum of all member forces represents
compared with those reported by Ahuja (1984). Figure 8 the added cost required to reduce the project duration an
indicates close agreement between the two methods. Each amount equals to the imposed displacement at its finish or
predicted the optimum project duration to be 69 days and end event.
the project minimum total cost to be $6650 (Ahuja 1984) An example application from the literature is worked out
and $6600 (present method). Clearly the indirect costs are to demonstrate the use of the proposed method and illustrate
identical in the two solutions and the difference in the total its capability. The results are in close agreement with those
costs is directly related to the direct costs predicted by the obtained employing the most widely used heuristic algorithm
two methods. and the criticality theorem (Ahuja 1984). Unlike heuristic
It should be noted that the proposed method, as described algorithms, the proposed method, as described herein, is
earlier, will yield optimum (best) and near optimum (good) capable of generating optimum solutions for certain types
solutions for project networks known as parallel nets and of project networks and, with additional computational
nets with pure sequential-parallel links, respectively (Stark effort, for all types of networks. The method could also be
and Nicholls 1972). The accuracy may deteriorate, however, used to study the impact of delays and disruptions o n the
in pure sequential nets, depending on the variations in project schedule and estimate the direct cost of imposed
member stiffnesses. The higher the variation, the lower the acceleration at any stage of the project progress.
accuracy. For members with equal stiffness, the results will
be identical to the optimum values. It is interesting to note Acknowledgement
that even for these sequential networks, the present method The financial support for this work provided by the
with some adjustments can yield optimum solutions. This Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
requires the identification and ranking of member stiffnesses Canada under grant no. A4430 is gratefully acknowledged.
(i.e., activity cost slopes) and considering first only those
having the lowest stiffness as elastic, while keeping the rest Ahuja, H.N. 1984. Project management: technique in planning
temporarily rigid, and progressing with the solution as and controlling construction projects. John Wiley & Sons,
described earlier. It is important, however, to note that pure New York, N.Y.
sequential nets of real-life projects normally consist of a few Butcher, W.S. 1967. Dynamic programming for project cost-time
activities, all critical, and schedule compression can easily curves. ASCE Journal of Construction Division, 93(C01): 59-73.
be performed by hand. Construction Industry Institute. 1988. Concepts and methods of
schedule compression. Publication 6-7, Construction Industry
Summary and concluding remarks Institute, the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex.
Ford, L.R., and Fulkerson, D.R. 1962. Flows in networks.
A new method for time-cost trade-off analysis has been Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
developed. The method is based on the well-known direct Handa, V.K. 1964. Project cost minimization. University of
stiffness method for structural analysis. The project CPM Waterloo Press, Waterloo, Ont.
72 CAN. J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 20, 1993

Hendrickson, C., and Au, T. 1989. Project management for Przemieniecki, J.S. 1968. Theory of matrix structural analysis.
construction. Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, N.Y.
Pagnoni, A. 1990. Project engineering: computer oriented planning Stark, R.M., and Nicholls, R.L. 1972. Mathematical foundations
and operational decision making. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, for design. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, N.Y.
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