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Talking Point ( Friday, 5th Jan 2024)

Students Sembang Santai

1. Introduction of one self

2. Sharing of one story, a hadits : "O Messenger of Allah, Khadijah will come shortly with a vessel
full of side dishes, food and drink. So, if she has arrived, convey greetings for her from her Lord
and from me. And give her good news, namely a house and pearls in heaven. There is no
commotion in it and there is no hardship" (HR. Bukhari). Even though, life may seem harsh, you
might not getiing what you want, everything didn’t fall easily into places, but rest assure, there
will be a place that all this will no longer happen, it is the Jannah. Hence now, whenever you are
doing something or facing difficulties, take a deep breather, and , say bismillah, lillah. In the
name of Allah, and for Allah.

3. In 2024, we are going to promote as many good deeds as we can. I will announce during
assembly what good deed we want to highlight that particular week; and every teacher and
students will be given a quota to complete the good deed daily.
4. This week we want to promote the good deed of 3S: Smile, Say Hi, Salam.
‫َس اَل ٌم َع َلْيُك م ِبَم ا َص َبْر ُتْم ۚ َفِنْع َم ُع ْقَبى الَّد اِر‬

Maksudnya: “Selamat sejahteralah kamu berpanjangan, disebabkan kesabaran kamu. Maka

amatlah baiknya balasan amal kamu di dunia dahulu”. [al-Ra’d:24]

Lasting bless on you, because of your patience. This is the reward for your good deed at dunya.

5. This salam is being given by the malaaikat to the ahli-jannah whenever they are seeing them.
Hence, in Jannah, the greeting is ‘Salaam, salaam., salaam’.
‫ِإاَّل ِقياًل َس اَل ًم ا َس اَل ًم ا‬

Maksudnya: “Mereka hanya mendengar ucapan: " Selamat! Selamat! " (dari satu kepada yang
lain)”. [al-Waqi’ah:26]

They only listen to the greetings of ‘Salam, Salam’ among them to each other.

6. Okay just imagine, we are going to Korea, are we going to speak Korean language? Are we going
to plan to try their jajanmyeon, pajeon, buddae jjigae, their food? Are we planning to try their
Hanbok? Their national costume? Are we?

7. Just imagine Jannah? Who wants to enter Jannah? Hence, let’s act that we are already in
Jannah, lets practice the habits and deeds of ahli-jannah, starting by giving salam. Are you in?

8. Okay, so the good deed of this week is, 3S: Smile, Say Hi and Salam.

9. So every student and teacher are needed to give salaam to at least 5 different people a day
starting today. Bismillah, lillah.

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