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On the busy streets of Houston, Texas, was the school of the

chucklesome kids, The Choco-loco high school. It was the 2 nd week of
the academic year, and Ms. Fasolina, a silver-tounged, middle-aged
woman with a little bit of temper, was teaching the famous notorious
class of the school, grade-7. The kids were young teens, well-known
but not regarded greatly for their sharp-n-quick wit, they were very
smart academically but at the same time were also equally

When Ms. Fasolina entered the class, the class greeted her
positively with a bit of excitement and she reciprocated them with
equal admiration. As it was Ms. Fasolina’s first time teaching the
class, she introduced herself and in-turn asked the class to do the
Everyone introduced themselves, in their own unique ways;
Suppandi, Tea-cup and Chica, formally introduce themselves to the
teacher with a faint smile.
Then Lockdown stands up and introduces herself saying

“I was born in lockdown so my parents named me lockdown”.

The class chuckles lively on hearing this. The next person

introducing herself is Covid, the sister of Lockdown, followed by
Disco then Gummo.

After the everyone’s introductions, Ms. Fasolina begins to proceed

with the basics of letter writing just when Suppandi interrupts her
informing her that he already knows the letters and goes up to write
the alphabets on the board. Ms. Fasolina sighs and corrects Suppandi

“not those letters Suppandi, I mean writing letter to actual people to tell them
about your life.”
That’s when Covid nervously, but mischievously smiling questions Ms.
Fasolina about the reason behind letter writing when we have
WhatsApp and shows his phone out.

Ms. Fasolina gasps at this gesture of Covid and commandingly tells

him that the phones aren’t allowed in school. Covid responds to this
by frowning and sits back. Later She instructs everyone to write a
letter to their Grandmothers about their activities in the holidays in
their respective notebooks. Now, Tea-cup rises from her place to
ask a doubt, Ms. Fasolina, who’s now on the edge, says

“What now Tea cup?”

“I live with my grandmother, she already knows what I did in the holidays”
replies Tea cup innocently.

“Fine, then write a letter to your aunt telling her about your new bicycle.” Ms.
Fasolina replies in a sharp tone.

On hearing this Gummo gets excited about ‘getting a new bicycle’ and
tries to inquire more information about the bicycle. This riles up Ms.
Fasolina, who correct Gummo and tells him that he isn’t going to get
any bicycle.

“Then how can I lie to my aunt in the letter?” says Gummo.

“AAARGHHHHH! Then just write a letter to anybody you need to talk to!”

Then just as Lockdown tries to ask something but gets cut off by
Ms. Fasolina, The bell rings! And She assigns the Letter as a
homework for the next class, and stomps out off the class leaving
the students still with more doubts.

The next day, it was time for English class again. Ms. Fasolina
confirms if everyone had completed their given home works, the
class says “Yes” in unison. Then the teacher asks few of them to
come out and read out their letters, the first one to do so is
Lockdown. When Ms.Fasolina inquires from Lockdown about the
person he has written the letter to.

“I have written it to you Ms.Fasolina” replies Lockdown.


“Yes miss , you asked me to write it to someone I needed to talk to and I needed
to talk to you.”

“well read it out then.”

Then Lockdown begins reading his letter as follows,

“Dear Ms.Fasolina I am writing you this letter to ask if I can write a letter to my
cousin in EEGALAGUDA.”

“Lockdown! What is this nonsense?” -says Ms.Fasolina with a scowl.

“But miss, you wouldn’t answer my questions . so I thought I would write a

letter and clarify. “
“LOCKDOWN! Enough of this nonsense now go back to your seat!”

lockdown goes back to her seat sadly.

Then Disco comes out putting her glasses to read her letter, and
reads out-

“Dear MS.Fasolina, I am very happy that I am write this letter to you. How are
you, your husband and childs. I am write this letter to told you that I am leave
your school forever, why because in this school the teachers are all very strict
with us and sometimes I wanted to cried but my friends tell me man is not
crying so I never cry. And---"

Ms.Fasolina speaks out-

“Stop it disco! What’s wrong with your language? you speak very bad English
and I can spot many spelling mistakes in your letter. Also the teachers are strict
with you because you don’t listen to them now stop complaining and go back to
your seat!”
She continues and says,
“No one is interested in doing what I told you all to do.”

Chica asks if she can read her letter politely, but Ms.Fasolina says
that she doesn’t want to hear anymore letters. But Chica seems
insistent and says,

“But Ms.Fasolina, I wrote the letter in the way you told us to write. I promise it
won’t disappoint you.”

“Okay then, read it out.”

Chica starts reading with a proud grin on her face-

“Dear anybody, I was told to write a letter to anybody without even knowing
what to write. that’s why I am writing this letter to anybody, so please
understand my feelings.”

“What is this? Do you think this is a joke? And who is anybody?”- replies Ms.
Fasolina in a disappointed tone.

Chica tries to explain that she wrote a letter to ‘anybody’ because

the teacher asked them to write it to anybody.

“URGHHH THIS CLASS IS SO CARELESS! Everyone, please bring a letter

from your mothers tomorrow!”

“But Ms.Fasolina”

“What now?”

“What should my mother write the note about?”

“Should she write you about her summer holidays?”

Ms. Fasolina sighs in defeat and leave the class. The students look at
her in confusion.

-----THE END-----

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