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Regular Learning Material: Social Functions

• Objective: To describe, identify, criticize people, animals, and things behavior/actions/functions.

• Generic Structure:
• Job Profession
• Asking and giving information about people’s jobs and professions.
• Habitual action
• Asking and giving information about people’s habits.
• Language Features:
• Statements and questions related to jobs, professions, and habits.
• Declarative sentences (positive and negative) in simple present tense.
• Interrogative sentences: Yes/No questions; Why-questions.

Remedial Learning Material: Language Elements

• Language Elements:
• Statements and questions related to behavior/actions/functions of people, animals, and things.
• Declarative sentences (positive and negative) in simple present tense.
• Interrogative sentences: Yes/No questions; Wh-questions.

Enrichment Learning Material: Creating Simple Oral Texts

• Objective: Creating simple oral texts to describe, identify, and mention behaviors/actions/functions.

Overall, your RPP seems structured and covers essential language elements. However, it would be helpf
ul to complete the content under “Enrichment Learning Material” as it seems to be cut off. If you provide m
ore details, I can offer further feedback.

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