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Muc tiéu: Biét cdch nhan dién va tra Idi cau hoi co hai Iva chon X va Y 01 DANG BAI TONG QUAT hoi vé thu té). Trong bai test speaking IELTS, cau hdi thubng gap la: (1) Do you X or do you Y? (2) Do you prefer X or Y? Chi y: Nghia ctia hai cau hdi cé phan khac nhau: Gida hai Iya chon X va Y, ban lam cai nao/ban Ia cai nao trong s6 hai Iya chon nay (cau Gita hai Iya chon X va Y, ban thich lam diéu gi hon (cau hoi vé sé thich). Mau cau hdi nay sé thu’ng dugc hdi é Part 1 phan Speaking. Vi van la cau hoi 6 Part 1 nén ngu¥i néi nén néi truc tiép, ngn gon, tranh lan man, dai dong. © vidu ) So snh nghia cila mét sd cau hdi hay gap: Are you a student or are you working? (Ban la sinh vién hay ban dang lam viéc?) Do you prefer going to school or working? (Ban thich di hoc hon hay thich lam viéc hon?) Do you ride a bike or do you have a car? (Ban di xe may hay ban c6 xe 6 t6?) Do you prefer driving a car or driving a bike? (Ban thich Idi xe 6 t6 hay /a di xe may hon?) Do you have a brother or a sister? (Ban cé anh chj em gi khéng?) Do you prefer to have a brother or a sister? (Ban thich c6 anh/em trai hay chi/em gai?) THERE etts key speaking eid idl OPH a oM ey wen State which one you are/which one you prefer (X or Y) Tré Idi ban 1a X hay Y/Trd Idi ban thich X hon hay Y hon. Compare X and Y So sénh giita hai lva chon X va ¥. Give examples and explain why Dua ra vi du va gidi thich ly do. Nhiing kién thitc sé dugc cung cp trong muc nay la: - Cach sir dung déng tir “prefer”. - Sir dung cac phép so sénh hon dé danh gid hai Iya chon X va Y. Ls 20ng tir“PREFER” Mau cau: - | prefer + V-ing + to/rather than + V-ing. - I prefer + to V + rather than + to V. Hai mau cau nay cé ¥ nghia y hét nhunhau. TD - | prefer reading a book rather than going to a party. - | prefer to read a book rather than to go to a party. BAI TAP 1: Chita Idi trong cau © [prefer to go to the cinema to watch DVDs at home. © Mysister prefers writing letters to write emails. © | prefer to talk with friends on the phone rather than using emails. @ | much prefer to live in a town rather than a big city. Topic 1.1 » Do you (study) or do you (work)? © My mother prefers shopping at the market more than in supermarkets. © My friends generally prefer to send text messages to talking on the phone. Quy tac sty dung so sanh hon: - Thém vao -er néu tinh tir cé mot am tiét. - Thém vao — ier néu tinh hai am tiét va két thc bang -y. - Thém “more” néu nhu'tinh tir cé nhiéu hon hai am tiét. Mau cau: S, + Adj-er + than S, S, + to be + (not) as + Adj + as S, D> - Cooking is more relaxing than working out. - Working out is not as relaxing as cooking. BAI TAP 2: Bién vao ché trong dang diing ciia tinh tir so sanh hon trong bang sau 5 Comparative ; Comparative 7 Comparative Adj form Adj form Adj fom Quick Easy Expensive Fast Heavy Comfortable Cheap Ugly Useful Slow pretty fashionable BAI TAP 3: Dién vao ché tréng © My house is (big) than yours. © This flower is (beautiful) _. _... ..... than that one. © A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains. © The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer. © | think mathematics is (difficult) than English. © Joe's car isn't very fast. He wants a one. HEEHE elts Key speaking @ My job isn't very interesting. | want to do something © The weather isn't very warm today. Yesterday it was © People aren't very polite today. In the past they were ® This sofa isn't very comfortable. That one is ® This coat is nice, but | think the other one is (pee hae Any Wi) Question 1: Do you prefer to travel by bike or by bus? (Ban thich di bang xe dap hay xe buyt?) Answer. Personally, | prefer cycling rather than taking the bus. Cycling is obviously more convenient than going on a bus if the distance is not too far. Actually, if you don't count traffic jams during rush hour, the bike is definitely faster. Additional, cycling is beneficial for your health. (C4 nhan t6i thich dap xe hon [a di xe buyt. Dap xe r6 rang /a thudn tién hon so véi di xe buyt néu nhu khoang cach khéng qué xa. That ra, néu ban khéng tinh dén tac nghén giao thong vao céc gid cao diém, xe dap chdc chan sé nhanh hon. Thém vao d6, di xe dap con tot cho stic khde cua ban nifa) Question 2: Do you cycle or do you take the bus? Answer: Well, my office is around ten kilometers away from where | live, so whether | take the bike or the bus depends entirely on what time | wake up that day. Personally, | prefer cycling rather than taking the bus. Cycling is obviously more convenient than going on a bus if the distance is not too far. Actually, if you don't count traffic jams during rush hour, the bike is definitely faster. Additionally, cycling is beneficial for your health. (Van phéng cia t6i cach noi téi lam viéc khodng mudi cdy s6, nén viéc t6i di xe dap hay di xe buyt hoan toan phy thuéc vao hém dé tdi ngu day vao may gid. Cé nhan tdi thich dap xe hon [a di xe buyt. Dap xe ré rang [a thudn tién hon so véi di xe buyt néu nhu khoang cach khéng qué xa. That ra, néu ban khéng tinh dén tac nghén giao théng vao cdc gié cao diém, xe dap chac chan sé nhanh hon. Thém vao dé, di xe dap con tot cho stic khde cua ban niza.) BAI TAP 4: So sanh diém gidng va khac nhau gia hai cau héi va cau tra loi trén vé mat noi dung Topic 1.1 + Do you (study) or do you (work)? US aaa Tra Idi cdc cau hoi sau day dua vao cac kién thie da hoc trong bai: © Do you prefer to talk or to listen? @ Do you smoke or drink? © Do you prefer to stay up late or to wake up early? @ Do you have any brother or sister? Cac ban hay ty chdm diém cac tiéu chi sau theo Hung dan ty danh gid (trang 162) nhé. « Task Achievement: * Coherence and Cohision: + Lexical Resource: * Grammatical Range & Accuracy: Téng diém: HEED lelts Key Speaking T . y Ue EET eT UE TR Uo U Ma (een Muc tiéu: Biét cach nhan dién va tra li cau hoi “What do you often do in your free time?" mét cach hgp ly. CT eu * Trong bai test speaking IELTS, cau hoi thudng gap la: of the year What/ When is the best time of the day to do something? of the week + Trong bai test speaking IELTS, cau héi vé théi gian ly tudng dé lam mat viéc gi dé la cu hdi hay gap trong Part 1 Speaking, ngay phan dau gidi thigu vé ban than. “ZD - When is the best time of the year to travel? ~ What is the best time of the day to work out? - When is the best time of the week to clean your room? (Cn mew ‘Answer which time would be the best. Specify the conditions of the time. Miéu ta cy thé diéu kién tot nhét la gi. Giai thich tai sao dé 1a thai diém tot nhat. di thoi gian nao sé la tot nhat. Explain why it is the best time. Nhiing kién thie sé duge cung cap trong muc nay la: - Sirdung superlative - so sanh nhat chinh xac. - Str dung cc gidi tir chinh xac. Topic 1.2 + What is the best time of year to ..? ig So sanh nhat Mau cau: S + is/are + the + Adj superlative (véi cac tinh tir 1-2 am tiét) S + is/are + the + most + Adj (nguyén thé) (vdi cdc tinh tirhai am tiét tré len) oem Mét sé tinh tir sé thay d6i hoan toan khi duge chuyén sang so sénh hon va so sénh nhat. TD Good — better - the best Bad — worse - the worst Little - less — least BAI TAP 1: Dién dang so sanh nhat (superlative form) cila tinh tir vao ché tréng Adjective Superlative Form Adjective Superlative Form | hot beautiful small _ incredible | light “exciting smart enjoyable | sad comfortable gloomy interesting lovely fascinating pretty s | pleasant : BAI TAP 2: Din vao ché tréng © Winter is probably (bad) time of year; there are no leaves on the trees, the weather is freezing cold and the people are not happy! © Spring is (beautiful) time of year. It's lovely and warm and the flowers are all in bloom. © Summer is (suitable) time of year to visit Phu Quoc Island than any other seasons. It's the only time when the weather is not cold, but actually quite warm. © (pleasant) season in which to visit Thailand is most certainly spring, in late March and early April. © Winter is (good) time to go skiing. HE lett Key speaking © The spring is (suitable) time of year to go climbing in the mountains because it's not too hot and not too cold. @ Flying a kite is (enjoyable) thing to do in summer. © The height of summer is (warm) season of the year to go camping. © Quang Tri is undoubtedly much (hot) than Nha Trang in the summer months. It's almost unbearable. | would advise tourists to avoid Quang Tri at the peak of summer. Cach strdung Vidy at | Vitri, thai gian cy thé, cae budi trong ngay | At work, at home, at 9 o'clock on | Ngay cu thé On Friday, on Friday the 13" in | Nam, mia, thang in 1864, in the summer, in May a Hoat dng sé két thiic sau khoang thoi gian Vil finish my work by 5 pm nay - during | Trong khoang théi gian nay I'll stay at home during the summer oe : Nobody has handed in their work until | Cho dén théi diém nay | —— ho handed in their wod _until now. BAI TAP 3: Dién vao ché trong strdung céc tirdusi day on during at in at the beginning in the middle of © The most exciting time to go skiing is when the snow is really thick and fluffy. © The best time of year to climb mountains is certainly spring when the air is fresh and cool - not too hot, not too cold. © When itis really hot, the summer months, it is a great time to go swimming in the sea. © In Scotland, in March, | like to go walking in the hills. This is the best time for this kind of sport. It's not fun January or February because of the rain. © The time when people give presents the most is certainly Christmas. © However, in Vietnam, | think most people give gifts or presents people's birthdays. Topic 1.2 + What is the best time of year to ..? Cea ae NUR Question: What is the best time to do outdoor activities? (Thai diém nao la tot nhat cho cdc hoat dng ngoai trdi?) Answer. I think the best time to do outdoor activities is either during the summer or the winter, depending on what activity you plan to do. The weather between June and September provides the best condition for hiking, rock climbing or sports like tennis and football as it is warm, bright, and sunny outside. However, the chilling weather is the ideal weather for sports like ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding. (Tdi nghi théi diém tét nhat cho cdc hoat déng ngoai troi la mia dong hogc mua +hé, phu thudc vao viéc ban cé ké hoach véi hoat déng nao. Thai tiét tam gitta théng sdu va thing chinh mang lai diéu kién tot nhat dé di b6, leo ndi hay cdc mén thé thao khéc nhu tennis va bong dé vi troi 4m, sang va 4nh mat tréi luén ruc r6 6 bén ngoai. Tuy nhién, thdi tiét gid lanh la thdi tiét ly tudng cho cdc mén thé thao nh’ trugt bang, truot tuyét va Iuot vn trén tuyét.) BAI TAP 4: Doc vi du trén va dién vao bang cdc théng tin sau | Thoi diém nao la tot nhat Cée hoat dong c6 thea (UN hr Tra Idi cu hdi sau day dua vao cdc kién thttc da hoc trong bai: When is the best time of day to study? Cc ban hay ty'chém diém céc tiéu chi sau theo Hutng dan tu danh gia (trang 162) nhé. * Task Achievement: * Coherence and Cohision: + Lexical Resource: + Grammatical Range & Accuracy: Téng diém: HEAR etts Key speaking 1 a i} Bao lau ban (dén nha hang) mot fan? Muc tiéu: Biét cach tra Idi mau cau “How often” va cdc dang cau hdi tuong tu trong bai IELTS Speaking Part 1. CO eek ay Trong bai test speaking IELTS, mét trong sé cc cau hdi thuéng gap nhat sé la: ~ How often do you go to the supermarket? Ban thuting dén siéu thi bao au mot lan? ~ How often do you listen to music? Tan suat ban nghe nhac nhur thé’ nao? - Do you often go to the movies? Ban cé thuéng di xem phim khéng? - Do you often write things? Ban c6 thu‘éng viet léch khong? Cac butéc cho mét cau tra ldi hoan chinh: - Step 1: Bat dau véi fluency marker — cum tirndi (Vi dy: To be honest, You see, Actually...) - Step 2: Dua ra ly do cho hanh déng. - Step 3: Bua ra cau tra Idi. (c6 thé kém thém m6 ta chi tiét) Cae) Cac kién thie duoc gidi thigu trong phan nay sé la: ~ Frequency Adverbs - Trang tirchi tan suat - Fluency Marker ~ Cum tirndi Dé tra ldi cho cu hdi vé tan suat hanh déng, cach phé bién nhat la ching ta sir dung cdc Trang tirchi tan suat (adverbs of frequency). Bay la cac trang tir diing dé dién ta mie d6 thuting xuyén cla mot hanh dong, bao gom: rT) Topic 1.3 + How often do you (goto arestaurant)? MEE 7s 7 Frequency Adverb Example | You are always late. : : | Ue always | (Ban luén lu6n dén mu6n) | one ‘sully | ' 1 usualy make ee zl (T6i thuéng xuyén lam bifa séng.) on ta | We often walk to school. 7 | (Ching t6i thudng di b6 toi truéng.) on sometimes They sometimes eat pizzas. (Ho thinh thoang an pizza.) 10% hardly ever/ rarely/ She rarely smiles. a barely (C6 ay itkhi cudi.) 0% never He never smokes. (Anh ay khéng bao gid hut thuéc.) on Chiing ta cdn cé thé ding “every + khoang thoi gian" hay "s6 + times + a + khoang thoi gian” dé ndi vé tan suat cu thé cua hanh d6ng. Zp - every day (hang ngay), every week (hang tuan), every two days (hai ngay mét Jan), every four year (bén nam mot /an).... - one time/once a day (mét ln mét ngay), two times/twice a week (hai /n mét tuan), three times a month (ba /an m6t thang)... ‘Nang band diém bang cach ding thanh ngir dong nghia dé dién dat cau ty'nhién. ~ Once in a while (thi thoang) ~ From'time to time (thinh thodng) S Once ina blue moon (rat hiém khi) Trong trudng hop ban khéng cé tan suat hanh dong cé dinh, ban cé thé dua ra cdc tinh hung va So sanh ching, sir dung nhing cum tirnéi nhut lelts Key Speaking ~ Well, it depends. (0, diéu 46 con phy thudc.) - Itis dependant on my timetable. (Con phy thudc vao thoi gian biéu cua téi néa.) BAI TAP 1: Bién vao ché tréng sirdung céc tir cho dudi day 1. How often do you go shopping? once a week normally Well once a month depends Itreally @ on the discounts and promotions. | @ go to the main shopping center in my city whenever | want to buy something. © ifthe shopping center regularly offers some discounts from 10% to 20%, then | tend to go shopping ° with my friends and my family. However, if there is no discount, everything is very expensive and | only go shopping © or sometimes once every 2 months. 2. How often do you wear jeans? single habit basis main commitment Ona daily © , | guess. | wear jeans with @ and obsession. | really give them a workout. | tend to choose a pair that | like, then wear them every @ day, until they feel like an extension of my body. | just can't break the © of choosing jeans as one of my © outfit the day. 03 GOI Y CAU TRA L Question 1: How often do you send e-mails? (Ban cé thudng xuyén gui e-mail khéng?) Answer. | probably write between 5 and 10 work emails every day, and | send emails to friends or family a few times a week. (C6 Ié toi thang viét khodng 5 dén 10 email lam vic mdi ngay, va gui mail dén ban bé ngui than mot vai ln mét tun.) Question 2: How often do you swim? (Ban cé thudng xuyén di boi khéng?) Answer. To be honest, it is largely dependent on the season and weather. In the summer, | usually go swimming with my close friends. During the hot weather, immersing yourself in the cold water is irresistible. (Thanh the ma néi, diéu nay phy thudc phan Ién vao mia va thoi tiét. Vao mia hé, toi thudng xuyén di boi voi vai ngudi ban than. Trong thai tiét néng nyc, ngém minh trong lan nude mat lanh diing la mét cém giéc khéng thé chdi ti.) Question 3: How often do you work out? Topic 1.3 » How often do you (go toa restaurant)? EH Answer: To be honest, I'm obsessed with my health and how to keep myself fit, so | always try to stay active as much as possible. | find working out brings a lot of benefits and isn’t time-consuming at all. (N6i that Ia t6i bj 4m anh vé sitc khde va lam cach nao dé ban than Iudn khde manh, nén toi luén luén c6 gang duy tri I6i séng nang déng nhét cé thé. Téi phat hién ra rang tap thé duc mang lai rat nhiéu loi ich va khéng hé t6n théi gian chit nao. Thc té la, moi ngudi ngac nhién vi toi dén phong tap sdu [an mét tuan.) BAI TAP 2: Dua cdc tit/cum tirtrong doan van duéi day vao cdc cét sao cho phil hgp Sample 1: How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie? (Ban thuéng di xem phim tai rap bao lau mét lan?) Not too often, actually. As the movie ticket price in my country are quite high, | usually opt to watch a movie at home instead to save on costs. | think it is kind of a waste of money to see a movie at a cinema when you can watch it from the comfort of your living room. | only go when a friend invites me, which is maybe four times a year. (Thye ra thi céing khong thuéng xuyén lam. Vi vé xem phim 6 nude t6i kha dat, t6i thydng Iva chon xem phim tai nha dé tiét kim chi phi. Theo tdi xem phim @ rap khd Ia phi tién khi chung ta cé thé xem phim thodi mdi tai phéng khach o nha. Téi chi di xem khi c6 ban be rd, khodng 4 lan mét nam.) Sample 2: How often do you take buses? (Ban thudng di xe buyt bao Iéu mt lan?) Almost every day. Since my house is so far away from my university, it's impossible for me to travel by motorbike. In addition, the air is heavily polluted by exhaust fumes and traffic jams always take place, especially during peak hours. Thus, I'd prefer to take the bus, to save time, save gasoline and causing less pollution. (Hau nhu ngay nao t6i cing di. Vi nha ti 6 xa trudng nén rat kho dé tdi di hoc bang xe may. Ngoai ra, khong khi bj 6 nhiém nang né bdi khi thai va tinh trang tac duéng lic nao cing dién ra, nhat la trong gid cao diém. Vi thé, t6i thich di xe buyt hon, dé tiét kiém thoi gian, tiét kiém xang va gidm 6 nhiém.) eee Buse 3: Cau tra Idi cé duge oa coe ” sap xép theo cdc Fluency marker Ly do Cau tra loi butic khéng? Sample HEE ets Key Speaking Tra Idi cdc cau hdi sau day dya vao cdc kién thite da hoc trong bai: © How often do you eat out in a restaurant? © Do you often look yourself in the mirror? © How often do you make a phone call? © Do you often wear hats? © How often do you send letters? Cac ban hay tu'chém diém cdc tiéu chi sau theo Hung dan tu danh gia (trang 162) nhé. * Task Achievement: * Coherence and Cohision: + Lexical Resource: +* Grammatical Range & Accuracy: Téng diém: Topic 1.3 + How often do you (go toa restaurant)? MEZA at do Ban thutng lam gi (trong thi gian ranh)? 1.4 Muc tiéu: Biét cach nhan dién va tra Idi cau hoi “What do you often do in your free time?” mot cach hgp ly. Om nv Trong bai test speaking IELTS, cau hoi thutng gap la: - What do you often do in your free/spare/leisure time? - What do you like to do in your free/spare/leisure time? Qa Mau cau hoi nay sé thutng dugc hdi Part 1 Speaking, phan gidi thigu vé ban than. What you like to do. Ban thich lam gi. Why you enjoy such activities. Ly do tai sao ban thich lam viéc 46. Nhiing kién thttc sé dugc cung cap trong bai nay la: - Cach dé ndi ban thich diéu gi dé cé sirdung like, love va enjoy. ~ Cac tinh tirthé hién cam xc tich cu. Mau cau Vidu +to Verb I like to read very much. like +V-ing very much ike reading very much. +Noun like books very much. EERE tetts Key speaking lenjoy +V-ing something | enjoy reading books. + to Verb love to read. Hove + Ving love reading. +Noun Hove books. +noun lam crazy about books. tam crazy about. §$,_}——____+— | +V-ing | am crazy about reading. like doing something (7) va | like to do something (2) c6 nghia tuong duong nhau (1) La céch ndi Anh-Anh con (2) [a cach néi Anh-My Mé rng: Mau cau . Vidu to be a (huge) fan of something lama fan of books. to be (really) into something lam into books. to be (really/deeply) fond of something 1am fond of books. to be (very/quite/rather) interested in something/doing something | am interested in books. BAI TAP 1: Viét vé nhiing hoat d6ng/ nhimg thi ma ban thich theo miit 49 tang dan, sir dung cae cau tric trén * ke kk tok kk Topic 1.4 » What do you often do (in your free time)? BE PAs Tinh tirchi cam xtic tich cuc | Tinh tir vé sy vat/hanh dong Tinh tirvé ngudi ve sy vat/han! dang trai nghiém cam xuc gay nén cam xtic Fascinated fascinating Interested Interesting Excited : : Exciting Satisfied Satisfying | Bored Boring | BAI TAP 2: Dién vao ché tréng strdung tinh tir ding © I really enjoy reading. A good book is so (satisfy) @ I think movies are (bore) © My friends are all (excite) about the concert on Sunday. @ | love studying English. I'm (fascinate) by the grammar. © I'mreally (interest) in learning more about other countries. © Julia finds her art classes incredibly (satisfy) Cee ey Question: What do you often do in your free time? (Ban thuong lam gi vao thdi gian ranh?) Answer: Well, | have lots of hobbies | like to do in my spare time. I'm very interested in studying English and I'm also quite into movies - sometimes | combine these two interests by watching British or American-made films. What | particularly enjoy doing though, is playing soccer - it's so exciting! (T6i c6 rat nhiéu sé thich toi hay lam khi ranh réi. Téi rat hing thi véi viée hoc tiéng Anh va toi cing khé thich phim énh ~ thi thodng t6i hop hai hitng thd nay vao lam mét bang céch xem cée bd phim cua Anh hode Mj. Biéu khién t6i that su thich tha chinh Ia choi bong dé - that [8 phan khich!) lelts Key Speaking BAI TAP 3: Doc vi du trén va dién vao bang cac théng tin sau: What does the speaker like to do in his | spare time? | (Nguéi ndi thich lam gi khi ranh r6i?) Structures used to describe the speaker's hobbies (Cac cau tric duge str dung dé m6 té so | thich cua ngudi ndi) | aa Tré lai céu hdi sau day dya vao cdc kién thite da hoc trong bai: What do you often do in your free time? Cac ban hay ty chm diém cac tiéu chi sau theo Hudng dan ty danh gid (trang 162) nhé. * Task Achievement: + Coherence and Cohision: + Lexical Resource: + Grammatical Range & Accuracy: Téng diém: Topic 1.4 + What do you often do (in your free time)? ELI

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