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Arandia, Cailin Isabel R.

GE 6

1. What art form/ artwork has changed something in your life? Why?
Account for the experience. (10pts)
-The artwork that really changed my point of view in life was a painting by
August Friedrich Schneck entitled The Orphan that shows a crying lamb in
front of it’s killed mother, surrounded by a flock of crows. The message that
the artwork wanted to depict is how animals experience these situations in life
like numerous killings — that are essential in the food chain — where they’re
unable to tell their stories including their traumas unlike how humans can. And
how the lamb stands alone, where in fact in real life, when the mother of a
lamb gets killed or eaten, another sheep takes care of the lamb; that’s why it
was titled The Orphan. However, I understood it in a different way. I saw it as
how a child mourns for his/her departed mother. Which in my case, I lost my
mother at the ripe age of 6 due to stage 4 liver cancer. My life growing up
always had this empty spot that won’t ever be occupied unless my mom
comes back, which is impossible to happen. Therefore, this artwork is a
masterpiece that I can highly empathize to.

2. Does art always have a function? Why? Support your response.

Provide your own example. (10pts)
- Art doesn't always have a purpose as its intentions can differ greatly. While
some art serves functions like communication or decoration a lot of it is meant
to evoke emotions stimulate thinking or question viewpoints. Take art for
instance. It often lacks a practical use but still manages to deeply affect
people by inspiring self reflection and igniting imagination. The wide range of
art showcases its capacity to surpass utility and act, as a form of expression
and discovery.

3. If an artwork ceased to have a function, will it remain an art? Why?

- Yes, artwork retains its status as art when it ceases to serve a purpose. Art
often transcends utility and can exist purely for symbolic expression. Its
artistic significance lies in its capacity to communicate meaning, evoke
emotions, show history, and the like.

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